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ceived of their having attacked and plundered Taif, || great effect in supporting this religion, as the first Mecca, and Medina. They have, in consequence, victories and conquests of Mohamed. violated the sacred law, which forbids armed men approaching within a certain distance of the temple.

They have thus destroyed the foundation stone of Mohamedanism: and this mighty fabric, which at one period bade defiance to all Europe, falls, on

the first attack, at the feet of an Arab reformer. The event may make a great change in the Moha medan world; for it appears to me almost certain, that the pilgrimages to Mecca have had nearly as

At my last visit to Bushir (1804); I heard the intelligence of Abdul Aziz having been assassinated.' We must now dismiss Mr. Waring, but we cannot take leave of him, without expressing the pleasure which we have derived from his work, and heartily recommending it to our readers.


ARTICLE II.-The Stranger in America, by Charles William Janson, Esq. 4to. Pp. 550. London, Cundee, 1807.

NOTWITHSTANDING this book is ill ar- "The restoration of Charles II. in 1660, it is well ranged, and too bulky by half; notwithstand-known, proved fatal to all those who had taken an active part under the parliament. The most ob ing it abounds in dull and trifling anecdotes, noxious could only appease the young king by their and declamation of a very middling kind, it death; and sixteen of those who sat in judgment on nevertheless deserves to be perused for inuch his father saved themselves by flight. Three of the fugitives, Major-general Edward Whalley, Majorvaluable matter, and the reader will rise from general William Goffe, and Colonel William Dixwell, it both with pleasure and information. The took refuge in America. They all had commanded stile is bad; it is that of a man not accus-enthusiastic enemies of the crown. in the army of Cromwell, and were among the most tomed to write, and who is not possessed of "Whalley and Goffe landed at Boston on the 27th a taste to prevent him, in his first experiment, from falling into a disgusting and slovenly manner of expression. His materials are copious, but he has shewn no judgment in the arrangement; and, above all, there is an appearance that this work has been published with a precipitation that very much augments its other bad qualities, and gives it the stamp of a bookseller's job. Had Mr. Janson taken the advice of a friend and a literary man, he would have reduced it to the size of a plain octavo, and submitted it to competent correction before it saw the press,

of July, 1660, having escaped only a few days before King Charles the Second was restored to the throne, the intelligence of which event they received in the English Channel. Goffe kept a journal of every remarkable incident which happened to them for seven years from the day they left Westminster. After his death, this journal came into the possession of Governor Hutchinson; who kept it till the populace demolished his house, in the tumults occasioned in Boston by the stamp-act, when this curious manuscript was destroyed. It was written in characters, but which were readily decyphered. The governor, however, had fortunately taken from it some extracts; these, together with the particulars related to me on the subject in Connecticnt, enable me to give an accurate account of the sufferings of these unfortunate men.

"When they first arrived at Boston, they did not attempt to conceal their persons or characters, but

We shall not however retract or qualify the opinion we have given. It has much ex-immediately went to Mr. Endicot, the governor; cellent matter, and though the reader will who received them courteously. They were visited be oftentimes disgusted and wearied in par- by the principal inhabitants, even Colonel Crown, a staunch loyalist, introduced himself to them. ticular places, he must be squeamish and fastidious beyond bounds, if he be not pleas-from Boston. They attended public worship, and ed on the whole.

The following account of the adventures of Whalley and Goffe, two of the judges by whom Charles the first was condemned and decapitated, and who afterwards fled to America from the resentment of his successor, is so interesting, that we give it at length to our


They resided at Cambridge, a village four miles

received the sacrament. They were grave and devout; and such was the respect paid them, that being once insulted, the offender was bound to keep the peace. It is not strange that they should thus experienced so favourable a reception upon their landing, for though they were known to have been two of King Charles's judges, yet no oficial

news of the restoration had reached America. Re

ports soon afterwards arrived by way of Barbadoes, that all those who sat in judgment on their sove.

reign would be pardoned, except seven. When it appeared that the royal clemency was not extend. ed to Whalley and Goffe, the officers of government at Boston were alarmed; while pity and compassion pervaded the bosoms of the inhabitants. By some they were assured that the general court would protect them; and others advised them to make a speedy retreat. On the 22d of November, 1660, the governor summoned a general court of assistants, to take into consideration the propriety of putting them under confinement, but it broke up without coming to any decision. Finding it unsafe to reside Jonger at Cambridge, they left the place, and arrived at Newhaven, (about one hundred and fifty miles distant) on the 7th of March. Information of their retreat having been given in England, a hue and cry, as Goffe terms it in his journal, was set on foot; the day after they left Cambridge, a warrant was issued against them: and they were pursued, but without effect.

"At Newhaven they were at first received at Boston; but on the arrival of the king's proclamation, they were obliged to abscond. On the 27th of March they removed to New Milford, where they made themselves known; but at night they privately returned to Newhaven, and were concealed by Mr. Davenport, the minister, until the 30th of April. About this time the intelligence reached Boston that ten of the judges had been executed; and the governor received a royal mandate to apprehend Whalley and Goffe. This alarmed the country, and the most diligent search was made, but the fugitives found friends, who gave them intimation of their danger. It was now too hazardous for Davenport to secrete them any long. er: they therefore went into the woods, conducted by two of the inhabitants of Newhaven. They first took refuge in a mill---then in a place called Hatchet Harbour, where they concealed themselves till their friends had prepared a cave on the side of a hill in the woods, where they remained from the 15th of May to the 11th of June. To this place they gave the appropriate appellation of Provi. dence Hill; for while they resided there, a most diligent search was making after them; and many of the king's messengers passed near to the spot. There existed proof of their having been at Davenport's, and large rewards were offered for informa tion by which they might be secured. Davenport was threatened, and the unfortunate but grateful wanderers, offered to deliver themselves up, rather than that any one should suffer for the hospitality afforded thein. The hardships they had suffered, and to winch they were still exposed, together with the little chance they saw of escaping, would not, perhaps, have proved sufficient to induce them to make such an offer. Honour has often been found to prevail even over the love of life. Influenced by this principle, they actually gave notice to the deputy governor of the place of their concealment: but he paid no attention to their magnanimous intimation, and the next day they were advised not to surrender.

"In this solitary abode they met with several disasters, some of which had nearly proved fatal. One dark night, when they were both laid down to rest, they were suddenly terrified by an animal of the tiger genus. It had advanced to the cave, forced its head through the aperture, and presenting its horrid eyes, which appeared to flash fire upon them, gave a dreadful roar; but departed without attacking them. At another time they were

in still greater danger, but from a different cause. Having ventured too far from their concealment, they were overtaken by Mr. Kimberley, the sheriff, with a warrant in his pocket for their apprehen sion. They defended themselves with their sticks, and repelled the officer, who leaving them to ob tain assistance, afforded them an opportunity of regaining the woods. On another occasion, being closely pursued, they hid themselves under a bridge: while their pursuers passed over their heads. At Newhaven they were several times concealed in houses, while they were searched by the officers of government.

As soon as they thought that their enemies had given up their search, they ventured to the house of one Tomkins, near Milford, where they remained two years, without even daring to walk into the orchard adjoining the house. Hearing that commissioners from the King had arrived at Boston, Whalley and Goffe, thought it necessary to retire again to their cave. Soon afterwards some Indians in their hunting excursions discovered the place of their concealment, which caused them to bid a final adieu to Providence Hill. They wandered about in the night, and retired to the woods in the day, till they arrived at Hadley, in Massachusets. near one hundred miles from the cave. Here they were received by Mr. Russel, the minister of the place, by whom they were concealed between fifteen or sixteen years. They frequently received remittances from England, and some friends to their cause often relieved them. One donation by Richard Saltonstall, Esq. who was in the secret of their concealment, amounted to fifty pounds. It is, there. fore, to be presumed that Mr. Russell found them profitable boarders.

"These unfortunate men were said to have lived in constant terror, even when all enquiry after them was at an end. A strange reverse of fortune from the time of Cromwell! Several years they had been principal actors in the affairs of a great nation. Whalley defeated Prince Rupert, and Goffe turned the members out of the house of parliament, and was intrusted with the custody of the king.

"At Hadley they complained that they were ba nished from society, and that their lives were mise. rable and burthensome. Goffe married Whalley's daughter, with whom he corresponded by the name of Walter Goldsmith, addressing her as Frances Goldsmith: and the correspondence was carried on as between a mother and son. Their letters are replete with fanaticism, and crowded with quotations from the Bible. The following extract from a letter from Mr. Goffe, describing Whalley's second childhood, in which he continued the last few years of his life, is interesting:

"Your old friend Mr. R. (Whalley) is yet living, but continues in that weak condition of which I have formerly given you an account; and I have not much to add. He is scarce capable of any ra tional discourse: his understanding, memory, and speech, doth so much fail him, that he seems not to take much notice of any thing that is either done or said, but patiently bears all things, and never complains of any thing, though I fear it is some trouble to him that he hath had no letter for a long time from his cousin Rich; but he speaks not one word concerning it, nor any thing you wrote in your last: only, after I had read your letters to him, being asked whether it was not a great refreshment to him to hear such a gracious spirit breathing

were soon thrown into confusion, when (as it is related to this day) a stranger suddenly appeared among them, of venerable aspect, and different in his apparel from the inhabitants; who rallied, and disposing them in the best military manuer, led them to the charge, routed the Indians, and saved the town. In the moment of victory their de liverer vanished. The inhabitants, unable to account for the phenomenon, believed that they had been commanded by an angel, sent from heaven for their protection. This supposed angel was Goffe, who had never before ventured from his concealment. Whalley was then in a state of second childhood. Such was their caution to prevent a discovery of their retreat, that the inhabitants never knew them, or who it was that so ably led them against the savages, until they both had paid

the debt of nature.

in your letters, he said it was none of his least comforts; and indeed he scarce speaks of any thing but in answer to the questions that are put to him, which are not of many kinds, because he is not capable to answer them. The common and very frequent question is, to know how he doth; and his answer, for the most part, is, very well, I praise God, which he utters in a very low and weak voice. But sometimes he saith, not very well, or very ill; and then if it be further said, do you feel pain any where? to that he always answereth no. When he wants any thing, he cannot speak well for it, be cause he forgets the name of it, and sometimes asks for one thing when he means another, so that his eye or his finger is his tongue; but his ordinary wants are so well known to us, that most of them are supplied without asking or making signs for them. Some help he stands in need of in every thing to which any motion is required, having not been able for a long time to dress or undress him self, nor to feed, or ease nature either way, orderly, without help, and its a very great mercy to him that he hath a friend that takes pleasure in being helpful to him. I bless the Lord that gives me such a good measure of health and strength, and an opportunity and a heart to use it in so good and necessary a work; for though my help be poor and weak, yet that ancient servant of Christ could not well subsist without it, and I do believe, as you are pleased to say very well, that I do enjoy the more health for his sake. I have sometimes wondered much at this dispensation of the Lord towards him, and have some expectation of more than ordinary issue. The Lord help us to profit by all, and to wait with patience upon him,business he had there, and bid him begone. A

till we see what end he will make with us. Thus

far I write for myself. I will now ask him what he would have me say to his friends concerning bim. The question being asked, he saith, I am better than I was. And being asked what I should say more to his cousin R. or any other friends? after a long pause, he again said, the Lord hath visited me in much mercy, and hath answered his visitation upon me. (I give you his own words.) Being desirous to draw more from him, I proposed several questions; and the sum of his answers was, that he earnestly desires the continuance of the fervent prayers of all friends for him.”

"During their abode at Hadley, the most famous and memorable Indian war of New England took place. This was called King Philip's war. Philip was a powerful sachem, and resided at Mount Hope, in Rhode Island; where he was soon after this war put to death by Colonel Church. All the new frontier towns of New England we attack ed, and Hadley was then exposed as a place of that description. The time the savages fixed upon to make the assault, was while the inhabitants were assembled in the meeting-house to observe a fastday; but fortunately it had been some time a custom for the men to attend public worship armed. Had the town been taken, the discovery of Whalley and Goffe would have been inevitable. The men took up their arms, and attempted a defence, but

"Another story of Goffe is still current among the old inhabitants of Boston, which proves him to have been very expert at the exercise of the sword. It is thus related in a print which fell into my hands there.

"While the judges were at Boston, there appear ed a gallant person there, some say a fencing mas a stage erected for that purpose, ter, who, on walked several days, challenging and defying auy. person to play with him at swords. At length came one of the judges, disguised in a rustic dress, holding in one hand a cheese wrapped up in a napkin, and in the other a broomstick, the end of which he had besmeared in a dirty puddle of water; and thus equipped, he mounted the stage. The fencing master railed at him for his impudence, asked what

rencounter ensued; Golfe received the sword of his antagonist in the cheese, while he drew the dirty end of the stick across his mouth. Another pass was made, and again received in the cheese; and in return he gave another mark across the fencer's eyes. At a third lunge, the sword was again received as before, and the stick rubbed over the other parts of his face. The enraged master of arms then threw away his weapon, and took up a broad sword, with which he advanced. Upon this, Goffe told him to stop, and added, that he had hitherto only played with him without attempting to hurt him; but as he came on in rage, with the broad sword, his life would pay the forfeit. The fencer, struck with the manner this was said, and fearing the event, asked Goffe who he was? adding, that he must be either Whalley, Goffe, or the Devil, as no other could beat him. The disguised conque. ror retired, leaving the boasting champion to the diversion of the spectators. Hence it became pro verbial in New England, in speaking of a champion, to say, that no one can beat him but Whalley,

Goffe, or the Devil."

"Whalley died at Hadley in the year 1688. After about a year from the time of his decease, all tra dition of Goffe is lost. The only conjecture that can be formed is, that he did not long survive his friend, and was privately buried near him at Hadley."


ARTICLE III.A Voyage round the World, in the Years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804, by John Turnbull. Three Vols. 8vo. 13s. 6d. Phillips.

Islands from some visitors from thence, that they

panied us on the voyage, a circumstance which fur were eager to go thither, and accordingly accoins nished me with continual opportunities of making advances in their language.

had lately prevailed in Otaheite. This, as far as we could learn by the Europeans resident on the island, had been occasioned by the unusual oppression of the several members of the royal family, king Otoo, who, it was reported, set no bounds to and particularly by the son of Pomarre, the young his haughty domineering disposition. His adminis tration has at all times given extreme offence to the

It has already been mentioned that a ruinous war

inhabitants of the district of Attahooroo, who con

SINCE the voyages of Captain Cook, there has been no book of travels, published for these many years, which exceeds, for solid and interesting information, expressed in plain, forcible, and not inelegant language, the humble, unpretending volumes before us. Had Mr. Turnbull followed the practice of bis brother travellers, he might easily have swelled his materials to a couple of quartoes; but he has been content with communicating information, without condescending to the trick of bookmaking, and has been satisfied sidered him only as an usurper, and were constantly with leaving off when he ceased to instruct disposed to resist his measures, and throw off his and please. Indeed, we should conceive our-yoke: their district furnished a certain and secure selves unjust to the merits of this work, if refuge to the malcontents of the other parts of the we were not to speak in more decided lan-cause for discontent, which was, as I was informed, country. The Attahoorians had besides a private guage. We will pronounce it therefore the production of a man, who, had he cultivated this branch of writing, would have attained to no common rank in literature; at the same time we give it perfect credit for the variety and justness of its relations, and pronounce that the philosopher and scholar have not received, for many years, so valuable an ad-those, the morais of Attahooroo were considered to ditition to their knowledge of remote coun


the assassination of their high priest. Being a very superstitious race, and singularly attached to the held in the highest estimation and respect, as ioworship of their divinities, the priests are naturally termediate agents between the gods and the worshippers. It is well known that the morais, which receptacles for the dead, are regarded with the serve the double purpose of places of worship and utmost veneration by all the Otaheiteans. Amongst

be in a peculiar manner pre-eminent, and afforded a safe retreat to criminals of all descriptions. In one of these was preserved the grand image of their A specimen of the author's stile shall con-||god Oro, a divinity of the first rank. In this morai clude these remarks. He is speaking of the

missionaries :

[ocr errors]

the great assemblies of state were held, human sa.

crifices occasionally offered, and other religious and solemn rites performed. In this holy place, the "We cannot omit in this place to do justice to custom of the country required that the new king the amiable manners, and truly christian deport- Otoo should undergo certain operations, circumciment of these men, who, like the apostles of old, sion, &c. previously to his being publicly recog foregoing all the comforts of civilized life, and a nized by the state. Hitherto he could only enjoy life at least of tranquillity in their native land, have| performed a voyage equal to the circumnavigation spots allotted for his use, &c. his installation at some peculiar privileges, such as to walk on certain of the globe, and, like the dove of the ark, carried Oparree being considered as only partial and prethe christian olive over the world of waters. Their paratory to that to be performed amongst the Attalife is a life of contest, hardship, and disappoint hooriaus, one of the most warlike tribes in the ment; like their holy Master, they have to preach island, who constantly refused to acknowledge his to the deaf, and exhibit their works to the blind. "During our short stay in this island I laboured authority. Open hostilities and secret intrigues and assiduously to acquire some acquaintance with the negotiations had been alike insufficient to procure language, and was assisted in my efforts by some for Otoe this favourite divinity; and Pomarre and natives whom I had taken on board, as our comEdeah were equally interested in the success, and pany was by no means strong. These natives were grieved with the failure of their attempts, which ntterly ignorant of the English language, excepting had encouraged the inhabitants of certain other the two words yes and no, which they so frequently districts to imitate the resistance of those of Attamisapplied, that, to carry on our commerce, we hooroo. Otoo having repaired to Attahooroo, on a were compelled necessarily to exert ourselves to great religious solemnity, thought he saw a favourthe utmost to gain some knowledge of the dialectable opportunity of obtaining the object of his of Otaheite. The natives on board, six in number, wishes, and quite unexpectedly ordered a number had heard such flattering accounts of the Sandwich of his attendants to seize the god, which was in

stantly executed, and the image carried off in tri-selves, an enemy who would no longer remain neuumph. The Attahoorians, however, not inclined ||tral when provoked to action by self defence.

"The missionaries had indeed converted their dwelling-house at that place into a sort of fortress, having procured the guns of the Norfolk, which, as already mentioned, had been wrecked on the shore; and their guns being planted on the upper story of the house, and having laid in a large sup. ply of bread-fruit, cocoa-nuts, and other necessa ries, they were enabled to withstand a more vigo

for Pomarre, the crew of the Norfolk, and other European residents in the island, in number about thirty, and all accustomed to the use of fire-arms, espoused his cause in this extremity. On this, indeed, as on former occasions, himself and family were solely indebted to his European allies. With his acquisition of Europeans, he now retaliated the cruelties of the Attahoorians on their persons, and after much time consumed in parleying, a peace was concluded between the hostile parties. However, the Attahoorians kept possession of their idol,

to part with the object of their adoration so tamely, were speedily in arms, and overtaking the plunderers, an engagement took place, in which several of Otoo's party fell, and the precious palladium was retaken. In the warfare of savages every thing is usually, indeed almost invariably, decided by the event of a single battle; they have no towns, nor armies in reserve, to check the further progress of the conqueror; they have only to betake them.rous siege than that of the Attahoorians. Happily selves to their canoes, and in another settlement seek a refuge from their enemies. Their usual caution here deserts them, they venture into the 'main sea, and are not unfrequently overtaken by winds which drive them to lands which, but for such occurrences, might have remained unpeopled. Such are the second means by which an all-wise Providence works his ends, and nothing is made in vain, the most remote islands being thus inhabited. This remark cannot but be strongly confirmed by the resolution of the party of Otoo upon this defeat, as it was not without the greatest difficulty that they could be persuaded to remain in the island. They believed their affairs wholly ruined, and that no safety remained but in flight. The missionaries, however, at length prevailed, and Pomarrie and Otoo consented not to leave their native country. "The victorious Attahoorians, however, instead of pursuing Pomarre's party, were satisfied with the victory itself, and were content to reap no other fruit than the immediate gratification of the natural passion of savage conquerors, that of revenge. Their cruelties on the persons of all who fell in their way were horrible, and they committed a general ravage in the immediate territories of their ene. mies; but here they had the wisdom to terminate their career. They knew, that to attack Matavai was to venture against an enemy superior to them.

the bone of contention, and still maintained their independence as before.

The Europeans, however, have accused Pomarre of a breach of his engagements, that chief having, like other men in similar circumstances, probably stipulated many things neither in his power nor perhaps in his intention to perform. This peace, or rather truce, for it was no more, being concluded, and being merely the result of necessity, the adherents of Otoo stifled their resentment against the Attahoorians, in the hope of some future opportu nity to gratify their revenge, and obtain the object of their desires. Such an opportunity presented itself some months afterwards, as shall in due time be related.


ARTICLE IV.-Memoirs of Samuel Foote, Esq. with a Collection of his genuine Bon-Mots, &c. by William Cooke, Esq. Three Vols. Crown 8vo. 13s. 6d. Boards, R. Phillips.

No path of literature has been of late years|| performed by a man of genius. The misanso frequented as that of biography; whether thrope, on the contrary, will attribute it to this wish of becoming acquainted with the the malicious disposition of his fellow-creaprivate actions of those who by their workstures, who, unable to bear the glory which an and the transcendancy of their talents, have author has acquired, dive into the secrets of awakened the admiration of mankind, pro-his private life, with the hope of bringing to cced from a motive honourable to human na-light some hidden occurrence, which may ture, it is difficult to decide. The philan-cast a shade over the brightness of his fame. thropist will rejoice, because his generous But without entering into a long discussion of soul will fancy that gratitude exerts a stronger the merits of this question, we will only reinfluence over the hearts of men, and that mark, that those who assume the office of this longing after such information flows from biographers, ought, in order to fill its func a spirit of benevolence, which clothes everytions with credit to themselves, to choose & trifling deed with interest, when it has been style, of which the chief feature should be

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