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5. In "The Order how the rest of Scripture," &c.— Insert after "his proper,' ," "collect, Epistle, and Gospel, as it is on Ash-wednesday, and every day of the holy week next before Pasch or Easter. But on all these days the psalms and lessons shall be the same which fall in course as they are in the Calendar."

6. Under "These are to be observed for holy-days,” &c.— (a) Insert after Epiphany, "Of the Conversion of St Paul."

(b) After S. Mark, "Munday and Tuesday in Easter and Whitsun Weeks."

(c) After the Nativity of S. John Baptist (the position here is not clearly indicated), "of St Barnabas."

7. Morning Prayer

(a) (Sentences) "Wickedness out of my remembrance" (deleted), and (added), "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth: wherefore [turn] yourselves, and live."

(b) (Before the sentence Correct us, O Lord)-

Insert, "He that confesseth his synnes shall not perish, but he that confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy."1

(c) (Rubric before Confession)—

The words "after the minister, kneeling," are deleted, and in their place are inserted "after or with the Deacon or Presbyter, all humbly kneeling."

(d) (Rubric before Absolution)—

"Minister alone" deleted, and "Presbyter alone, he

standing up and turning himself to the people, but they all remaining humbly upon their knees" inserted.

(e) (Absolution)—

For "his ministers" substitute "the Presbyters of his Church and the ministers of his gospel."

1 After the word " mercy" something is written-perhaps "prove" (i.e., find out the exact words) or "prov. v.": the text is Proverbs xxviii. 13, evidently quoted from memory, and not as in King James's Version. It was finally inserted in the form there given.


(ƒ) (Rubric before Lord's Prayer)—

"Minister begin the Lord's Prayer with a loud voice" is deleted, and there is inserted "priest say or sing the Lord's Prayer. And in this, and all other places in the Liturg., where these words (for thine is the kingdom) is expressed, the Pres. shall read them; but in all places where they are not expressed, he shall end with But deliver us from evil. Amen."

(g) (After “O Lord, make haste to help us")—

Insert "Then, all of them standing up, the Presbyter shall say or sing."

(h) (After "Praise ye the Lord”)—

Insert "Answer. The Lord's name be praised."

(i) (Rubric as to the Gloria)—–

Insert after "And" "at the end of the Venite, as also."

(j) (After the Gloria)—

Rubric. The English Book had been printed

"Glory be," &c.

"As it was," &c.

The latter line is deleted, and an additional rubric inserted : "And the people shall answer, As it was in the beginning, every one standing up at the same."

(k) (Rubric as to Te Deum)—

The E. B. had "shall follow."

into "be sayd or sunge."

(In Te Deum)—

"Follow" is changed

"Knowledge" deleted, "acknowledge (1) (Rubric to Benedictus)—

" inserted.

"Used and said" changed into "said or sung." (m) (After the third Collect)—

Insert, "After this Collect ended, followeth the Littany and if the Littanys be not appointed to be said or sung that mornyng, then shall next be sayd the prayers for the Kinges Majesty, with the rest of the prayers following at the end of the Litanys. And the Benediction."

8. Evening Prayer.

(a) (Opening Rubric)—

Delete "The priest shall say"; insert "After the Sentences, Exhortation, Confession, and Absolution, as is appointed at Morning Prayer, the Presbyter shall saye or singe."

(b) (After Gloria)

Insert, "All standing up as often as it is repeated." (c) (After "Praise ye the Lord")—

Insert, "Answer. The Lord's Name be praised." (d) (At close of Order for Evening Prayer)—

Insert, "Then shall follow the prayer for the King's Majesty, with the rest of the prayers at the end of the Litanys, and the Benediction."

9. Athanasian Creed.

(1) (Rubric)—

(a) Insert before "Easter," "Pasch or."

(b) Insert at end, "The Presbyter and all the people standing."

(c) In the Creed.

I. ("He, therefore, that will be saved," &c.) Delete "will be saved must "; insert "would be saved, let him."

II. ("Is one man, so God and Man.") Insert "he who is," between "so" and "God."

10. The Litany.

(a) (Rubric).

I. After "be used," insert "after the third collect
at morning prayer called the collect for grace,
and without omission of any part of the other
daily service of the church."

II. ("In all time of our tribulation," &c.) Delete
"tribulation "; insert 66

"wealth"; insert "prosperitys."


III. Before "church universally" insert "Catholicke."
IV. After "prince Charles "1 insert "and."

1 Mr Hill Burton notes, "These so altered in MS. from the printed words, and the rest of the Royal progeny.'" It is "issue" in the Book into which Mr Burton wrote.

(b) Title (where there was none) supplied for the prayer for the clergy: "A prayer for the Holy Clergy." (c) Text of this prayer changed from "which only workest great marvels" to "who only worketh great and marvelous things."

(d) (After prayer for the clergy) insert—

"A prayer to be sayd in the ember weeks for those which are then to be admitted into holy orders, and is to be read every day of the week, beginning on the sunday before the day of ordination. Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, who of Thy (sic) divine providence, &c."

(e) (Prayer in time of war)—

Delete "confound"; insert "defeat."

(f) (In time of common plague)—

Delete "the honour of" (Jesus Christ), and change "Jesus Christ's to "Jesus Christ his."

(g) (Thanksgiving for fair weather)

Delete "plague"; insert "punishment."

(h) (Thanksgiving for deliverance from the plague)— Delete "the congregation"; insert "thye church."

11. Collects, &c.

(a) (S. Stephen's Day: Rubric after "Collect of the Nativity")

Add, But instead of the words ("and this day to be born"), the Presbyter shall say "at this time to be born," &c.

(b) (Rubric on period between "Epiphany and the Circumcision")—

Add, "And so likewise upon every other day from the time of the circumcision to the epiphany." (c) To "the first day of Lent" add, "commonly called Ash-Wednesday."

(d) (Ash-Wednesday Collect)—

I. "Acknowledging" for "knowledging."

II. Add Rubric, "From Ash-Wednesday to the first Sunday in Lent shall be used the same collect, epistle, and gospel which was used on ashwednesday."

(e) Collect for "Easter even" supplied as follows '(with its rubric "the Collect for Easter even") ::"Oh most gracious God, look upon us in mercy, and grant that as we were baptized unto the Death of thy son our saviour Jesus Xt., so by our true and hearty repentance all our sins may be buried with him, and we not fear the grave. But as Xt. was raysed up from the dead by the glory of thee our father, so we also may walk in newness of life, but (?) our sinnes never be able to rise in judgement against us; and that for the merit of Jesus Xt. that dyed, was buried, and rose again for us. Amen."

(f) Rubric after "the xxv. Sunday after Trinity")— Add, "But the same shall follow the 24th Sunday after Trinity. And if there be fewer sundays than 25 before Advent, then shall the 23 or the 24th, or both, be omitted; so that the four-and-twentieth shall never alter (sic) or be left out, but be always used immediately before advent sunday, to which the Epistle and Gospel of that do expressly relate." (g) (Collect for “S. Luke the Evangelist”)—

I. "May it please thee" deleted, and replaced by "Grant, we beseech thee that"

II. "All the diseases of our souls may be healed." (Dr Burton omits to strike out "to heal," which this alteration makes superfluous).

III. ("S. Simon and Jude, apostles.") Change gregation" to "church."

12. Holy Communion.

a) (Rubric), last paragraph.

I. Insert "holye" before "table."

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II. Delete everything between "white linen cloth upon it" and "shall say the Lord's Prayer"; insert." with other decent furnishings meet for the high mysterys thear to be celebrated, shall stand at the uppermost part of the chancel or church, where (or when) "the Presbyter, standing at the north side or end thereof."

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