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THE text of the present edition has been corrected throughout, principally by that of Orelli, and the notes have been carefully revised and emended. Much additional matter has also been introduced, not only in the shape of new notes, but also of Excursions. The latter have been taken from the larger edition, and will ne found to contain much interesting information respecting the vineyards and wines of the ancients Milman's Life of Horace has also been appended. from the splendid edition of the poet, which has re cently appeared under the supervision of that scholar, and likewise a biographical sketch of Mæcenas.

The larger edition contained a list of the authorities whence much subsidiary matter was obtained for the notes. This list was omitted in the previous edition of the smaller work, as the latter professed to be a mere abridgment, and as it was at that time the intention of the editor to publish a new edition of the larger Horace. This intention being, however, now abandoned, it has been thought advisable to transfer the list of authorities from the larger edition to the present one, the last thirteen works enumerated therein being those from which materials have been more immediately obtained for the improvement of the present volume. The list is as follows:

[blocks in formation]

22. Horatius, ed. Fea, cum addit. Bothii Heidelb., 1821, 9ala

[blocks in formation]

29. Horatius, ed. Bip., cum addit. Gence. Paris, 1828.

30. Horatii Epist. Libri Primi 2da, ed.


Halbers,, 1828.

81 Horatius, ed. Filon

32. Marklandi in Horat. Notre (Closs.

Journ., vol. xiii, p. 126, seqq.).

Paris, 1828.

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The present edition, it will be perceived, is an expurgated one, every thing being thrown out that could offend the most fastidious delicacy. In this respect, the edition here offered to the student will be found decidedly superior to that recently put forth in En. gland by the Rev. Messrs. Girdlestone and Osborne, and in which many passages have been allowed to re main that are utterly at variance with the idea of an expurgated text.

It only remains for the editor to express his sincere obligations to his learned friend, Professor Drisler, for his kind and careful co-operation in bringing out the present work-a co-operation rendered doubly pleasing by the consciousness, on the part of the editor, of its having been the means of rendering the present vol. arme far more useful to the student than it would therwise have been.

Columbia College, March 15th, 1849.


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