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of a structure imposing and graceful in its completeness, which shall rise from this supporting base. Shall it rise with stately progress, without check or tardiness, till the cap-stone is set amid the plaudits of the liberal and patriotic citizens of this great city? Thus his fame grew, from Belmont to Appomattox, in whose honor this tomb is built. I am glad to see here what seem to me to be adequate assurances that this work, so nobly planned, will be speedily consummated. Your distinguished citizen who has assumed as a labor of love the burden of conducting this great enterprise, learned of his beloved friend and commander to exclude the word failure from his vocabulary." On May 5 the President affixed his signature to the Chinese Exclusion bill, which had already passed both houses of Congress, and it thus became a law. It still further restricted and guarded the admission of Chinese laborers to this country, and was so strict in character that many expected that diplomatic difficulty with China might ensue, but that it was upheld by general American sentiment there could be little doubt.

On May 28, the President again left Washington, in accordance with his acceptance of an invitation to take part in the Decoration Day exercises at Rochester, New York. He was greeted while there, and upon the way, with such expressions of welcome as showed that he was steadily growing in the public confidence and respect. He spoke, during the memorial exercises, briefly and eloquently.

The Republican National Presidential convention of 1892 was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in June, and long before that time many delegations both North and South were instructed to vote for the renomination of Mr. Harrison to the high office in which he had given so able and patriotic service. Honorable James G. Blaine was the leading opponent for the nomination, and the contest before and after the opening of the convention was carried on amid great excitement, and amid great enthusiasm upon all sides. Harrison's name was presented to the convention by Honorable Chauncey M. Depew of New York, and on June 10 the call of the states was ordered, with the result that Harrison was declared the victor by 535 votes, against 182 for James G. Blaine, and 182 for Major William McKinley of Ohio. Whitelaw Reid of New York was made the nominee for vice-president. The nomination was everywhere received as a wise one, as Harrison's administration had been such as to show that there could be no danger in again entrusting the affairs of the country to his hands. When he was formally notified, upon June 20, of the action of the convention, his speech, in response to the committee, so well showed the

spirit in which he accepted the trust, that it is here given in full. Said he:

"When, four years ago, on the anniversary of the declaration of our national independence, a committee designated by the Republican National convention held in Chicago came to my home in Indianapolis to notify me of my nomination for the Presidency, my sense of gratitude, great as it was, was forced into the far background by an overwhelming sense of the responsibility of leadership in a civil contest that involved so much to my country and to my fellow citizens. I could not hope that much would be found when the record of a quiet life had been brought under the strong light of public criticism to 'enthuse' my party followers, or upon which an assurance of adequacy for the highest civil affairs might be rested. No one so much as I realized that the strength of the campaign must be found in Republican principles, and my hope was that nothing in life or word of mine might weaken the appeal of our American policies to the American heart. That appeal did not fail. A Republican President and vice-president and a Republican Congress were chosen. The record has been made, and we are now to submit it to the judgment of a patriotic people. Of my own relations to the great transactions in legislation and administration, which must be the basis of this judgment, it does not become me to speak.

"I gratefully accept, sir, tne assurance given by Republican State conventions and by the National convention, through you, that no charge of inadequacy or delinqueney to principle has been lodged against the administration. The faithful and highly successful work done by the able heads of the executive department and by our representatives abroad, I desire most cordially to acknowledge and commend. The work of the Fifty-first Congress will strongly and most beneficially influence the national prosperity for generations to come. "The general results of three years of Republican control have, I believe, been highly beneficial to all classes of our people. The home market for farm products has been retained and enlarged by the establishment of great manufacturing industries, while new markets abroad of large and increasing value, long obstinately closed to us, have been opened on favored terms to our meats and breadstuffs by the removal of unjust discriminating restrictions and by numerous reciprocal trade agreements under section 3 of the McKinley bill. These acts of administration and legislation can now fortunately be judged by their fruits. In 1890, it was a conflict of prediction; now our adversaries must face trade statistics and prices current, but it is not

appropriate that I should. at this time, discuss these public questions. I hope before long to be able by letter to convey to you a more formal acceptance of the nomination which the National Republican convention has tendered to me, and to declare briefly my reasons for adhering to the declaration of principles adopted by the convention, and which you have so admirably summarized.

"Will you accept, sir, for yourself and your associates upon the committee and for the whole body of the great convention whose delegates you are, my profound thanks for this great honor? and will you, sir, allow me to express my most sincere appreciation of the gracious and cordial terms in which you have conveyed this message?"


Abbott, J. G., Vol. II., on Electoral Commission,

Abolition party, The, Vol. I., John Quincy Adams

and, 560 et seq.; Vol. II., Clay loses vote of
699; first appearance of in north, 731;
Pierce on, 781-2; Buchanan opposes, 793;
Hinton Helper's declaration for, 805; strives
to secure Lincoln, 865; growth of caused by
indignation, 866; Lincoln joins, 867; Vol.
III., entry into National politics, separates
into two organizations, 38-9; nominations,
43; open vote transferred to Free-Soil party,
45; members join Republican party, 54.
Abyssinia, Ethiopians of. Vol. IV., 794.
Acadia, Charter of, Vol. IV., 824.
Adair, General, Vol. IV., Burr and, 569.
Adams, Charles Francis, Vol. III., 46, 65; biog-
raphy, 472-4.

Adams, John, Vol. I., words on Lee's resolution,

90; education, 265 et seq.; teaches at Wor-
cester, letter, 267; choosing profession, ex-
tracts, writings, 268-74; practices law, 275;
extracts, 276-8; friendship with Sewall, 278;
counsel Plymouth company, marriage, 279;
opinion Otis' speech, 280; Braintree resolu-
tions, Stamp act, 281 et seq; extracts from
diary, 286-7; counsel protesting against
closing courts, 288-91; removal to Boston,
291; declines post advocate-general, 292-3;
defense of soldiers, 295-7; elected to the
assembly, 297; the "Boston Seat," 298;
controversy with Brattle. 299-301; reply to
the governor, 303-4; judicial salaries, im-
peachment of Oliver, 306-8; delegate to First
congress, 309; mission Massachusetts dele-
gates, colonial prejudice, 310-13; Bill of
Rights, 313-14; election to provincial_con-
gress, 315; newspaper controversy, 315 16;
illness, Second Congress, moves election of
George Washington, 316; publication pri-
vate letters, 317; chief-justice, represents
Massachusetts, 318; establishing foreign
relations, form of government of Virginia,
319; conference with the Howes, 320; presi-
dent board of war, 322; leaves congress,
323; missions to France, 324 et seq.; return,
representative for Braintree, 326; envoy to
Great Britain, 327; policy Vergennes, 327
et seq.; plenipotentiary to Holland, negotia-
tions of loan, 329; summons to Paris, pro-
posal of accommodation, 330; return to
Holland, of recognition, close of loan, 331-2;
negotiation of peace, 333 et seq.; boundary
and fisheries, 335-6; commercial treaty, 337;
illness, 338; additional loan, dangerous
voyage, 339; commercial treaties 339-40;
envoy to St. James, 340-1; defence of the
Constitution, 341; return to America, vice-
president, 342; advocates neutrality, 343;
inaugurated President, 345; appointsenvoys
to France, suspension of commercial rela-
tions, 346; peace without honor, 347; aliena-
tion of cabinet, 348; opposition to Adams'

[ocr errors]

administration, 350; election of Jefferson,
Midnight Judges," 351; refuses to attend
inauguration, last public service, reconcilia-
tion with Jefferson, death, 352; character,
family, 352-4; Vol. III., finances during ad-
ministration, 84 7; "Midnight Judges," 186;
reference to in Lives Eminent Americans,
205, 206, 208 212, 220, 236, 260; Vol. IV.,
Declaration of Independence, 617, 622; on
commit ee to prepare a seal for the United
States, 698; grave of 761-2.

Adams, John Quincy, Vol. I., birth, early life,
533; foreign travel, secretary legation, re-
turn, 534; at Harvard, practices law, writes
for press, minister at The Hague, 535; mar-
riage, transferred to Portugal, to Berlin,
536; recalled by father, removed by
Je erson, elected senator, 537; elected
United States Senator, 538; advo-
cates acquisition of Louisiana, votes for
acquittal of Chase, 539; severed from party,
resignation, 539-40; charge against Federal-
ists, declines nomination, minister to Russia,
541; foreign service, 542-3; secretary of
state, life in Washington, 544; Florida, re-
port on weights and measures, 545; germ of
Monroe doctrine, 546; the Presidency, treaty
with Great Britain, 547; elected President,
549; cabinet, unpopularity, appointments,
550; opposition of Jackson, story coalition
Adams and Clay, congress at Panama, 551;
tactless policy, 552; daily life, 553; open
letter to electors of Virginia, defeat, 554; at
Quincy, controversy with Essex Junto, liter-
ary wo k, 555; member of congress, 556;
nominated governor Massachusetts, defeat,
estimate of character, 557; course on slavery
question, 558 et seq.; chairman committee
manufactures, 559; last speech, 572; chair-
man New Jersey contested election, 573;
death, 574; character and work, 574-5;
speech, "Jubilee of the Constitution," 576-8;
Vol. II., foresight in slavery, 643; opposed
by Polk, 696; proposition to investigate,
791; Andrew Johnson's reply to, 928; R. B.
Hayes' visits, 1040; Vol. III., votes for,
25-8; finances during administration, 96-7;
references to in Lives Eminent Americans,
270; 289; 318; 328; 334; 393; 434: Vol.
IV., grave of, 761-2.

Adams, Mrs. President, Vol. IV., description of
the capital, 611.

Adams, Samuel, Vol. I., resolutions, denies right
of parliament to tax colonies, 286; draws
memorial, 288; frames reply to Hutchinson,
303-4; heads Democratic party, 326; 341-2;
398; 413; Vol. III., biography, 197-201.
Administration Whigs, The, Vol. III., 48.
African Labor Supply association, Vol. II., 804.
Alabama, Vol. I., admitted to the Union, 322;
Vol. III., 26; 104.

Alabama claims, The, Vol. II., Grant on, 988;
decision of, 1006.

Alabama, The, Vol. II., 910.

Alamo, The, Vol. IV., bombarded by Santa
Anna, 710.

Albany Congress, The, Vol. IV., 598.

Albany Regency, The, Vol. II., Van Buren at
head of, 613-14; 649.

Alexander, Robert, Vol. IV., 821.
Alger, Russell A., Vol. IV., 513.

Algiers, Vol. I., war closed, 410; Vol. III., 85.
Alien and Sedition laws, The, Vol. I., 348; Vol.
III., 14, 38.

Alleghany Mountains, Vol. IV., boundary in
attempt to separate the west from the
Union, 542, 570, 571.
Allen, Ethan, Vol. I., Ticonderoga, 69, 77; pris-
oner of war, 75; Vol. III., biography, 254-6.
Allen, William, Vol. II., named as candidate for
President, 1058; VI. III., biography, 457-8.
Allicott, Andrew, Vol. IV., 805.

Alston, Mr., Vol. IV., Burr's son-in-law, 575,

Altai, The, Vol. IV., 793.

Altamaha River, Vol. IV., 811.

America, Vol. II., interest of, centered in the
Potomac river, 907; Vol. IV., boundaries of,

American and Foreign Anti-Slavery society,
Vol. III., 39.

American Anti-Slavery society, Vol. III., 38.
American Party, The, Vol. II., nominate Fill-
more for President, 761, 797; defeat of, 762;
Buchanan denounces precepts of, 796; Vol.
III., side stroke at, 48; nomination of, 53;
broken up, 57; "Know Nothings," 54, 60.
American Plenipotentiaries, Vol. IV., 798.
American system, see Tariff.

American Whig, Vol. III., synonymous with
Patriot, 9.

Ames, Fisher, Vol. III., biography, 281-2; Vol.
IV., 606.

Amnesty bill, Vol. II., Blaine's amendment to.

1133; Benjamin Hill on, 1133; Garfield on,
1134; defeated, 1135,

Ampudia, General, Vol. II., 717-18, 721.
Amsterdam, New, Vol. IV., Duke of York takes
possession of, 801.

Anderson, Elbert, Vol. IV., 787.
Anderson, Major Robert, Vol. II., at Fort

Moultrie, 815; saves Fort Sumter, 816;
hesitates to return fire, 819.

Andre, Major, Vol. I., negotiations with Arnold,
capture, trial, death, 203-10; Vol. III.,

Angell, President, Vol. IV., negotiations with
China, 515.

Ann, Cape, Introduction, 26.

Aunapolis, Vol. IV., congress removed to, 599,
601, 602, 603.

Antietam, Battle of, Vol. II., 903.
Anti-Federalists, The, Vol. III., 10-11.
Anti-Masonic Party, The, Vol. I., origin, nomi-

nates Adams for congress, 556; Vol. II,
elects Fillmore to state senate, 743; Vol. III.,
origin, conventions, dies out, 29-31; 34.
Appointing power of President, Vol. II., Zachary
Taylor on, 732.

Appomattox, Vol. II., the surrender at, 925,
969, 979.

Aranda, Count de, Vol. IV., 559.

Arbitration, Vol. II., Hayes on, 1072.

Arkansas, Vol. I., admitted, 561; Vol. II.,
election contests, 1005-6; Vol. III., territory
erected, 26.

Arkansas River, Vol. IV., 799.

Army Appropriation bill, The, Vol. II., of 1856,
amendments to, 780-1; failure of in 1876,

Army of Confederacy, Vol. II., 894; ordered to
retreat, 899; decide to move on to free soil,
912; driven back, 913.

Army of Cumberland, Vol. II., Thomas in com.
mand of, 967; at Missionary Ridge, 968;
Garfield belongs to, 1117.
Army of North, Vol. II., 894; size of, McClellan's
management of, 897; politics in, 898;
Lincoln visits, devotion to Lincoln, 907.
Army of Ohio, Vol. II., goes to Nashville, 1118.

Army of Potomac, Vol. II., advance of planned,
897; under McClellan, 900; under Pope,
903; under McClellan, 903-4; Burnside in
command of, 904; Hooker in command of
911; Meade in command of, 912; loss in
battle of Gettysburgh, 913.

Army of Virginia, Vol. II., organized, Pope in
command of, 900; loss in battle of Gettys-
burgh, 913; surrenders, 978.

Arnold, Benedict Vol. I., at Ticonderoga, 77;
Canadian expedition, 78-80;
128; relieves Fort
militia, Middlebrook,
Stanwix, 149; wounded at Saratoga, 151;
sent to Philadelphia, 173; treason, 203 et
seq.; brigadier-general British army, 210; in
vasion Virginia, 217, 376; Vol. III., 245;
biography, 250-2.

Arthur, Chester A., Vol. II., nominated for vice-
president, 1145; urges return of Conkling.
1152; made President, difficulties of posi-
tion of, 1159; birth of, early boyhood, edu-
cation, studies law, teaches school, enters
bar in New York city, marries, 1160; early
interest in slavery and politics, made quarter-
master-general for New York, conduct dur-
ing Merrimac scare and Mason and Slidell
affair, 1161; fortifies New York, 1161-2;
work asinspector-general, establishes camps,
efficiency of work, elected colonel, wishes to
enter the field, at meeting of loyal governors,
returns to civil life, practices law, made col-
lector of port of New York, re-appointed,
1162; his conflict with President Hayes, on
civil service, resumes practice of law, sup-
ports Grant for third term, 1163; nominated
for vice-president, accepts nomination, on
rights of the Negro, on civil service, on
National finances, 1164; on education, on
tariff, on internal improvements, takes active
part in campaign, elected vice-president, in
contest between President Garfield and
Conkling, conduct during Garfield's illness,
made President, inaugural address, 1166;
appoints a day of National mourning, ap-
points Charles J. Folger secretary of the
treasury, appoints Benjamin F. Brewster
attorney-general, appoints F. T. Frelinghuy-
sen secretary of state, appoints Timothy O.
Howe postmaster-general, appoints W. E.
Chandler secretary of the navy, appoints
Henry M. Teller secretary of the interior,
policy of, 1167-8; on death of Garfield, on
foreign relations, on Panama Canal, on re-
lations with Columbia, on finances, on tariff,
on the Indians, 1169, 1170; foreign policy
of, 1171; treaties with Mexico, Spain and
San Domingo, favors Nicaragua canal,
vetoes Chinese Immigration bill, reasons for,
1171; on Burlingame treaty, 1172; recom-
mends work of Mississippi River commission,
1172; vetoes several important bills, 1173;
on National finances, on fortifications, on
illiteracy, on inter-state commerce, on civil
service reform, 1174; supports the Pendle-
ton bill, ill-health of, goes to the south and
to the west, urges reconstruction of navy,
warns invaders to leave the Indian reserva-
tion, vetoes the Fitz-John Porter bill, 1175,
1176; on silver coinage, 1176; urges pension
for General Grant, desires nomination for
President, upheld by Henry Ward Beecher
and Benjamin Bristow, loses nomination,
signs bill restoring Grant's military rank,
retires, 1177; character of man, 1177-8;
practices law in New York, illness, death,
sorrow for, tribute of President Cleveland to,
1178; burial in Albany, tributes to, 1179-82;
Vol. III., nomination, election, 71-2; ballot
for, 73; finances during administration,
129-30; Vol. IV., grave of, 768-9.
Aryan Races, Vol. IV., 794.
Ashawoga River, Vol. IV., 816.
Ashley, James M., Vol. II., resolutions of im-
peachment of President Johnson, 941-2.
Assanpink, The, Vol. IV., National flag first
used by Washington on the banks of, 693.

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