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"We know that the whole world lieth in wickedness-and that Jesus
Christ is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world."

"Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other
name," &c.

"Go ye therefore and teach all nations."


"For how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they
preach except they be sent."

Second Edition.




By Flagg & Gould.



2060 .H18


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THIS is the joint production of the Rev. Messrs. GORDON HALL and SAMUEL NEWELL, American Missionaries at Bombay. Their intention was that it should be published " without a name." It is considered, however, as coming within the general discretion allowed by them, and as due to the great cause which they so earnestly and so ably plead, to let them be known as the authors of the work; since, with this knowledge, many of the statements, and sentiments, and views exhibited in it are likely to be more justly appreciated, and the whole to be received with a livelier interest, and to produce a greater and more extended effect.

Since the work came from the hands of the authors considerable time has elapsed, during which the number of Missionaries sent to the Heathen has been continually increasing, and Missionary operations in general rapidly advancing. In regard to these particulars, in revising the copy for publication, some alterations have been made, that the estimates might agree more nearly to the present state of facts. In other instances in which, had the work been written here and at the present time, the statements and representations might have been a little different, it has been thought best on the whole to make no alteration; as a greater degree of exactness would not materially affect the argument or the design, and it seemed desirable that the beloved and respected authors should speak, according to the information possessed by them at Bombay, with their own views, and in their own manner.

They address themselves directly to the American Churches and Christians, without distinction of denomination; and to all the Churches and Christians in our land, not by any means to the exclusion of others, the solemn, pathetic, and forcible appeal is most fervently recommended.

It is particularly desired that every person, especially every officer and member of Foreign Mission Societies and Associations, and every

minister and influential individual, into whose hands this little book falls, would not only read it with deep reflection, but do what he can to engage others to read it, and to extend its diffusion. Such as are able and disposed may render an essential service to the best of causes, by procuring some numbers of copies for distribution as they shall .... judge proper.

The subject is as momentous as the salvation of uncounted millions; the nury—as solemn as the final judgment. May the God of all grace crown this labour of love with his most efficacious benediction.




It is the duty of the churches to send forth preachers of the gospel in such numbers as to furnish the means of instruction and salvation to the whole world.

How comprehensive and how rational is that petition

in the Lord's prayer, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.' What more could the most exalted piety ask? what more could the most enlarged benevolence desire? It includes the glory of God and the best good of all men. For when God shall reign on earth as he does in heaven, then will he appear in his glory, and then will there be peace on earth and good will among men. But at present how deplorable is the condition of mankind, and how is the God of heaven dishonored in this revolted world! Idolatry and superstition prevail over the greatest part of the human race. The fairest portions of the globe are covered with Egyptian darkness, filled with wretchedness and polluted with crimes!

The gospel of Christ is the remedy, which the wisdom and mercy of God have provided for the disorders of our fallen world. It is a sovereign remedy. Whereever it has yet prevailed, it has visibly meliorated the condition of men. It has rescued whole nations from

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