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by the courteous and fraternal welcome extended to us on our visit by R: E: C: Geo. O. Tyler and the other Companions of Three Rivers."

"Shawenegam Chapter has started with favorable and promising prospects, and if the enthusiastic zeal of the present Officers and Members may be taken as a criterion, the meetings cannot fail to be otherwise than pleasant and profitable to those having connection with them."

"Owing, no doubt, to the depressed state of business, with other causes, the prosperity anticipated for Stadacona Chapter in my last Annual Report has not been secured; but the Officers and Members hope that this year may prove successful in the way of increased Members and renewed devotion to the interests of the Chapter. This Chapter has to mourn an almost irreparable loss in the death of V: E: C: James Bowen, Jr., who was called from labor to rest June 2, 1884. I respectfully suggest that a page of our printed Proceedings be dedicated to his memory."

"I granted a Dispensation to Stadacona Chapter to attend a Church service on St. John the Evangelist's Day which was held in Trinity Church, at which a very able and eloquent discourse was delivered by the Rev. Bro: R. Ker, of Albion Lodge."

"I had the pleasure of installing at the Dec. Convocation of Stadacona Chapter V E: C: H. Griffith as G: J: S: of this G: C:, and on St. John's Day, assisted by R: E: Comps: Jas. Dunbar and Edson Fitch, I installed the Principals and other officers of Stadacona Chapter." He expressed the hope that his successor in office would be able to make a more favorable report at the next Annual Convocation of G: C:, and returned "thanks to the Companions for their uniform kindness and attention on every occasion on which he had the pleasure of meeting them in his capacity of District Superintendent."

Reference of Reports." On motion of R: E: C: W. H. Whyte, seconded by R: E: C: Jos. Martin, the G: Z: appointed E: Comps: H. Russell, Geo. W. Lovejoy and M. B. Schofield a Special Committee on the Reports of the G: Superintendents."

Report of G: S: E:-R: E: C: David Seath concisely reported: "The Proceedings of the last Annual Convocation have been printed and distributed."

"Three Pamphlets concerning the difficulty with the G: L: of M: M: M: of England and Wales, etc, have been issued, the aggregate number being 1500, which, with the Proceedings, makes 2,250 copies issued from the office during the year. The Proceedings of 37 Sister G: Chapters were received and distributed. I was present at the organization of Shawenegam Chapter, Three Rivers, in March last, and also at the installation of the 2nd and 3rd Principals in October last."

"Commissions have been received and forwarded to the Companions named by the G: Z:, who have been appointed G: Representatives near this G C during the past year; and Commissions have been issued to the G: Representatives who have been appointed by the G: Z: at Sister G : Bodies in the U. S."


"Returns have been received from all the Chapters but one, and I beg to refer them to the Committee on this report for their remarks thereon." "The amount received for dues and fees is $371.75, which has been paid over to the G: Treasurer. The aggregate of arrears is $198.00. The number of Subordinate Chapters is 10; exaltations, 51; and the total Membership, 475."

"Three hundred and eighteen communications have been received and replied to during my term of office."

"I have received valuable assistance from several Companions in carrying out the duties of my office, to whom I now tender my sincere thanks. The whole respectfully submitted."

Reference of Report.-"On motion by R: E: C: H. E. Channell, seconded by R: E: Ĉ: Chas. Knowles, the G: Z: appointed R: E:C: Channell, V: E: C: H. Griffith and E: C: J. F. Walker a Special Committee to consider and report on the foregoing report of the G:S: E:"

Report of G: Treasurer.-R: E:C: Albert D. Nelson, G: Treas., reported: "Balance from General Fund last year, $305.14; interest on Bank deposit, $3.49; amount received from G: S: E:, $371.75; total, $680.38. Disbursements, as per accompanying vouchers, $473.22; balance carried forward, $207.16."

Benevolent Fund." Balance brought forward, $500.00; Interest on Bank deposit, $16.00; total, $516.00. E. & O. E." Audited and found correct by M: E:C: I. H. Stearns and R: E: C: Rev. H. W. Nye.

Report on Constitution.-"On Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence, etc., the following amendment to the Constitution was adopted: "The RE: the Grand Superintendents of Districts shall be nominated by the Chapters and Past Principals of each District present at the Annual Convocation, by ballot, as provided in Sec. 4, Art. 5, said nomination subject to the confirmation of the G: Z:"

Report on Foreign Correspondence.-R: E: Comps: A. F. Simpson, Will. H. Whyte and J. Massie, Jr., the Committee therefor, presented their Report reviewing the Annual Proceedings of forty Sister G : Chapters; RE: Comps: Simpson and Whyte having written 14 each, and R: E:C: Massie, 12. In an appendix are given the Declarations and Resolutions of 28 Sister G Chapters at home and abroad, in support of Quebec, in resisting the invasion of her territory by the G: Mark Lodge of England.



It was moved by M: E: C: Stearns, seconded by R: E: C: Edson Fitch, and voted unanimously. That the hearty thanks of the GC be and are hereby tendered to the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, and that their report be received and printed with the Proceedings."

Jurisprudence.-"The Committee on Jurisprudence, Appeals, etc., made two reports: the one affirming the obligatory payment of a fee of $5.00 for a Dispensation to instal a 2nd Principal, who had not been installed within the time specified by the Constitution; and the second, that every Chapter must remit to the G: S: E:, in their semi-annual returns, all fees received for Certificates by the Chapter, whether such certificates be not applied for, and be not issued by the G: S: E:, as such fees are collected by the Chapter, in trust for the G: C: The said reports were received and adopted."

Annual Election.-"The G: Z: appointed R: E: Comps: Knowles and Channell and E: C: Geo. O. Tyler scrutineers of the ballot.

Grand Officers, 1885-1886.-" M: E: C: John P. Noyes, G: Z :, R: E: C: Edson Fitch, G: H:, R: E: C: Jos. Martin, G: J:, R: E:C: A. G. Adams, G: Supt., Montreal District., R: E:C: Rev. H. W. Nye, G: Supt., E. T. Dist., R: E: C: Geo. O. Tyler, G: Supt., Stadacona Dist., R: E: C Albert D. Nelson, G: Treas., R: E: C: David Seath, G: S: E:, R: E: C: Thomas Nichol, M.D., G: S: N:, R: E: C: John Massie, Jr., G: PS, and V: E: C: Benjamin Baker, G: Janitor."

Grand Officers appointed by the G: Z:-"V: E:C: H. Russell, M.D., G: A: S:, V: E:C: R. W. Williams, G: J: S:, V: E: C: H. S. GA: Couper, G: Pur., and V: E: Comps: J. K. Whyte, E. Lathrop and Fred. Massey, G: Stewards."

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Grand Committees." Jurisprudence, Grievances and Appeals: M: E: C: Edgar, R: E: C: Dunbar and V: E: C: D. Darby. Foreign Relations and Correspondence: R: E: C: W. H. Whyte, V: E: C: A. F. Simpson, and E: C: C. A. Humphrey. Finances and Benevolence: M: E: C: Stearns and R: E: Comps: Knowles and Channell. Credentials: V: E: C: H. Griffith and E: Comps : C. A. Hill and Geo. W. Lovejoy, M.D. Special Committee on Ritual: M: E: Comps: Robinson and Stearns, and RE: Comps: Thomas, Le Mesurier, Schofield, Whyte and Willis."

Vote of Thanks.-"On motion by E: C: Wm. Hill, seconded by E: C: C. A. Humphrey, a vote of thanks was tendered to the scrutineers of the ballot for their services."

Report on Address of the G: Z:-The Special Committee therefor presented a well considered report, carefully reviewing the various subjects submitted by the M: E: First Principal, in his Annual Address to the GC:, echoing his sentiments, and recommending the endorsation of the opinions therein set forth and the confirmation of his official acts. Inter alia, they said:

"Your Committee also think that concurrent action between the G: L: and the G: C, in re the difficulties with England, would have been advisable, but they do not desire to express any disapproval of the action taken by the M: W: the G: M: of the G: L: of Quebec, in his decision to act alone, inasmuch as he was probably actuated by considerations which appeared to him entirely satisfactory; and your Committee would concur in the recommendation that the G: Z: be authorized to issue an Edict of non-intercourse against the G: C: of England, for reasons already expressed, whenever it may be deemed necessary and proper."


The Committee sincerely regret the determination of the G: Z to retire at this Convocation from the office which he has so worthily and efficiently held during the past two years to the satisfaction and advantage of the Craft and with credit to himself; and they venture the hope that his ripe experience and wise counsel will not be lost to the Order in the years to come."

"On motion by M: E: C: Graham, seconded by V: E: C: Thos. Nichol, M.D., the foregoing report was received and adopted."

The other Standing and Special Committees having presented their several reports, which were favorably received, and adopted by the G: C:

Installation.-The newly elected Grand Officers present having been obligated and invested by M: E: C: Edgar, they were duly proclaimed and homaged.

Honorariums Voted.-"It was moved by M: E: C: Frank Edgar, seconded by M: E: C: John P. Noyes, and voted with acclamation: That in view of the extraordinary expenses incurred by the M: E: C: H. L. Robinson, in the performance of his duties as G: Z:, the G: C: request his acceptance of the sum of one hundred dollars of the funds in the hands of the G: Treasurer, to reimburse him to some extent for the expenditure he has incurred."


Also, that the sum of one hundred dollars be voted to the G: S: E:, as a slight return for his services during the past year."

The customary votes of thanks were passed to the several Railway Companies, to the Companions of Royal Albert Chapter and the Brethren of Royal Albert Lodge for favors received.

The labors of the Eighth Annual Convocation being ended, the G: C: was closed in ample form, according to ancient custom.

The appendix containing the correspondence with and anent the G:

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