1. proprietor 2. desirous 1. obstacle character 3. aisle (il) church sales chatineesh 4. isle (11) Island 4. applaud go down 18. encounter 19. lancet 20. drainage 21. impair 22. immense 23. languish 24. daintily 25. journal 5. lozenge (löz'ěnj) 6. degrade 7. liquor 8. duel 9. various 10. deceitful 11. 11. licorice (lik'ō ris) 12. declaration 13. persist 14. agility 15. chargeable 16. manual 2 17. consider 18. hurricane 19. condemn 20. disagree 21. intense 22. feud (füd) 23. pitiful 24. gristle 25. ignorance temperance Moderation. abstinence mon friend. Mutual implies recipro- 13. foreigner { Doing entirely without. 15. revery valid Having legal force. A valid argument. 16. section 14. effective taci (tas' it) Implied, but not expressed in 19. dizziness words. A understanding. instinct A natural impulse in animals by 20. boundary which, without instruction, they are directed to do what is necessary 21. profuse for their welfare. { What one really is. 24. diligence reputation What others think him to be. 25. sensation |