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announces the determination of the Government to abandon the Measure

-Distress in Ireland occasioned by the recurring failure of the Potato

Crop Lord John Russell proposes a measure for the employment of

the population in Public Works-Explanation of the Ministerial Scheme

in detail Remarks of Mr. D. Browne, Mr. Williams, Mr. Labouchere,

the Earl of Lincoln, and other Members-The Public Works Bill passes

the Commons, and is introduced in the House of Lords by the Marquis

of Lansdowne-Speeches of Lord Monteagle, the Earl of Wicklow, and

other Peers-Declaration of Lord Lansdowne respecting out-door relief-

Further discussions in Parliament respecting the impending scarcity in

Ireland-Speeches of the Earls of Roden and Clarendon, and of Mr. Dillon

Browne and Mr. Labouchere-Flogging in the Army and Military Reform

-Tendency of public opinion on this subject-Captain Layard moves an

Address to the Crown praying for an Inquiry, with a view to limiting the

period of enlistment - His Speech on moving the Address-Speeches

of Mr. Fox Maule and other Members-The Motion is postponed-An

order is issued from the Commander-in-Chief limiting the Sentences of

Courts Martial to fifty lashes - Lord John Russell makes a statement

upon the subject Dr. Bowring moves a Resolution in favour of the

total abolition of flogging-Speeches of Captain Layard, Mr. B. Osborne,

Colonel Peel, Colonel Reid, Mr. Wakley, Mr. Fox Maule, and other Mem-

bers-Dr. Bowring's Motion is rejected by a large majority-Statement of

the Duke of Wellington in the House of Lords on the subject of the recent

order-Occupation of Cracow by the Austrian Government-Lord Beau-

mont moves for papers relating thereto-Speeches of the Marquis of Lans-

downe, Lord Kinnaird, and the Duke of Wellington-Mr. Hume makes a

similar Motion in the House of Commons-Speeches of Mr. Milnes and

of Lord Palmerston-Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor-Earl Powis brings

in a Bill to rescind the proposed union-Debate on the Second Reading

-Earl Grey and the Marquis of Lansdowne oppose the Bill, which is sup-

ported by the Bishops of Bangor and Oxford, and other Peers-The Bill

is carried, but withdrawn in the House of Commons by Lord Clive, upon

a statement of the intention of Government - Debates on Poor Law

topics-Law of Settlement altered-The New Local Courts Bill-Parlia-

ment is prorogued by Commission on the 28th of August-The Royal

Speech-Reflections on the Session of 1846.

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SPAIN. Importance of the Question of the Queen's Marriage-Address of

the Senate in answer to the Royal Speech-Dissent of the Duke de Frias

in the Senate, and Senor Seijas Lozano in the Congress from their Col-

leagues Differences between the Spanish Government and the Papal See

-Debate on the separate Address moved in the Chamber of Deputies by

Senor Seijas-Speeches of Senor Seijas and General Narvaez-Rejection

of the separate Address-Discussion on the Address proposed by the

Committee-Speeches of Senor Calderon Collantes, Senor Pidal, Senor

Galiano, Senor Martinez de la Rosa, and Senor Salamanca-Address voted

in the Congress-Don Enrique, a Candidate for the Queen's hand-State-

ments by General Narvaez as to the Queen's Marriage-Manifesto by Don

Enrique, who is compelled to quit Spain-Weakness of the Ministry and

resignation of General Narvaez- Unsuccessful attempts to form a Cabinet

-Constitution of the Miraflores Ministry-Ministerial explanations in the

two Houses-Conduct of General Narvaez-Overthrow of the Miraflores

Cabinet-Narvaez forms a new Ministry-Despotic intentions of the Go-

vernment-Manifesto issued by it-Decree against the Liberty of the Press

-Ministerial difficulties, and resignation of General Narvaez-Formation

of the Isturitz Cabinet-Narvaez is obliged to leave Spain-Insurrection

in Galicia-Question of the Royal Marriages, and views of the English

and French Cabinets-Proclamations issued by the Count de Montemolin-

Protest by Don Enrique against the Queen's Marriage-Notification of the

intended Royal Marriages to the Spanish Chambers-Arrival of the Duc

de Montpensier at Madrid-His reception in Spain-Solemnization of the

Marriage of the Queen and of her sister, the Infanta, on the same day-

Don Francisco de Assis, the Queen's husband, elevated to the titular

dignity of King-Infant son of the French Ambassador created a Grandee

of Spain-Departure of the Duc and Duchesse de Montpensier for Paris-

Amnesty published by the Government-Dissolution of the Cortes and

General Election-Sudden resignation of the Isturitz Cabinet-It again

resumes office-Opening of the New Cortes, and Speech from the


break of Insurrection in the province of the Upper Minho-José Cabral,

Minister of Justice, quits Oporto for Lisbon-Resignation of the Cabral

Ministry-Castro and José Cabral take refuge on board a French man-of-

war, and afterwards sail to Cadiz-Dissolution of the Cortes-Suspension

of the Cash Payments by the Bank of Lisbon-Formation of the Palmella

Cabinet Popular appointments made by the Ministry-Abrupt dismissal

of the Duke de Palmella and his Colleagues-New Ministry formed by

the Marquis de Saldanha—Commencement of Civil War in Portugal-

Revolutionary Leaders-Conflicts between the Insurgents and Queen's

Troops-Defeat of the Rebel Leader Sà da Bandiera near Chaves-

Valença taken from the Rebels-Das Antas besieged in Santarem, by the

Marquis Saldanha-The Duke de Palmella quits Lisbon, and goes on

board an English man-of-war. BELGIUM.-New Ministry. PAPAL STATES.—

Death of Pope Gregory XVI.-Candidates for the vacant See-Election

of Cardinal Mastei, who assumes the title of Pope Pius IX.-Sketch

of his Life-Liberal Measures of the New Pope-Popular demonstrations

of joy at his Election-Cardinal Gizzi appointed Secretary of State-New

Commercial Tariff. GREECE.-Opening of the Greek Chambers by King

Otho-Royal Speech-Addresses voted in the two Houses-Extraordinary

Statement made by the Minister of Finance-Opening of the Third

Session of the Greek Parliament, and Speech from the Throne. POLAND.—

Insurrection in Silesia-Suppression by the three "Protecting Powers"-

Annexation of the Republic of Cracow to Austria-Edict of the Emperor-

Cracow taken possession of by Count Castiglione and Count Maurice de

Deyme in the name of the Austrian Government-Manifesto by Count



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Mexico History of the Annexation of Texas to the States of the Union-

Causes which led to the declaration of war against Mexico-Narrative of

the successes of the American army-Question of letters of marque and

reprisal issued by the Mexican Government-Spanish privateers to be

treated as pirates-Report of the Secretary of the Treasury-Proposed

Loan-New Tariff Bill-Question of Protection Duties-Act for the

"better organization of the Treasury"-Government of the Oregon

territory-Report of the Secretary of the Navy-Report of the Postmaster

General. MEXICO.-Revolution and overthrow of General Herrera-

General Paredes becomes President of the Republic-Refusal of the

Mexican Government to receive the American Minister-The latter de-

mands his passport-War between Mexico and the United States-Santa

Anna-General Taylor advances against Matamoras-Battles of Pala

Alto, and Resaca de la Palma-Matamoras evacuated by the Mexican

troops under General Arista- Blockade of the Mexican coast by the

American fleet-Advance of the American forces into the Interior-

Appearance of Santa Anna in Mexico-Revolution and overthrow of

General Paredes-Manifesto by Santa Anna-Capture of the city of

Monterey by the American army under General Taylor-Surrender of

Tampico. THE BRAZILS.-Opening of the Legislative Chambers, and

Speech of the Emperor. RIO DE LA PLATA.-Despatch from M. Guizot

detailing grounds for English and French interference in the war against

Monte Video-Combined operations of English and French against

General Rosas, and gallant action in forcing the passage of the river

Parana in November 1845-Continuance of the siege of Monte Video [330

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