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herein before mentioned; and that in cases where the said sections have been partially or wholly disposed of either by purchase, allotment or homestead settlement, it do grant other lands within the said Territory in lieu thereof; the proceeds arising from the sale or lease of any such lands to be applied to the purposes indicated; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of the Congress of the United States. Approved February 24th, 1899.


COUNCIL JOINT RESOLUTION No. 1, Relating to taxation of Indian allotments. Memorializing the Congress of the United States to permit the taxation, by the local government, of Indian allotments.

WHEREAS, There are within the limits of this Territory a large acreage and extensive bodies of land held by the Iowa, Sac and Fox, Pottawatomie, Absentee Shawnee, Cheyenne and Arapahoe, Fawnee, Cherokee, Tonkawas and other tribes of Indians, which were allotted to said Indians under the several Acts of Congress relative thereto, which said allotments include the best agricul tural lands in the Territory, and which said lands are, by treaty stipulation with the several tribes by the general government, exempted from taxation by the Territorial, county and township authorities; and

WHEREAS, The expense of maintaining the Territorial and local governments, the organization and maintenance of schools and public institutions is paid by taxation upon the homesteads and property of other citizens of the Territory; and

WHEREAS, "Representation without taxation" is as equally un-American as "Taxation without Representation;" and

WHEREAS, The Indian population of this Territory de

rives as much benefit, if not more, from our Territorial and local government, than the other citizens thereof, and should therefore bear their proportionate expense for the benefit derived; and

WHEREAS, The Indian population of the United States is confined to a few of the western states and Territories, notably among which is the Territory of Oklahoma; and

WHEREAS, The great majority of the states of the Union are not burdened with care, trials and expense incident to an Indian population endowed with all the rights of citizenship, and ought therefore to aid in the expense occasioned thereby. Therefore, be it

Resolved, By the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma, That we do and here now memorialize the Congress of the United States to so correct the laws and agreements with said Indian tribes and allotees, that their lands in this Territory may be taxed as other lands, or in lieu thereof that an annual appropriation be made by the general government, based upon equitable appraisement of such lands, and paid into the Territrorial Treasury, to be distributed to the various funds of the Territory and counties in which such lands are located in the same 'proportion as if such lands were taxable under the revenue laws of the Territory; and

Resolved, That one copy of this resolution be forwarded to the President of the Senate, one copy to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and one copy to our Delegate to Congress.

Approved February 17th, 1899.


HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION No. 5, Memorializing the Congress of the United Statest to authorize the issuance of a patent to certain lands occupied by the Benedict Order or Mission of Fathers at Sacred Heart, Oklahoma.

WHEREAS, The order of the Benedictine Fathers of Sacred Heart, Oklahoma, otherwise known as the Sacred

Heart Mission, are now and have been for more than thirty years last past engaged in the benevolent labors of maintaining a school for the education of Indian children, and for the diffusion of educational and moral culture among the Indians formerly occupying the Pottawatomie Reservation and now allotted therein; and

WHEREAS, Said Order or Mission have expended about fifty thousand [dollars] ($50,000) in erecting the proper and necessary buildings for the said purposes; and

WHEREAS, The Act of Congress approved June 30, 1890, and other Acts prior thereto, provided that the lands occupied by said order and upon which said buildings were erected, to-wit: the South half of Section Seven (7) and the North half of Section Eighteen (18) in Township Six (6) North, of Range Five (5) East of Indian Meridian, should not be subject to allotment or homestead entry, but should be reserved by the United States for Church and School purposes for the Sacred Heart Mission, and shall be patented to said Mission in a manner thereafter to be prescribed by Congress; and

WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States has failed so far to make any provisions for the patenting of said lands to the said Order or Mission, and that in justice the same should be done, Therefore,

Be It Resolved, By the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma, that we do hereby memorialize the Congress of the United States to pass the necessary Act to authorize patents for said tracts of land to be issued to said Order or Mission, in trust for the uses and purposes for which same have been reserved.

Resolved, That one copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the President of the Senate of the Congress of the United States, and one to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and one copy to the Delegate in Congress for Oklahoma.

Approved March 2nd, 1899.


...... ........



Section 1, Chapter 2, Laws of 1897, "Herd Law," by Section 1, Article 2,
Chapter 2......
Article 3, Chapter 2, and other conflicting laws of 1893, "Estrays," by Section
17, Article 3, Chapter 2........
Section 1, Article 5, Chapter 6, Laws of 1897, "Cities," by Section 1, Article
1, Chapter 8......
Section 2, Article 5, Chapter 6, Laws of 1897, "Cities," by Section 2, Article
1, Chapter 8........
Section 3, Article 5, Chapter 6, Laws of 1897, "Cities," by Section 3, Article
1, Chapter 8......
Section 4, Article 3, Chapter 6, Laws of 1897, "Cities," by Section 4, Article
1, Chapter 8.......


........ .......


Section 2, Article 1, Chapter 14, Laws of 1893, "Cilies," by Section 1, Article






2, Chapter 8.......
Article 2, Chapter 9, Laws of 1897, "Guaranty Company," by Sect on 1,
Article 1, Chapter 10.......
Section 6, Article 8, Chapter 22, Laws of 1893, "Coroner," by Section 1,
Article 1, Chapter 11....................
Section 11, Article 5, Chapter 11, Laws of 1897, "County Assessor," by Section

1, Article 2, Chapter 11...
















Section 2, Article 8, Chapter 12, Laws of 1897, "Calendar of Claims," by
Section 1, Article 3, Chapter 11......
Section 7, Chapter 36, Laws of 1895, "Oil Inspector," by Section 1, Chapter 21.
Section 8, Chapter 36, Laws of 1895, "Oil Inspector," by Section 2, Chapter 21. 187-188
Section 11, Chapter 36, Laws of 1895, "Oil Inspector," by Section 5, Chapter 21. 188-189
Section 2, Chapter 28, Laws of 1897, "Pharmacy," by Section 1, Chapter 23... 191-192
Section 3, Chapter 27, Laws of 1897, "Parks," by Section 1, Chapter 26........
Section 3, Article 2, Chapter 70, Laws of 1893, "Revenue," by Section 1,




Article 1, Chapter 28.......
Section 4, Article 2, Chapter 70, Laws of 1893, "Revenue," by Section 2,
Article 1, Chapter 28..................
Section 1, Article 11, Chapter 32, Laws of 1897, "Revenue," by Section 1,


........... .........




Article 4, Chapter 28......
Section 21, Article 1, Chapter 72, Laws of 1893, "Roads," by Section 1, Chapter
Article 1, Chapter 44, Laws of 1895, "Roads," by Section 2, Chapter 29...
Section 1, Article 3, Chapter 44, Laws of 1895, "Roads," by Section 5, Chapter
Section 14, Article 1, Chapter 73, Laws of 1893, "County Superintendent," by
Section 1, Article 3, Chapter 30........
Section 2, Chapter 48, Laws of 1895, "Stenographer," by Section 1, Chapter 31.

[blocks in formation]


Article 3, Chapter 2, Laws of 1893, "Herd Law."

Chapter 4, Laws of 1897, "Banks."

Section 13, Article 5, Chapter 12, Laws of 1897, "County Assessor."

All Acts or parts of acts in conflict with Chapter 13 of Laws of 1899, "Elections."
Section 45, Chapter 15, Laws of 1897, "Justices Fes."

Chapter 26, Laws of 1895, "Game and Fish."

Chapter 17, Laws of 1897, "School Insurance."

Sections 7, 8, 9 and 11, Chapter 36, Laws of 1895, "Oil Inspector."

Chapter 39, Laws of 1897, "Warrant Purchase with Building Fund."

Article 7, Chapter 70, Laws of 1893, and

Article 1, Chapter 43, Laws of 1895, "Revenue."

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