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Arrangements for an American commission under John F. Stevens to

investigate and advise regarding operation of the Trans-Siberian

Railway and to control the forwarding of American supplies through

Vladivostok, April 1917-Measures to expedite the delivery of

railway material ordered in the United States-Arrival of the com-

mission at Petrograd, June 12, 1917; arrangements for its work-

Request for a force of American operators and shopmen as in-

structors-Improvements effected by the commission-Designa-

tion of Stevens as adviser for the entire Russian railway system...

Uncertainty as to operations following the November revolution—

Departure from the United States of the Russian Railway Service

Corps under Col. George Emerson, November 18, 1917; arrival at

Vladivostok, December 14, 1917; withdrawal to Nagasaki accom-

panied by Stevens...

Establishment of Stevens and a portion of the Railway Service Corps at

Harbin for service on the Chinese Eastern Railway-Recom-

mendation of Ambassador Francis that railway units be sent to

European Russia for cooperation with Soviet authorities-Emer-

son's departure for Vologda-Transfer of the remainder of the

Railway Service Corps to Vladivostok following seizure by the


Proposal by the American Government to place Stevens in charge

of the Trans-Siberian and Chinese Eastern Railways, August 30,

1918—Objections by the Japanese Government-Approval of

the American plan by France and Italy-Reference of the question

by Great Britain to agreement between the United States and



Baker, Newton D., Secretary of War.

Bakhmeteff, Boris A., head of the Extraordinary Embassy from Russia to the

United States; July 5, 1917, Russian Ambassador at Washington.

Balfour, Arthur J., British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Barclay, Colville A. de R., Counselor of the British Embassy at Washington and Chargé d'Affaires ad interim.

Caldwell, John K., Consul at Vladivostok.

Chaikovski, N. V., President of the Supreme government of the northern region, which was later reorganized as the Provisional government of the northern region.

Chicherin, George V., Acting Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, March 13, 1918; Commissar for Foreign Affairs, May 30, 1918.

Cole, Felix, Vice Consul (later Consul) at Archangel; representative of the War Trade Board.

Cravath, Paul D., advisory counsel of the American mission to the Inter-Allied Council on War Purchases and Finance.

Crosby, Oscar T., delegate of the Treasury to the Inter-Allied Council on War
Purchases and Finance.

Davison, Henry P., Chairman of the War Council of the American Red Cross.
Dye, Alexander V., representative at Christiania of the War Trade Board.
Eliot, Sir Charles N. E., British High Commissioner in Siberia.
Emerson, Col. George H., in charge of the Russian Railway Service Corps.
Felton, Samuel M., Director General of Military Railways, War Department.
Francis, David R., Ambassador in Russia.

Glass, Carter, Secretary of the Treasury, December 16, 1918.

Goto, Shimpei, Baron, from October 1916 to April 1918 Japanese Minister of the Interior; from April to September 1918 Minister of Foreign Affairs. Graves, Maj. Gen. William S., commanding the American forces in Siberia. Hara, Takashi, Japanese Prime Minister, September 30, 1918.

Harris, Ernest L., appointed Consul General May 14, 1918, and detailed to Irkutsk.

Heid, August, representative at Vladivostok of the War Trade Board.

Horvat, Gen. Dmitri L., Russian Governor and General Manager of the Chinese Eastern Railway.

House, Edward Mandell, Special Representative of the United States Government.

Ishii, Kikujiro, Viscount, Japanese Ambassador at Washington.

Jack, Col. Archibald, in charge of the British Railway Mission in Siberia.
Jordan, Sir John Newell, British Minister in China.

Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules, French Ambassador at Washington.
Kerensky, Alexander F., from March to May 1917 Russian Minister of Justice;
from May to September Minister of War and Navy; from July to November
Prime Minister.

Kinoshita, Yoshio, Director of the Traffic Bureau of the Japanese Imperial Government Railways.

Klotz, Louis Lucien, French Minister of Finance.


Knox, Maj. Gen. Alfred W. F., in command of the British forces in Siberia. Kolchak, Admiral Alexander V., Commander of the Black Sea Fleet; after the

November revolution a leader of anti-Soviet forces in Siberia; Minister of
War and Navy of the All-Russian Directory; on November 18, 1918, at
Omsk, proclaimed Supreme Governor of Russia.

Koo, Vi Kyuin Wellington, Chinese Minister at Washington.
Kudashev, N. A., Russian Imperial Minister in China.

Lansing, Robert, Secretary of State.

Laughlin, Irwin B., Counselor of Embassy in Great Britain and Chargé


Law, A. Bonar, British Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Lenin, N. (Vladimir Ulyanov), President of the Soviet of People's Commissars, November 8, 1917.

Lindley, Francis O., British Commissioner in Russia.

Lockhart, Robert H. B., British Special Representative in Russia.

McAdoo, William Gibbs, Secretary of the Treasury.

McCormick, Vance C., Chairman, War Trade Board.

MacMurray, John Van A., Chargé d'Affaires in China, June 30 to October 11, 1918.

Masaryk, Thomas G., President of the Czecho-Slovak National Council.

Matsudaira, Tsuneo, in charge of diplomatic affairs of the Japanese expedition in Siberia, 1918-1919.

Maynard, Brig. Gen. (later Maj. Gen.) Charles C. M., of the British Army, in command of the Allied forces at Murmansk.

Michael Alexandrovich, Grand Duke, younger brother of Nicholas II.
Milyukov, Paul N., from March to May 1917 Russian Minister of Foreign

Mirbach, Wilhelm, Count von, German Commissioner in Russia; April 26, 1918,
German Ambassador to the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic.
Morris, Ira N., Minister in Sweden.

Morris, Roland S., Ambassador in Japan.

Moser, Charles K., Consul at Harbin.

Motono, Ichiro, Viscount, from November 1916 to April 1918 Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Nekrasov, N. V., Minister of Ways of Communication in the cabinets of Prince Lvov; Assistant Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in the first cabinet of Kerensky.

Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia.

Onou, C., Counselor of the Russian Embassy and Chargé d'Affaires at Washington.

Otani, Gen. Kikuzo, of the Japanese Army, senior officer of the Allied forces in Siberia.

Owen, William H., representative at Stockholm of the War Trade Board.

Page, Walter Hines, Ambassador in Great Britain.

Pichon, Stephen, French Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Polk, Frank Lyon, Counselor for the Department of State.

Poole, DeWitt C., Consul at Moscow; in charge of the Consulate General at Moscow; later detailed to Archangel as Special Assistant to the Ambassador with the diplomatic rank of Counselor of Embassy.

Poole, Maj. Gen. Frederick C., commanding the British forces in north Russia. Reading, Earl of (Rufus Daniel Isaacs), British High Commissioner and Ambassador on Special Mission to the United States.

Reinsch, Paul S., Minister in China.

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