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“Ille meos, primum qui me sibi junxit, amores
Abstulit. Ille habeat secum servetque sepulcro."

PRÆTEREUNT nostræ, vel præteriere, juventæ
Tempora; nec maculam nescit, ut ante, sinus.
Mox venient rerum curæ rerumque dolores;
Et fronte in juveni ruga senilis erit.
Caligare mihi mox ipsa videbitur ætas,
Tincta novis (frater nesciit illa) malis.
Nunc etiam quicunque viris solet esse libido
Torva regunt animum truxque caterva meum:
Nunc livorque odiumque et mista timoribus ira
Exagitant trepidum, Virque, loquuntur, eris.
Unanimos equidem legi coluique sodales;
Fovi equidem multos interiore sinu:
Qua vero partem illam animæ, pars altera, quæram?
Frater erat nostri pars ita, fratris ego.

When years of rapture glided by,

The spring of life's unclouded weather,

Our souls were knit; and thou and I,

My brother, grew in love together. The chain is broke that bound us then. When shall I find its like again?


Tunc, ubi felices labi non sensimus annos,
Fulsit ubi verno sol sine nube polo;
Frater, erant nobis animi per mutua nexi;
Par tibi tunc annis, par et amore fui.
Copula dissiluit qua nectebamur: at illi
Dic quibus in latebris, qua sequar arte, parem ?


"LET us turn hitherward our bark," they cried, "And, 'mid the blisses of this happy isle,

Past toil forgetting and to come, abide
In joyfulness awhile.

And then, refreshed, our tasks resume again,
If other tasks we yet are bound unto,
Combing the hoary tresses of the main
With sharp swift keel anew."

O heroes, that had once a nobler aim,

O heroes, sprung from many a god-like line, What will ye do, unmindful of your fame, And of your race divine?

Ὦ πέπονες, κάκ ̓ ἐλέγχε ̓, ̓Αχαιΐδες, οὐκέτ ̓ ̓Αχαιοί.

"QUIN huc,” fremebant, "dirigimus ratem :

Hic, dote læti divitis insulæ,

Paullisper hæremus, futuri

Nec memores operis, nec acti:

"Curas refecti cras iterabimus,

Si qua supersunt emeritis novæ :
Pexisse pernices acuta

Canitiem pelagi carina."

O rebus olim nobilioribus

Pares: origo Dî quibus ac Deæ
Heröes! oblitine famæ

Hæc struitis, generisque summi?

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