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you send to me anything saleable, stockings and boots for the feet; bonnets, caps, and hats for the head; ties, collars, and brooches for the neck; woollens for the outside man; fruits, cheese, etc., for the inside; books for the study, and furniture for all the rooms, in fact anything that is convertible into cash, or the cash itself? Yours in love, and thanks, and expectation, JOHN CLIFFORD.

IV. THE SUNDAY PRAYER MEETING AT THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION AT SOUTHPORT. -As I parted with a valued friend at Southport I said, "Send me five lines about the prayer-meeting." The following is his response:-"The devotional meeting of the British Association on Sunday afternoon was enjoyable, well attended, and pervaded by deep spiritual feeling. Dr. Gladstone was apparently chief prompter, and seemed anxious, as the time got near, to find out supporters amongst the audience. The president of the geographical section was in the chair. After a prayer and scripture read by the mayor (Matt. xi. 20-30) an address followed by Professor Dawson, who said, 'Such meetings are most pleasing to Christian men. Four weeks ago I attended just such another four thousand miles away in Minneapolis. Whilst the gospel is hidden from the wise and prudent, it is revealed to babes; let us be babes to receive it, and we babes may rejoice in it.' He pointed out the characteristics of two men who stood preeminent amongst the preachers of Christianity-Paul and Luke. They were men of scientific mind; probably deeply read in the wisdom of their time; probably laymen, without office in the church; their position and work typical of that of the Christian scientists of this day. It was a great work. The talk about science being opposed to religion was nonsense. The scientists would have a great service put upon them in three ways: (1) To manifest the unity of truth, to interpret and drive home the truth that the God of nature was the God of revelation. (2) To manifest a calm faith in Christianity, whilst churches were putting forth varying views and phases of Christianity, and often differing about minor points, it would be the province of the scientific mind to hold firm and set forth the essentials, whilst being comparatively indifferent to the accidental circumstances and minor conditions. (3) To be students of the scriptures with the same scientific accuracy and care that they applied to nature. The whole of scripture formed one revelation; but its varied books embodied a systematic

development of God's plan, in the same way that geologists sought to understand the development of His plan in the material earth. As a student he had wished to take up some Semitic language, and he chose Hebrew. For years the New Testament had been his one Greek classic, and the more he studied both, the more deeply convinced he was of the unity of God's intentions and teachings, and of the practical value, comfort, and hope of the revelation brought to us.

"After a most devout and beautiful prayer from Dr. Gladstone, Professor Hull, of Dublin, expressed his joy in meeting so many of the Association members, and said it would show the error of the prejudices of the church against the Association. Such prejudices had been expressed here-fears that it would be a meeting of sceptics, and faith be unsettled. But they were believers, not only in nature, but in revelation, and science would be more and more identified with religion. In that alone was our lasting satisfaction and hope of everlasting life. Scientists who were Christian men should be ready to show it for the encouragement of young men-many of whom were in the region of doubt and hesitancy-drawn to religion, yet afraid to accept and avow it through fear that science might involve its refutation.

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"Psalm xix. was read by Mr. Warrington, and remarks were made on it by Canon Clarke about the psalmist's awe at nature's works greater wonder at revelation, and self-abasement in view of his own unworthiness. Meeting closed with all repeating the Lord's Prayer standing."

V. "THE BITTER CRY OF OUTCAST LONDON" is one of the saddest revelations recently made of our fearful metropolitan sea of misery, vice, and crime. Alas! it is an "old, old story"; but it comes like a flash of lightning across a gloom-filled sky, and will arrest the jaded attention of London at least for a few minutes. Indeed we cannot bear to look at this grim problem in all its hugeness long.

"These things must not be thought on

After these ways; so, it will make us mad." "Entire courts," says this pamphlet, "are filled with thieves, prostitutes, and liberated convicts. In one street are thirty-five houses, thirty-two of which are known to be houses of ill fame. In another district are forty-three of these houses and 428 fallen women and girls, many of them not more than twelve years of age." Drink riots upon and feeds the ghastly misery of these pesti


lential slums. "In the district of Euston Road is one public house to every hundred people, counting men, women, and children. Immediately around one chapel in Orange Street, Leicester Square, are one hundred gin palaces, most of them very large." But it is mammon that urges many of these crowds into these glittering saloons; for these poor people come "out of the best paying property in London." Creatures called men are making fifty and sixty per cent. out of the miserable and fetid holes they let to the poor-holes in which chastity and decency are impossible, and where nought but the worst vices can thrive. "Rights of property," indeed! The phrase is a delusion and a lie. Our duty is to use our strength to protect the weak from fleecing speculators, to re-house the poor, to terminate the reign of "drink," and to give the souls of men at least one bare chance of finding their real welfare in this brief life. Christianity waits to receive its triumphant application to the removal of the miseries and healing of the wounds of our social life.

VI. THE CHIEF SECRET OF MR. GLADSTONE'S POWER has been specified with commendable clearness and admirable sympathy by Mr. Edward Clarke, member for Plymouth. He said: "When he comes into the House of Commons it does not matter who is speaking, Mr. Gladstone is always anxious to understand what it is that is being said to the House, and to realise what the speaker is saying and meaning." "However humble the position of the member speaking, however little his authority in political life, Mr. Gladstone strives to realise his meaning, and is evidently anxious to hear what every member of the House can contribute to its information, or to the arguments on the question in debate." "His mind is always in a state of intense activity." He is marked by the "singular earnestness with which he strives to realize what is being said either for him or against him in any part of the House." Those words of a political opponent deserve to be perpetuated as a witness to the broad sympathies, intense interest in all that is human, splendid self-suppression, and vehement energy of the greatest statesman of modern times.

VII. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND THE LUTHER COMMEMORATION." An English Churchman" calls attention, in the Times, to the fact that the Free Church of Scotland has sent a representative bearing cordial greetings to the German nation on the occasion of the Luther celebration, and that sympathetic

messages have been sent by the Reformed Churches in other lands. And he innocently asks, "Is it too much to hope that the Archbishop of Canterbury

-the head of the Reformed Church of England-will not be found wanting in expressing the sympathy of the great communion over which his Grace presides?" We say innocently, because the writer apparently does not know, or forgets, that there is a party in the Church of England - and a growing party-which scoffs at the Reformation and the Reformers, and Reformation ideas-which thinks with Dr. Littledale that “we are bound to reject Protestantism as a delusion," and exclaims with the Rev. A. E. Wilmhurst, "God defend us from Protestantism!"-which calls the leading English and Scottish Reformers "a set of miscreants"; their work "an abomination," and their memory "detestable," (Dr. Littledale), and exultingly declares that "Protestantism as a religion is on its deathbed," (Rev. A. Wagner). Is it not a great deal "too much to hope" that such men would be parties to a participation in the Luther commemoration by the Church of England? The Liberator.



Professor Ayrton says, "What the future of electrical locomotion might be who could say? At present much household work was done by hand, simply because there were no easily worked machines for doing it. The old knife board had given way to the rotary knife-cleaner, but even that required a certain amount of grinding to give the knives a polish, so that for large establishments a knifecleaner boy was still necessary. The blacking of boots, the blacking of grates, the cleaning of doorsteps, etc, were all done in a most laborious way by hand,. judging from the smutty appearance of Sarah Anne after the process. there could be no doubt that very shortly electricity would be supplied, as gas was now, to houses for lighting purposes, and when this had been accomplished, the same ways that conveyed the electricity for lighting would be employed to convey the power to work electric motors to turn rotary knife-cleaners, to turn a wheel for the blacking of boots, and a small motor carrying a brush would simply be passed by the servant, all over the grate for the purpose of giving it a good black polish. The black lead brush would then be taken off, and replaced by the blacking brush for the boots, and later on in the day a rotary flannel would officiate for the door steps."



THIS is a masterpiece. As a portion of Christian evidence it constitutes an impregnable defence of the faith of Christ, and arrays in a form fitted to carry irremovable conviction to this practical age that Christianity has been the regenerator of the world, and still is the force that gives the greatest promise of the final abolition of all evils from the lives of men. As history it is an inspiring study, rich in facts concerning the broadest welfare of the world, the relief of the necessitous, the saving-the complete and life-long saving of the lost-from sin, and from abject and weakening dependence on others, and the methods and results of charitable work. Policies of working for the relief of suffering are exhibited in the light of their issues, and can be judged by their fruits. Out of all comes the conclusion that the function of the true church is to be a refuge for the oppressed, a healer of the suffering, and a saviour of men.

THE CLERICAL LIBRARY. Outline Sermons to Children. With numerous anecdotes. Hodder & Stoughton.

Ir is a suggestive and promising feature of our time that "sermons to children" are on the increase, and so much so that it gives promise of success for a volume of this kind. Preaching to children will always depend, for its effectiveness, largely on the "manner" of the man, i.e., really on what he himself is; but help in suggestion, in illustration and in anecdote, is very necessary even for the ablest; for preaching to children is the highest style of our art. Most cordially do we, therefore, welcome this volume; and whilst we should have been pleased to see other names of signal repute in the list of contributors to these sermons; yet we are sure no preacher will fail to find his reward in the inspiring companionship of these outlines.

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word on the manliest of themes. It is persuasive in tone, true in its principles, clear and pungent in style, and aglow with sympathy. "A living seed," it ought to be planted in many a young mind; and wherever it gains "good ground," it will bring forth fruit a hundredfold. It is a pure joy to us to receive and commend this "first published sermon" of the Woodgate pastor.

GEORGE WASHINGTON. By William M. Thayer. Hodder & Stoughton.

THE author of the "Life of Garfield" finds in Washington's history abundant material exactly suited to his spirit, ability, and aims, and consequently produces a work in which the principles of progress, based on goodness of character and energy and perseverance, are livingly embodied. The work is written for youth, and is calculated to inspire worthy ambitions, nourish a steadfast integrity, and develop a blended gentleness and strength, sincerity and enthusiasm. It is a capital addition to our biographical stores: and its circulation and study will add to the moral forces of the world.


By Dr. Macaulay. Religious Tract Society.

OF Luther Literature none is more revealing than his "table talk" and characteristic "doings" in the grave crises, and in the special events of his life. They are autobiographical, and form the very cream of Luther's history. Dr. Macaulay's book is rich in interest. Every page is vital. Luther lives in it-and we feel the impulses of his strong and noble and pure nature. Let our readers get this volume-it will render them admirable help in the Luther Commemoration.

BAPTIST WORTHIES. By Dr. Landels. Baptist Tract Society.

THE first volume of these memorials of distinguished Baptists is now complete, and contains Roger Williams, John Milton, John Bunyan, Andrew Fuller, William Carey, and Robert Hall. We have warmly commended these lectures for their flowing eloquence, Christian fervour, and sterling worth, as they appeared in their serial form; and now we suggest that this volume be placed in all our school and home libraries forthwith. It richly merits such a place.

Church Register.

Information should be sent by the 16th of the month to 51, Porchester Road, Westbourne Park,


London, W.

CHESHIRE CONFERENCE held its half yearly meeting at Audlem on Oct. 9. A goodly number of delegates and friends gathered from the various churches. Morning service at eleven. After the scriptures had been read and prayer offered by the Secretary, the Rev. W. Lees, of Crewe, preached a powerful and appropriate sermon from Rev. ii. 10.

The afternoon session commenced at 2.40, the Rev. G. Towler, of Audlem, presiding, and brother Williams, of Nantwich, leading in prayer.

The Chairman, on behalf of the brethren, gave a most hearty welcome to the Rev. W. Lees, who, since our last meeting, has settled over the new cause at Crewe.

The reports from the churches, on the whole, were satisfactory; though one would like to hear better news from some of our village churches. Baptized since last Conference, 39; candidates, 13.

Mr. Pedley was appointed collector for this district on behalf of the G. B. Building Fund. The Secretary was instructed to send a letter to each church recommending them to make collections, or give subscriptions, to the above fund.

Rev. W. Lees was appointed our representative on the Ministerial Board.

The Conference gave its attention to an appeal made on behalf of the Baptist Union Annuity and Augmentation Funds. It was resolved, that the Secretary, acting in concert with Mr. Avery, correspond with the churches for the purpose of arranging public meetings with a view of advocating the claims of the above funds.

The following brethren were added to the Conference Committee: Revs. W. Lees and P. Williams.

It was arranged to hold the next Conference at Crewe on the day of the opening of the new chapel.

The Revs. W. Lees received the cordial thanks of his brethren for his morning's discourse. Also the friends at Audlem were thanked for their kind hospitality.

In the evening a home missionary meeting was held in the chapel. Rev. G. Towler was chairman. Speakers: Revs. W. Lees, P. Williams, W. Skelly, and Mr. J. Brittain. One who was present says the speeches were varied, vigorous, and vital. S. HIRST, Secretary.

MIDLAND CONFERENCE, held at Duffield, Oct. 16. J. Hill, Esq., presided. Sermon preached by Rev. A. Firth: text, John ix. 4.

Baptist Union Department.-Revs. J. P. Chown and W. J. Avery explained the objects and advocated the claims of the Baptist Union Funds. Resolved: "That this Conference, after hearing the appeals on behalf of the Annuity, Augmentation, and Education Funds, very earnestly urges our churches to render all the aid it may be in their power to afford; and requests Rev. W. H. Tetley, in conjunction with Mr. Avery, to obtain collections, subscriptions, and donations within the limits of this Conference."

Rev. R. F. Griffiths read his paper on the question, "Is a Baptist Church Admissible?" Discussion thereon followed.

Appointments. Rev. C. Springthorpe to be Chairman for 1884. Rev. A. Firth to be Collector for Building Fund. Rev. F. Pickbourne to be preacher at next Conference.

Conferences for 1884 to be held at Ilkeston (Queen Street) in the spring; Barton at Whitsuntide; and Burton-onTrent (Zion) in autumn.

Votes of thanks were accorded to the preacher, who was asked to forward his sermon to the Editor of the Magazine; the writer of the paper, the chairman, and the friends at Duffield for their splendid hospitality.

A public meeting in the evening was presided over by T. H. Harrison, Esq., and able addresses given by Revs. A. C. Perriam, T. R. Stevenson, and W. H. Tetley. R. SILBY, Sec.

CHAPEL ANNIVERSARIES. CLAYTON.-September 30th. Preacher, Rev. W. Hambly, pastor, to full congregations. Collections, £11 16s. 3d.

COALVILLE.-Our anniversary services Sept. 30th. Preacher, Rev. W. Stott. On the following Monday a capital tea was provided, followed, in the evening, by a most interesting lecture by H. Godkin, Esq., of Loughborough, entitled, "Between the Books." Proceeds amounted to £28 11s. 4d.

HITCHIN.-Oct. 14, 15. Preacher, Rev. J. H. Blake, of Luton. About 190 to tea on Monday. At the public meeting after



wards, at which W. Newman, Esq., of Bedford, presided, addresses were delivered by Revs. A. McIntosh, J. Fletcher F. G. Marchant, and F. J. Bird (pastor). Mr. J. Perry (treasurer) read a financial statement. Total proceeds of the services, £68 18s. 51d., made up as follows: 212 trays of 5s. each contributed; public collections, £14 5s. 8d.; profit from tea, £1 10s. Included in these items were liberal donations from former church members, and other outside friends interested in the work. After meeting deficiencies in the past year's account, a balance in hand remained of nearly £15.

LOUTH, Eastgate.-Sept. 30. The Rev. C. Payne, preached in the morning, and conducted a song service on "The Joys of Salvation" in the evening. A public tea was provided on the Monday, after which the choir gave a Cantata, entitled, "The Pilgrim Fathers." Collections and tea yielded £20 5s. 1d. It was altogether the most successful anniversary held for many years.

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spending four years of a very useful life amongst them. In leaving them he left a church much larger than he came to, and the congregations were very much better. He had baptized a good many, and had received between fifty and sixty into church fellowship. It was with sadness they parted from him," but with the wish that "every possible blessing might attend him in the town of Leicester."

GILBERT, REV. E, has been compelled, owing to failing health, to resign the pastorate of the Desford church. At a meeting, held on Sept. 22, of the members and friends, his resignation was accepted, and his wise and earnest teaching was suitably acknowledged. Resolutions of sympathy and heartfelt wishes for his future were passed. Mr. Gilbert's present address is 34, Avon Street, Leicester.

ROBINSON, REV. G.-On Monday, Sept. 24th, services were held in connection with the recognition of Rev. G. Robinson as pastor of the Hugglescote church. At the afternoon meeting Rev. W. Chapman presided. The other ministers present and assisting were Revs. H. Wood, E. Stevenson, and C. W. Vick. Rev. T. Goadby, B.A., gave the charge to the new minister. In the evening, at seven, a public meeting was held, under the presidency of Mr. H. Dennis. The following ministers took part, Revs. C. Haddon, E. Stevenson, F. Pickbourne, G. H. Bennett, J. Watmough, and W. Chapman. Rev. W. Evans delivered the charge to the church. The attendance at each service was good, the evening meeting being particularly well attended.

STONE, REV. W., was publicly welcomed as the pastor of the church at Vale, near Todmorden, Sept. 8. Cicero Smith, Esq., presided, and addresses were given by Revs. D. McCallum, J. G. Barton, W. Gray, W. March, J. Dearden, the pastor, W. Stone, and Messrs. S. Sutcliffe, H. Greenwood, and T. Marshall. It was a most spirited and encouraging meeting.

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