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Major Laing.-The Pacha of Tripoli communicates the following from a letter of the Governor of Ghadames. "By the assistance and hospitable care of a merchant, he was enabled to reach Tombuctoo-but shortly after his arrival, the Fellahs, to the number of 30,000, demanded his death, 'to prevent christian nations from profiting by his information, to penetrate some day into those distant countries, for the purpose of enslaving them.' The Prince commanding at Tombuctoo, refused to deliver him up, and sent him out of the place privately, under an escort of fifteen of his own guard-the Fellahs, however, having discovered this, pursued him, and murdered both Major Laing and those who were guarding him.

COLUMBUS, (Ohio,) JULY 12.-Colonization Society.-The People of this State are deeply interested in the success of this Society. We are suffering under many of the pernicious effects incident to a slave population, without any of the few benefits which are derived from holding slaves. Immense numbers of mulattoes are continually flocking, by tens, and by hundreds, into Ohio. Their fecundity is proverbial. They are worse than drones to society, and they already swarm in our land like locusts. This state of things calls loudly for legislative interference; and, whilst the Colonization Society rids us of a few, the Legislature ought to devise some mode, to prevent the People of this State, from suffering under nearly all the inconveniences and deleterious effects, consequent upon slave-holding.

[State Journal.

Insurrection of Slaves in Georgia.-A letter from Georgia, to a gentleman in this city, dated June 6, 1827, says, "A most dangerous and extensive insurrection of the blacks, was detected at Macon a few days since. They had banded together to the number of 300, and were supposed to be instigated and headed by a French emigrant from the Mississippi. His slaves were in the plot. They had only arrested one of the rebels. The whole of the others, with the Frenchman, have made their escape.

[N. Y. Eng.

Ethiopia shall stretch out her hands unto


This whole nation will, we trust, soon engage in her cause. To what work more noble, can the powers of this country be applied, than that of bringing up from darkness, debasement, and misery, a race of men; and shedding abroad over the wide territories of Africa, the light of science, freedom and Christianity? Humanity points to the thousand victims of the slave trade, and conjures us to aid in its suppression. Religion speaks with loftier tone-declares that all men are brethren;-that he who loves not his brother, cannot love God; that all men are equally bound to the service of the Almighty, and equally entitled to the good offices of each other; and that he who would not lay down his life for his brethren, has not ascended to the height of the Saviour's charity. Glorious thought! Christianity shall one day rule the world, and Africa be a bright and happy part of her dominions.


To the American Colonization Society, from 1st July, to 25th July, 1827.

Collections at following places, viz:

1st Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C....... Rev. Mr. Wilson's Church, Georgetown, D. C.......

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[ocr errors][ocr errors]

Ryland's Church, Navy Yard, Washington,.
Hanson's Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore,..


11 02

7 86






24 04

1st Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J., per Rev. W. T. Hamilton, 35 87
do. Philadelphia, Pa., per Rev. Mr. Kennedy, 20
Unitarian Church, Washington, Rev. Mr. Little,..
Shiloh Church, Milton, Pa., Rev. E. W. Junkins,..
Park-street Church, Boston,.

Rev. W. R. De Witt's Church, Harrisburg, Pa.....
Methodist Church, Carlisle, Pa., per Rev. Mr. Slicer,.
Christ Church, Washington, per Rev. Mr. Allen,.
Rev. Doct. Balch's Church, Georgetown, D. C...
Mr. Baker's do.

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Washington, D. C.........

32 39



15 25


7 43


9 49


S. Burts' Socy., Great Barrington, Mass. per D. Leavenworth, 10 In Jonesborough, Tenn., per D. A. Deadrick, Esq..... Foundery Chapel, Washington, per Rev. Mr. Davis,.. Baptist Church, Rockville, Md., per Rev. J. H. Jones,.

33 36


$393 71

Amount brought forward, $393 71

St. John's Church, Washington, D. C., per Rev. Mr. Hàwley,.......... 7 64
Methodist Epis. Church, Leesburg, Va., per Rev. J. M'Ilhany,... 22 81
Springfield, New Jersey, per Rev. J. D. Paxton,...
Donation by Thomas' Lodge, Monson, Massachusetts,

From the Repository,.....




[blocks in formation]

From J. B. Magruder, Treasurer Auxiliary Society of Fluvanna co.,

[blocks in formation]

From W. L. M. & D. H. M.—two little boys in Virginia,.
Th. P. Wilson, Esq. of Rockville, Md.........




[blocks in formation]






Auxy. Society, Connelsville, Pa., per Jos. Trevers, Esq..
Thespian Society of do.,

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Adonijah Bidwell, Esq. of Hillsdae, New York,..

Miss Anne Searle, Georgetown, D. C...............

Rev. J. D. Paxton, Springfield, New Jersey,.

Rev. N. Bangs & J. Emory, Jr. of New York, as follows, viz:
From Lansingburg & Waterford,... $5

New York,...


36 16

New Haven & Hampden,..... 11 87

From Moses Allen, of New York, as follows, viz:

Collections last year at Oxford & Guilford, Che-
nango county, N. York, per G. D. Wells,.. .$18
Individuals at Fort Covington, N. York, per Rev.

S. L. Crosby,... •• •

From David I. Burr, Esq., Richmond, Va......................


1 34


19 34

[blocks in formation]

Collections in Methodist Church, Annapolis, per Rev. C. A. Davis, 14 59
In Rev. N. Calhoun's Church, Kenhawa, Va., per Js. A. Lewis,.... 10
In Leacock Congregation, Lancaster, Pa......

[blocks in formation]

Society at Ware, Massachusetts, per Rev. Parson Cooke,.


[blocks in formation]

Collections in Rev. J. G. Hamner's Church, Fayetteville, N. C............. 10
In Rev. D. G. Field's Church, Stockbridge, Massachusetts,.... 17 41

$812 50

Amount brought forward, $812 50


In Petersburg, Virginia, per G. P. Disosway, Esq..........
In 1st Presbyterian Church, Salem, Mass., per M. Shepard, Esq... 35 35
Per P. A. Johnson, of Morristown, N. Jersey, as follows, viz:
Collections in Presbyterian Church, $33 25
Donation from a Lady,................... 10


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In our April number, page 64, $110 25 are acknowledged as received from Baltimore. This should have been stated to be the balance which remained, after various expenditures, in the hands of the Committee who kindly aided in the outfit of the Doris in January.

The whole sum received by this Committee, was................................ $403 08 Of this sum, was collected in the Churches, (of the sum collected in each Church, we are not informed,)... $243 08

The remainder was made up by the following private

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THE great obstacle to the establishment of an intercourse and trade between Soudan and England, by the Bight of Benin, or some other part of the South-western coast, are the Arab or Moorish merchants. They are jealous of any interference with their lucrative commerce; and it was by their intrigues, that Clapperton was prevented from pushing his journey on from Sackatoo to the Atlantic, and compelled to retrace his steps to Kouka, and thence across the Desert, to Tripoli.

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In Bornou, on the banks of Lake Tchad, the slave trade is carried on to an immense extent, and is the principal traffic.The mode in which slaves are procured, is very simple and summary. They are hunted by the more powerful and larger nations in their neighbourhood, as we would hunt wild beasts. A caravan of Moorish merchants arrive and offer their goods for slaves: No slaves are on hand, and some must be procured.The Sultan immediately collects his forces, marches into the

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