Over the Mountains of the Sea: Life on the Migrant Ships, 1870-1885Auckland University Press, 2006 - 294 էջ Drawing upon more than 80 personal diaries and journals of those on board, this resource explores the rich experience and the trials and tribulations of hopeful Anglo-Celtic pilgrims headed to Australia and New Zealand aboard migrant ships in the late 19th century. From daily routines to matters of food, health, religion, crime, and mutiny, this history unearths the humor, scandal, and personal triumph that defined the nautical pilgrimage of hundreds. |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 24–ի 1-ից 3-ը:
Էջ 21
... Hermione in 1883. It had poured with rain in the morning , but as the Hermione worked its way down the Thames late in the afternoon , the weather cleared to reveal a glowing sunset and a new moon hanging in the sky . Letts sat in her ...
... Hermione in 1883. It had poured with rain in the morning , but as the Hermione worked its way down the Thames late in the afternoon , the weather cleared to reveal a glowing sunset and a new moon hanging in the sky . Letts sat in her ...
Էջ 48
... Hermione was near the equator in 1883 Emilie Letts fainted . ' Oh dear , dear , it has been too hot today , ' she wrote when she regained consciousness and complained that she had been unable to eat.12 The Hermione was stranded in ...
... Hermione was near the equator in 1883 Emilie Letts fainted . ' Oh dear , dear , it has been too hot today , ' she wrote when she regained consciousness and complained that she had been unable to eat.12 The Hermione was stranded in ...
Էջ 94
... Hermione speared a porpoise , which they then cooked.1 Sometimes , however , it seemed that fish were caught just for sport . A few weeks later when the Hermione crew hooked a 10 - foot shark , they cut out the jaw for its teeth , then ...
... Hermione speared a porpoise , which they then cooked.1 Sometimes , however , it seemed that fish were caught just for sport . A few weeks later when the Hermione crew hooked a 10 - foot shark , they cut out the jaw for its teeth , then ...
A great wrench at the heart | 16 |
The mountains of the sea | 43 |
A time to every purpose | 73 |
Հեղինակային իրավունք | |
9 այլ բաժինները չեն ցուցադրվում
Այլ խմբագրություններ - View all
Over the Mountains of the Sea: Life on the Migrant Ships 1870–1885 David Hastings Մասամբ դիտվող - 2013 |
Over the Mountains of the Sea: Life on the Migrant Ships, 1870-1885 David Hastings Հատվածի դիտում - 2006 |
Over the Mountains of the Sea: Life on the Migrant Ships 1870-1885 David Hastings Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 2013 |
Common terms and phrases
Agent-General AIML AJHR ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY Alfred Lawrence Alumbagh Anne Vesey Auckland Bebington Bennewith Berar Bigwood Brodick Castle Buchner bunk captain Cardigan Castle cargo Chile complaints Cospatrick Coughtrey Coughtrey's Cowie crew deck diarists diary disease doctor Dunedin Emigrant Emilie Letts epidemic Euterpe evidence Findlayson forecastle Heginbotham Hermione Hillary Hocken Hosking Hunter Ibid immigration commissioners John Julius Vogel Knowsley Hall labour land Loch Gloy London married MARY DOBIE matron mess migrant ships Millen Coughtrey Munro mutiny night Oamaru official Otago Passengers Act Pirie poop Port Chalmers punishment Queen sailors sails saloon scarlet fever second-class Shaw Savill ship's shipboard single women single women's compartment social map steerage steerage passengers surgeon surgeon-superintendent Thorpe took Vesey's violence Vogel voyage washing WELLINGTON wife William Gray wind woman wrote Zealand Herald