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Y, at the beginning of words and syllables is a consonant, and in other situations a vowel, having the sound of i, and subject to the changes of this letter, being sometimes long, as in defy, and sometimes short, as in glory. Y is an old English particle prefixed to participles from the Anglo-Saxon ge, as y-cleped. Yao'că-wood, s. An ornamental wood of Jamaica. Yacht, (yot s. A small ship or vessel of pleasure; -s. Yachter (yot'er).

Ya'ger, s. (Ger.) A light infantry man.
Ya'hoo, s. A savage or barbarian.

Yak, s. In Zool. the grunting ox of Tartary.
Yam, s. A large esculent root of tropical climates.
Yam'boo, s. A plant which produces fruit like
a plum.

Yan'kee, (yang ke) s. A cant term for an inhab itant of New England, and by some applied to the inhabitants of the United States indiscriminately. -Yankeeism, a Yankee idiom, custom, or character.

Yap, v.n. To bark; to yelp; to yaup.
Yap'on, s. The cassine, or South-Sea tea.

Yar age, s. Furniture; equipage; tackling. Yard, s. A small piece of enclosed ground: an enclosure for any business, as a brick-yard, a navy-yard, &c.; a measure of 3 feet; a pole or stick for measuring a yard; a wand: -in Naut. a beam or long piece of timber suspended upon the masts of a ship, to extend the sails to the wind.Yard-arm, in Naut. one half of the yard supporting a sail.-Yardland, a quantity of land, varying from 15 to 40 acres.-Yard-man, a manager in a builder's work-yard.-Yard-wand, a measure of a yard. +Yare, a. Ready; dexterous; nimble.

Yarn, s. Spun wool or cotton; one of the threads
of which a rope is composed.
Yärr, v.n. To growl or snarl like a dog.
Yar'rish, a. Having a rough dry taste. (Local.)
Yar'row, s. A perennial plant; millefoil.
Yär'whelp, or Yär'wip, s. A bird.

Yat'ǎ-ghan, s. (Turk.) A sort of short sword.
Yate, s. A gate. (Local.)

Yaulp, v.. To yelp; to cry out like a child.
Yaup, s. (Sc.) The cry of a child or bird;-v.n.
To yelp; to cry;-s. Yauper.

Yaw, s. In Naut. a temporary deviation of a ship or vessel from the direct line of the course; -v.n. To steer out of the line of the course.

Yawl, s. In Naut. a kind of narrow boat, usually rowed with four or six oars;-v.n. To cry out; to yell.

Yawn, v.. To gape to oscitate; to open wide; to express desire by yawning;-s. Act of yawning; oscitation; gape :-. Yawned. Yawn'ing, s. Act of gaping;-a. Sleepy;-ad. Yawningly.

Yaws, In Med. a disease of the West Indies and Africa, which resembles syphilis. y-clad (e-klad) pp. Clothed.

ty-cleped' (e-klept') pp. Called; termed ; named.

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ty-drad′ (ě-drăď”) pp. Dreaded. Yē, pron. nom. pl. of Thou. Yea, (yā or yê) ad. Yes; a particle of affirmation;-s. An affirmative vote. Yeas and nays, a list of the members of a legislative body voting in the affirmative and negative of a proposition. [pp. Yeaned. Yean, v.n. To bring forth young; to lamb ;Yean'ling, s. A creature lately yeaned; the young of sheep; a lamb.

Year, (yer) s. A period of time, determined by the revolution of the earth in its orbit, and embracing the four seasons. - Astronomical year, is determined by astronomical observations.-Civil year, is the year of the calendar, i.e. 12 months, or 365 days in common years, and 366 in leap years, beginning with the 1st of January.

Year-book, yër bûk) s. A book of law reports. Year'ling, s. An animal a year old. Yearly, a. Annual; happening every year; lasting a year;-ad. Once a year. Yearn, (yern) v.n. To feel internal uneasiness from longing, tenderness, or pity; to sympathize strongly-v.a. To grieve;-a. Yearnful-s. Yearning.

Yeast, (yest) s. Barm used for leavening bread : froth foam: spume-a. Yeasty. Yelk, s. The yellow part of an egg; generally written yolk.

Yell, v.n. To cry out with horror and agony ;v.a. To utter with a yell;-s. A hideous outcry; a cry of horror-p.a. Yelling. Yellow, (yel-lo) a. Being of a bright, gold-like colours. The colour of gold; a golden hue;

v.a. To render yellow. -Yellow-breasted, having a yellow breast.-Yellow-fever, in Path. a bilious, remittent, malignant fever.Yellow-golds, a flower.-Yellow-hammer, a bird of yellow colour.-Yellow-leaved, having yellow leaves. — Yellow-rattle, an annual plant. -Yellow-root, a perennial plant of Canada.-Yellow-succory, a perennial plant. Yellow-top, a species of grass.-Yellow-weed, an annual plant.-Yellow-wood, an American tree.-Yellow-wort, a plant,

Yel'low-ing, s. In the Arts, a term for cleaning pins by boiling them in sour beer. Yel'low-ish, a. Approaching to yellow; - s. Yellowishness. [ousy. Yellow-ness, s. Quality of being yellow; jealYel'lows, (yel lõz) A disease in horses; a

chronic inflammation. [preys. Yelping. Yelp, v.n. To bark, as a beagle-hound after his Ye'nite, s. In Min, a ferruginous silicate of lime. Yeo'man, (yo'man) s. A man of a small estate in land; a gentleman farmer; an officer in the Queen's household; a title of certain inferior military attendants called yeomen of the guard; -in Naut. a seaman appointed to certain duties, as to attend to the store-rooms ;-2. Yeomanlike.

Yeo'man-ly, a. Of or belonging to a yeoman. Yeo'man-ry, s. The collective body of yeomen, farmers, husbandmen, &c.

Yer'gas, s. A kind of coarse woollen wrappers
made for horse-cloths.

Yerk, v.a. To throw out or move with a spring;
to jerk; to lash; to strike; to beat ;-v.n. To
move, as with jerks; to wince;-s. A quick
motion; a jerk. (R.)
Yer'nut, s. An earth-nut.

Yes, ad. A term of affirmation; the affirmative
particle, opposed to no; yea. It is, like yea,
a word of enforcement; even so; not only so,
but more.
Yest, s. Barm; spume; foam;-a. Yesty. See
Yes'ter, a. (Lat.) Next before the present day;
used in composition with day or night, as
Yester-day, Yester-eve, Yester-evening, Yes-

Yes'tern, a. Relating to the day last past.
Yet, conj. Nevertheless; notwithstanding;
however; ad. Beside; over and above;
still; once again; at this time; so soon;
hitherto; thus far; at least; in a new degree;
even; after all; hitherto, sometimes with as
before it.

Yew, (y) s. An evergreen tree, of tough wood,
used for bows; yew-tree;-a. Yewen (ya'en).
Yex, s. The hiccough;-v.n. To have the hic-
cough. (R.)

Yield, (yeld) v.a. To produce; to give in return
for cultivation or labour; to afford; to ex-
hibit; to impart; to give; to communicate; to
allow; to concede; to permit; to grant; to
emit; to expire; to resign; to give up; to
surrender; to cede; -v.n. To give up the
contest; to submit; to comply; to concede.
Yield'ance, s. Act of yielding; concession;-a.
Yieldable;-s. Yielder, Yieldableness.
Yield'ing, s. Act of giving up; submission;-
p.a. Complying; accommodating; flexible,
submissive-a. Yieldless;-ad. Yieldingly;
-s. Yieldingness.

Yin, s. A Chinese weight of 266 lbs.
y-level, s. An instrument for measuring
tude and distance.

Yoke'-fel-low, Yōke'-māte, s. A companion in
labour; an associate; a partner in marriage.
Yōke ́let, s. A little farm.

Yolk, (yok) s. The yellow part of an egg; yelk.
+Yon, Yond, a. & ad. At à distance; mad; furi-
ous; raving.
[within view.
Yon'der, a. & ad. Being at a distance, but
Yon'ker, (yung ker) s. A youngster.
Yöre, ad. In time past; long.-Of yore, of old
time; long ago.
[under meat.
Yörk'shire-pud ding, s. A batter pudding baked
You, (y, when emphatical; yu, when other-
wise,) pron. The person or persons spoken to.-
It is commonly used when a single individual
is addressed, instead of thou or thee.
Yoũng, (yung a. In the first or early part of
life; not old; youthful; inexperienced;-s.
The offspring of animals collectively;-a.
Younger, Youngest, Youngish.

Young ling, s. A young animal ;--a. Young,
Young'ly, a. Youthful;-ad. Early in life;
Young'ster, s. A young person. (Coll.)
Yoûr, (yar, when emphatical; yur, when other-
wise, pron. poss. or adj. Belonging to you.-
Your and yours are possessive forms of you.
Your-self, pron. You; even you; the reciprocal
form of you, when used for thou or thee;—pl.
Yourselves, when several are addressed.
Youth, (yath) s. The part of life succeeding to
childhood and adolescence; juvenility; a
young man; young people collectively;—†a.
Youthly, Youthy.
Yoûth'fül, (yath'fal) a. Relating to youth;
young; vigorous; - ad. Youthfully; - s.

Yoûth hood, s. The state of youth. [(Local)
Yowl, v.n. To cry out or howl like a dog.
'pres-lace, s. The finest and most expensive kind
of Valenciennes lace.

Yt'tri-ă, (it' tri-ă) ș. A rare mineral, found at Ytterby, in Sweden;-a. Yttrious. Yt'tri-um, s. The metallic base of yttria Yt'tro-cer-ite, s. A soft opaque mineral. alti-Yt-tro-tan'tă-lite, s. A mineral containing yttria and oxide of columbium. Yü, s. In Min. nephrite or jade.

Yo'jan, s. In the E. Indies, a measure or dis-
tance of five miles.

Yōke, s. A wooden bandage placed on the neck
of draught oxen: a mark of servitude;
slavery; a chain; a link; a bond; a couple;
a pair-in Naut. a frame of wood of two
arms, placed over the head of a boat's rudder,
instead of a tiller-v.a. To put a yoke on;
to bind by a yoke to a carriage; to join
or couple; to enslave; to restrain; to con-
fine.n. To be joined together.
Yōke'-elm, s. A tree.

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Yuo'că, s. In Bot. an American flowering tree;
Adam's needle.

Yuck, v.n. To itch; to scratch. (Local.)
Yüle, s. The name of two great annual festivals,
in ancient times, Lammastide and Christ-
mas; but used mostly with reference to the

Yüle'-block, Yüle'-log, s. A large log of wood
put behind the fire, as at Christmas.
Yunx, s. A genus of birds; the wryneck.
Yux, s. The hiccough. See Yex

Za bra, s. The name of a small Biscayan vessel. Zac ́ehō, s. In Arch. the lowest part of the pedestal of a column.

Zaf'fir, Zaf'fre, (zaf fur) s. In Chem, the resi duum or impure oxide of cobalt, after sul


phur, arsenic, and other volatile matters have been expelled by calcination. [borax. Za'lă, s. In the Arts, a term synonymous with Zam'bō, s. The offspring of an Indian and a [species; a kind of palm. Zā ́mi-ă, s. In Bot. a genus of trees of various Za'mite, s. In Geol. a fossil zamia. Ză-nō'ni-ă, s. In Bot, a tree of Malabar. Zā'ný, s. (It.) One employed to raise laughter by his gestures, actions, and speeches; a merry-andrew.-s. Zanyism.

Zaph'ǎ-ră, (zaf-) s. In Min. a mineral used by potters to make a sky-colour. Zap'ote, s. In Mexico, the general name of fruits which are roundish, and contain a hard stone. Zar'ǎ-than, s. In Med. a hard tumour of the breast resembling a cancer.

Zärʼnieh, s. A genus of fossils that burns with a whitish flame, and smells like garlic. Zax, (zaks) s. In Arch. a tool for cutting slates. Za'yat, s. A Burman caravansary or inn. Ze'a, s. In Bot. a genus of plants; the botanical name of maize or Indian corn. Zeal, (zēl) s. Passionate ardour in some pursuit, or in support of some person or cause; earnestness; warmth; fervency; ardour; enthusiasm-v.n. To entertain zeal.

Zeal'ot, s. (Fr.) One affected or carried away by zeal; an enthusiast; one over-zealous; generally used in dispraise ;-ta. Zealotical;s. Zealotism, Zealotry (R.) Zeal'oùs, (zellus) a. Passionate in any cause; having zeal; ardent; fervent; warm; enthusiastic-ad. Zealously-s. Zealousness. Zebră, s. (Lat.) In Zool. an African animal resembling an ass, but beautifully striped. Ze'brǎ-wood, s. A beautiful cabinet-wood obtained from Demerara.

Ze bú, s. (Fr.) A small East-Indian bison, with a hump on its shoulders. [found in Abyssinia. Zebub, s. A very noxious and destructive fly, Ze chin, (zë kin) s. (Fr.) A gold coin worth about nine shillings sterling. See Sequin. Zeeh'stein, s. (Ger.) In Min. a magnesian limestone, lying under the red sandstone. Zed'ō-ǎ-rý, (zeď ō-ă-re) s. (Fr.) A spicy plant or medicinal root, growing in the East Indies. Zeine, s. A yellow substance, resembling gluten, obtained from maize.

Zei'tung, s. (Ger.) A newspaper or gazette. Zem-in-där', s. In India, a land-owner; a proprietor; one who holds a tract of land under the government. [of a zemindar. Zem'in-dar-y, s. The jurisdiction or possession Zend, s. The language of the ancient Magi and fire-worshippers of Persia.

Zend'ǎ-ves-tà, s. The sacred book, or books, of the Guebers or fire-worshippers in Persia, and the Parsees in India; ascribed to Zoroaster. Zenith, or Zen'ith, s. (Arab.) The top of the heaven or vertical point; the point directly overhead, and opposite to the nadir. Ze'o-lite, s. The name of a family of minerals, consisting of silica, alumina, lime, and water; natrolite-a. Zeolitic, Zeolitiform. Zephyr, (zefer) s. (Lat.) The west wind; any mild, soft wind. [large ears. Zer dă, s. A canine quadruped of Africa, with Ze'rō, s. (Fr.) In Meteor. the arithmetical cipher; the point at which the graduation of the ther

mometer commences.-The Zero of Réaumur's and of the centigrade thermometers is the freezing point of water: that of Fahrenheit's thermometer, 320 below the freezing point. Zest, s. A taste added for relish or piquancy; a piece of orange or lemon peel used to give flavour to liquor;-v.a. To give a relish or flavour to. (R.)

Zē'tă, s. A Greek letter; a dining-room. Zě-tet'ic, a. Proceeding by inquiry;-s. A seeker ; a term applied to the ancient Pyrrhonists. Zě-tet'ics, A part of algebra, which consists in the direct search after unknown quantities. (R.) [whale. Zeug'lo-don, s. In Geol. an extinct species of Zeug'mă, (zùg'mă) s. A figure of rhetoric. Zeux'ite, s. A greenish brown mineral. Zi-be'thum, s. Civet, a kind of perfume. Zib'et, s. A carnivorous animal allied to the civet.

Zigzag, s. A line with sharp angles-a. Having sharp and quick turns;-v.a. To form into sharp turns-a. Zigzagged (zigzagd). Zim'ent-wâ'ter, s. Copper water. Zi'mōme, s. In Chem. that part of the gluten of wheat which is insoluble in alcohol.

Zinc, (sink) s. A metal of a bluish white colour, brittle when cold, but malleable when heated; much used in the manufacture of brass and other alloys-in commerce, it is called spelter;-a. Zinciferous, Zincky.


Zin'cite, s. A name for red zinc-iron.
Zinck'ě, s. A small whistle or hornpipe.
Zin'cöde, s. The positive pole of a galvanic bat-
Zin-cog'ră-phy, s. The art of engraving on zinc.

-a. Zincograph'ic, Zincograph'ical;-s. ZinZin'cous, a. Pertaining to zinc. [cog'rapher. Zin-ge-ber-a ́ce-æ, A natural order of plants. Zink'en-ite, s. A mineral containing antimony. Zi'on, s. A mount in Jerusalem; used figuratively for the church.

Zir'con, s. A mineral composed chiefly of zirconia and silicia, found in Ceylon-s. Zirconite. [from zircon and hyacinth. Zir-co ́ni-ă, s. In Min. a rare earth extracted Zir-co'ni-um, s. In Chem, the metallic base of Zis'el, s. A species of marmot. [zirconia. Ziv′õ-lă, s. Á bird resembling the yellow-ham


Zi-zâ'ni-ă, A genus of plants; darnel. Zō-an-thō'ri-å, In Bot. & Zool. a class of zoophites; animal flowers. Zo-an'thus, s. A sort of polypus. Zo-är'ehi-dæ, A family of the Acanthopterygeous fishes.

Zō'di-ac, s. (Gr.) In Astron. an imaginary zone or belt in the heavens, extending about eight or nine degrees on each side of the ecliptic.It is divided into twelve equal parts, called signs; a girdle.

Zo-di'ă-cal, a. Relating to the zodiac.-Zodiacal light, a faint nebulous brightness which accompanies the sun immediately before sunrise or after sunset.

Zo'fră, s. A kind of Moorish floor-cloth or carpet. Zö här, s. (Heb.) A Jewish book, highly esteemed

by the rabbis. [eases of the lower animals. Zoi-a'tre-ă, s. In Path. the treatment of the disZo-il ́é-an, a. Relating to Zoilus, a severe critic on Homer; illiberal; unjustly severe.

Zo'il-ism, s. Illiberal or carping criticism.
Zois'ite, s. In Min. a variety of epidote.
Zoll, s. (Ger.) A toll or customs duty.
Zoll haus, s. A German custom-house.
Zoll'ver-ein, s. (Ger.) A commercial union of
States, for establishing uniform rates.
Zo'nar, s. A girdle which the Christians and Jews
of the Levant are obliged to wear to distin-
guish them from Mahometans.
Zo'nǎte, a. In Bot. having a dark belt in the
shape of a horse-shoe, as in the pelargonium.
Zöne, s. A girdle; a circuit;-in Geog. a division
of the earth's surface by means of parallel
lines.-There are five zones: the torrid zone,
two temperate zones, and two frigid zones.
Zoned, (zond) a. Wearing a zone.
Zöne'less, a. Destitute of a zone.
Zo'nic, s. A girdle; a zone. (R.)
Zo'nûle, s. A little zone or girdle.

Zo'o, s. (Gr.) In Nat. Hist. a prefix to compound
words relating to animals or animal life.
Zō-o-car'pi-ă, s. In Bot. a genus of plants.
Zō-o-chem'i-cal, a. (Gr.) Pertaining to the
chemistry of animal organization.
Zo-och ́o-my, s. That science which pertains to
animal chemistry.
Zo-og ́ě-ný, s. (Gr.) The doctrine of animal
Zo-og'ra-phy, (-raf-é) s. In Nat. Hist. a descrip-
tion of animals; whence-a. Zoograph'ic, Zo-
ograph'ical;-s. Zoographer, Zoographist.
Zooid, s. Resembling an animal.
Zo-ol'ǎ-try, s. The worship of animals.
Zo'o-lite, s. In Geol. the fossil remains of a petri-
fied animal.
Zo-o-li-thol'o-gỷ, s. A treatise on fossil animal
Zo-olo-gy, s. The science of animals, teaching
their nature, properties, classification, &c.;
-a. Zoological;-ad. Zoologʻically ;-s. Zo-
ologer, Zoologist.

Zo-o-morphism, s. (Gr.) The transformation of
human beings into beasts.

Zo-on'ic, a. In Chem. an epithet applied to an
acid obtained from animal substances.
Zo-on'o-my, s. The laws of animal life; the
structure and functions of animals; animal

supposed to partake of the nature both of vege
tables and animals ;-a. Zoophytic, Zoophyt
ical, Zoophytolog'ical;-s. Zoophytol ogy.
Zo-oto-my, s. That branch of anatomy which

relates to the structure of the lower animals;
-a. Zootom'ical :-s. Zoot'omist.
Zo-pis'să, s. In Naut. a sort of pitch scraped off
from the sides of ships, and tempered with wax.
Zop'po, s. In Music, a term applied to a certain
species of counterpoint, in which one note is
so placed against or between two others as to
produce a syncope or leaping effect.

Zor ́il, s. A S. American variety of the skunk.
Zos'ter, s. (Lat.) A girdle; a belt ;-in Med. a
kind of erysipelas.

Zou'äve, s. Á member of a French military corps
wearing the Arab dress.
Zounds, interj. An exclamation of wonder or
Zoz'y-mus, s. In Zool, a genus of crustaceans,
Zû'fö-lō, s. (It.) A whistle; a small flute or fla-

geolet, used to teach singing birds. [base.
Zu māte, s. A compound of zumic acid and a
Zum'boo-ruks, s. Diminutive swivel-artillery

carried on the backs of camels.

Zü'mic, a. In Chem. noting an acid procured
from a fermented substance, as leaven.
Zŭ-mol'ò-ġý, s. The doctrine of fermentation;
zymology. See Zymology.

Zu-mom'è-ter, s. An instrument for measuring
the degree of fermentation.
Zu'nă, s. A singular kind of sheep found in An-
Zür lite, s. In Min. a recently-discovered Vesu-
vian mineral.

Zy-go-dac ́ty-loŭs, Zỹ-go-dac'ty-lic, a. Having
the toes yoked, or in pairs, two before and two
behind, as the parrot.

Zỹ-gō'mă, s. In Anat, the process of the check-
bone; a bone of the upper jaw.
Zy-go-matic. a. Relating to the zygoma; re-
sembling a yoke.
Zyg-o-phyl-la'ce-, A natural order of Ex-
Zy mate, Zu'mate, s. A supposed compound of
the imaginary zymic acid with a base.
Zy'mic - aç'id, s. A supposed peculiar acid obtain-
ed by the acetous fermentation of vegetable

Zy-mol'o-gy, s. The doctrine of fermentation;-
a. Zymological;-s. Zymol'ogist.
Zy'mōme, Zi'mōme, s. One of the supposed
proximate principles of the gluten of wheat.
Zỹ-mo- sim'e-ter, s. An instrument for measuring
the degree of fermentation.
mem-Zy-mo ́sis, s. (Gr.) Fermentation.

Zo-o-på-thol'o-gy, s. The doctrine of the diseases
of animals.
Zo-oph ́ă-gon, s. An animal that feeds on animal
Zo-oph'ǎ-gous, a. Feeding on living animals.
Zo-o-phoric, a. In Arch. applied to a column
which supports the figure of an animal.
Zo-oph ́o-rus, s. (Lat.) In Arch. a broad

ber which separates the cornice and architrave;
a frieze.
Zo-o-phys-I-ol'o-gy, s. Animal physiology.
Zoo-phyte, (zo'õ-fit) s. A name applied to an or-
der of vermes, comprehending those beings


Zy-mot ́ic, a. Feverish; noting an epidemic or
contagious disease.

Zym'o-tech-ný, s. Act of exciting fermentation.
Zy-thep'să-ry, s. A brewery or brewhouse.
Z'thum, s. A drink made of corn and malt.

"long; as ǎfär, fäte, fâll; mẽ, hêir, her; pine, mărîne; tōne, môve, nör, dóve; tüne
füll, für.-C bef. aouas k; bef. eiyas s; € Gg hard; CGġ soft; șas z; tion as shun; th flat; fobs.





With the Counties in which they are situated, the Days when their Markets are held, and
their Distances in miles from London.

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