Ant. To-morrow, soldier, By fea and land I'll fight: or I will live, Ant. Well faid; come on. Call forth my houshold fervants; let's to-night Be bounteous at our meal.-Give me thy hand, well, And kings have been your fellows. Cleo. What means this? Eno. 'Tis one of thofe odd tricks", which forrow shoots Out of the mind... Ant. And thou art honeft too. I wifh, I could be made fo many men ; An Antony; that I might do you service, Serv. The gods forbid! [Afide. Ant. Well, my good fellows, wait on me to-night: Scant not my cups; and make as much of me, As when mine empire was your fellow too, And fuffer'd my command. Cleo. What does he mean? Eno. To make his followers weep. May be, it is the period of your duty: You'll 5 Let the furvivor take all. No compofition; victory or death. I know not what obfcurity the editors find in this paffage. Trick is here used in the fenfe in which it is uttered every day by every mouth, elegant and vulgar: yet fir T. Hanmer changes it to freaks, and Dr. Warburton, in his rage of Gallicifm, to traits. JOHNSON. 7 Or if you fee me more, you will fee me a mangled shadow, only the external form of what I was. You'll ferve another mafter. I look on you, Eno. What mean you, fir, To give them this discomfort? Look, they weep; Ant. Ho, ho, ho! Now the witch take me, if I meant it thus ! Grace grow where those drops fall! My hearty friends, For I fpake to you for your comfort; did defire you you. Than death and honour'. Let's to fupper; come, [Exeunt. 1. Sold. Brother, good night: to-morrow is the day. 2. Sold. It will determine one way: fare you well. Heard you of nothing ftrange about the streets? 1. Sold. Nothing: What news? 2. Sold. Belike, 'tis but a rumour: Good night to you. 1. Sold. Well, fir, good night. Enter two other Soldiers. 2. Sold. Soldiers, have careful watch. 3. Sold. And you: Good night, good night. [The first two place themselves at their pofts. 4. Sold: Here we [They take their pofts. Jand if to-morrow Our navy thrive, I have an abfolute hope Our landmen will stand up. And the gods yield you for't!] i. e. reward you. 3. Sold. 9 I have my eyes as full of tears as if they had been fretted by onions. 2 That is, an honourable death. 3. Sold. 'Tis a brave army, and full of purpose. [Mufick of hautboys under the ftager 4. Sold. Peace, what noife? 1. Sold. Lift, lift! 2. Sold. Hark! 1.Sold. Mufick i' the air. 3. Sold. Under the earth. 4. Sold. It figns well, does it not? Sold. No. 3. 1. Sold. Peace, I fay. What fhould this mean? 2. Sold. 'Tis the god Hercules, whom Antony lov'd, Now leaves him. 1. Sold. Walk; let's fee if other watchmen Do hear what we do. [They advance to another poft. 2. Sold. How now, mafters ? 1. Sold. Ay; Is't not ftrange? [Several peaking together. 3. Sold. Do you hear, masters? do you hear? 1. Sold. Follow the noise fo far as we have quarter; Let's fee how it will give off. Sold. [several speaking.] Content: 'Tis strange. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. The fame. A Room in the Palace.. Enter ANTONY, and CLEOPATRA; CHARMIAN, and Others, attending. Ant. Eros! mine armour, Eros! Cleo. Sleep a little. Ant. No, my chuck.-Eros, come; mine armour, Eros ! Enter EROS, with armour. Come, good fellow, put thine iron on: If fortune be not ours to-day, it is Because we brave her.-Come. Cleo. Nay, I'll help too. What's this for? Ant. Ah, let be, let be! thou art The armourer of my heart:-False, false; this, this. 2 i. e. it bodes well, &e. Clea. Cleo. Sooth, la, I'll help: Thus it must be. We shall thrive now. Seeft thou, my good fellow? Eros. Briefly, fir 3. Cleo. Is not this buckled well? Ant. Rarely, rarely: He that unbuckles this, till we do please To doff it for our repofe, fhall hear a ftorm.- Enter an Officer, armed. A workman in't.-Good morrow to thee; welcome: And go to it with delight. 1. Off. A thoufand, fir, Early though it be, have on their rivetted trim, And at the port expect you. [Shout. Trumpets flourish. Enter other Officers, and Soldiers. 2. Off. The morn is fair.-Good morrow, general. All. Good morrow, general. Ant. 'Tis well blown, lads. This morning, like the spirit of a youth [Exeunt ANT. EROS, Officers, and Soldiers, Char. Please you, retire to your chamber? Cleo. Lead me. 3 That is, quickly, fir. 4 To doff is to do off, to put off. 5 More expert, more adroit, He He goes forth gallantly. That he and Cæfar might [Exeunt. Trumpets found. Enter ANTONY, and EROS; a Soldier meeting them. Sold. The gods make this a happy day to Antony! Ant. 'Would, thou and those thy fears had once prevail'd To make me fight at land! Sold. Had'ft thou done fo, The kings that have revolted, and the foldier Ant. Who's gone this morning? Sold. Who? One ever near thee: Call for Enobarbus, He fhall not hear thee; or from Cæfar's camp Say, I am none of thine. Ant. What fay'st thou ? Sold. Sir, He is with Cæfar. Eros. Sir, his chefts and treasure He has not with him. Ant. Is he gone? Sold. Moft certain. Ant. Go, Eros, fend his treasure after; do it; [Exeunt. SCENE |