The world is grown so full of dissimulation and compliment, that men's words are hardly any signification of their thoughts ; and if any man measure his words by his heart and speak as he thinks, and do not express more kindness to every man. than men... A Graded List of Common Words Difficult to Spell - Էջ 761891 - 88 էջԱմբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին
 | 1808 - 318 էջ
...that men's words are hardly any signification of their thoughts; and if any man measure his words hy his heart, and speak as he thinks, and do not express more kindness to every man, than men nsually have for any man, he can hardly escape the censure of want of hreeding. The old English plaiuness... | |
 | George Crabb - 1818 - 1000 էջ
...with the leait «Ucorii.v in the tenus the; make use of. Bl/IKjELl. If an; man measure his words by hb heart, and speak as he thinks, and do not express more kindness to every man than meo ueually have for »ny man, he can bardly escape the censure of lie want of breeding, TliLonox.... | |
 | John Tillotson - 1820 - 360 էջ
...none of the least. Men's words are hardly any signification of their thoughts; and if any one measures his words by his heart, and speak as he thinks, and do not express more kindness to every man than is usually had for any man, he can hardly escape the censure of rudeness and want of breeding. It is... | |
 | William Godwin - 1823 - 442 էջ
...full of Dissimulation and Complement, that Mens words are hardly any signification of their thoughts ; and if any Man measure his words by his heart, and...have for any man, he can hardly escape the censure of rudeness and want of breeding. The old English plainness and sincerity t, that generous integrity of... | |
 | H. Nolte - 1823 - 646 էջ
...full of dissimulation and compliment, that mens' words are hardly any signification of their thoughts; and if any man measure his words by his heart, and...every man, than men usually have for any man, he can bardfy escape the censure of rudeness and want of breeding. The old English plainness and sicerity,... | |
 | William Godwin - 1823 - 444 էջ
...are hardly any signification of their thoughts ; and if any Man measure his words by his heart, nnd speak as he thinks, and do not express more kindness...have for any man, he can hardly escape the censure of rudeness and want of breeding. The old English plainness and sincerity t, that generous integrity of... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1824 - 278 էջ
...full of dissimulation and compliment, that men's words are hardly any signification of their thoughts; and if any man measure his words by his heart, not express more kindness to every man •than menusually have for any man, he can hardly escape the censure of want of breeding. The old English... | |
 | 1824 - 282 էջ
...full of dissimulation and compliment, that men's words are hardly any signification of their thoughts; and if any man measure his words by his heart, and...thinks, and do not express more kindness to every man No. 103. THE SPECTATOR. II 44 than men usually have for any man, he can hardly escape the censure of... | |
 | George Crabb - 1826 - 768 էջ
...negligence who discourse of moral things with the least obacurity in the terms they make use of BUDGELL. ' If any man measure his words by his heart, and speak...have for any man, he can hardly escape the censure of the want of breeding.1 TlLLOTSON. TO CENSURE, ANIMADVERT, CRITICISE. To censure (v. To Accuse) expresses... | |
 | George Crabb - 1850 - 554 էջ
...things with the least obscurity in the terms they make use of.' — BUPGELL. ' If any man measure hit) words by his heart, and speak as he thinks, and do...have for any man, he can hardly escape the censure of the want of breeding.' — TiLLoreos. TO CENSURE, ANIMADVERT, CRITICISE. To cemntre (v. To Accuse)... | |
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