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4; the railway mania, its height, 10;
its fall, 53; list of subscribers to rail-
ways under 2,000Z., 11; rating of Prince
Albert's farm, 12; extraordinary mor-
tality in a family, 13; fees to barristers'
clerks, judgment of Lord Langdale,
15; antiquities under Covent-garden
market, 16; siege operations at Chat-
ham, 17; fatal affray with poachers at
Saltram, 18; fluctuations of the funds,
22; the electrical girl, 23; railway
deposits, 30; Westminster election, 35';
South Notts' election, 35; Prince Wal-
demar of Prussia at Ferozeshah, 38;
action by Belany, at Newcastle, 39;
Nottingham election, 41; Bridport
election, 45; our wooden walls, the
Bellerophon and the Calcutta, 47;
General Tom Thumb, 30; Sir Harry
Smith, sketch of the services of, 52;
fanaticism, "the unknown tongues,'
54; marriage in Hanover, 55; Oxford
and Cambridge boat race, 58; inge-
nious smuggling, 59; Mr. Haydon's
pictures, 59; prayer of thanksgiving
for the victories in India, 61; eruptions
of Mount Hecla, 69; Falkirk election,
69; clandestine marriage of Lady
Anna Grenville, 71; shocking tragedy
at Battersea Bridge, 72; Royal Aca-
demy exhibition, 73; sale of the Duval
collection of pictures, 76; escape of
Prince Louis Napoleon from Ham, 79;
Epsom races, 80; the Saltmarshe gal-
lery of pictures, 83; visit of Ibrahim
Pasha, 84; Ascot races, 86; sale of
the Upcott manuscripts, 90; thunder
storms, 97; resignation of Sir Robert
Peel, 98; the Oregon settlement, 98;
grand review in Hyde Park, 99; the
re-elections, 103; extraordinary flight
of butterflies, 105; flogging in the
army, 105; troop ship in a hurricane,
113; christening of the infant princess,
113; attempt of Henri to assassinate
the King of the French, 113; Good-
wood races, 113; Prince Albert's visit
to Liverpool, 114; great hail storm in
London, immense damage, 114; de-
structive flood at Bristol, 117; decay
of Westminster Bridge, 118; earth-
quakes at Leghorn, 119; inauguration
of the Scott monument, 119; union of
the Rhine and the Danube by the
Ludwig's Canal, 128; progress of com-
mercial reform among foreign states,
132; address to Sir R. Peel from
Elbing, 133; fatal poaching affray near
Newton Abbott, 135; Doncaster races,
138; election of Lord Mayor, 144;


the Wellington statue placed on the
arch at Hyde Park Corner, 144; form
of prayer in this time of scarcity, 145;
Borneo, attack on the pirates, 146;
hurricane at the Havannah, 154; ex-
traordinary occurrence in a railway
carriage, 155; the Caucasus, defeat of
the Russians, 160; disastrous storms,
160; gallant rescue of the crew of a
French ship, 161; model dwelling for
the working classes, 165; violent gales,
several wrecks, 177; railway compen-
sation, 5001. for a broken leg, 179; a
runaway locomotive, 179; extraordi-
nary affair at Nottingham, a dead child
sent in a basket, 181; experiments
with Captain Warner's long range, 182;
the proctors of Cambridge, 184; the
financial crisis of 1839, the Bank of
England and the Bank of France, 186;
hurricane at Genoa, 189; the sub-
marine telegraph at Portsmouth, 191;
the weather, several persons frozen
to death, 193; law of copyright, the
Encyclopædia Britannica, 196; use
of æther in surgery, 199; court-mar-
tial, loss of H. M. S. Osprey, 200;
the weather, 202; discovery of gun
cotton, 203

Monte Video-Gallant action between
the English and the French squadron,
and Rosas' batteries, 21; continuance
of the blockade by the Buenos Ayreans,
intervention of the English and French
Governments, [352]; mediation fails,
gallant action between the batteries of
Rosas and the combined squadron at
Puente Obligado, [353]; account of
the action with the batteries, 21
Mortality, table of, 423

Murders-Of Helen Stark, and suicide of
the murderer, 31; of James Bostock,
in Drury Lane, 32; of his children, by
M. Horeau, and suicide, 34; of Mr.
Carrick, at Ennis, 50; in Drury Lane,
66; shocking tragedy at Battersea
Bridge, 72; poisonings at Runcorn,
75; wholesale poisonings in Norfolk,
77; murder and suicide in Widegate
Street, Whitechapel, 83; of a police-
man, at Dagenham, 101; at the Guild-
hall Coffee House, 120; at Chester-
field, 136; at Little Benton, 151; of
his wife and servant, by Mr. O'Grady,
in Limerick, 167; shocking murder
and suicide in the Thames, 195

NEW ZEALAND - General dissatisfaction
caused by the government of Captain
Fitzroy, [386]; he is displaced and

New Zealand-continued.

succeeded by Captain Grey, his speech
to the Legislative Council, [387];
operations against the native rebel
chiefs, singular capture of Heki's pah,
[389]; the natives submit, [390]
New Zealand, the war in; capture of
Heki's pah, 87

NOVA SCOTIA-Speech of Lord Falk-
land on opening the Legislative Ses-
sion, [381]; and at its close, [382]

Gregory XVI., election of Cardinal
Mastei Ferretti (Pius IX.), [298]; the
new Pope proclaims an amnesty for
political offenders, [299]; great popu-
larity of the new Pontiff, [299]
PARLIAMENT -Sudden break up of Sir
R. Peel's Government; its causes, the
failure of the potato crop, and conse-
quent removal of the Corn Laws, [2];
Lord John Russell receives Her Ma-
jesty's command to form a Ministry,
but fails, and Sir R. Peel resumes of-
fice as an opponent of the Corn Laws,
[3]; examination of his motives, [3];
Parliament opened by Her Majesty;
Her speech from the Throne, [4]; in
the Lords, address moved by Lord
Howe, and seconded by Lord De Ros,
and adopted, [6]; the Duke of Rich-
mond originates a discussion on the
conduct of Government; he is fol-
lowed by the Duke of Wellington,
Lord Stanley, Marquis of Lansdowne,
Lord Brougham, and others, [6]; in
the Commons, Lord F. Egerton
moves, and Mr. B. Denison seconds,
the address, [8]; Sir R. Peel enters
into a long explanation of his views
and motives, and of the transactions
attending his resignation, [9]; Lord
John Russell makes a similar state-
ment, [15]; Mr. Disraeli and Mr.
Miles make a severe attack on Sir R.
Peel's conduct, [22]; address carried
without a division, [23]; Ministerial
explanation in the House of Lords by
the Duke of Wellington, [23]; the
Marquis of Lansdowne announces his
abandonment of a fixed duty, [26]

The Corn Bill-Sir R. Peel unfolds
his scheme of commercial and financial
policy, [29]; its reception by the
House, [36]; on motion for commit-
tee, Mr. P. Miles moves that the House
go into committee that day six months,
[37]; a debate of twelve nights fol-
lows, forty-eight members speaking
against, and fifty-five in favour of, the


amendment; digest of the principal
speeches; amendment rejected by 337
against 240, [68]; House in commit-
tee, Mr. Villiers moves the total abo-
lition of the corn duties, [69]; rejected
by a large majority, [72]; further dis-
cussions, [72]; the second reading oc-
casions a four nights' debate, [72];
Sir R. Peel's reply to attacks made on
him, [73]; carried by 302 to 214,
[74]; further discussions, House in
committee, Lord G. Bentinck's
amendment, [74]; on the bringing
up of the report, [75]; the third
reading carried by 327 to 229, [76];
debate upon the Corn Bill in the
House of Lords; the Earl of Ripon
moves the second reading, [77]; the
Duke of Richmond moves that it be
read a second time that day six months,
[78]; debate; second reading carried
by 211 to 164, [94]; House in com-
mittee; amendment of the Duke of
Buckingham, [94]; of the Earl of
Wicklow, [95]; the Report, amend-
ment of Lord Ashburton, [96]; the
third reading carried without a division,

The Customs' Duties Bill-Discus-
sions on various articles of the new
Tariff, [100]; hops, silks, [100]; fo-
reign spirits, [105]; live animals,
[105]; timber, [107]; the third read-
ing; amendment of Lord George
Bentinck, [111]; amendment with-
drawn, and Bill passed, [114]; debate
on the second reading in the House of
Lords, [114]; the Duke of Richmond
moves that the silk-weavers be heard
by counsel at the bar, [116]; in com-
mittee, Lord Stanley attacks the Bill
generally, various clauses carried,
[118]; Duke of Richmond moves the
omission of the silk duties clause,
[118]; Bill read a third time, [119]

The Budget-The Chancellor of the
Exchequer makes his financial state-
ment, [119]; remarked upon by va-
rious Members, [122]

Ireland-Murders and outrages in
that country, [123]; the Earl of St.
Germans introduces the Protection for
Life Bill, which passes, with amend-
ments, [123-127]; received in the
Commons with determined opposition,
[127]; motion for leave carried, [129];
Sir James Graham moves the first
reading, [130]; a fierce discussion of
several nights ensues; Bill carried by
majority of 149, [135]; the second
2 K


reading moved; protracted discussion;
digest of speeches, [135 to 152];
on the division, the Government de-
feated by a majority of 73, [152]; re-
markable coincidence, that the Corn
Bill passes the Lords, the news of
the Oregon Treaty, and the destruc-
tion of the Ministry occur on the
same day, [152]; Sir R. Peel and
his colleagues resign, [152]; Sir R.
Peel's speech on announcing his resig-
nation, [153]

Formation of Lord John Russell's
Ministry, [161]; their intended policy,
and discussion thereon, [162 to 167];
the Sugar Duties, Lord J. Russell pro-
poses a plan for a permanent settle-
ment, [167]; amendment of Lord
George Bentinck, and debate, [173];
resolutions carried by a large majority,
[185]; debate on the first reading in the
Lords, [185]; Lord Stanley moves an
amendment, [187]; first reading car-
ried, [191]; second reading opposed
by the bishops of Oxford and London,
but carried, [191]

The Arms Bill (Ireland) adopted by
Lord J. Russell, [193]; great dissatis-
faction, and long discussion, [194];
second reading carried, but, Lord John
Russell announces the abandonment of
the Bill, [197]; discussions arising
from the failure of the potato crop in
Ireland; Lord J. Russell proposes the
Public Works Bill, [198]; discussion
in the Lords, [200]; further legisla-
lative measures, [202]; flogging in
the army, Capt. Layard moves an ad-
dress on the subject, [203]; a limiting
order issued by the Commander-in-
Chief, [205]; Dr. Bowring's motion
for total abolition of the practice, and
debate, [207]; motion rejected, [209];
statement of the Duke of Wellington
in the House of Lords, [209]; occu-
pation of Cracow; Lord Beaumont
moves for papers; speeches of the mar-
quis of Lansdowne, and others, [210];
Mr. Hume makes a similar motion in the
Commons, debate, [212]; Sees of St.
Asaph and Bangor; Earl Powis brings
in a Bill, [213]; debate on the second
reading, which is carried, [216]; Bill
withdrawn, [216]; the Poor Laws, the
Law of Settlement, [217]; Local
Courts Bill, [217]; Parliament pro-
rogued by commission; the Lord Com-
missioners' speech, [217]
PATENTS, List of, 472


Insurrection in Silesia, and
massacres in the Circle of Tarnow,
[304]; organized in Cracow, where a
provisional government is formed, and
the city is consequently occupied by the
Austrians, [304]; and by the Russians
and Prussians, [305]; edict of the Em-
peror of Austria annexing Cracow to
the Imperial dominions, [305]; city
taken possession of by Count Castig-
lione, his manifesto announcing the
determination of the three Powers-
extinction of the last remnant of Polish
nationality, [307]

Pope, death of his Holiness Pope Gre-
gory XVI., 86; election of Cardinal
Mastei (Pius IX.), 90

PORTUGAL The Cortes opened by a
royal speech, [294]; insurrection in
the Upper Minho, [295]; the Cabral
Ministry dissolved; extraordinary con-
vocation of the Grand Cortes; suspen-
sion of cash payments by the Bank of
Lisbon, [296]; ministry of the Duke
of Palmella, [296]; ministry of the
Marquis of Saldanha, [297]; exten-
sion of the civil war, and rebels defeated
at Viana; Sà da Bandiera near Chaves,
[297]; the Duke de Palmella takes re-
fuge on board an English man-of-war,


for the year 1846, 376; list of public
and general Acts passed during Session
1846, 395; local and personal Acts,
399; private Acts printed, 417; prices
of stock, 421; average prices of corn,
hay, straw, clover, and butchers' meat,
422; tables of mortality, bankrupts, and
meteorology, 423; University honours,
Oxford, 424; Cambridge, 426; tables
of the Corn and Customs' Duties, 428;
the broad and narrow gauge; extracts
from the Report of the Commissioners,

QUEEN, THE-Addresses to, from the
Corporations of London and Dublin, 2;
birth of a princess, 78; christening of
the Princess Helena Augusta Victoria,
113; visits the Channel Islands, and
Cornwall, 121; visits the Marquis of
Salisbury at Hatfield, 162; visits the
Duke of Norfolk at Arundel, 181

Railways-The railway mania, its rise, 10;
its fall, 53; railway subscribers under
20007, list of, 11; railway deposits,
30; 500l. damages awarded to Mr.
Shillibeer for a broken leg, 179

Rio de la Plata, gallant action with Rosas'
batteries on the Parana, 21.- See

Robberies at the Trafalgar Hotel, 5;
burglaries at Hull, 49; extensive rob-
bery at Liverpool, 76; of the Berwick
Bank, 125; at Ealing, 157; and at-
tempted murder of Mr. M'Gill at
Knutsford, 159; by a young French-
woman, 170; by two men in women's
clothes, 172; highway robbery and at-
tempted murder at Hertford, 187

Sale of the church of St. Bennet Fink,

Scotland, destitution in, 198

SHERIFFS for the year 1846, 207
Shipwrecks-Of the Cataraqui, four hun-
dred lives lost, 25; of the Bencoolen, 31;
of the Great Liverpool, 36; collision,
the Waterwitch, 58; of the Mary, 60;
collision in the Mersey, awful loss of
life; the Sea Nymph and the Rambler,
81; stranding of the Great Britain, 139;
three steamers on shore together, 167;
of the Cape Packet and massacre of
the crew, 168; collisions of the Albion
and the City of London, steamer, and
the Duke of Clarence and an American
bark, 174; the Sceptre, Jessie, Tor-
rance, Ajax, steamer, Newcastle, steam-
er, Sea Lark, and many other vessels
damaged during violent gales, 177;
collision of the Sultana and Maria,
steamers, on the Mississippi, many lives
lost, 177; the Atlantic, steamer, of
New York, forty lives lost, 178; the
barque Hope, and dreadful sufferings
of the crew, 190; loss of H. M. S.
Osprey, and court-martial on the offi-
cers and crew, 200

Smith, Sir Harry, sketch of the services
of, 52

SPAIN-Question of the Queen's mar-
riage, [270]; debates in the Senate on
the address; dissensions with the Papal
See, [271]; speech of Signor Calde-
ron, [273]; contests for the Queen's
hand; manifesto of Don Enrique, he is
obliged to quit Spain, [275]; resigna-
tion of General Narvaez; unsuccessful
attempts to form a ministry by M.
de Viluma, and De Miraflores, [277];
the latter overthrown, and General Nar-
vaez resumes office; his arbitrary pro-
ceedings, [279]; decree suspending the
liberty of the press, [279]; break up
of the Narvaez ministry, [282]; revo-
lutionary movements in Galicia sup-
pressed, [283]; the question of the


Queen's marriage discussed by the Ca-
binets of France and England, [283];
notes of the different parties-the Bri-
tish Government plead the Treaty of
Utrecht, [285]; arrangement that the
Queen shall marry Don Francisco
d'Assis, and the Infanta Louisa the Duc
de Montpensier, [286]; manifesto of
the Count de Montemolin, son of Don
Carlos, [287]; solemnization of the
marriages at the same time, [289]; the
Duc and Duchess de Montpensier
depart for Paris, [290]; the Isturitz
Ministry broken up, [291]; opening of
the new Cortes, and Speech from the
Throne, [291]

STATE PAPER-Treaty between Her
Majesty and the United States of
America, for the settlement of the
Oregon Boundary, 453
STOCKS-Table of the lowest and highest
prices for each month, 421

TURKEY- Massacre of the Nestorians;
the plague in Asia, 180

UNITED STATES-Discussions in the Se-
nate on the Oregon Question; speeches
of Messrs. Hannegar, Colquitt, Dix and
Benton, [309]; effect of the Queen's
Speech on the debates in Congress;
speeches of Messrs. Dayton, Allan, and
Cass, [312]; "joint resolutions" pro-
posed by Mr. Colquitt; speeches of
Mr. Webster and Crittenden, [313];
resolutions for giving notice to put an
end to the joint occupation of the ter-
ritory, passed by the House of Repre-
sentatives, [314]; substituted resolu-
tion adopted by the Senate, [315];
special message of the President recom-
mending increased military prepara-
tions, [315]; debate in the Senate on
the Oregon question; speeches of
Messrs. Heywood, Hannegan, and Cal-
houn, [316]; resolution moved by
Mr. Clayton; speeches of Messrs.
Webster, Cass, Benton, and Hanne-
gan, [320]; resolution carried in the
Senate authorizing the President to
give notice of the termination of the
joint occupancy if he think proper,
[324 to 326]; a Bill passed for the
occupation of the Oregon Territory,
[326]; amicable compromise of the
question offered by Lord Aberdeen,
and accepted by the Senate and Pre-
sident, [327]; war declared against
Mexico, [326]; New Tariff Bill,

United States-continued.
[328]; Mr. Bancroft appointed Mi-
nister to Great Britain, [329]; Pre-
sident's message to Congress, [330];
causes of the quarrel with Mexico,

United States


[332]; and of the annexation of Texas,
[333]; financial statement, [341]; the
tariff, [342]


G. Woodfall and Son, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London.

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