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Great Book for Farmers! Let every Farmer in the United States have a Copy !— Let every Farmer in the United States subscribe for a Copy for his Son. It may prove of more value to him than a Horse or even a Farm! Gentlemen owning lands, gardens or Farms are earnestly invited to examine this work. They may deem it a judicious investment to subscribe for the work and present it to their Tenants.





The second year of this work, beginning with the month of July, 1846, commences






Editor of "The Quarterly Journal of Agriculture," and "Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland."



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So particularized as to enable Country Mechanics to construct them from the descriptions.


With notes and observations by JOHN S. SKINNER, Editor.

Of the style, costliness, and volume of this celebrated work, some idea may be formed, when we state that, in the first place, the English edition contains more than 1400 pages, with upward of Six HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS! and costs there $24. This great work is now publishing in the Farmers Library. No farmer who thirsts for knowledge himself, or who aspires to have his son rise to the true post of honor," the dignified station of an intellectual and accomplished agriculturist, can justifiably deny himself such a work as is found in the FARMERS' LIBRARY and Monthly JOURNAL OF AGRICUL


Among the Six Hundred Engravings which will be published in this BOOK OF THE FARM, we have only room to mention the following:

Views of Farmsteads, or Farm buildings; Fine Specimens of Cattle, Horses, Oxen, Swine, Cows Sheep, &c.: Threshing-Machines; Sowing-Machines; Grubbers; The Farm-House; Servants' Houses, Fences; Thorn Hedges; Field Gates; Stone Dykes; Embankments; Draining-an Open Drain in Grass; Covered do.; Planks and Wedges to prevent Sides of Drains falling in, &c. &c. &c. Agricul cultural Implements of all kinds; Various kinds of Plows; Sections and Parts of do.; Shovels; Scoops; Spades; Plumb-Level; Swing-Trees for two Horses, for three Horses; Harrows; HorseHoes; Rollers; Straw-Racks; Water-Troughs; Straw-Cutters; Shepherd's Crook; Snow Plow; Dung Hawk; Scythe and Bend Sned; Bull's Ring; Bullock Holder; Rakes; Form of Haystacks; Corn-Bruisers; Riddles; Rope-Spinners; Ladders; Bean-Drill; Instrument for Topping Turnips; Turnip-Trough for Feeding Sheep; Movable Shed for Sheep; Oil-Cake Breaker; Wheelbarrow : Turnip-Slicer for Sheep; Probang for relieving Cattle of Choking; the Milking-Pail; Curd-Cutter ; Cheese-Vat; Churns; Cheese-Press; &c. &c. Horse-Cart; Liquid-Manure Cart; &c.






Doctor of Civil Law, Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, Member of the Universities of Cambridge and Dublin, and formerly Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in the University of London, &c., &c.

AFTER Dr. Lardner had brought to a close his Public Lectures in the United States, he was prevailed upon by the Publishers to prepare a complete and authentic edition for publication. The general interest which, for a period of several years, these beautiful expositions and commentaries on the Natural Sciences had excited, and which was so universally felt and acknowledged, induced the Publishers to believe that their publication would be most acceptable, as well as permanently beneficial, to the American public. In these published Lectures it will be found that the Author has preserved the same simplicity) of language, perspicuity of reasoning, and felicity of illustration, which rendered the oral discourses so universally popular. While the work was passing through the press, and as the different Numbers or Parts were circulated, the Publishers received from all sections of the Union the most flattering encomiums of the usefulness of the work and of the manner in which it was printed and illustrated. It was gratifying to the Publishers to notice the interest taken in the work by MECHANICS. In one workshop in New-York, Thirty of the Journeymen purchased the Numbers as they were published; and, in) several large establishments, the workmen formed clubs and purchased the work at the wholesale or dozen price. The number of Lithographic and Wood Engravings, large and small, in the whole series, is 380.

The above Work was originally published in Fourteen Numbers or Parts, and sold at the low price of 25 cents per Number. The entire Work is now completed and sold in two large octavo volumes of about 600 pages each, well bound in full cloth, illustrated by 380 Engravings, and sold at $4 50.

District School Libraries can order these Lectures through any of the Booksellers or Country Merchants. Parents, Teachers, Superintendents and Trustees of Common Schools, Farmers, Mechanics, and all, indeed, who have any desire to increase their store of useful information on the subjects embraced in these volumes, are earnestly entreated to examine this work before they throw away) their money on the trash, or even worse than trash, that is now so rapidly inundating the country. From among the numerous Recommendatory Notices which the Publishers received during the progress of the publication, we have only room to give the following:

From D. MEREDITH REESE, A.M., M.D., Superin- who should be encouraged everywhere to read and tendent of Common Schools in the City and County study them, and thus promote their own happiness of New-York. and usefulness. I could wish that they were found in every NEW-YORK, Oct. 20th, 1845. School Library, to which their scientific accuracy Messrs. GREELEY & MCELRATH: Gentlemen: I have examined the Popular Lec- and numerous moral reflections upon the wondertures of Dr. LARDNER, ON SCIENCE AND ART, with ful works of God should be esteemed no small much satisfaction, and take pleasure in expressing commendation. But they should be found in every the opinion that you are doing a valuable service to workshop in the land; for Science and Art are the people of our common country by their publica- here exhibited in their true relations; and the worktion, and especially by issuing them in numbers, ing men of our country would find here both entertainment and instruction, calculated to improve and at so cheap a rate. To popularize Science and cheapen Knowledge, alike their intellects and their morals. must be regarded by the philanthropist as worthy of the mightiest minds of the age, and to be successful in such efforts constitutes their authors public GREELEY & MCELRATH: benefactors. These Lectures of Dr. Lardner are Gentlemen: I cordially and cheerfully concur with) addressed to the common mind, and though tread-my friend, Dr. REESE, in the high appreciation ing upon the loftiest of the Natural Sciences, are so which he places on your edition of Dr. Lardner's plain and practical, so simple and attractive, that Lectures, and have no hesitation in recommending all who can read may readily profit by their instruc- them as a most valuable acquisition to our School tions. The clear and familiar illustrations and dia- Libraries.

grams, which abound in every department, are ekillfully adapted to the apprehension of youth,

D. M. REESE. ALBANY, May 5, 1846.


Dep. Sup't. Common Schools.




EACH number consists of two distinct parts, viz:

I. THE FARMERS' LIBRARY, in which are published continuously the best Standard Works on Agri culture, embracing those which, by their cost or the language in which they are written, would other wise seem beyond the reach of nearly all American Farmers. In this way we give for two or three) dollars the choicest European treatises and researches in Agriculture, costing ten times as much in the original editions, not easily obtained at any price, and virtually out of the reach of men who live by following the plow. The works published in the Library will form a complete series, exploring and exhibiting the whole field of Natural Science. and developing the rich treasures which Chemistry, Geology, and Mechanics have yielded and may yield to lighten the labors and swell the harvests of the intelligent husbandman.

II. THE MONTHLY JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE likewise contains about 50 pages per month, and comprises-1. Foreign: Selections from the higher class of British, French and German periodicals de voted to Agriculture, with extracts from new books which may not be published in the Library, &c., &c 2. American: Editorials, communicated and selected accounts of experiments, improved processes, discoveries in Agriculture, new implements, &c., &c.

Each number of the Library is illustrated by numerous Engravings, printed on type obtained ex pressly for this work, and on good paper-the whole got up as such a work should be.

This Monthly, which is by far the amplest and most comprehensive Agricultural periodical ever es tablished in America, was commenced in the month of July, 1845, and before the close of the first year among its subscribers were embraced many of the most intelligent farmers, professional men, and retired gentlemen in every City and State in the Union. The reprint of standard works, and the variety, elegance and costliness of the Engravings will always render this one of the most useful and interest ing, and, in view of the amount of reading matter, the cheapest Farming periodical in this or any other country. The beautiful work of PETZHOLDT ON AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY was published complete) in the first two numbers of the FARMERS' LIBRARY; and the great work of VON THAER on the PRINCI PLES OF AGRICULTURE, TRANSLATED BY WM. SHAW AND CUTHBERT JOHNSON, WITH A MEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR, &C., was commenced in the number of the LIBRARY for September, 1845, and was completed Sentire, without abridgment, in the June number for 1846. This justly celebrated work is alone worth the Senbscription price of the FARMERS' LIBRARY, and yet it is not more than one-third of what each subscriber to the work receives for his subscription money. This work of Von Thaër was originally written and published in the German language, translated and published in the French, and afterward in the English language. It is pronounced by competent judges to be the most finished Agricultural) Book which has ever been written. The London edition is printed in two octavo volumes, and is sold at about $8 per copy.

Von Thaër was educated for a Physician, the practice of which he relinquished for the more quiet and philosophical pursuits of Agriculture. Soon after he commenced farming he introduced such decided improvements upon his farm that his fame was soon known from one end of Europe to the other. The most celebrated farmers of England, France, Denmark, Germany, &c., courted his friendship, and his writings were everywhere sought and studied.

The First year of this great Agricultural Periodical closed with the June number, 1846. The pages of the Library portion are occupied with Petzholdt's Agricultural Chemistry and Von Thaër's Principles of Agriculture. The contents of the Monthly Journal portion of the work are, of course, too diversified and various to enumerate. It contains, besides, a great variety of Steel, Lithographic, and Wood Engravings; and, together with Petzholdt and Thaër, constitutes two of the largest and handsomest octavo volumes ever printed in the United States, devoted to the literature and pursuits of the agriculturist These two large and beautiful volumes constitute the first year of the work, and may be ob tained bound, from any of the Booksellers. The subscription price is $5 per annum in Numbers.

In reference to the first two volumes of the Far-1 mers' Library and Monthly Journal of Agriculture, now bound up and ready for sale, Hon. N. S. BENTON, Secretary of State of the State of NewYork, writes to the Publishers as follows:SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Department of Com. Schools. ALBANY, July 15th, 1846.

SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Department of Com. Schools
ALBANY, July 9th, 1846.


Gentlemen: I should be happy to see this work (the FARMERS' LIBRARY AND JOURNAL OF AGRICUL TURE) in every School Library in the State; and hope you will be able to afford it at a price which I have examined, with as much care and attention will place it at the command of the rural districts as my time would permit, the first volumes of the especially, where I am sure it cannot fail of being JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND THE FAR- highly appreciated and extensively read. Works of MERS' LIBRARY, published by Messrs. Greeley this description are, in my judgment, eminently & McElrath, New-York, and do not perceive any suitable for our District Libraries; and I know of objections to their introduction into the School Dis-none more useful or practical than the present. It trict Libraries of the State; and I can have no execution is exceedingly creditable to the Publishdoubt this work would prove a valuable acquisitioners; and the vast amount of interesting matter to all, but especially to those where the subject of comprised in its pages cannot fail of insuring it a Agriculture excites the attention of the inhabitants wide circulation among the agricultural community -the bulwark of the State. S. S. RANDALL, Dept. Supt. of Common Schools. GREELEY & MCELRATH, Publishers.

of the District.

Supt. of Common Schools.

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The Farmers' Library and Journal of Agriculture comprises at the present time Lectures to Farmers on Agricultural Chemistry. By ALEXANDER PETZHOLDT. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 108, bound. Price 50 cents.

The taste for Scientific Agriculture in the United States has created a demand for the very informa tion which these Lectures of Petzholdt supply. "The motive," says the author," which has iuduced me to prepare such a Course of Lectures, is the complaint I have heard from many of you, that, being, unacquainted with the elements of Chemistry, you have found it difficult to understand the questions which are at the present moment so warmly discussed, respecting the theory and practice of Agricul ture." This work being less scientific and technical in its language than Liebig's work, is on that account better adapted for the use of general Farmers, and ought to be first read. The author in his Preface says that a perusal of this work with ordinary attention will furnish the necessary amount of chemical information for the purposes of the Farmer."

The Principles of Agriculture. By ALBERT D. THAER. Translated from the German by WM. SHAW and CUTHBERT JOHNSON. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 552. Price, bound, $2 50. This justly celebrated work of Baron Von Thaër is alone worth the full subscription price of the Farmers' Library, and yet it is not more than one-third of what each subscriber to the Work receives yearly for his subscription money. This work of Von Thaër was originally written and published in the German, translated and published in the French and afterward in the English language. It is prononced by competent judges to be the most finished Agricultural Book which has ever been written, and ought to be in the hands of every Farmer in the United States.

Von Thaer was educated for a Physician, the practice of which he relinquished for the more quiet and philosophical pursuits of Agriculture. Soon after he commenced farming he introduced such decided improvements upon his farm that his fame was soon known from one end of Europe to the other.

The Book of the Farm:

Being a Systematic Work on Practical Agriculture, on an entirely New and Original Plan; by HENRY STEPHENS. Illustrated with Portraits of Animals, painted from the life-beautifully engraved; and numerous Wood-Cuts and Plates of Agricutural Implements, so particularized as to enable Country Mechanics to construct them from the descriptions. With copious notes and observations, by JOHN S. SKINNER, Editor. 2 vols. 8vo. bound. $5.

No Farmer who thirsts for knowledge himself, or who aspires to have his son rise to the true post of honor," the dignified station of an intellectual and accomplished Agriculturist, can justifiably deny himself such a work as Stephens's Book of the Farm.

Among the Engravings which are published in this Book, we have room to mention the following: Views of Farmsteads, or Farm Buildings; Fine Specimens of Cattle, Horses, Oxen, Swine, Cows, Sheep, &c.; Threshing-Machines, Sowing-Machines; Grubbers; The-Farm House; Servants' House: Fences; Thorn Hedges; Field Gates; Stone Dykes; Embankments; Draining-an Open Drain in Grass-Covered do.; Planks and Wedges to prevent sides of Drains falling in, &c. &c. &c. AGRICUL TURAL IMPLEMENTS of all kinds; Various Kinds of Plows; Sections and Parts of do.; Shovels: Scoops; Spades; Plumb-Level; Swing-Trees for two Horses, for three Horses, for four Horses; Harrows; Horse-Hoes; Rollers; Straw-Racks; Water-Troughs; Straw-Cutters; Shepherd's Crook; SnowPlow; Dung-Hawk; Sythe and Bend Sned; Bull's Ring; Bullock Holder; Rakes; Form of Haystacks; Corn Bruisers; Riddles; Rope-Spinners: Ladders; Bean-Drill; Instrument for Topping Turnips; Turnip-Trough for Feeding Sheep: Movable Shed for Sheep; Oil-Cake Breaker; Wheelbarrow; TurnipSlicer for Sheep; Probang for relieving Cattle of Choking; the Milk-Pail; Curd-Cutter; Cheese-Vat; Churns; Cheese-Press; &c. &c. Horse-Cart; Liquid-Manure Cart; Single-Horse Tilt-Cart, &c. &c. &c Various Operations connected with the Culture of Grain, &c. &c. &c. Also, Plans for Irrigation; Insects affecting Live Stock and Crops; Harness; Bridle-Bit, Collars, &c. &c. &c. &c.

Every Farmer, and every gentleman who owns land or cultivates a garden, is earnestly requested to examine this Work. The whole work, in two splendid octavo volumes, will be completed on the first day of June, 1848. The first volume is now for sale, neatly bound to correspond with Thaer's Principles of Agriculture.

The Journal of Agriculture

Contains the best current Productions in Promotion of Agricultural Improvement, including the choicest Prize Essays issued in Europe and America, with original contributions from eminent Farmers and Statesmen. Edited by JOHN S. SKINNER. 2 vols. octavo. 600 pages each. Price, bound, $6. The Engravings in these volumes are numerous, and many of them are colored to life and very cost ly. They are not only invaluable to every Farmer, but they will be found extremely interesting and beautiful volumes in every family where reading forms any portion of their occupation or amusement How much better for a Farmer to furnish his son with a work of this kind, which cannot fail to interest him, than to drive him to the tavern or the pot-house by depriving him of such a source of enjoyment Hon. Andrew Stevenson, in speaking of The Farmers' Library and its Editor, remarked: "It has thrown a gleam of interest over Agriculture, by collecting together and bringing to bear on the subject, a mass of information in all its departments, and ought to be in the hands of every man en gaged in agricultural pursuits, and in the library of every college and school in our State. Nor is it, as many suppose, an abstruse or metaphysical work. Its spirit, it is true, is highly philosophical and scientific, but there is scarcely a page of it from which instruction and pleasure may not be derived. 0 its veteran Editor, I need say nothing to many of those present. Long distinguished in the walks of Agriculture, his services in the cause of the Plow have done more real benefit to the country than half the politicians in it; and would to God that every man in his sphere would do his duty to his country with the same zeal and devotion, the same intelligence and the same success, that he has done, in his labors to advance and improve the Agriculture of his country. God speed him success!" GREELEY & MCELRATH, Publishers.

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