The old English plainness and sincerity, that generous integrity of nature, and honesty of disposition, which always argues true greatness of mind, and is usually accompanied with undaunted courage and resolution, is in a great measure lost among us. A Graded List of Common Words Difficult to Spell - Էջ 761891 - 88 էջԱմբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին
 | British essayists - 1802 - 266 էջ
...introduction to a very curious letter, which I shall make the chief entertainment of this speculation. ' The old English plainness and sincerity, that generous...courage and resolution, is in a great measure lost among us. ' The dialect of conversation is now-a-days so swelled with vanity and compliment, and so... | |
 | 1803 - 342 էջ
...introduction to a very curious letter, which I shall make the chief entertainment of this speculation. ' The old English plainness and sincerity, that generous...courage and resolution, is in a great measure lost among us. ' The dialect of conversation is now-a-days so swelled with vanity and compliment, and so... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1804 - 498 էջ
...introduction to a very curious letter, which I shall make the chief entertainment of this Speculation. " The old English plainness and sincerity, that generous...courage 'and resolution, is in a great measure lost among- us. " The dialect of conversation is noAv-a-days so swelled with vanity and compliment, and... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 494 էջ
...introduction to a very curious letter, which I shall make the chief entertainment of this speculation. ' The old English plainness and sincerity, that generous...courage and resolution, is in a great measure lost among us. ' The dialect of conversation is now-a-days so swelled with vanity and compliment, and so... | |
 | 1808 - 318 էջ
...hardly escape the censure of want of hreeding. The old English plaiuness and sincerity, that generons integrity of nature, and honesty of disposition, which always argues true greatness of mind, and is nsually accompanied with undaunted courage and resolution, is in a great measure lost among os. There... | |
 | 1810 - 278 էջ
...plainness and sincerity, that * Archbishop TiHotson, vol. ii. sermon ip 7. edit, in foKo. VOL. IX. T generous integrity of nature, and honesty of disposition,...courage and resolution, is in a great measure lost among us. 1 The dialect of conversation is now-a-days so swelled with vanity and compliment, and so... | |
 | 1810 - 596 էջ
...of dissimulation and compliment, that men's words are scarcely any signification of their thought. The old English plainness and sincerity, that generous...of nature, and honesty of disposition, which always argue (.rue greatness of mind, and are usual, ly accompanied with undaunted courage and resolution,... | |
 | 1810 - 612 էջ
...of dissimulation and compliment, that men'* words are scarcely any signification of their thought. The old English plainness and sincerity, that generous integrity of nature, and honesty of dispoMM mi, which always argue true greatness of mind, and are usual, ly accompanied with undaunted... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1811 - 522 էջ
...introduction to a very curious letter, which I shall make the chief entertainment of this speculation. " The old English plainness and sincerity, that usually accompanied with undaunted courage and reso-- lution, is in a great measure lost among us. " The dialect of conversation is, now-a-days, so... | |
 | Lionel Thomas Berguer - 1823 - 252 էջ
...introduction to a very curious letter, which I shall make the chief entertainment of this speculation. ' The old English plainness and sincerity, that generous...courage and resolution, is in a great measure lost among us. ' The dialect of conversation is now-a-days so swelled with vanity and compliment, and so... | |
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