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other public buildings, and are greatly improving their condition. The agriculture of the Colony promises well for this year. Tobacco is seventy-five cents per pound, and none can be bought even at this rate. A valuable grant has been obtained of the Junk Territory, forty miles South of Cape Montserado, and a Factory commenced at that place. The establishments at St. John's, Grand Bassa, Young Sesters, and Factory Island, are still maintained, and promise important advantages. Lieut. Norris arrived at Liberia on the 12th of January, and sailed from thence on the 13th of February. The guns and ammunition sent out by this vessel, had been received and landed safely; and the presence and services of the Shark proved equally seasonable and advantageous to the Colony. Not a Slaver had attempted his operations between Cape Mount and Trade Town, (which limit, at the two extremes, the line of coast, along which it is an object of great solicitude with the Colony to effect its entire abolition,) since the last communications, until five days previous to the arrival of the Shark; when a small French schooner landed her cargo at Little Bassa for 200 slaves. The Shark, in detaining this vessel on the 3d of the month, for a few hours, in order to investigate her character, prevented her escape from a French Man of War, then cruising in search of her, and which at that moment hove in sight. She has since been sent to Goree for condemnation.

Captain Norris observes, in a letter addressed to a gentleman in this City, "From all that I could learn while on the coast, it appears, that the slave trade is nearly extinct; at least on that part of the coast between Cape Mount and Trade Town. It gives me great pleasure to state, that the Colony is in a very flourishing condition; the people contented and healthy, and the neighbouring tribes friendly." The Colonial Agent, Mr. Ashmun, expresses his determination to visit the United States early the ensuing Summer.

Fourth of July.

The collections in various Churches, on the Sabbath preceding or succeeding this day, constituted a large proportion of all the

funds received by the Society the last year. But the amount was a mite, compared with what it would have been, had the collections been universal. We trust that ministers of all denominations, will bear this subject in mind the present season. However small may be individual contributions, much will be realized, if the measure of taking them up is universally adopted. We insert the following circular, which we desire may receive the attention of every Clergyman:


WASHINGTON, 14th MARCH, 1827. Reverend and Dear Sir: Urged by the most powerful considerations, the President and Board of Managers of the American Colonization Society respectfully solicit your friendly exertions in aid of the great enterprise in which they are embarked.— Obliged to depend, at present, upon the charities of their countrymen, they cannot but hope, that you will be pleased to bring the claims of their cause before your congregation on the Sabbath which shall immediately precede or succeed the Anniversary of our National Independence, and invite contributions for its benefit. As the Society will make application to Congress at its next session, the Managers transmit, herewith, the form of a memorial, which they perceive has been already circulated to some extent by the friends of the Society; to which, should it meet your approbation, they would earnestly request you to obtain the signatures of those who may regard the object of the Society as one of national interest, and that you would transmit it to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.


R. R. GURLEY, Secretary.

To our Friends.

We regret the necessity of making an apology to our Subscribers for the delay, which, owing to unexpected and unavoidable circumstances, has occurred in the publication of the present number of the Repository. These circumstances will probably


never again exist; and after the April number, it is our purpose, to have the work ready for distribution by the 15th of each month. For the sake of the cause to which it is devoted, we confess that we desire for it a wider circulation and more general patronage. At the suggestion of some of our friends, we have struck off extra copies of the present number; and we cannot but express the hope, that those to whom they may be sent, will feel some interest in bringing the work to the notice of their acquaintances, and in adding, if possible, some names to the list of our subscribers. Especially do we trust, that those who regard the objects of the American Colonization Society, as truly philanthropic and Christian, bearing important relations to the moral interests of our country and to the Redeemer's cause, will make an effort, in this way, to bring the claims of our Institution before the public mind. Inquiries are frequently addressed to us, from a distance, both in reference to the condition of the African Colony and the operations and prospects of the Society. Timely and full information on these subjects, it is intended to publish in the Repository.All donations to the Society, also, will here bé duly acknowledged. The enterprise in which the Colonization Society has engaged, is a national work; and it is necessary that the whole nation be made acquainted with its merits. This can be accomplished only by great and persevering exertions.

We have just received from the Hon. Mr. Joseph I. Speed, the gentleman who brought this subject before the House of Delegates, a copy of the Bill recently passed by the Legislature of Maryland, authorizing the American Colonization Society to draw for $1000 per annum; to be expended in the removal of free persons of colour from that State to Liberia. We hope to be able to publish it in our next number.

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In the January number, five dollars is acknowledged as received from "John Croes, Esq."; it should have been Right Rev. Bishop Croes.

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Controversy between Caius Gracchus and Opimius, in reference to the American Society for colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States. (First published in the Richmond Enquirer.) Georgetown, D. C. 1827. 8vo. pp. 118.


Ir argues but little in favour of the candour of mankind, that controversialists, instead of being convinced by each other's arguments, generally find themselves differing more widely at the conclusion, than at the commencement of their combat. While others perceive the weakness of the advocate of error, he is, by the unanswerable arguments of his opponent, only confirmed in his own opinions. He can imagine his strength undiminished, though shorn of his locks, and believe the merest fictions the realities of truth. Sophistry has its weapons when reason fails; and if arguments are refuted, there is still room for assertions. We shall now present the views of Caius Gracchus on the great question, which we trust will shortly be discussed in the halls of congress, Whether the National Government has the constitutional right to take the enterprise of the Colonization Society under its immediate patronage.

at that time, of Messrs. Hamiltop and Jay, with whom he was associated in the work.

"It is true, at a subsequent period, Mr. Hamilton, who had been made Secretary of the Treasury under the new Government, and after party feelings had began to assume their most embittered form, did assert a different doctrine in his Report of 1791, upon the subject of manufactures. But even then, limited it to such objects, as required the appropriation of money. But this doctrine, and the report containing it, never received the sanction of Congress, by any law carrying it into effect: on the contrary, was permitted to die a natural death upon the files, where it was placed.— And it is not now remembered, that Mr. Hamilton ever afterwards by any official act, sought to establish this doctrine.

There is, however, a still further authority upon this subject, which I must ask permission to present to the public; although I am sensible it will not be very acceptable to Opimius, or any of the disciples of the school to which he belongs. And if it should bring with it, any unkind reminiscences in relation to the overthrow of the "Reign of Terror;" he ought to recollect, that similar usurpations at this day, would most probably end in a like catastrophe. The authority to which I allude, is the Report made to the Virginia Legislature by a committee of that body in 1799, upon the subject of the then Federal usurpations; and known also to be the work of Mr. Madison. In this celebrated state paper, which has been justly considered the richest offering which genius and patriotism, ever gave to an admiring country, Opimius may learn if he chooses, the true construction of the Constitution of his country: and from it, I must be indulged in making the following extracts:-'Whether the phrases in question, (meaning the words 'to provide for the common defence, and general welfare') be construed to authorize every measure relating to the common defence, and general welfare, as contended by some; or every measure only in which there might be an application of money, as suggested by the caution of others, the effect must substantially be the same, in destroying the import and force of the phrases in the Constitution. For it is evident that there is not a single power whatever, which may not have some reference to the common defence, and general welfare; nor a power of any magnitude, which in its exercise, does not invoke or admit an application of money. The government therefore which possesses power in either one, or the other, of these extents, is a government without the limitations formed by a particular enumeration of powers; and consequently the meaning and effect of this particular enumeration, is destroyed by the exposition given to these general phrases.'— "The true and fair construction of this expression, both in the original and existing federal compacts, appears to the Committee, too obvious to be mistaken. In both, the Congress is authorized to provide money for the common defence, and general welfare. In both, is subjoined to this authority an enumeration of the cases, to which their power shall extend. Money

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