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the same demand, that you freely discover any impediment you are aware of."

The Prelate then addressed the Queen thus

"Senora Donna Isabella II. of Bourbon, Catholic Queen of Spain, do you wish for your spouse and husband, as the Holy Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman Church directs, Don Francisco d'Assis Maria de Bourbon, Infante of Spain?"

The Queen kissed her mother's hand; and being again asked the same question by the Bishop, replied, "Yes, I wish." The Prelate then said

"Does your Majesty give your self as spouse and wife to his Serene Highness Don Francisco d'Assis Maria de Bourbon?" The Queen answered, "I do."

A similar form was gone through in the case of the Infanta and the Duc de Montpensier. In the evening an illumination took place at Madrid, but, if the accounts which reached England are correct, this was with a few exceptions confined to official personages and the higher nobility. The hotel of the Neapolitan Minister, Prince Carini, was, as might be expected, destitute of any sign of rejoicing, and at first some surprise was excited by the appearance of lights in the balconies of the British Embassy; but this was explained, as done in honour of the Queen's birthday, without reference to the Royal marriages.

On the same day a Gazette appeared creating the Infante Don Francisco d'Assis a Captain General in the army; and on the 13th the same organ announced that he was to enjoy the honorary title of "King," and to be styled

"His Majesty." This was conformable to precedent according to the statement contained in a report made to the Queen by Senora Isturitz and his colleagues, and signed by them. It was as follows:

"The constitution of the monarchy directs that the husband of your Majesty shall take no part in the government of the kingdom; but that regulation does not prevent the person selected by your Majesty as your august spouse from enjoying the honours which are, as it were, annexed to the exalted position to which your Majesty has deigned to raise him, and which the reigning Queens of Spain have invariably conferred on their consorts. Your Majesty is, besides, empowered by the constitution to grant honours and distinctions of all kinds."

Nor were the important services rendered by M. Bresson, the French Ambassador, forgotten on the occasion. In consequence of "the part which he had taken in the marriage of her very beloved sister Donna Luisa Fernanda as Plenipotentiary," the Queen granted to his infant son "her godson," the rank of Grandee of Spain, of the first class, with the title of Duc de Santa Isabel.

The Duc and Duchesse de Montpensier set out on their journey to Paris, on the 22nd of October, and the ambition of Louis Philippe was gratified by his reception of a daughter-in-law in a Princess of the Spanish House of Bourbon, despite the ominous threats of opposition which had circulated through Europe, and although the prize, which his policy had won, was purchased by the loss, for a time at least, of the friendship of Great Britain.

About the same time an amnesty was published as to political of fenders. It applied to all such as had actually been banished or had legal proceedings hanging over them, or had been sentenced. The favour was limited, however, among the military, to those holding rank from that of Colonel downwards; among the civilians, to the chiefs of provinces and all other employés of inferior rank; and, among private individuals, to those who had not been members of Revolutionary Juntas, or filled the offices of Political Chief, Intendant, Commandant General, or those in similar positions. Others not comprised in these classes were to be admitted to the benefit of the amnesty after special consideration of each case. Followers of Don Carlos were required to take the oath of fidelity.

Another decree was also issued, proclaiming pardon of offences, not political, committed, either in Spain or her colonies, prior to the date of the decree; but the list of excepted cases of crimes which were not to have the benefit of this pardon was so numerous as practically to render the decree almost inoperative. Not long afterwards the Cortes were dissolved, and a general election took place.

At the end of November, the Isturitz Cabinet suddenly resigned, and after the interval of a few hours was again reinstated in office. The short facts were these: -Senor Pacheco, who held the post of Fiscal to the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, and who was at the head of the Conservative opposition, asked permission to absent himself for a short time from his official duties that he might superintend his election as Deputy. His request was refused by the

Ministry, upon which he tendered his resignation. This was accepted, but the Queen refused to receive it, and Senor Isturitz and his colleagues resigned in a body on the 29th of November. Next day the Queen applied to the Marquis de Viluma to form a Ministry, but he was unable to succeed, and the consequence was that Senor Isturitz was recalled-the resignation of Senor Pacheco was accepted, and the former Ministers resumed their places.

The new Session of the Cortes was opened by the Queen in person, on the last day of the year, when Her Majesty delivered the following Speech:

"Gentlemen, Senators, and Deputies,

"Nothing causes me more lively satisfaction than to find myself again in the midst of you, and again to give myself over to the hope that your loyalty and your every effort will be consecrated to cement the union of the Throne with the institutions of the country, and to continue the work of the prosperity of Spain.

"I have contracted a marriage with my august cousin, Don Francisco d'Assis Maria de Bourbon, agreeably to my intention announced to the preceding Cortes. I trust that Heaven will bless this union, and that you, also, gentlemen, will unite your prayers with mine to Almighty God. The marriage of my beloved sister has also taken place in the way which has been already explained to the Cortes.

"In our relations with Foreign Powers no change has taken place worthy of notice.

"Domestic tranquillity, that first need of nations, is strengthen

ing itself, in spite of attempts which have been made to disturb it. I am confident that all legitimate opinions, uniting themselves on the vast and free field of our institutions, will leave without support the factions hostile to the public peace, and will contribute to consolidate the constitutional Government, and to efface all traces of the troubles which have so long agitated the nation.

"In order to attain that important end, I have granted to persons implicated in those troubles as large an amnesty as the welfare of the State permits. It is the welfare of the State which I shall consult at some future time, as to the question of extending this amnesty to those who, for weighty reasons, have been hitherto excluded from it.


'It is a great satisfaction to me to be able to announce to you that, thanks to the peace and the reforms to which former Cortes have given their support, the national prosperity is making notable advances; my efforts will, before all things, tend to extend and augment those advances, and I reckon on your co-operation and assistance in this matter.

"The different branches of the administration of the State have experienced great ameliorations; these are owing to the regularity introduced in the payment of expenses in the various offices to the preservation of the public peace, and to the harmony and order which the laws recently established have introduced into the working of the administration.

"In the organization of the Army some reforms, imperatively demanded by the public good, have been carried out. These reforms have brought about a considerable

economy in the expenditure, and it is great subject of satisfaction to me that their introduction has not infringed upon vested rights, nor caused any prejudice to the classes who compose this interesting portion of the nation. In the matter of discipline and soldierly behaviour the condition of the troops both by sea and land could not be more satisfactory, and the fidelity of all ranks is a sure guarantee that the sacred trust reposed to their care will be protected from all dangers.

"My solicitude, and that of my Government, has not been less with respect to the Navy. For the first time since many years the expenses of all establishments have been covered; considerable works and repairs have been completed in our arsenals; an impulse has been given to naval construction, as well in the yards of the State as in those of private individuals, so that the vessels of our fleet have been available for all the purposes of the State, as well as for the protection of our mercantile marine, the rapid increase of which gives rise to the fondest hopes.

"The amount of the revenue is increasing, and there is ground for hope that it will be still more considerable when the projected alterations of the tariff have been put in force; my Government will notify these changes to you in a proper form.

"Some alterations have at the same time been introduced in the subject of taxes, and the chief defects which disfigure that system will disappear as soon as all the data, which are now being sought for with great care, have been collected, with a view to a just and equal apportionment of the contributions.

"My Government will present

you with the budget of receipts and expenses for the year 1847. You will there see the ameliorations and economies which it has been possible to make. I regret that past troubles, and the very reforms themselves, which must afterwards produce good results, do not permit of my making at present all the reductions which I desire.

"It has been equally impossible for my Government to arrive at an arrangement of the public debt in virtue of the authority given by me for that purpose. However, as I have a lively desire to satisfy the just demands of the state creditors, as well domestic as foreign, the measures which may appear most proper for arriving at this end will be proposed to you at a fitting time.

"Agreeably to the law of the 9th of June, 1845, a loan of 200,000,000 reals (50,000,000 f.) has been contracted, destined to making new roads; the works have partly commenced on several lines, forming parts of the vast plan of internal communication which my Government proposes to carry out.

"Besides the budget other measures demanded by the public weal will be proposed to you.

"A fixed and fitting endowment

for religious purposes and the clergy is a positive and urgent need, as essential to the welfare of religion as it is for that of the State. My Government will present you shortly with a law on this important matter.

"Besides these, other laws will be proposed in the course of this Session; some with a view to protect the increase of wealth by curbing the abuses which accompany the first impulse of its development, others with a view to introduce ameliorations in the different branches of the Administration; and others, finally, with a view to regulate the arrangements in force relative to the press and to exceptional professions.

"It is thus, Gentlemen, Senators, and Deputies, with the aid of Providence, and while the efforts of all are directed with courage and firmness in the pursuit of the same aim, that the ameliorations introduced in a political, economical, and administrative point of view will be consolidated, that fresh ones will be introduced, and that, after so much agitation, peace, order, and prosperity will be restored to this nation-blessings to which her great qualities and her many virtues give her so great a claim."


PORTUGAL.-Opening of the Session of the Cortes by a Royal SpeechOutbreak of Insurrection in the province of the Upper Minho-José Cabral, Minister of Justice, quits Oporto for Lisbon-Resignation of the Cabral Ministry-Castro and José Cabral take refuge on board a French man-of-war, and afterwards sail to Cadiz-Dissolution of the Cortes-Suspension of Cash Payments by the Bank of Lisbon-Formation of the Palmella Cabinet-Popular appointments made by the Ministry-Abrupt dismissal of the Duke de Palmella and his Colleagues-New Ministry formed by the Marquis de Saldanha-Com. mencement of Civil War in Portugal-Revolutionary Leaders-Conflicts between the Insurgents and Queen's Troops-Defeat of the Rebel Leader Sà da Bandiera near Chaves-Valença taken from the Rebels-Das Antas besieged in Santarem by the Marquis Saldanha-The Duke de Palmella quits Lisbon, and goes on board an English man-of-war.

BELGIUM.-New Ministry.

PAPAL STATES.-Death of Pope Gregory XVI.-Candidates for the vacant See-Election of Cardinal Mastei, who assumes the title of Pope Pius IX.-Sketch of his Life-Liberal Measures of the new Pope-Popular demonstrations of joy at his Elevation-Cardinal Gozzi appointed Secretary of State-New Commercial Tariff. GREECE. Opening of the Greek Chambers by King Otho-Royal Speech-Addresses voted in the two Houses-Extraordinary Statement made by the Minister of Finance-Opening of the Third Session of the Greek Parliament, and Speech from the Throne.

POLAND.-Insurrection in Silesia-Suppression by the three "Protecting Powers"-Annexation of the Republic of Cracow to Austria-Edict of the Emperor-Cracow taken possession of by Count Castiglione and Count Maurice de Deyme in the name of the Austrian Government— Manifesto by Count Castiglione.

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"Noble Peers of the RealmGentlemen of the Deputies of the Portuguese Nation,

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