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Treasury Notes.

[SEPT. 18, 1837.

community must become one contaminated and corrupted


There is another and a final reason which I shall assign against the reunion with the banks. We have reached a new era with regard to these institutions. He who would judge of the future by the past, in reference to them, will be wholly mistaken. The year 1833 marks the commencement of this era. That extraordinary man, who had the power of imprinting his own feelings on the community, then commenced his hostile attacks, which have left such effects behind, that the war then commenced against the

the imports and exports of the country to the port where such extraordinary facilities were afforded? If such would clearly be the effects in the case supposed, it is equally clear that the concentration of the currency at the same point, through the connexion of the Government with the banks, would have equal, if not greater, effects; and that, whether one general bank should be used as an agent, or a league of banks, which should have their centre there. To other ports of the country, the trifling advantages which a branch or deposite bank would give, in the safekeeping of the public revenue, would be as nothing, compared to the losses caused to their commerce by centralizing the money-banks, I clearly see, will not terminate, unless there be a ed action of the country at a remote point. Other gentlemen can speak for their own sections; I can speak, with confidence, of that which I have the honor in part to represent. The entire staple States, I feel a deep conviction, banks and all, would, in the end, be great gainers by the disseverance, whatever might be the temporary inconvenience. If there be any other section in which the effects will be different, it would be but to confirm the views which I have presented.

As connected with this, there is a point well deserving consideration. The union between banks and Government is not only a main source of that dangerous expansion and contraction in the banking system which I have already illustrated, but is also one of the principal causes of that powerful and almost irresistible tendency to the increase of banks, which even its friends see and deplore. I dwelt on this point on a former occasion, (on Mr. WEBSTER'S motion to renew the bank charter in 1833,) and will not repeat what I then said. But, in addition to the causes then enumerated, there are many others very powerful, and among others the one under consideration. They all may be summed up in one general cause. We have made banking too profitable-far, very far, too profitable; and I may add, too influential. One of the most ample sources of this profit and influence may be traced, as I have shown, to the connexion with the Government; and is, of course, among the prominent causes of the strong and incessant tendency of the system to increase, which even its friends see must finally overwhelm either the banks or the institutions of the country. With a view to check its growth, they have proposed to limit the number of banks and the amount of banking capital by an amendment of the constitution; but it is obvious that the effects of such an amendment, if it were practicable, would but increase the profits and influence of bank capital; and that, finally, it would justly produce such indignation on the part of the rest of the community against such unequal advantages, that in the end, after a long and violent struggle, the overthrow of the entire system would follow. To obviate this difficulty, it has been proposed to add a limitation upon the amount of their business; the effects of which would be, the accommodation of favorites, to the exclusion of the rest of the community, which would be no less fatal to the sysThere can be, in fact, but one safe and consistent remedy the rendering banking as a business less profitable and influential; and the first and decisive step toward this is a disseverance between the banks and the Government. To this may be added some effectual limitation on the denomination of the notes to be issued, which would operate in a similar manner.


I pass over other and important objections to the connexion-the corrupting influence and the spirit of speculation which it spreads far and wide over the land. Who has not seen and deplored the vast and corrupting influence brought to bear upon the Legislatures to obtain charters and means necessary to participate in the profits of the institutions? This gives a control to the Government which grants such favors, of a most extensive and pernicious character; all of which must continue to spread and increase, if the connexion should continue, until the whole


separation between them and the Government, until one or the other triumphs-till the Government becomes the bank, or the bank the Government. In resisting their union, I act as the friend of both. I have, as have said, no unkind feeling toward the banks. I am neither a bank man, nor an anti-bank man. I have had little connexion with them. Many of my best friends, for whom I have the highest esteem, have a deep interest in their prosperity, and, as far as friendship or personal attachment extends, my inclination would be strongly in their favor. But I stand up here as the representative of no particular interI look to the whole, and to the future, as well as the present; and I shall steadily pursue that course which, under the most enlarged view, I believe to be my duty. In 1834 I saw the present crisis. I in vain raised a warning voice, and endeavored to avert it. I now see, with equal certainty, one far more portentous. If this struggle is to go on-if the banks will insist upon a reunion with the Government against the sense of a large and influential portion of the community-and, above all, if they should succeed in effecting it-a reflux flood will inevitably sweep away the whole systein. A deep popular excitement is never without some reason, and ought ever to be treated with respect; and it is the part of wisdom to look timely into the cause, and correct it before the excitement shall become so great as to demolish the object, with all its good and evil, against which it is directed.

The only safe course for both Government and banks is to remain, as they are, separated-each in the use of their own credit, and in the management of their own affairs. The less the control and the influence of the one over the other, the better. Confined to their legitimate sphere—that of affording temporary credit to commercial and business men-bank-notes would furnish a safe and convenient circulation in the range of the circle of commerce and business within which the banks may be respectively situated, exempt almost entirely from those fluctuations and convulsions to which they are now so exposed; or, if they should occasionally be subject to them, the evil would be local and temporary, leaving undisturbed the action of the Government and the general currency of the country, on the stability of which the prosperity and safety of the community so much depend.

I have now stated my objections to the reunion of the Government and the banks. If they are well founded; if the State banks are of themselves incompetent agents; if a Bank of the United States be impracticable, or, if practicable, would, at this time, be the destruction of a large portion of the existing banks, and of renewed and severe pecuniary distress; if it would be against the settled conviction of an old and powerful party, whose opposition time cannot abate; if the union of Government and banks add to the unfitness of their notes for circulation, and be unjust and unequal between citizen and citizen, and one portion of the Union and another; and, finally, if it would excite an implacable and obstinate war, which could only terminate in the overthrow of the banking system or the institutions of the country, it then remains that the only alternative would be permanently to separate the two, and to reorganize the Treasury so as to enable it to perform those

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duties which have heretofore been performed by the banks
as its fiscal agents.
This proposed reorganization has been
called a sub-treasury-an unfortunate word, calculated to
mislead and conjure up difficulties and dangers that do not
really exist. So far from an experiment, or some new de-
vice, it is only returning to the old mode of collecting and
disbursing public money, which, for thousands of years,
has been the practice of all enlightened people till within
the last century.

In what manner it is intended to reorganize the Treasury, by the bill reported, I do not know. I have been too much engaged to read it; and I can only say that, for one, I shall assent to no arrangement which provides for a Treasury bank, or that can be perverted into one. If there can be any scheme more fatal than a reunion with the banks at this time, it would be such a project. Nor will I give my assent to any arrangement which shall add the least unnecessary patronage. I am the sworn foe to patronage, and have done as much and suffered as much in resisting it as any one. Too many years have passed over me to change, at this late day, my course or principles. But I will say, that it is impossible so to organize the Treasury for the performance of its own functions as to give to the Executive a tenth part of the patronage it will lose by the proposed separation, which, when the bill for the reorganization comes up, I may have an opportunity to show. I have ventured this assertion after much reflection, and with entire confidence in its correctness.

But something more must be done besides the reorganization of the Treasury. Under the resolution of 1816, bank-notes would again be received in the dues of the Government, if the banks should resume specie payments. The legal as well as the actual connexion must be severed. But I am opposed to all harsh or precipitate measures. No great process can be effected without a shock, but through the agency of time. I accordingly propose to allow time for the final separation; and, with this view, I have drawn up an amendment to this bill, which I shall offer at the proper time, to modify the resolution of 1816, by providing that after the 1st of January next, three-fourths of all sums due to the Government may be received in the notes of specie-paying banks; and after the 1st of January next following, one-half; and after the 1st of January next subsequent, one-fourth; and after the 1st of January thereafter, nothing but the legal currency of the United States, or bills, notes, or paper issued under their authority, and which may by law be authorized to be received in their dues. If the time is not thought to be ample, I am perfectly disposed to extend it. The period is of little importance in my eyes, so that the object be effected.

In addition to this, it seems to me that some measure, of a remedial character, connected with the currency, ought to be adopted, to ease off the pressure while the process is going through. It is desirable that the Government should make as few and small demands on the specie market as possible during the time, so as to throw no impediment in the way of the resumption of specie payments. With this view, I am of the impression that the sum necessary for the present wants of the Treasury should be raised by a paper, which should at the same time have the requisite qualities to enable it to perform the functions of a paper circulation. Under this impression, I object to the interest to be allowed on the Treasury notes which this bill authorizes to be issued, on the very opposite grounds that the Senator from Massachusetts bestows his opposition. He approves of interest, because it would throw them out of circulation into the hands of capitalists, as a convenient and safe investment; and I disapprove, because it will have that effect. I am disposed to ease off the process; he, I would suppose, is very little solicitous on that point.

But I go farther. I am of the impression, to make this great measure successful, and secure it against reaction, that


some stable and safe medium of circulation, to take the place of bank-notes in the fiscal operations of the Government, ought to be issued. I intend to propose nothing. It would be impossible, with so great a weight of opposition, to pass any measure without the entire support of the administration; and, if it were possible, it ought not to be attempted where so much must depend on the mode of execution. The best measure that could be devised might fail, and impose a heavy responsibility on its author, unless it met with the hearty approbation of those who are to execute it. I, then, intend merely to throw out suggestions, in order to excite the reflection of others on a subject so delicate, and of so much importance acting on the principle that it is the duty of all, in so great a juncture, to present their views without reserve.

It is, then, my impression, that, in the present condition of the world, a paper currency, in some form, if not necessary, is almost indispensable in financial and commercial operations of civilized and extensive communities. In many respects it has a vast superiority over a metallic currency, especially in great and extended transactions, by its greater cheapness, lightness, and the facility of determining the amount. The great desideratum is, to ascertain what description of paper has the requisite qualities of being free from fluctuation in value, and liability to abuse, in the greatest perfection. I have shown, I trust, that the banknotes do not possess these requisites in a degree sufficiently high for this purpose. I go farther. It appears to me, after bestowing the best reflection I can give the subject, that no convertible paper-that is, no paper whose credit rests upon a promise to pay-is suitable for currency. It is the form of credit proper in private transactions between man and man, but not for a standard of value, to perform exchanges generally, which constitute the appropriate functions of money or currency. The measures of safety in the two cases are wholly different. A promissory note, or convertible paper, is considered safe so long as the drawer has ample means to meet his engagements; and, in passing from hand to hand, regard is had only to his ability and willingness to pay. Very different is the case in currency.

The aggregate value of the currency of a country necessarily bears a small proportion to the aggregate value of its property. This proportion is not well ascertained, and is probably subject to considerable variation in different countries, and at different periods in the same country. It may be assumed, conjecturally, in order to illustrate what I say, at one to thirty. Assuming this proportion to be correct, (which probably is not far from the truth,) it follows that, in a sound condition of the country, where the currency is metallic, the aggregate value of the coin is not more than one in thirty of the aggregate value of the property. It also follows, that an increase in the amount of the currency, by the addition of a paper circulation of no intrinsic value, but increases the nominal value of the aggregate property of the country in the same proportion that the increase bears to the whole amount of currency; so that, if the currency be doubled, the nominal value of the property will also be doubled. Hence it is, that, when the paper currency of a country is in the shape of promissory notes, there is a constant tendency to excess. We look for their safety to the ability of the drawer; and so long as his means are ample to meet his engagements, there is no distrust; without reflecting that, considered as currency, it cannot safely exceed one in thirty in value, compared to property. And the delusion is farther increased by the constant increase in value of property, with the increase of the notes in circulation, so as to maintain the same relative proportion. It follows that a Government may safely contract a debt many times the amount of its aggregate circulation; but, if it were to attempt to put its promissory notes in circulation in amount equal to its debts, an explosion in the currency would be inevitable. And hence, with other causes,

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the constant tendency to an excessive issue of bank-notes in prosperous times, when so large a portion of the community are anxious to obtain accommodation, and who are disappointed when negotiable paper is refused by the banks; not reflecting that it would not be safe to discount beyond the limits I have assigned for a safe circulation, however good the paper offered.

On what, then, ought a paper currency to rest? I would say on demand and supply simply, which regulates the value of every thing else the constant demand which the Government has on the community for its necessary supplies. A medium resting on this demand, which simply obligates the Government to receive it in all of its dues, to the exclusion of every thing else except gold and silver, and which shall be optional with those who have demands on Government to receive or not, would, it seems to me, be as stable in its value as those metals themselves, and be as little liable to abuse as the power of coining. It would contain within itself a self-regulating power. It could only be issued to those who had claims on the Government, and to those only with their consent, and, of course, only at or above par with gold and silver, which would be its habitual state; for, as far as the Government was concerned, it would be equal in every respect to gold and silver, and superior in many, particularly in regulating the distant exchanges of the country. Should, however, a demand for gold and silver from abroad, or other accidental causes, depress it temporarily, as compared with the precious metals, it would then return to the Treasury; and, as it could not be paid out during such depression, its gradual diminution in the market would soon restore it to an equality, when it would again flow out into the general circulation. Thus there would be a constant alternate flux and reflux into and from the Treasury, between it and the precious metals; but, if at any time a permanent depression in its value be possible from any cause, the only effect would be to operate as a reduction of taxes on the community, and the only sufferer would be the Government itself. Against this its own interest would be a sufficient guaranty.

Nothing but experience can determine what amount and of what denominations might be safely issued; but it may be safely assumed that the country would absorb an amount greatly exceeding its annual income. Much of its exchanges, which amount to a vast sum, as well as its banking business, would revolve about it, and many millions would thus be kept in circulation beyond the demands of the Government. It may throw some light on the subject to state that North Carolina, just after the Revolution, issued a large amount of paper, which was made receivable in dues to her. It was also made a legal tender, but which, of course, was not obligatory after the adoption of the federal constituA large amount-say between four and five hundred thousand dollars-remained in circulation after that period, and continued to circulate for more than twenty years, at par with gold and silver during the whole time, with no other advantage than being received in the revenue of the State, which was much less than $100,000 per annum. I speak on the information of citizens of that State, on whom I can rely.


But, whatever may be the amount that can be circulated, I hold it clear that, to that amount, it would be as stable in value as gold and silver itself, provided the Government be bound to receive it exclusively with those metals in all its dues, and that it be left perfectly optional with those who have claims on the Government to receive it or not. It will also be a necessary condition that notes of too small a denomination should not be issued, so that the Treasury shall have ample means to meet all demands, either in gold or silver, or the bills of the Government, at the option of those who have claims on it. With these conditions, no further variation could take place between it and gold and silver than that which would be caused by the action of


[SEPT. 18, 1837.

An unusual demand from abroad for the metals would, of course, raise them a little in their relative value, and depress relatively the Government bills in the same proportion, which would cause them to flow into the Treasury, and gold and silver to flow out; while, on the contrary, an increased demand for the bills in the domestic exchange would have the reverse effect, causing, as I have stated, an alternate flux and reflux into the Treasury, between the two, which would at all times keep their relative values either at or near par.

No one can doubt that the fact of the Government receiving and paying away bank-notes in all its fiscal transactions is one of the principal sources of their great circulation; and it was mainly on that account that the notes of the late Bank of the United States so freely circulated all over the Union. I would ask, then, why should the Government mingle its credit with that of private corporations? No one can doubt but that the Government credit is better than that of any bank-more stable and more safe. Why, then, should it mix it up with the less perfect credit of those institutions? Why not use its own credit to the amount of its own transactions? Why should it not be safe in its own hands, while it shall be considered safe in the hands of 800 private institutions scattered all over the country, and which have no other object but their own pri vate profits, to increase which they almost constantly extend their business to the most dangerous extremes? And why should the community be compelled to give six per cent. discount for the Government credit blended with that of the banks, when the superior credit of the Government could be furnished separately, without discount, to the mutual advantage of the Government and the community? Why, let me ask, should the Government be exposed to such difficulties as the present, by mingling its credit with the banks, when it could be exempt from all such, by using by itself its own safer credit? It is time the community, which has so deep an interest in a sound and cheap currency, and the equality of the laws between one portion of the citizens of the country and another, should reflect seriously on these things-not for the purpose of oppressing any interest, but to correct gradual disorders of a dangerous character, which have insensibly, in the long course of years, without being perceived by any one, crept into the state.

The question is, not between credit and no credit, as some would have us believe; but in what form credit can best perform the functions of a sound and safe currency. On this important point I have freely thrown out my ideas, leaving it to this body and the public to determine what they are worth. Believing that there might be a sound and safe paper currency founded on the credit of Government exclusively, I was desirous that those who are responsible and have the power should have availed themselves of the opportunity of a temporary deficit of the Treasury, and the postponement of the fourth instalment intended to be deposited with the States, to use them as the means of affording a circulation for the present relief of the country and the banks, during the process of separating them from the Government; and, if experience should justify it, of furnishing a permanent and safe circulation, which would greatly facilitate the operations of the Treasury, and afford, incidentally, much facility to the commercial operations of the country. But a different direction was given; and when the alternative was presented, of a loan, or the withholding the fourth instalment from the States, I did not hesitate to give a decided vote for withholding it. My aversion to a public debt is deep and durable. It is, in my opinion, pernicious, and is little short of a fraud on the public. I saw too much of it during the late war not to understand something of the nature and character of public loans. Never was a country more egregiouslyˇimposed-on.

Having now presented my views of the course and the

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measures which the permanent policy of the country, looking to its liberty and lasting prosperity, requires, I come finally to the question of relief. I have placed this last-not that I am devoid of sympathy for the country in the pecuniary distress which now pervades it. No one struggled earlier or longer to prevent it than myself; nor can any one more sensibly feel the widespread blight which has suddenly blasted the hopes of so many, and precipitated thousands from affluence to poverty. The desolation has fallen mainly on the mercantile class-a class which I have ever held in the highest estimation. No country ever had a superior body of merchants-of higher honor, of more daring enterprise, or of greater skill and energy. The ruin of such a class is a heavy calamity, and I am solicitous, among other things, to give such stability to our currency as to prevent the recurrence of a similar calamity hereafter. But it was first necessary, in the order of things, that we should determine what sound policy, looking to the future, demands to be done at the present juncture, before we consider the question of relief, which, as urgent as it may be, is subordinate, and must yield to the former. The patient lies under a dangerous disease, with a burning thirst and other symptoms, which distress him more than the vital organs which are attacked. The skilful physician first makes himself master of the nature of the disease, and then determines on the treatment necessary for the restoration of health. This done, he next alleviates the distressing symptoms as far as is consistent with the restoration of health, and no further. Such shall be my course. As far as I possibly can, consistently with the views I entertain, and what I believe to be necessary to restore the body politic to health, I will do every thing in my power to mitigate the present distress. Further I cannot go.

After the best reflection, I am of the impression that the Government can do but little in the way of relief, and that it is a case which must be mainly left to the constitution of the patient, who, thank God, is young, vigorous, and robust, with a constitution sufficient to sustain and overcome the severest attack. I dread the doctor and his drugs much more than the disease itself. The distress of the country consists in its indebtedness, and can only be relieved by the payment of its debts. To effect this, industry, frugality, economy, and time, are necessary. I rely more on the growing crop-on the cotton, rice, and tobacco, of the South-than on all the projects or devices of politicians. I am utterly opposed to all coercion by this Government. But Government may do something to relieve the distress. It is out of debt, and is one of the principal creditors both of the banks and of the merchants, and should set an example of liberal indulgence. This I am willing to give freely. I am also prepared to vote freely the use of Governmant credit in some safe form, to supply any deficit in the circulation during the process of recovery, as far as its financial wants will permit. I see not what more can be safely done. But my vision may be obtuse upon this subject. Those who differ from me, and who profess so much sympathy for the public, seem to think that much relief may be afforded. I hope they will present their views. I am anxious to hear their prescriptions; and I assure them that whatever they may propose, if it shall promise relief, and be not inconsistent with the course which I deem absolutely necessary for the restoration of the country to perfect health, shall cheerfully receive my support. They may be more keen-sighted than I am as to the best means of relicf, but cannot have a stronger disposition

to afford it.

We have, Mr. President, arrived at a remarkable era in our political history. The days of legislative and executive encroachments, of tariffs and surpluses, of bank and public debt, and extravagant expenditure, are past for the present. The Government stands in a position disentangled from the past, and freer to choose its future course VOL. XIV.-5


We are

than it ever has been since its commencement. about to take a fresh start. I move off under the Staterights banner, and go in the direction in which I have been so long moving. I seize the opportunity thoroughly to reform the Government; to bring it back to its original principles; to retrench and economize, and rigidly to enforce accountability. I shall oppose strenuously all attempts to originate a new debt; to create a national bank; to reunite the political and money power-more dangerous than that of church and state-in any form or shape; to prevent the disturbances of the compromise, which is gradually removing the last vestige of the tariff system; and, mainly, I shall use my best efforts to give an ascendency to the great conservative principle of State sovereignty, over the dangerous and despotic doctrine of consolidation. I rejoice to think that the Executive department of the Government is now so reduced in power and means, that it can no longer rely on its influence and patronage to secure a majority. Henceforward it can have no hope of supporting itself but on wisdom, moderation, patriotism, and devoted attachment to the constitution, which I trust will make it, in its own defence, an ally in effecting the reform which I deem indispensable to the salvation of the country and its institutions.

I look, sir, with pride to the wise and noble bearing of the little State-rights party, of which it is my pride to be a member, throughout the eventful period through which the country has passed since 1824. Experience already bears testimony to their patriotism, firmness, and sagacity; and history will do it justice. In that year, as I have stated, the tariff system triumphed in the councils of the nation. We saw its disastrous political bearings; foresaw its surpluses and the extravagances to which it would lead. We rallied on the election of the late President to arrest it, through the influence of the Executive department of the We then fell back upon Government. In this we failed. the rights and sovereignty of the States, and by the action of a small but gallant State, and through the potency of its interposition, we brought the system to the ground, sustained as it was by the opposition and the administration, and by the whole power and patronage of the Government. The pernicious overflow of the Treasury, of which it was the parent, could not be arrested at once. The surplus was seized on by the Executive, and, by its control over the banks, became the fruitful source of Executive influence

and encroachment. Without hesitation, we joined our old opponents on the tariff question, but under our own flag, and without merging in their ranks, and made a gallant and successful war against the encroachments of the Executive. That terminated, we part with our late allies in peace; and move forward, lag, or onward who may, to secure the fruits of our long but successful struggle, under the old republican flag of 1798, which, though tattered and torn, has never yet been lowered, and, with the blessing of God, never shall be with my consent.

On concluding his speech, Mr. C. submitted his ameudment, which provided that from and after the 1st of January next, three-fourths of the money due to the Government may be paid in notes of specic-paying banks; that from and after the 1st of January 1839, one-half might be paid in such notes; one-quarter after the 1st of January, 1840; and that, from and after the 1st of January 1841, all sums due the Government for customs, lands, &c. shall be paid only in the legal currency of the United States, or in such notes, bills, &c., as should by law be ordered.

Mr. WEBSTER rose, and inquired of Mr. C. to what bill it was proposed to make this an amendment.

Mr. CALHOUN replied, to one called the divorce bill between the Government and the banks, which he said was just ahead.

Mr. BENTON, after expressing his entire concurrence in the amendment of Mr. CALHOUN, sent to the Chair two

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amendments of his own, which he said comprised the substance of the bill introduced by him two years ago, re-establish the constitutional currency of the country." His first amendment provides that, after a day to be specified, all the public dues should be paid in gold and silver only, and in Treasury notes and land scrip, as might by law be authorized; and the second provides that, after the resumption of specie payments by the banks, the Treasury should begin with specie payments.

[These amendments, together with Mr. CALHOUN's, were ordered to be printed.]

Mr. B. said he should not have risen in this debate, had it not been for the misapprehensions which seemed to pervade the minds of some Senators as to the character of the bill. It is called by some a paper-money bill, and by others a bill to germinate a new national debt. These are serious imputations, and require to be answered, not by declamation and recrimination, but by facts and reasons, addressed to the candor and to the intelligence of an enlightened and patriotic community.

I dissent from the imputations on the character of the bill. I maintain that it is neither a paper-money bill, nor a bill to lay the foundation for a new national debt; and will briefly give my reasons for believing as I do on both points.

There are certainly two classes of Treasury notes--one for investment, and one for circulation; and both classes are known to our laws, and possess distinctive features, which define their respective characters, and confine them to their respective uses.

The notes for investment bear an interest sufficient to induce capitalists to exchange gold and silver for them, and to lay them by as a productive fund. This is their distinctive feature, but not the only one; they possess other subsidiary qualities, such as transferability only by endorsement-payable at a fixed time-not re-issuable-nor of small denomination-and to be cancelled when paid. Notes of this class are, in fact, loan notes-notes to raise loans on, by selling them for hard money—either immediately by the Secretary of the Treasury, or, secondarily, by the creditor of the Government to whom they have been paid. In a word, they possess all the qualities which invite investment, and forbid and impede circulation. The act

of 1812 authorized an issue of notes of this description. They bore five and two-fifths per cent. interest, with an express clause that the Secretary of the Treasury might raise money upon them by loau. I presume there are Senators present who were members of the House of Representatives in 1812, who gave the sanction of their approbation to the Treasury note law of that year, and who would be very unwilling to hear the epithets applied to that law which are lavished upon this bill, which is copied from it.

The Treasury notes for currency are distinguished by features and qualities the reverse of those which have been mentioned. They bear little or no interest. They are payable to bearer-transferable by delivery-re-issuable of low denominations-and frequently reimburseable at the pleasure of the Government. They are, in fact, paper money, and possess all the qualities which forbid investment, and invite to circulation. The Treasury notes of 1815, were of that character, except for the optional clause to enable the holder to fund them at the interest which commanded loans-at seven per cent.

These are the distinctive features of the two classes of notes. Now try the committee's bill by the test of these qualities. It will be found that the notes which it authorizes belong to the first named class; that they are to bear an interest, which may be six per cent.; that they are transferable only by endorsement; that they are not re-issuable; that they are to be paid at a day certain, to wit, with in one year; that they are not to be issued of less denomi

[SEPT. 18, 1837.

nation than one hundred dollars; are to be cancelled when taken up; and that the Secretary of the Treasury is expressly authorized to raise money upon them by loaning them.

These are the features and qualities of the notes to be issued, and they define and fix their character as notes to raise loans, and to be laid by as investments, and not as notes for currency, to be pushed into circulation by the power of the Government, and to add to the curse of the day by increasing the quantity of unconvertible paper



The execution of the act, and especially the cardinal feature of the quantum of interest, is left to the President and the Secretary of the Treasury. I presume it will be executed as a law to borrow money; and in that point of view the interest was left open, under a maximum limit, as is proper to be done in all propositions for loans. may be invited by advertisement; the competition of lenders may fix the interest; capitalists may fix it by competition, though nominally left to the discretion of the President and Secretary; and at whatever rate it is thus fixed-at whatever rate a loan of gold and silver is commanded-at that rate the whole issue, made at any one time, ought to go. There should not be two rates of interest-a high one for the independent and opulent capitalist, and a low one for the helpless and necessitous public creditor.

This is my opinion of the character of these Treasury notes, and of the mode of using them. I cannot doubt but that lenders will present themselves, and that the whole ten millions may be borrowed in gold and silver just as fast as the Government needs it. That opinion is formed upon data-upon the great amount of specie now in the country, its unproductiveness to its present holders, and the facility with which large amounts of specie were borrowed immediately after the bank suspensions and the commercial revulsions of 1819. The specie in the United States cannot now be less than it was six months ago, to wit, eighty millions of dollars; for it is shown by the customhouse reports, and other data, that, notwithstanding the efforts to ship it to Europe, the imports and exports are about even during that time; and that, taking the whole fiscal year together, the imports now exceed the exports by nearly four millions of dollars; and that near $900,000 in gold have been coined in the first three quarters of the present calendar year. The specie in the country cannot, therefore, be less than $80,000,000, and, upon the calculation of last year, is more. The whole of this vast amount is lying idle, barren, and unproductive to its owners-not that they are all unwilling to lend it, and to receive interest, but for want of borrowers in whom they have confidence. The United States will present that borrower, and will bring forth the hoarded treasures which the lack of general confidence now consigns to sterility in private chests and in special bank deposites. Thus it was in 1819-'20. The commercial and bank catastrophe of that period took place in 1819; in less than a year afterwards, from the collapse of business and the stagnation of commerce, money in the Atlantic cities was abundant, idle, and seeking investment at four or five per cent. So says Mr. Cheves-so we can all remember. But to refresh memories, and establish this important fact, I will read a paragraph from Mr. Cheves's late letter to Dr. Cooper:

"Before the close of the first year of my administration, adequate capital had been assigned to the offices in which it had been deficient, and the bank and its offices generally, then or very soon after, were in a condition to do extensive business, had the situation of the country permitted it. But the commerce of the country became perfectly stagnant. Money was a drug. The bank, to keep up its business as far as possible, discounted long paper-say at four and six months, and perhaps longer. It was even proposed, with the same object, to lower the rate of interest

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