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sophical chemists have proceeded upon this principle in their investigations. In reasoning concerning the constitution of bodies and the interpretation of chemical changes, the attempts to include in these interpretations the heat or cold produced, by the addition or subtraction of a certain hypothetical "caloric," have become more and more rare among men of science. Such statements, and the explanations often put forwards of the light and heat which appear under various circumstances in the form of fire, must be considered as unessential parts of any sound theory. Accordingly we find Mr. Faraday gradually relinquishing such views. In January, 1834, he speaks generally of an hypothesis of this kind*. “I cannot refrain from recalling here the beautiful idea put forth, I believe by Berzelius, in his developement of his views of the electro-chemical theory of affinity, that the heat and light evolved during cases of powerful combination are the consequence of the electric discharge which is at that moment taking place." But in April of the same year+, he observes, that in the combination of oxygen and hydrogen to produce water, electric powers to a most enormous amount are for the time active, but that the flame which is produced gives but feeble traces of such powers. "Such phenomena," therefore, he adds, "may not, cannot, be taken as evidences of the nature of the action; but are merely incidental results, incomparably small in relation to the forces concerned, and supplying no information of the way in which the particles are active on each other, or in which their forces are finally arranged."

In pursuance of this maxim, we must consider as an unessential part of the oxygen theory that portion of it, much insisted upon by its author at the time, in which when sulphur, for instance, combined with oxygen to

* Researches, 870.

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produce sulphuric acid, the combustion was accounted for by means of the caloric which was supposed to be liberated from its combination with oxygen.

5. Controversy of the Composition of Water.-There is another controversy of our times to which we may with great propriety apply the maxim now before us. After the glory of having first given a true view of the composition of water had long rested tranquilly upon the names of Cavendish and Lavoisier, a claim was made in favour of James Watt as the real author of this discovery by his son, (Mr. J. Watt,) and his eulogist, (M. Arago*.) It is not to our purpose here to discuss the various questions which have arisen on this subject respecting priority of publication, and respecting the translation of opinions published at one time into the language of another period. But if we look at Watt's own statement of his views, given soon after those of Cavendish had been published, we shall perceive that it is marked by a violation of this maxim: we shall find that he does admit imponderable fluids as chemical elements; and thus shows a vagueness and confusion in his idea of chemical composition. With such imperfection in his views, it is not surprizing that Watt, not only did not anticipate, but did not apprehend quite precisely the discovery of Cavendish and Lavoisier. Watt's statement of his views is as follows+:-" Are we not authorized to conclude that water is composed of dephlogisticated air and phlogiston deprived of part of their latent or elementary heat; that dephlogisticated or pure air is composed of water deprived of its phlogiston and united to elementary heat and light; and that the latter are contained in it in a latent state, so as not to be sensible to the thermometer or to the eye; and if light be Eloge de James Watt, Annuaire du Bur. des Long., 1839. + Phil. Trans., 1784, p. 332.


only a modification of heat, or a circumstance attending it, or a component part of the inflammable air, then pure or dephlogisticated air is composed of water deprived of its phlogiston and united to elementary heat?"

When we compare this doubtful and hypothetical statement, involving so much that is extraneous and heterogeneous, with the conclusion of Cavendish, in which there is nothing hypothetical or superfluous, we may confidently assent to the decision which has been pronounced by one* of our own time in favour of Cavendish. And we may with pleasure recognize, in this enlightened umpire, a due appreciation of the value of the maxim on which we are now insisting. "Cavendish," says Mr. Vernon Harcourt, “pared off from the hypotheses their theories of combustion, and affinities of imponderable for ponderable matter, as complicating chemical with physical considerations."

6. Relation of Heat to Chemistry.-But while we thus condemn the attempts to explain the thermotical phenomena of chemical processes by means of chemical considerations, it may be asked if we are altogether to renounce the hope of understanding such phenomena? It is plain, it may be said, that heat generated in chemical changes is always a very important

The Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt, Address to the British Association, 1839. Since the first edition of this work was published, and also since the second edition of the History of the Inductive Sciences, Mr. Watt's correspondence bearing upon the question of the Composition of Water has been published by Mr. Muirhead. I do not find, in this publication, any reason for withdrawing what I have stated in the text above: but with reference to the statement in the History, it appears that Mr. Cavendish's claim to the discovery was not uncontested in his own time. Mr. Watt had looked at the composition of water, as a problem to be solved, perhaps more distinctly than Mr. Cavendish had done; and he conceived himself wronged by Mr. Cavendish's putting forwards his experiment as the first solution of this problem.

circumstance, and can sometimes be measured, and perhaps reduced to laws; are we prohibited from speculating concerning the causes of such circumstances and such laws? And to this we reply, that we may properly attempt to connect chemical with thermotical processes, so far as we have obtained a clear and probable view of the nature of the thermotical processes. When our theory of Thermotics is tolerably complete and certain, we may with propriety undertake to connect it with our theory of Chemistry. But at present we are not far enough advanced in our knowledge of heat to make this attempt with any hope of success. We can hardly expect to understand the part which heat plays in the union of two bodies, when we cannot as yet comprehend in what manner it produces the liquefaction or vaporization of one body. We cannot look to account for Gay Lussac and Dalton's Law, that all gases expand equally by heat, till we learn how heat causes a gas to expand. We cannot hope to see the grounds of Dulong and Petit's Law, that the specific heat of all atoms is the same, till we know much more, not only about atoms, but about specific heat. We have as yet no thermotical theory which even professes to account for all the prominent facts of the subject*: and the theories which have been proposed are of the most diverse kind. Laplace assumes particles of bodies surrounded by atmospheres of caloric+; Cauchy makes heat consist in longitudinal vibrations of the ether of which transverse vibrations produce light: in Ampère's theory, heat consists in the vibrations of the particles of bodies. And so long as we have nothing more certain in our conceptions of heat than the alternative of these and other precarious hypotheses, how can we expect to arrive at any real knowledge, by connecting the results of such * Hist. Ind. Sci., B. x. c. 4.

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hypotheses with the speculations of Chemistry, of which science the theory is at least equally obscure?

The largest attempts at chemical theory have been made in the form of the Atomic Theory, to which I have just had occasion to allude. I must, therefore, before quitting the subject, say a few words respecting this theory.



1. The Atomic Theory considered on Chemical Grounds.—WE have already seen that the combinations which result from chemical affinity are definite, a certain quantity of one ingredient uniting, not with an uncertain, but with a certain quantity of another ingredient. But it was found, in addition to this principle, that one ingredient would often unite with another in different proportions, and that, in such cases, these proportions are multiples one of another. In the three salts formed by potassa with oxalic acid, the quantities of acid which combine with the same quantity of alkali are exactly in the proportion of the numbers 1, 2, 4. And the same rule of the existence of multiple proportions is found to obtain in other cases.

It is obvious that such results will be accounted for, if we suppose the base and the acid to consist each of definite equal particles, and that the formation of the salts above mentioned consists in the combination of one particle of the base with one particle of acid, with two particles of acid, and with four particles of acid, respectively. But further; as we have already stated, chemical affinity is not only definite, but reciprocal. The pro

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