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have any relation to the symmetry. And thus the principle we have stated above is the basis of that which, in the History, we termed the Principle of Developed and Metamorphosed Symmetry.

We shall not at present pursue the other applications of this Idea of Symmetry, but we shall consider some of the results of its introduction into Crystallography.



1. MINERALS and other bodies of definite chemical composition often exhibit that marked regularity of form and structure which we designate by terming them Crystals; and in such crystals, when we duly study them, we perceive the various kinds of symmetry of which we have spoken in the previous chapter. And the different kinds of symmetry which we have there described are now usually distinguished from each other, by writers on crystallography. Indeed it is mainly to such writers that we are indebted for a sound and consistent classification of the kinds and degrees of symmetry of which forms are capable. But this classification was by no means invented as soon as mineralogists applied themselves to the study of crystals. These first attempts to arrange crystalline forms were very imperfect; those, for example, of Linnæus, Werner, Romé de Lisle, and Haüy. The essays of these writers implied a classification at once defective and superfluous. They reduced all crystals to one or other of certain fundamental forms; and this procedure might have been a perfectly good method of dividing crystalline forms into classes,

if the fundamental forms had been selected so as to exemplify the different kinds of symmetry. But this was not the case. Haüy's fundamental or "primitive" forms, were, for instance, the following: the parallelepiped, the octahedron, the tetrahedron, the regular hexagonal prism, the rhombic dodecahedron, and the double hexagonal pyramid. Of these, the octahedron, the tetrahedron, the rhombic dodecahedron, all belong to the same kind of symmetry (the TESSULAR systems); also the hexagonal prism and the hexagonal pyramid both belong to the RHOMBIC system; while the parallelepiped is so employed as to include all kinds of symmetry.

It is, however, to be recollected that Haüy, in his selection of primitive forms, not only had an eye to the external form of the crystal and to its degree and kind of regularity, but also made his classification with an especial reference to the cleavage of the mineral, which he considered as a primary element in crystalline analysis. There can be no doubt that the cleavage of a crystal is one of its most important characters: it is a relation of form belonging to the interior, which is to be attended to no less than the form of the exterior. But still, the cleavage is to be regarded only as determining the degree of geometrical symmetry of the body, and not as defining a special geometrical figure to which the body must be referred. To have looked upon it in the latter light, was a mistake of the earlier crystallographic speculators, on which we shall shortly have to remark.

2. I have said that the reference of crystals to Primitive Forms might have been well employed as a mode of expressing a just classification of them. This follows as a consequence from the application of the Principle stated in the last chapter, that all symmetrical members are alike affected. Thus we may take an upright triangular prism as the representative of the rhombic

system, and if we then suppose one of the upper edges to be cut off, or truncated, we must, by the Principle of Symmetry, suppose the other two upper edges to be truncated in precisely the same manner. By this truncation we may obtain the upper part of a rhombohedron; and by truncations of the same kind, symmetrically affecting all the analogous parts of the figure, we may obtain any other form possessing three-membered symmetry. And the same is true of any of the other kinds of symmetry, provided we make a proper selection of a fundamental form. And this was really the method employed by Demeste, Werner, and Romé de Lisle. They assumed a Primitive Form, and then conceived other forms, such as they found in nature, to be derived from the Primitive Form by truncation of the edges, acumination of the corners, and the like processes. This mode of conception was a perfectly just and legitimate expression of the general Idea of Symmetry.

3. The true view of the degrees of symmetry was, as I have already said, impeded by the attempts which Haüy and others made to arrive at primitive forms by the light which cleavage was supposed to throw upon the structure of minerals. At last, however, in Germany, as I have narrated in the History of Mineralogy*, Weiss and Mohs introduced a classification of forms implying a more philosophical principle, dividing the forms into Systems; which, employing the terms of the latter writer, we shall call the tessular, the pyramidal or square pyramidal, the prismatic or oblong, and the rhombohedral systems.

Of these forms, the three latter may be at once referred to those kinds of symmetry of which we have spoken in the last chapter. The rhombohedral system has triangular symmetry, or is three-membered: the pyramidal has square symmetry, or is four-membered: *Hist. Ind. Sci., B. xv. c. iv.

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the prismatic has oblong symmetry, and is two-and-twomembered. But the kinds of symmetry which were spoken of in the former chapter, do not exhaust the idea when applied to minerals. For the symmetry which was there explained was such only as can be exhibited on a surface, whereas the forms of crystals are solid. Not only have the right and left parts of the upper surface of a crystal relations to each other; but the upper surface and the lateral faces of the crystal have also their relations; they may be different, or they may be alike. If we take a cube, and hold it so that four of its faces are vertical, not only are all these four sides exactly similar, so as to give square symmetry; but also we may turn the cube, so that any one of these four sides shall become the top, and still the four sides which are thus made vertical, though not the same which were vertical before, are still perfectly symmetrical. Thus this cubical figure possesses more than square symmetry. It possesses square symmetry in a vertical as well as in a horizontal sense. It possesses a symmetry which has the same relation to a cube which four-membered symmetry has to a square. And this kind of symmetry is termed the cubical or tessular symmetry. All the other kinds of symmetry have reference to an axis, about which the corresponding parts are disposed; but in tessular symmetry the horizontal and vertical axes are also symmetrical, or interchangeable; and thus the figure may be said to have no axis at all.

4. It has already been repeatedly stated that, by the very idea of symmetry, all the incidents of form must affect alike all the corresponding parts. Now in crystals we have, among these incidents, not only external figure, but cleavage, which may be considered as internal figure. Cleavage, then, must conform to the degree of symmetry of the figure. Accordingly cleavage, no less than form, is

to be attended to in determining to what system a mineral belongs. If a crystal were to occur as a square prism or pyramid, it would not on that account necessarily belong to the square pyramidal system. If it were found that it was cleavable parallel to one side of the prism, but not in the transverse direction, it has only oblong symmetry; and the equality of the sides which makes it square is only accidental.

Thus no cleavage is admissible in any system of crystallization which does not agree with the degree of symmetry of the system. On the other hand, any cleavage which is consistent with the symmetry of the system, is (hypothetically at least) allowable. Thus in the oblong prismatic system we may have a cleavage parallel to one side only of the prism; or parallel to both, but of different distinctness; or parallel to the two diagonals of the prism but of the same distinctness; or we may have both these cleavages together. In the rhombohedral system, the cleavage may be parallel to the sides of the rhombohedron, as in Calc Spar: or, in the same system, the cleavage, instead of being thus oblique to the axis, may be along the axis in those directions which make equal angles with each other: this cleavage easily gives either a triangular or a hexagonal prism. Again, in the tessular system, the cleavage may be parallel to the surface of the cube, which is thus readily separable into other cubes, as in Galena; or the cleavage may be such as to cut off the solid angle of the cube, and since there are eight of these, such cleavage gives us an octahedron, which, however, may be reduced to a tetrahedron, by rejecting all parallel faces, as being mere repetitions of the same cleavage; this is the case with Fluor Spar: or the cube of the tessular system may be cleavable in planes which truncate all the edges of the cube; and as these are twelve, we thus obtain the dodecahedron with

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