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And, in like case, on replevy and
12 months' bonds.
All executions awarded on judg.
ments rendered by any justice of
the peace, to be levied by some
constable of the county.
Act of January 31st, 1809, conti-
nued in force to May 31st 1810. 48 54
Bonds taken to stay proceedings
upon deeds of trust, were to be re-
turned to the clerks' offices of the
respective courts in which the
deeds were recorded.

Sheriff or other officer, liable to
the same fine for not returning a
stay-bond, as for not returning a
replevy bond.

By whom, and at what time, exe-
cutions might be awarded on
bonds entered into, by virtue of
of the act of January 31st 1809,
pursuant to judgments rendered
by a justice of the peace.
Bonds taken by virtue of the exe-
cution law, passed the 1st of Fe-
bruary 1808, to have the force of




54 55
Executions to be issued thereon af-
ter the 31st of May 1810.
On all executions issued on bonds
taken under that law, or the act
of January 31st, 1809, the clerk
to endorse," no security to be tå-

Repeal of part of the 1st section of
the act concerning Executions,
passed January 24th, 1799.
Executions from the superior
courts of law, returnable in 15



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To direct sale of escheated lands.
To appoint three commissioners to
act with an equal number on the
part of the United States, to run
a line between the lands ceded,
and the lands reserved, by Virgi-
nia, in the state of Ohio.
To appoint a Surveyor to assist

To appoint an inspector of boats
on James River,

Who shall at all times be amena-
able to the Executive.
Ammunition or materials to make
it, to be purchased by the Exe-
cutive, in 1812, (ch. 86,) p.
And distributed to such part of the
state as may be most exposed to

Governor and Council appointed
commissioners to appoint certain
directors of the Farmers' Bank
of Virginia, (ch. 88,) p.
Authorised to make an extra-al-
lowance to collectors of arrears
of taxes due prior to January 1st
1812, (ch. 94.)





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Duty of, relative to the election
of Electors of a President and
Vice-President of the U. States,
p. 114, sect. 2, 115 116
To purchase and distribute copies
of the 1st and 2d volumes of the
Revised Code



To send by mail certain copies of
the sessions acts as soon as pub-
lished, annually,


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Arrears of muster fines (not now
by law otherwise applied) appro-
priated to the same fund.
Fines and penalties given to the
informer, &c. may (before pros-
ecution commenced and duly
prosecuted) be sued for by the

And appropriated to the same

Fines to be imposed for neglect of
duty, on companies organized for
defence of the Armory, (ch. 86,
sect. 3,) P.

Penalty on the President or Cash-
ier of the Farmers' Bank of Vir-
ginia for trading in any public
stock, (ch. 87.) p

And on the cashier for carrying on
any other business than that of
the Bank.

On clerks of courts and magis-
trates failing to return lists of
fines, &c. appropriated to the li-
terary fund, (ch. 90,) p.

See Sheriff's,

And Gaming (unlawful.)
Fines incurred by magistrates, for
failing to appoint processioners
of lands, remitted, (eh. 102, sect.
2,) p.
Penalties and forfeitures incurred
by breach of the act of January
25th, 1806, relative to slaves, re-
mitted on certain conditions.

Flour (Inspection of.)
Proceedings to be had when own-
er is dissatisfied with inspector's
judgment as to the degree of fine-
-ness of his flour,









40 41

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45 46

Proceedings, where a judge of a
superior court of chancery refuses
to grant an injunction.
Appeals may be taken from orders
dissolving injunctions.

Inquest over a dead body.

In what cases it may be held by a

Inspector of Boats,

On James river above the falls, to
be appointed by the Executive,
His duty,

At all times amenable to the Exe-
cutive for his conduct,
To give bond and security,
And take an oath.

Manifest to be delivered to the in-
spector before passing the locks.
Inspector diligently to examine e-
very boat, and compare with the
manifest the articles found on
board, and seize all articles not
mentioned in the manifest.
His duties as to the disposal of
such articles,
His compensation.

Inspector of Flour.
See Flour (Inspection of.)
Inspectors of Tobacco
See Tobacco.



Tolls to be received in the mean

A majority of the commissioners
empowered to view and explore
the river.


Five years allowed, for connect-
ing the upper navigation with

50 Provision in case of failure.




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Jefferson (Thomas) President of the

United States.

Farewell address to,
Resolution relative thereto,

All executions awarded on judg-
ments rendered by any justice of
the peace for debt, detinue or
trover, to be levied by some con-
stable of the county.
Judgments or orders of the court
of appeals, when to be certified
by the clerk.
After final judgment or decree,
and a lapse of two months, no re-
hearing to be granted.

Judiciary of the United States.
Resolution proposing an amend-
ment to the act of Congress es-
tablishing the judicial courts of
the United States.

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153 In what cases the court may ap-
point an indifferent person to
summon a jury,











49 50

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Land Office.
Register of, authorised and requir-
ed to grant new warrants in ex-
change for others which may
have been transferred by mere
endorsement or unattested as-

Original warrants with affidavits,
to be preserved,


Duty of the Register to publish
quarter-yearly a list of original
warrants for which exchange
warrants have been granted.
Rights of other individuals to such
original warrants not to be im-

Warrants hereafter issued to be
assignable by written assignment
endorsed thereon, attested by two
witnesses, and not otherwise.
Exchange-warrants not
not to be
granted for such new warrants,
unless assigned in that manner.
Fees to be paid the Register.

See Land Office.
Forfeited by the non-payment of
taxes, made redeemable within 3
years, and until the 1st of March

On payment of the taxes with ten
per centum per annum interest,
Provided that all lands heretofore
forfeited shall be redeemable on
or before the 1st of March, 1810.
Duty of the auditor and collec-

On the first Monday in August,
1811, and annually thereafter,
such lands were to be sold,
But such sale might be prevented
by paying the taxes and interest.
Duty of commissioners of the re-
venue relative to such sales.
Duty of, and allowance to collec-


The lists of sales certified by the
commissioners were to be suffi-
cient to charge the collectors.
Mode of proceeding against them.
Collectors selling lands were to
execute deeds.

Compensation to commissioners.
Duty of the auditor to cause cer-
tain laws to be published relative
to forfeiture of lands.



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Former owner of forfeited lands
permitted to redeem at any time
before the 1st of May 1811.
Information of lands liable to es-
cheat to be in writing, and on
oath or affirmation.

Power given escheator to adjourn
his inquest from day to day,
Penalty on jurors failing to attend.
Certificate to be transmitted by
the escheator to the register,
And to be published.

21 Sale of escheated lands to be di-
rected by the executive.






Claim may be made in 12 months
after such publication.

Clerks of county and circuit courts,
to certify to the executive.
Three commissioners to be ap-
pointed, to act with an equal
number on the part of the the U-
nited States, to run a line be-
tween the lands ceded and the
lands reserved by Virginia, in
the state of Ohio.

A surveyor to be appointed to as.
sist them.

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75 76

His and their compensation.
Oath to be taken by each commis-
Line to be established, unless dis-
approved by the legislature du-
ring it's first or second session
after report made to the execu-
tive by the commissioners,
Provided the act of congress ap-
pointing commissioners on the

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