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While this is not an extensive list of all issues within the purview of the Committees, it does highlight major events and actions taken by the Committees.

I hope that the information included in this brief history will be helpful to the Members of the Committee and their staff.

Michael S. Twinchek

Chief Clerk


I would like to thank the following people for their assistence in searching, reading, editing and finding information for inclusion in this history:

Paul S. Rundquist, Specialist in American National Government, Government and Finance Division, Congressional Research Service.

R. Eric Petersen, Analyst in American National Government, Government and Finance Division, Congressional Research Service.

Kristen Wilhelm, Archivist, Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration.

Barbara Wolanin, Curator, Architect of the Capitol.

From the Committee: Lisa Pittman, Ann Vogt, Nancy Laheeb, Linda Booth, and the Subcommittee Staff Directors. I also would like to thank our Committee intern Mike Monson who allowed his time here to be used on this project.

Most of all, I would like to thank Chairman Hansen for allowing me the

time and capacity to work on this project.

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