لي NWMMDPOOLUENEE LIBRARY EAR ANDHOOMRANYTON COPYRIGHT 1913, BY THE PALMER COMPANY BOSTON, MASS. NEWCOMB & GAUSS, PRINTERS SALEM, MASS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Foreword to Teachers and Students PAGE iii-iv FOREWord to TEACHERS An English course that assists a pupil to earn a livelihood and to become a useful member of society is of practical value. This handbook of Commercial English has been prepared to supply Commercial schools with a suitable text-book for special training in English, including grammar, punctuation, composition, letter-writing, etc., necessary to fit students for stenographic and clerical positions. Through her experience as business college and high school teacher, the author was led to see the need of practical training in everyday Business English. This book is the outgrowth of many years of experience, and the results obtained by its use amply justify the author and the publishers in presenting it to English teachers. The adjustability of the work, as outlined, to one or two years of any high school is one of its strong features. The subject may be made intensive by extending it to outside material. In addition to supplementary work from newspapers and magazines, debating may be correlated with the plan offered with very beneficial results. To meet the need for a practical knowledge of business correspondence, which has grown up with the extension of higher Commercial education, the author endeavors to present information upon letter-writing that is up-to-date and applicable to modern business methods. Correspondence is taken up at the beginning and carried on through the whole work. This plan avoids crowding this important subject into the latter part of the course and perhaps slighting it. One letter a week should be assigned to the pupils for proper preparation. These letters should be corrected by the teacher, and the errors discussed in class, after which, where necessary, re-writing should be required. It is a good plan to designate a certain day of the week (say Friday) iii |