M&5 Western Normal College SHENANDOAH, PAGE COUNTY, IOWA. A well-known independent school for the special training of teachers. A school of pharmacy-the only thoroughly equipped and successful one in the A school of elocution, oratory, penmanship and all special studies. A school where students choose their own work, in any special line they desire It is the school for everybody wanting special lines of work, review work and Send for our Catalogue free. Our last one is the best one we HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 3414F-8 MONROE C. GUTMAN LIBRARY Missouri School Journal. Vol. XVI. JEFFERSON CITY, MO., JANUARY, 1899. No. 1. MISSOURI SCHOOL JOURNAL, (MONTHLY). JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI. HOWARD A. GASS, Editor and Manager. The success or failure of every teacher depends in large measure upon herself. The knowledge of when to be silent is as important as the other knowledge of when to speak. No man "works for the sake of working," but for what work produces. After all, an education is not everything. Character, independence of thought, are each more than an education, E. L. Kellogg & Co. have changed the price of the School Journal from $2.50 to There is no harm in riding a hobby if you ride it well. Specialists generally succeed best. A one-idead man may be a crank in the eyes of many, but if he perfects his idea and makes it a success he is generally looked upon as a genius rather than a crank. One thing well done is better than many which are only partially worked out. Better preparation for work and a higher standard of qualification should be the ambition of every teacher. Increase in salary and positions of wider influence, greater usefulness, and larger responsibility will be in waiting for the teacher who is prepared to take them. The point is to be worthy of promotion and larger salary, and ready for them, for the opportunity for advance will surely come to all. Editor John MacDonald of the Western School Journal, Topeka, Kansas, is organizing a party to spend two months in Europe in July and August of this year. Write him if interested. As we understand it, Mr. MacDonald is a native of Scotland, and hence will make a wonderfully good manager of a party for such a trip, especially in Scotland and England. The December number of the Western School Journal is the initial number of volume fifteen of that paper. We congratulate Bro. MacDonald on the many eviOne of the many useful things for dences of prosperity shown in number one teachers to talk about to their children of volume fifteen, and hope that his fif- is the treaty making power of the United teenth year may be the most useful and profitable that he has yet experienced. The MISSOURI SCHOOL JOURNAL Completed volume fifteen with the December number, that being number twelve of the series for 1898. With this number we begin volume sixteen. There is no het ter time than the present to subscribe for the JOURNAL. Begin with number one, volume sixteen. States. The more important treaties made by our government with other nations should be considered. This will lead up to a better understanding of the treaty now under consideration and which, it is hoped, will soon be completed and ratified, between the United States and Spain. This is the most important treaty proposed by any government in the last quarter of a century. |