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formation of foundations or otherwise, for (A) financing studies, research, instruction, and other educational activities of or for American citizens in schools and institutions of higher learning located in such foreign country, or of the citizens of such foreign country in American schools and institutions of higher learning located outside the continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska (including the Aleutian Islands), Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, including payment for transportation, tuition, maintenance, and other expenses incident to scholastic activities; or (B) furnishing transportation for citizens of such foreign country who desire to attend American schools and institutions of higher learning in the continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska (including the Aleutian Islands). Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, and whose attendance will not deprive citizens of the United States of an opportunity to attend such schools and institutions: Provided however, That no such agreement or agreements shall provide for the use of an aggregate amount of the currencies, or credits for currencies, of any one country in excess of $20,000,000 or for the expenditure of the currencies, or credits for currencies of any one foreign country in excess of $1,000,000 annually at the official rate of exchange for such currencies, unless otherwise authorized by Congress, nor shall any such agreement relate to any subject other than the use and expenditure of such currencies or credits for currencies for the purposes herein set forth: Provided further, That for the purpose of selecting students and educational institutions qualified to participate in this program, and to supervise the exchange program authorized herein, the President of the United States is hereby authorized to appoint a Board of Foreign Scholarships, consisting of ten members, who shall serve without compensation, composed of representatives of cultural, educational, student and war veterans groups, and including representatives of the United States Office of Education, the United States Veterans' Administration, State educational institutions, and privately endowed educational institutions: And Provided further, That in the selection of American citizens for study in foreign countries under this paragraph preference shall be given to applicants who shall have served in the military or naval forces of the United States during World War I or World War II, and due consideration shall be given to applicants from all geographical areas of the United States. The Secretary of State shall transmit to the Congress not later than the 1st day of March of each year a report of operations under this paragraph during the preceding calendar year. Such report shall include the text of any agreements which have been entered into hereunder during the preceding calendar year, and shall specify the names and addresses of American citizens who are attending schools or institutions of higher learning in foreign countries pursuant to such agreements, the names and locations of such schools and institutions, and the amounts of the currencies or credits for currencies expended for any of the purposes under this paragraph in each such foreign country during the preceding calendar year.” Approved August 1, 1946.



Resolution of General Assembly, December 11, 19462


TAKING NOTE of the UNRRA Council Resolution (No. 100) of 16 August 1946, and of the related resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council of 3 October 1946;

RECOGNIZING that certain countries will need financial assistance in 1947 to provide for imports of food and other basic essentials of life;

TAKING NOTE that this need for assistance may not, in all cases, be entirely met by international institutions and other public and private agencies available for this purpose;

RECOGNIZING that, in some countries, if such assistance is not provided, there will be hunger, privation and suffering during the winter, spring and early summer of next year;

TAKING NOTE of the urgent necessity of meeting this residual relief need promptly, and of the expressed willingness of Members of the United Nations to do their part in attaining this end;

RECOGNIZING the desirability of meeting this need without wasteful duplication of effort;

CONSIDERING that one of the purposes of the United Nations is to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of their common ends, including international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic and humanitarian character; REAFFIRMING the principle that at no time should relief supplies be used as a political weapon, and that no discrimination should be made in the distribution of relief supplies because of race, creed, or political beliefs;

1. ESTABLISHES a Special Technical Committee whose functions shall be:

(a) to study the minimum import requirements of the basic essentials of life, particularly food and supplies for agricultural production of countries which the Committee believes might require assistance in the prevention of suffering or of economic retrogression which threatens the supply of these basic essentials;

(b) to survey the means available to each country concerned to finance such imports;

(c) to report concerning the amount of financial assistance which it believes may be required in the light of (a) and (b) above.

2. DECIDES that the Committee shall consist of 10 experts in the field of finance and foreign trade to be designated by the Governments of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Poland, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Union of Soviet

1 of the $3,685,651,819 in contributions made available to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration by its member governments, the United States contributed $2,700,000,000. The United States completed its contribution in July 1946. (Eleventh Report to Congress on the Operations of UNRRA, Department of State publication 2880, p. 12.) During the war years, 1939-45, United States nationals contributed more than $1,000,000,000 to voluntary war charities (Voluntary War Relief During World War II: A Report to the President by the President's War Relief Control Board, Department of State publication 2566).

The United States and the United Nations: Report of the President to the Congress for the Year 1946, Department of State publication, the United States and the United Nations Series 7, pp. 103-105.

Socialist Republics to serve in their individual capacities and not as representatives of the Governments by which they are designated; and urges each Government to select a person of outstanding competence to serve on the Committee.

3. DIRECTS the Secretary-General to transmit to the Committee the information called for in the third paragraph of the above-mentioned resolution of the Economic and Social Council.

4. DIRECTS the Committee to submit its report to the SecretaryGeneral for submission to Member Governments as soon as possible, but in any event not later than 15 January 1947.

5. CALLS UPON all Members of the United Nations to assist in the furnishing of relief when needed and where needed during the ensuing year, by developing their respective programs with the greatest possible speed and, in appropriate cases, by extending special credit facilities to the needy countries.

6. RECOMMENDS that all Members of the United Nations keep the Secretary-General informed concerning their plans for assisting in meeting relief needs in 1947, and concerning the progress of their relief activities in this respect.

7. DIRECTS the Secretary-General

(a) to make available to all Members of the United Nations the information received pursuant to paragraph 6 above, in order that this information, together with that transmitted pursuant to paragraph 4 above, may be used by the Members of the United Nations to facilitate the coordination, without wasteful duplication of effort, of their respective relief programs and activities;

(b) to facilitate informal consultation among Governments concerning their relief plans and programs; and to arrange for such consultation among Governments whenever, in his opinion, the purpose of this resolution would be promoted thereby;

(c) to furnish, within the limitations of available staff and funds, such technical assistance in respect of the 1947 relief programs as Governments may request.

8. (a) DIRECTS the Secretary-General to consider the ways and means of collecting and utilizing contributions, from persons, organizations and peoples all over the world, equivalent to the earnings of one day's work, for the purpose of helping to meet relief needs during 1947; and to report on the results of such consideration to Member Governments and to the Economic and Social Council at the earliest possible date;

(b) REQUESTS the Economic and Social Council to study the report made by the Secretary-General and to take whatever action it may deem appropriate in regard to this matter.

9. DIRECTS the Secretary-General to report at each session of the Economic and Social Council on the activities being carried out under this Resolution.


Resolution of General Assembly, November 18, 1948 1

The General Assembly


Approves the agreement between the Secretary-General and the Director-General of UNRRA, relating to the transfer to the United Nations of the residual assets and activities of UNRRA, entered into on 27 September 1948 and contained in document A/665, which is annexed to the present resolution.


Resolution of General Assembly, December 11, 1946 2


HAVING given consideration to the resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its third session recommending the creation of an International Children's Emergency Fund to be utilized for the benefit of children and adolescents of countries which were the victims of aggression, and recognizing the desirability of establishing such a Fund in accordance with Article 55 of the Charter of the United Nations;


1. There is hereby created an International Children's Emergency Fund to be utilized and administered, to the extent of its available


(a) for the benefit of children and adolescents of countries which were victims of aggression and in order to assist in their rehabilitation; (b) for the benefit of children and adolescents of countries at present receiving assistance from the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration;

(c) for child health purposes generally, giving high priority to the children of countries victims of aggression.

2. (a) The Fund shall consist of any assets made available by UNRRA or any voluntary contributions made available by Governments, voluntary agencies, individual or other sources. It shall be authorized to receive funds, contributions or other assistance from any of the foregoing sources; to make expenditures and to finance or arrange for the provision of supplies, material, services and technical assistance for the furtherance of the foregoing purposes; to facilitate and coordinate activities relating thereto; and generally to acquire, hold or transfer property, and to take any other legal action necessary or useful in the performance of its objects and purposes;

(b) The Fund, in agreement with the Governments concerned, shall take such measures as are deemed appropriate to ensure the proper utilization and distribution of supplies or other assistance which it

1 Official Records of the Third Session of the General Assembly, pt. I, 21 September-12 December, 1948, p. 104. For Agreement Between UNRRA and the United Nations, see ibid., pp. 105 ff.

The United States and the United Nations: Report by the President to the Congress for the Year 1946, Department of State publication 2735, The United States and the United Nations Report Series 7, pp.


provides. Supplies or other assistance shall be made available to Governments upon approval by the Fund of the plans of operation drawn up by the Governments concerned. Provision shall be made for:

(i) the submission to the Fund of such reports on the use of supplies and other assistance as the Fund may from time to time require; (ii) equitable and efficient dispensation or distribution of all supplies or other assistance, on the basis of need, without discrimination because of race, creed, nationality status or political belief.

(c) The Fund shall not engage in activity in any country except in consultation with, and with the consent of, the Government concerned;

(d) The Fund shall appeal to all voluntary relief agencies to continue and intensify their activities and shall take the necessary measures in order to cooperate with these agencies.

3. (a) The Fund shall be administered by an Executive Director under policies, including the determination of programs and allocation of funds, established by an Executive Board in accordance with such principles as may be laid down by the Economic and Social Council and its Social Commission;

(b) The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall appoint the Executive Director, in consultation with the Executive Board; (c) The Executive Board shall be composed of representatives of the following Governments:

[blocks in formation]

The Economic and Social Council, on the recommendation of the Executive Board, may designate other Governments as members of the Board. Membership may be changed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Economic and Social Council, at any time after the first three years of the Fund's existence. The Board may, as occasions arise, invite representatives of specialized agencies for consultation on matters within their competence;

(d) The Board may designate from among its members such committees as it deems advisable in the interest of effective administration. The Board shall elect its own Chairman and its Vice-Chairman, and shall meet whenever convened by the Chairman, or upon the request of any three of its members. The first meeting of the Board shall be convened by the Secretary-General of the United

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