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And here we must return to the labours of Sir Isaac of Fluids. Newton. After many beautiful observations on the nature and mechanism of continued fluids, he says, that the resistance which they occasion is but one half of that occasioned by the rare fluid which had been the subject of his former proposition; "which truth," (says he, with his usual caution and modesty), "I shall endeavour to show."



tions of Newton


liable to

great objections,

He then enters into another, as novel and as difficult an investigation, viz. the laws of hydraulics, and endeavours to ascertain the motion of fluids through orifices when urged by pressures of any kind. He endeavours to ascertain the velocity with which a fluid escapes through a horizontal orifice in the bottom of a vessel, by the action of its weight, and the pressure which this vein of fluid will exert on a little circle which occupies part of the orifice. To obtain this, he employs a kind of approximation and trial, of which it would be extremely difficult to give an extract; and then, by increasing the diameter of the vessel and of the hole to infinity, he accommodates his reasoning to the case of a plane surface exposed to an indefinitely extended stream of fluid; and, lastly, giving to the little circular surface the motion which he had before ascribed to the fluid, he says, that the resistance to a plane surface moving through an unelastic continuous fluid, is equal to the weight of a column of the fluid whose height is one-half of that necessary for acquiring the velocity; and he says, that the resistance of a globe is, in this case, the same with that of a cylinder of the same diameter. The resistance, therefore, of the cylinder or circle is four times less, and that of the globe is twice less than their resistance on a rare elastic medium.

But this determination, though founded on principles or assumptions, which are much nearer to the real state of things, is liable to great objections. It depends on his method for ascertaining the velocity of the issuing fluid; a method extremely ingenious, but defective. The cataract, which he supposes, cannot exist as he supposes, descending by the full action of gravity, and surrounded by a funnel of stagnant fluid. For, in such circumstances, there is nothing to balance the hydrostatical pressure of this surrounding fluid; because the whole pressure of the central cataract is employed in producing its own descent. In the next place, the pressure which he determines is beyond all doubt one half of what is observed on a plane surface in all our experiments. And, in the third place, it is repugnant to all our experience, that the resistance of a globe or of a pointed body is as great as that of its circular base. His reasons are by no means convincing. He supposes them placed in a tube or canal; and since they are supposed of the same diameter, and therefore leave equal spaces at their sides, he concludes, that because the water escapes by their sides with the same velocity, they will have the same resistance. But this is by no means a necessary consequence. Even if the water should be allowed to exert equal pressures on them, the pressures being perpendicular to their surfaces, and these surfaces being inclined to the axis, while in the case of the base of a cylinder, it is in the direction of the axis, there must be a difference in the accumulated or compound pressure in the direction of the axis. He indeed says, that in the case of the cylinder or the circle obstructing the canal, a quantity


of water remains stagnant on its upper surface; viz. Resistance all the water whose motion would not contribute to of Flack the most ready passage of the fluid between the cylinder and the sides of the canal or tube; and that this water may be considered as frozen. If this be the case, it is indifferent what is the form of the body that is covered with this mass of frozen or stagnant wa ter. It may be a hemisphere or a cone; the resistance will be the same.-But Newton by no means, assigns, either with precision or with distinct evidence, the form and magnitude of this stagnant water, so as to give confidence in the results. He contents himself with saying, that it is that water whose motion is not necessary or cannot contribute to the most easy passage of the water.

There remains, therefore, many imperfections in this though theory. But notwithstanding these defects, we cannot display but admire the efforts and sagacity of this great phi-gra losopher, who, after having discovered so many sublime city, truths of mechanical nature, ventured to trace out a path for the solution of a problem which no person had yet attempted to bring within the range of mathematical investigation. And his solution, though inaccurate, shines throughout with that inventive genius and that fertility of resource, which no man ever possessed in so eminent a degree.

Those who have attacked the solution of Sir Isaac Newton have not been more successful. Most of them, instead of principles, have given a great deal of calculus; and the chief merit which any of them can claim, is that of having deduced some single proposition which happens to quadrate with some single case of experiment, while their general theories are either inapplicable, from difficulty and obscurity, or are discordant with more general observation.

We must, however, except from this number Daniel Bernoulli, who was not only a great geometer, but one of the first philosophers of the age. He possessed all the talents, and was free from the faults of that celebrated family; and while he was the mathematician of Europe who penetrated farthest in the investigation of this great problem, he was the only person who felt, or at least who acknowledged, its great difficulty.



ded on by

In the 2d volume of the Comment. Petropol. 1727, he Bernie's proposes a formula for the resistance of fluids, deduced geners f from considerations quite different from those on which Newton founded his solution. But he delivers it with pothesis. modest diffidence; because he found that it gave a resistance four times greater than experiment. In the same dissertation he determines the resistance of a sphere to be one half of that of its great circle. But in his subsequent theory of Hydrodynamics (a work which must ever rank among the first productions of the age, and is equally eminent for refined and elegant mathematics, and ingenious and original thoughts in dynamics), he calls this determination in question. It is indeed founded on the same hypothetical principles which have been unskilfully detached from the rest of Newton's physics, and made the groundwork of all the subsequent theories on this subject.

the se


In 1741, Mr Daniel Bernoulli published another dis- He treat sertation (in the 8th volume of the Com. Petropol.) in a parton the action and resistance of fluids, limited to a very culer case particular case; namely, to the impulse of a vein of with great

fluid precision


pressed in opposite directions. Now open the orifice Resistance EF; the water will rush out, and the pressure on EF of Fluids. is now removed. There will therefore be a tendency in the vessel to move back in the direction E e. this tendency must be precisely equal and opposite to the whole effort of the expelling forces. This is a conclusion as evident as any proposition in mechanics. It is, thus that a gun recoils and a rocket rises in the air; and on this is founded the operation of Mr Parents or Dr Barker's mill, described in all treatises of mechanics, and most learnedly treated by Euler in the Berlin Memoirs.

ce fluid falling perpendicularly on an infinitely extended is. plane surface. This he demonstrates to be equal to the weight of a column of the fluid whose base is the area of the vein, and whose height is twice the fall producing the velocity. This demonstration is drawn from the true principles of mechanics and the acknowledged laws of hydraulics, and may be received as a strict physical demonstration. As it is the only proposition in the whole theory that has as yet received a demonstration accessible to readers not versant in all the refinements of modern analysis; and as the principles on which it proceeds will undoubtedly lead to a solution of every problem which can be proposed, once that our mathematical knowledge shall enable us to apply them-we think it our duty to give it in this place, although we must acknowledge, that this problem is so very limited, that it will hardly bear an application to any case that differs but a little from the express conditions of the problem. There do occur cases however in practice, where it may be applied to very great advantage.


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Daniel Bernoulli gives two demonstrations; one of which may be called a popular one, and the other is more scientific and introductory to further investigation. We shall give both.

Bernoulli first determines the whole action, exerted on in the efflux of the vein of fluid. Suppose the velocity of efflux v is that which would be acquired by falling through the height h. It is well known that a body moving during the time of this fall with the velocity v would describe a space 2 h. The effect, therefore, of the hydraulic action is, that in the time t of the fall h, there issues a cylinder or prism of water whose base is the cross section s or area of the vein, and whose length is 2 h. And this quantity of matter is now moving with the velocity v. The quantity of motion, therefore, which is thus produced is 2 s hv; and this quantity of motion is produced in the time t. And this is the accumulated effect of all the expelling forces, estimated in the direction of the efflux. Now, to compare this with the exertion of some pressing power with which we are familiarly acquainted, let us suppose this pillar 2 sh to be frozen, and, being held in the hand, to be dropped. It is well known, that in the time t it will fall through the height h, and will acquire the velocity v, and now possesses the quantity of motion 2 s hv— and all this is the effect of its weight. The weight, therefore, of the pillar 2 s h produces the same effect, and in the same time, and (as may easily be seen) in the same gradual manner, with the expelling forces of the fluid in the vessel, which expelling forces arise from the pressure of all the fluid in the vessel. Therefore the accumulated hydraulic pressure, by which a vein of a heavy fluid is forced out through an orifice in the bottom or side of a vessel, is equal (when estimated in the -direction of the efflux) to the weight of a column of the fluid, having for its base the section of the vein, and twice the fali productive of the velocity of efflux for its height.

Now let ADBC (fig. 12.) be a quadrangular vessel with upright plane sides, in one of which is an orifice EF. From every point of the circumference of this orifice, suppose horizontal lines Ee, Ff, &c. which will mark a similar surface on the opposite side of the vessel. Suppose the orifice EF to be shut. There can be no doubt but that the surfaces EF and ef will be equally

Now, let this stream of water be received on a circular plane MN, perpendicular to its axis, and let this circular plane be of such extent, that the vein escapes from its sides in an infinitely thin sheet, the water flowing off in a direction parallel to the plane. The vein by this means will expand into a trumpet-like shape, having curved sides, EKG, FLH, fig. 13. We abstract at pre-Fig. 13. sent the action of gravity which would cause the vein to bend downwards, and occasion a greater velocity at H than at G; and we suppose the velocity equal in every point of the circumference. It is plain, that if the action of gravity be neglected after the water has issued through the orifice EF, the velocity in every point of the circumference of the plane MN will be that of the efflux through EF.

Now, because EKG is the natural shape assumed by the vein, it is plain, that if the whole vein were covered by a tube or mouth-piece, fitted to its shape, and perfectly polished, so that the water shall glide along it, without any friction (a thing which we may always suppose), the water will exert no pressure whatever on this trumpet mouth-piece. Lastly, let us suppose that the plane MN is attached to the month-piece by some bits of wire, so as to allow the water to escape all round by the narrow chink between the mouth-piece and the plane: We have now a vessel consisting of the upright part ABDC, the trumpet GKEFLH, and the plane MN; and the water is escaping from every point of the circumference of the chink GHNM with the velocity v. If any part of this chink were shut up, there would be a pressure on that part equivalent to the force of efflux from the opposite part. Therefore, when all is open, these efforts of efflux balance each other all round. There is not therefore any tendency in this compound vessel to move to any side. But take away the plane MN, and there would immediately arise a pressure in the direction Ee equal to the weight of the column 2sh. This is therefore balanced by the pressure on the circular plane MN, which is therefore equal to this weight, and the proposition is demonstrated.

A number of experiments were made by Professor Kraft at St Petersburgh, by receiving the vein on a plane MN (fig. 12.) which was fastened to the arm of a balance OPQ, having a scale R hanging on the opposite The resistance or pressure on the plane was measured by weights put into the scale R; and the velocity of the jet was measured by means of the distance KH, to which it spouted on a horizontal plane.



[blocks in formation]

of the impulses increase. The deflection becomes altí- Rest mately continuous, and the motion curvilineal, and the of Pha proposition is demonstrated.

We see that the initial velocity and its subsequent changes do not affect the conclusion, which depends entirely on the final quantity of motion.

Resistance the demonstration supposes the plane MN to be infiof Fluids. nitely extended, so that the film of water which issues through the chink may be accurately parallel to the plane. This never can be completely effected. Also it was supposed, that the velocity was justly measured by the amplitude of the parabola EGK. But it is well known that the very putting the plane MN in the way of the jet, though at the distance of an inch from the orifice, will diminish the velocity of the efflux through this orifice. This is easily verified by experiment. Observe the time in which the vessel will be emptied when there is no plane in the way. Repeat the experiment with the plane in its place; and more time will be necessary. The following is a note of a course of experiments, taken as they stand, without any selection.

Fig. 14.

53 His propo


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In order to demonstrate this proposition in such a manner as to furnish the means of investigating the whole mechanism and action of moving fluids, it is necessary to premise an elementary theorem of curvilineal motions.

If a particle of matter describes a curve line ABCE (fig. 14.) by the continual action of deflecting forces, which vary in any manner, both with respect to intensity and direction, and if the action of these forces, in every point of the curve, be resolved into two directions, perpendicular and parallel to the initial direction AK; then,

1. The accumulated effect of the deflecting forces, estimated in a direction AD perpendicular to AK, is to the final quantity of motion as the sine of the final change of direction is to radius.

Let us first suppose that the accelerating forces act sition de- by starts, at equal intervals of time, when the body is in the points A, B, C, E. And let AN be the deflecting force, which, acting at A, changes the original direction AK to AB. Produce AB till BH = AB, and complete the parallelogram BFCH. Then FB is the force which, by acting at B, changed the motion BH (the continuation of AB) to BC. In like manner make Ch (in BC produced) equal to BC, and complete the parallelogram CfEh. Cf is the deflecting force at C, &c. Draw BO parallel to AN, and GBK perpendicular to AK. Also draw lines through C and E perpendicular to AK, and draw through B and C lines parallel to AK Draw also HL, hl perpendicular, and FG, HI, hi, parallel to AK.

It is plain that BK is BO or AN estimated in the direction perpendicular to AK, and that BG is BF estimated in the same way. And since BH-AB, HL or IM is equal to BK. Also CI is equal to BG. Therefore CM is equal to AP+BG. By similar reasoning it appears that Em-Ei+hl, =Cg+CM, = Cg+BG, +AP.

Therefore if CE be taken for the measure of the final velocity or quantity of motion, Em will be the accumulated effect of the deflecting forces estimated in the direction AD perpendicular to AK. But Em is to CE as the sine of m CE is to radius; and the angle mCE is the angle contained between the initial and final directions, because Cm is parallel to AK. Now let the intervals of time diminish continually and the frequency

2. The accumulated effect of the accelerating forces, when estimated in the direction AK of the original motion, or in the opposite direction, is equal to the differ ence between the initial quantity of motion and the product of the final quantity of motion by the cosine of the change of direction.

For Cm-Cl- ml, BM-fq



Therefore PN+FG+/Q (the accumulated impulse in the direction OA)=AO-CM,=AO-CEx coSine of ECM.

Cor. 1. The same action, in the direction opposite to that of the original motion, is necessary for causing a body to move at right angles to its former direction as for stopping its motion. For in this case, the cosine of the change of direction iso, and AO-CE × cosine ECM =AO—6, = AO, = the original mo


Cor. 2. If the initial and final velocities are the same, the accumulated action of the accelerating forces, estimated in the direction OA, is equal to the product of the original quantity of motion by the versed sine of the change of direction.

The application of these theorems, particularly the second, to our present purpose is very obvious. All the filaments of the jet were originally moving in the direction of its axis, and they are finally moving along the resisting plane, or perpendicular to their former motion. Therefore their transverse forces in the direction of the axis are (in cumulo) equal to the force which would stop the motion. For the aggregate of the simultaneous forces of every particle in the whole filament is the same with that of the successive forces of one particle, as it arrives at different points of its curvilineal path. All the tranverse forces, estimated in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the vein, precisely balance and sustain each other; and the only forces which can produce a sensible effect are those in a direction parallel to the axis. By these all the inner filaments are pressed towards the plane MN, and must be withstood by it. It is highly probable, nay certain, that there is a quanti ty

of stagnant water in the middle of the vein which sustains the pressures of the moving filaments without it, and transmits it to the solid plane. But this does not alter the case. And, fortunately, it is of no consequence what changes happen in the velocities of the particles while each is describing its own curve. And it is from this circumstance, peculiar to this particular case of perpendicular impulse, that we are able to draw the conclusion. It is by no means difficult to demonstrate that the velocity of the external surface of this jet is constant, and indeed of every jet which is not acted on by external forces after it has quited the orifice: but this discussion is quite unnecessary here. It is however extremely difficult to ascertain, even in this most simple case, what is the velocity of the internal filaments in the different points of their progress. Such



Such is the demonstration which Mr Bernoulli has ids. given of this proposition. Limited as it is, it is highly valuable, because derived from the true principles of hydraulics.

ted to

He hoped to render it more extensive and applicable to oblique impulses, when the axis AC of the vein (fig. 15.) is inclined to the plane in an angle ACN. But here all the simplicity of the case is gone, and we are now obliged to ascertain the motion of each filaeory ment. It might not perhaps be impossible to determine what must happen in the plane of the figure, ler- that is, in a plane passing through the axis of the vein, ral, and perpendicular to the plane MN. But even in this case it would be extremely difficult to determine how much of the fluid will go in the direction EKG, and what will go in the path FLH, and to ascertain the form of each filament, and the velocity in its different points. But in the real state of the case, the water will dissipate from the centre C on every side; and we cannot tell in what proportions. Let us however consider a little what happens in the plane of the figure, and suppose that all the water goes either in the course EKG or in the course FLH. Let the quantities of water which take these two courses have the proportions of P and П. Leta be the velocity at A,

2 be the velocity at G, and 28 be the velocity at H. ACG and ACH are the two changes of direction, of which let c and c be the cosines. Then, adopting the former reasoning, we have the pressure of the watery plate GKEACM on the plane in the direction AC-P_ × 2 a—2c b, and the pressure of the

P+n p plate HLFACN = P+II

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X2a+2c ß, and their sum

; which being multiplied by the sine of ACM, or 1, gives the pressure perpendicular to the plane MNPX 2—2cb+п× 2a P+п

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But there remains a pressure in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the vein, which is not balanced, as in the former case, by the equality on opposite sides of the axis. The pressure arising from the water which escapes at G has an effect opposite to that produced by the water which escapes at H. When this is taken into account, we shall find that their joint efforts perpendicular to AC are X2a√, which, P+n being multiplied by the cosine of ACM, gives the ac

tion perpendicular to MN = X 2ac1-c1. P+n

The sum or joint effort of all these pressures is px2a−2cb+ □ × 2 @ + 2 € ßr

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X 2 a c

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uncertain and vague as it was sure and precise in the Resistance former case.

a, and

It is therefore without proper authority that the absolute impulse of a vein of fluid on a plane which receives it wholly, is asserted to be proportional to the sine of incidence. If indeed we suppose the velocity in G and H are equal to that at A, then bß, the whole impulse is 2 a/1-2, as is commonly supposed. But this cannot be. Both the velocity and quantity at H are less than those at G. Nay, frequently there is no efflux on the side H when the obliquity is very great. We may conclude in general, that the oblique impulse will always bear to the direct impulse a greater proportion than that of the sine of incidence to radius. If the whole water escapes at G, and none goes off laterally, the pressure will be 2a+2ac—2bc x √. The experiments of the Abbé Bossut show in the plainest manner that the pressure of a vein, striking obliquely on a plane which receives it wholly, diminishes faster than in the ratio of the square of the sine of incidence; whereas, when the oblique plane is wholly immersed in the stream, the impulse is much greater than in this proportion, and in great obliquities is nearly as the sine.

Nor will this proposition determine the impulse of a fluid on a plane wholly immersed in it, even when the impulse is perpendicular to the plane. The circumstance is now wanting on which we can establish a calculation, namely, the angle of final deflection. Could this be ascertained for each filament, and the velocity of the filament, the principles are completely adequate to an accurate solution of the problem. In the experiments which we mentioned to have been made under the inspection of Sir Charles Knowles, a cylinder of six inches diameter was exposed to the action of a stream moving precisely one foot per second; and when certain deductions were made for the water which was held adhering to the posterior base (as will be noticed afterwards), the impulse was found equal to 3 ounces avoirdupois. There were 36 coloured filaments distributed on the stream, in such situations as to give the most useful indications of their curvature. It was found necessary to have some which passed under the body and some above it; for the form of these filaments, at the same distance from the axis of the cylinder, was considerably different and those filaments which were situated in planes neither horizontal nor vertical took a double curvature. In short, the curves were all traced with great care, and the deflecting forces were computed for each and reduced to the direction of the axis; and they were summed up in such a manner as to give the impulse of the whole stream. The deflections were marked as far a-head of the cylinder as they could be assuredly observed. By this method the impulse was computed to be 2 ounces, differing from observation


of an ounce, or about of the whole; a difference which may most reasonably be ascribed to the adhesion of the water, which must be most sensible in such small velocities. These experiments may therefore be considered as giving all the confirmation that can be desired of the justness of the principles. This indeed hardly admits of a doubt: but, alas! it gives but small assistance; for all this is empirical, in as far as it leaves us in every case the task of observing the form of the curves


of Fluids.

encouragement. We see that the resistance to a plane Resistanen surface is a very small matter greater than the weight of Fluits of a column of the fluid having the fall productive of the velocity for its height, and the small excess is most probably owing to adhesion, and the measure of the real resistance is probably precisely this weight. The velocity of a spouting fluid was found, in fact, to be that acquired by falling from the surface of the fluid; and it was by looking at this, as at a pole star, that Newton, Bernoulli, and others, have with great sagacity and ingenuity discovered much of the laws of hydraulics, by searching for principles which would give this result. We may hope for similar success.

In the mean time, we may receive this as a physical truth, that the perpendicular impulse or resistance of a plane surface, wholly immersed in the fluid, is equal to the weight of the column having the surface for its base, and the fall producing the velocity for its height.

This is the medium result of all experiments made in these precise circumstances. And it is confirmed by a set of experiments of a kind wholly different, and which seem to point it out more certainly as an immediate consequence of hydraulic principles.

Resistance and the velocities in their different points. To derive of Fluids. service from this most judicious method of Daniel Bernoulli, we must discover some method of determining, à priori, what will be the motion of the fluid whose course is obstructed by a body of any form. And here we cannot omit taking notice of the casual observations of Sir Isaac Newton when attempting to determine the resistance of the plane surface or cylinder, or sphere exposed to a stream moving in a canal. He says, that the form of the resisting surface is of less consequence, because there is always a quantity of water stagnant upon it, and which may therefore be considered as frozen; and he therefore considers that water only whose motion is necessary for the most expeditious discharge of the water in the vessel. He endeavours to discriminate that water from the rest; and although it must be acknowledged that the principle which he assumes for this purpose is very gratuitous, because it only shows, that if certain portions of the water, which he determines very ingeniously, were really frozen, the rest will issue, as he says, and will exert the pressure which he assigns; still we must admire his fertility of resource, and his sagacity in thus foreseeing what subsequent observation has completely confirmed. We are even disposed to think, that in this casual observation Sir Isaac Newton has pointed out the only method of arriving at a solution of the problem; and that, if we could discover what motions are not necessary for the most expeditious passage of the water, and could thus determine the form and magnitude of the stagnant water which adheres to the body, we should much more easily ascertain the real motions which occasion the observed resistance. We are here disposed to have recourse to the economy of nature, the improper use of which we have sometimes taken the liberty of reprehending. Mr Maupertuis published as a great discovery his principle of smallest action, where he showed that in all the mutual actions of bodies the quantity of action was a minimum; and he applied this to the solution of many difficult problems with great success, imagining that he was really reasoning from a contingent law of nature, selected by its infinitely wise Author, viz. that on all occasions there is the smallest possible exertion of natural powers. Mr D'Alembert has, however, shown (vid. Encyclopedié Françoise, ACTION) that this was but a whim, and that the minimum observed by Mauper tuis is merely a minimum of calculus, peculiar to a formula which happens to express a combination of mathematical quantities which frequently occurs in our way of considering the phenomena of nature, but which is no natural measure of action.


A method

taining a


But the chevalier D'Arcy has shown, that in the recommen- trains of natural operations which terminate in the proded for ob- duction of motion in a particular direction, the intermegeneral diate communications of motion are such that the smallest possible quantity of motion is produced. We seem obliged to conclude, that this law will be observed in the present instance; and it seems a problem not above our reach to determine the motions which result from it. We would recommend the problem to the eminent mathematicians in some simple case, such as the proposition already demonstrated by Daniel Bernoulli, or the perpendicular impulse on a cylinder included in a tubular canal; and if they succeed in this, great things may be expected. We think that experience gives great

Mr Pitt's

If Mr Pitot's tube be exposed to a stream of fluid Experi issuing from a reservoir or vessel, as represented in meat by fig. 16. with the open mouth I pointed directly against tube. this stream, the fluid is observed to stand at K in the up- Fig. 16. right tube, precisely on a level with the fluid AB in the reservoir. Here is a most unexceptionable experiment, in which the impulse of the stream is actually opposed to the hydrostatical pressure of the fluid on the tube. Pressure is in this case opposed to pressure, because the issuing fluid is deflected by what stays in the mouth of the tube, in the same way in which it would be deflected by a firm surface. We shall have occasion by and by to mention some most valuable and instructive experiments made with this tube.

It was this which suggested to the great mathema- Euler's tician Euler another theory of the impulse and resist-theory. ance of fluids, which must not be omitted, as it is applied in his elaborate performance On the Theory of the Construction and Working of Ships, in two volumes 4to, which was afterwards abridged and used as a text book in some marine academies. He supposes a stream of fluid ABCD (fig. 17.), moving with any ve-Fig. 17. locity, to strike the plane BD perpendicularly, and that part of it goes through a hole EF, forming a jet EGHF. Mr Euler says, that the velocity of this jet will be the same with the velocity of the stream. Now compare this with an equal stream issuing from a hole in the side of a vessel with the same velocity. The one stream is urged out by the pressure occasioned by the impulse of the fluid; the other is urged out by the pressure of gravity. The effects are equal, and the modifying circumstances are the same. The causes are therefore equal, and the pressure occasioned by the impulse of a stream of fluid, moving with any velocity, is equal to the weight of a column of fluid whose height is productive of this velocity, &c. He then determines the oblique impulse by the resolution of motion, and deduces the common rules of resistance, &c.

But all this is without just grounds. This gentleman was always satisfied with the slightest analogies which would give him an opportunity of exhibiting his


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