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For JUNE, 1807.




The Eighteenth Number,


LOUISA, Marchioness Cornwallis, is the fourth daughter of the present Duke and Duchess of Gordon. She was born in the year 1778, and married April the 17th, 1797, to Charles, the present Marquis Cornwallis, at that time Viscount Brome. The issue of this marriage has been four daughters.

Her Ladyship is allied, by the different marriages of her sisters, with the most illustrious families in England. Her eldest | sister is the present Duchess of Manchester;-another is the present Duchess of Richmond, who has accompanied her husband to Dublin, as Viceroy of Ireland.- || Of her youngest sister, Georgiana, Duchess of Bedford, a slight biographical account appeared in the Fifteenth Number of this Magazine, with an exquisitely engraven Portrait of her Grace.

When we consider the youth of the Marchioness Cornwallis, it must necessarily be evident to our readers, that a quiet and domestic life of a few years, without any but a succession of occurrences common to ladies in her rank, can have very little interest as a piece of biography.

It is not in the ordinary details of daily life, the petty occurrences and vicissitudes of the drawing-room and tea-table, that matter of sufficient dignity can be derived to consti. tute biography.-As a public character we can perhaps say little more of the Marchioness, than that she usually makes one in the train of the Court, and is more particularly honoured by the private intimacy and confidence of her Majesty and the Princesses.

She supports, moreover, her elevated rank in a style correspondent with its dignity. Her spirit is magnificent and liberal, and she has all those qualities of nobility which are so well suited to captivate public admiration, and justify the pre-eminence which her birth and fortune have bestowed.

In her private conduct, the character of this lady is peculiarly amiable-she is an exemplary wife, and an affectionate mother. In person, the Marchioness is tall, graceful, and well proportioned, and skilled in all those accomplishments which are suitable to her rank, and the ornaments of her

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the means by which it was to be effected. Without flattering himself with his complete disinheritance, he sought to banish him to the camps and armies, and to place Catherine at the head of affairs.

Catherine, in the mean time, guided by a shrewd and vigilant mother, insinuated herself into the favour of the most considerable persons of the court: ambition triumphed in her mind over every inferior propensity, and enabled her to extort, by the propriety of her conduct, the esteem of those whose affection she failed to conciliate.

SOPHIA AUGUSTA FREDERICA (afterwards families: among the most determined of his Catherine II.), was born at Stettin, May 2d, enemies was the chancellor Bestucheff, who, hav1729. Her father, Christian Augustus of Anhalt-ing formed the design of excluding him from the Zerbst-Dornburg (a small district in Upper throne, occupied himself incessantly respecting Saxony), was Major-general in the Prussian service, Commander-in-chief of the regiments of infantry, and governor of the town and fortress of Stettin. Her mother, a woman of talents, born Princess of Holstein, was the friend and correspondent of Frederic Prince Royal of Prussia. Intelligence and vivacity characterised the young Sophia, who was educated under the eye of her mother: her temper was commanding, and her manners dignified; in her childish sports with her companions, she assumed to herself the direction and control with a spirit and firmness that admitted of no appeal. By a lady of rank, to whom she was personally known at that period, she is The health of the Empress was evidently dethus described: "Her deportiment was good; clining; her infirmities, added to her natural her figure large for her years; her countenance, indolence, rendered her more than ever negli to which her gaiety and courtesy gave an additional gent of the affairs of government; the remnant charm, without being beautiful, was agreeable. of her strength and spirits was wasted in dissi. Her education had been conducted wholly by her pation. The idle tales of the irregularities of her mother, who, watching her strictly, carefully re-nephew were, in this situation, listened to by pressed that propensity to pride which she early Elizabeth with eager credulity: she seemed to discovered. She was, from her childhood, taught seek in these accounts some palliation of her to salute the ladies who visited the Princess, own excesses; while she treated the Duke with with those marks of respect which became her indifference and coldness. years."

Three years after the appointment of Peter to the succession, by the Empress Elizabeth, by whom he had been called to Russia for the purpose, it was determined to marry him. Sophia, Princess of Anhalt Zerbst, was selected, on this occasion, by Elizabeth, for his consort.


Brought up under the eye of a sensible mother, at no great distance from the court of Frederic, the seat of the sciences and arts, Catherine had, to a strong and comprehensive mind, added extensive knowledge, and a facility of expressing herself, in several languages, with elegance and grace. With an excellent heart and some understanding, the education of Peter had been wholly neglected; deficient in those graces and accomplishments, and in that cultivation of mind, which so eminently distinguished his wife, he felt her superiority and blushed, while she repined at the fate which had united her to a man so little worthy of her, and so ill suited to contribute to her happiness or improvement. Their mutual disgust, which daily increased, became at length but too visible to the court.

Peter had, from the moment of his arrival, been beheld with distrust by the principal Russian

Catherine, roused by the impending fate of the Empress, and intent on conciliating popular favour, had covered her ambition under the inask of religion: her time was chiefly occupied in frequenting the churches, in performing the exteriors of devotion, and in joining the prayers for the restoration of Elizabeth. Ignorant of the views of Panin for her interest, of which he had imprudently neglected to inform her, she had, for the last few days, employed herself in drawing up the form of the proclamation by which Peter was to be appointed to the sovereign power, with the oath to be taken by the troops. Priding herself on the elegance of her style and composition, and anticipating the admiration which her performance would excite, she chose not to sacrifice her labours. And the Duke having sent his chamberlain to consult with her in this dilemma, she returned an abrupt reply, importing, that he would do well to conform to the established custom.

At the moment Peter received this answer, the death of Elizabeth was announced, who expired, after a tedious illness and severe sufferings, on Christmas-day, 1761. This event was scarcely known, when the courtiers crowded around the heir, to whom the importance of the moment

gave a temporary firmness. Having addressed with dignity the venal herd, and received the oaths of the officers of his guard, he mounted on horseback, and rode through the streets of Petersburg, distributing money among the populace. The soldiers, flocking about him, exclaiming, "If thou take care of us, we will serve thee with the same fidelity with which we served the good Empress, thy predecessor." The shouts of the people mingled with their acclamations, nor did any symptoms of discontent manifest themselves upon the occasion. The satisfaction of Peter was apparent on his delivery from the severe constraint in which he had so long been held, but he betrayed no signs of indecent joy.

Such, on the accession of Peter to the imperial crown, was the temper of the people. In the proclamation which announced this event to the empire, no mention was made of Catherine or her son, an omission which to some appeared to presage the overthrow of the lineal succession : neither was there any preparation for the coronation at Moscow; a solemnity, rendered by its usage and antiquity, highly impressive to the Russians. Blinded by his infatuation for the King of Prussia, Peter, while yet tottering on the throne, inconsiderately proposed to quit the kingdom, and, for the gratification of an interview with Frederic, to repair to Germany.

ed with benefits, and destined by Peter as an instrument in his views. Seduced by the hope of reward, or intimidated by the fear of consequences, he was, without difficulty, rendered subservient to the wishes of his master, who hesitated only while he should choose a successor.

The hopes of Catherine received daily accession from the imprudence of her husband, whose designs against her, though known but in part, emboldened her to dare every thing for their prevention. Dismissed to Peterhoft, she passed her days in one of its most retired apartments, where she meditated the dethronement of Peter: her evenings were devoted to the company of an adherent, converted by her favour into an intrepid conspirator.

To secure a part of the troops, the Princess Dashkoff, under pretence of paying her compli ments to some officers of her acquaintance, visited the barracks. It was there she was met by Orloff, when a mutual explanation took place. The Princess, flattering herself with having gained Orloff to her party, suspected not his connection with Catherine, or even that he was known to her: to her fancied acquisition, the brothers of Orloff, with many others long prepared by him for the purpose, were joined.

The succession, and the methods by which the place of the fallen Prince should be supplied, became no less a subject of disputation. Catherine aspired to the vacant throne, and was supported in her pretensions by Orloff and the Princess. That she should be permitted to govern under the title of Regent, was proposed by Panin, while that of Emperor should devolve on her son.

Peter remained yet unsuspicious of all that was passing: lulled into a fatal security, he had in the morning ordered the arrest of an officer, who, faithful to his interest, had the preceding evening hastened to inform him of what was on foot. He had, with his mistress, his favourites, and the women of the court, set out from Oranienbaum, in a calash, for Peterhoff, to be present on the festival of the ensuing day.

In the midst of his feasts and wailike preparations, the Czar had not been unmindful of the Countess of Vorontzoff, whose ascendancy over him daily increased: this woman, aspiring in her temper, but of mean talents, aimed, under the tutorage of an ambitious father, to raise herself to the imperial throne. By alternate carcesses, forwardness, and flattery, she induced her lover to renew the promise, made when he was Grand. Duke, of endowing her with the privileges, and placing her in the seat of Catherine. Led by her vanity to boast of this engagement, she found in her imprudence her disappointment and ruin. Her present influence, with the future prospects of which she dared to vaunt, roused the partisans of the Empress, with whom the enemies of her husband united their force. Peter, not less weak and vain, authorised, by his conduct, the boast of his mistress; he no longer affected to conceal his projects against his wife, which involved in them a declaration of the illegitimacy of her son. To cover his conduct with a pretence of justice, and to secure universal consent, he believed he had only to produce testimonies of the infidelities of the Empress. The Countess, apprised by her father of the first amour of Catherine with Soltikoff, had not failed to convey her intelligence to the Czar, who, upon this information, grounded Peter, informed of her hostile approach, ordered his proofs. Soltikoff, recalled from Hamburg, a horse to be prepared, with the design of escapwhere he had been appointed minister, was load-ing, alone and disguised, towards the frontiers of

During these transactions, Catherine, at the head of her army, had halted at a small public. house by the road side, eight versts from Petersburg; under this humble shelter she reposed for some hours on the cloaks of the officers. Gregory Orloff, at break of day, with a few volunteers, had reconnoitred the environs of Peterhoff: finding there only some peasants, armed with scythes, who had collected the preceding evening, he dispersed them by blows with the flat of his sabre, compelling them to join in the cry of "Long live the Empress."

Poland. But, uniformly weak and irresolute, he presently after gave orders for dismantling the little fortress at Oranienbaum, as a mark of submission to the victorious Empress, whose mercy and pardon he implored, in a letter, full of hu miliation and abasement. He assured her, that he would resign undisputed, the Imperial crown; that he asked only a pension, and liberty to retire to Holstein. To this address no answer was vouchsafed; the compassion of Catharine, it is not improbable, was stifled by contempt for the pusillanimity of her husband.

to afford a presumption; at least it appears probable that, respecting so horrible a service, her partisans would, from decency, forbear to consult her: on a subject so delicate, and of so difficult decision, to lean to the side of candour is the undoubted part of the historian. The victim of his weakness rather than of his vices, it is impossible not to contemplate the fate of Peter with the sincerest commiseration.

By the death of the Emperor Joseph II. Russia was left to contend alone with the Ottomans, and Catherine began to perceive that her victories were ruinous; while too proud to sue for peace of which she felt the necessity, her armies continued their conquests. Great Britain, which had incited the Turks to declare war against Russia, now proposed to itself an advantage in being the mediator of an accommodation. Catherine, on this occasion, maintained the same character of haughty independence which she had supported through the war; and, though determined on concluding a peace with the Turks, managed to obtain the most advantageous conditions. Mr. Fawkner, the British minister, felt her power, and was baffled by her address.

During this negociation, a traveller, connected both by blood and friendship with the illustrious leader of the opposition party in the British Parliament, appeared in Petersburg. The Empress seized this opportunity of shewing a marked disrespect to the British minister. To the traveller she gave, in the presence of his country man, the place of honour on her right hand; and, on the arrangement of the peace, her presents to the relation of Mr. Fox, of whom, as an orator and a statesman, she expressed her admiration, exceeded in number and value those conferred upon the ambassador.

The unhappy Peter, after his submission, was conducted to a little imperial retreat at Ropsacha, where, in a retirement known only to the chiefs of the conspiracy, and the soldiers who formed his guard, he had remained six days. On the seventh, Alexius Orloff, with an officer, came with news of his speedy deliverance, and asked permission to dine with him. Wine glasses and brandy were, according to the custom of the country, brought before the dinner; while the officer amused the Czar with conversation, his companion filled the glasses, infusing into that designed for Peter, a poisonous mixture. The Czar having without distrust swallowed the potion, was presently seized with the most cruel pangs: on pretence of relieving his sufferings, his perfidious guests offered him a second glass, which he rejected with reproaches: on his calling aloud for milk, the remorseless assasins again proffered him poison, which they importuned him to swallow. A French valet-de-chambre, attached to his master, now rushed in, into whose arms Peter threw himself. "It was not enough, then," said he in a faint tone of voice, "to prevent me from reigning in Sweden, and to deprive me of the Russian crown-1 must also be put to death!" The valet presuming to intercede for his master, the ruffians forced from the room a witness so dangerous, and continued their outrages to the unfortunate victim. In the midst of the tumult, the younger of the Princes of Ba-rity was established. The ambassador of France ratinsky entered, and joined the assassins. Peter had been thrown to the ground by Orloff, who, kneeling on his breast, grasped firmly his throat. The dying monarch, with the strength of desperation, struggled with the monster who held him down, when a napkin, thrown round his neck by the assistant ruffians, put an end, by suffocation, to his resistance and his life.

Various circumstances combined to produce this catastrophe; the murmurs of the populace, the uncertain fidelity of the troops, the difficulty of disposing of a captive so important, added to the hopes and projects which, during his life, would not fail to agitate his friends and adherents. Of her innocence of this atrocious act, the general conduct and character of the Empress seems

Catherine, greatly interested in the French Revolution, appeared full of apprehension, lest its principles should find their way into Russia, and subvert the sentiments on which her autho

quitted Petersburg; Catherine, while she censured his opinions, did justice to his talents, to his virtues, and to the amenity of his manners. "I am an aristocrat," said she to him on his taking leave," for I must carry on my business." The bust of her favourite Voltaire was degraded, nor was that of the English patriot suffered to keep its place. The French in her dominions were compelled, like Hannibal, to swear immortal hatred against the new republic; and to take an oath of allegiance to the pretender to the French monarchy. It is yet a curious fact, that the son of Count Esterhazy, an emigrant, used, at the desire of Catherine, to sing the French: patriotic songs at the Hermitage; which sometimes resounded with the Carmagnole and Ca ira.

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