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and Collected Poems by Rudyard Kipling. Thanks also are due Mr. Rudyard Kipling as well as A. P. WATT AND SON for "The Return" from The Five Nations and "An Astrologer's Song" from Rewards and Fairies by Rudyard Kipling.

E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY for the selections from Counter-Attack and Picture Show by Siegfried Sassoon.

THE EVENING POST (New York) — for a poem by Joseph Auslander. FOUR SEAS COMPANY for the quotations from The Charnel Rose and The House of Dust by Conrad Aiken, for the poem from War and Love by Richard Aldington. HARCOURT, BRACE & COMPANY

for the selections from A Miscellany of American Poetry 1920, 1922, 1925, 1927, Canzoni and Carmina by T. A. Daly, Not Poppy by Virginia Moore, Selected Poems by W. H. Davies, Smoke and Steel by Carl Sandburg, The Inner Harbor by Wilbert Snow, Lilliput by Roberta T. Swartz, Challenge and The New Adam by Louis Untermeyer, Cross Currents by Margaret Widdemer, Nets to Catch the Wind by Elinor Wylie, The Contemplative Quarry by Anna Wickham. HARPER & BROTHERS - for the selection from Fables for the Frivolous by Guy Wetmore Carryl, Color and Copper Sun by Countee Cullen, Sunrise Trumpets by Joseph Auslander, Renascence and Second April by Edna St. Vincent Millay.

HARR WAGNER PUBLISHING CO. - for the selections from The
Complete Poetical Works of Joaquin Miller.
HENRY HOLT & COMPANY for the selections from Wilderness
Songs by Grace Hazard Conkling, Peacock Pie and The Listeners
by Walter de la Mare, A Boy's Will, North of Boston, New Hamp-
shire, and Mountain Interval by Robert Frost, Chicago Poems and
Cornhuskers by Carl Sandburg, Poems by Edward Thomas, and
Factories by Margaret Widdemer.

The selections from The Complete Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich, The Complete Works of Bret Harte, The Shoes That Danced by Anna Hempstead Branch, Davy and the Goblin by Charles E. Carryl, Grimm Tales Made Gay by Guy Wetmore Carryl, Poems 1908-1919 by John Drinkwater, Sword Blades and Poppy Seed, Pictures of the Floating World, and What's O'Clock? by Amy Lowell, Riders of the Stars by Harry Herbert Knibbs, Streets in the Moon by Archibald MacLeish, Poems and Poetic Dramas by William Vaughn Moody, Lyrics of Joy by Frank Dempster Sherman, Poems by Edward Rowland Sill, Sea Garden by H.D., and the quotations from Some Imagist Poets — 1916 and Some Imagist Poets 1917 are used by permission of and by special arrangement with HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY, the authorized publishers.

ALFRED A. KNOPF-for the selections from A Canticle of Pan by Witter Bynner, Collected Poems by W. H. Davies, Fairies and Fusiliers and Country Sentiment by Robert Graves, Fine Clothes to the Jew by Langston Hughes, Poems: First Series by J. C. Squire, Asphalt and Other Poems by Orrick Johns, Mushrooms by Alfred Kreymborg, Songs for the New Age by James Oppenheim, Lustra by Ezra Pound, Profiles from China by Eunice Tietjens, Two Gentlemen in Bonds by John Crowe Ransom all of which are reprinted by permission of and by special arrangement with ALFRED A. KNOPF, INC., authorized publishers. LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY - for the selections from Collected Poems by Emily Dickinson.

THE MACMILLAN COMPANY for the selections from The Congo and Other Poems and The Chinese Nightingale by Vachel Lindsay, Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters, The Quest by John G. Neihardt, The Man Against the Sky by Edwin Arlington Robinson, Love Songs and Flame and Shadow by Sara Teasdale, Hesperides by Ridgely Torrence, Steep Ascent by Jean Starr Untermeyer, Fires and Borderlands by W. W. Gibson, Poems by Ralph Hodgson, Good Friday and Other Poems and the passage from "Dauber" in The Story of A Round-House by John Masefield. THE MANAS PRESS for the selections from Verse by Adelaide Crapsey.

ROBERT M. MCBRIDE & COMPANY for the selections from Those Not Elect by Léonie Adams.


for the selections from A Quiet Road and

A Wayside Lute by Lizette Woodworth Reese.

THE NEW REPUBLIC - for poems by Conrad Aiken, Robert Frost, Léonie Adams, W. H. Davies, Lizette Woodworth Reese.

PAGAN PUBLISHING COMPANY for two poems from Minna and Myself by Maxwell Bodenheim.

POETRY: A MAGAZINE OF VERSE for poems by Elizabeth J. & Coatsworth, Dorothy E. Reid, George Dillon.

THE POETRY BOOKSHOP (England) — for the excerpts from Strange Meetings and Children of Love by Harold Monro, The Farmer's Bride by Charlotte Mew and the poems reprinted from the biennial anthologies, Georgian Poetry.


for the title-poem from In Flanders Fields

for the sonnet from The House of Orchids by

George Sterling. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS for the selections from Poems by Henry Cuyler Bunner, Poems by Eugene Field, Poems by William Ernest Henley, Poems of Sidney Lanier, The Children of the Night

and The Town Down the River by Edwin Arlington Robinson, and Poems by Alan Seeger.

SHERMAN, FRENCH & COMPANY — for two poems from The Human
Fantasy and Love and Liberation, by John Hall Wheelock.

for the selections from Ballads

of Lost Haven by Bliss Carman, Along the Trail by Richard Hovey, Songs from Vagabondia and More Songs from Vagabondia by Richard Hovey and Bliss Carman.

F. A. STOKES COMPANY - for the selections from War Is Kind by Stephen Crane, Grenstone Poems by Witter Bynner, and Poems by a Little Girl by Hilda Conkling.

STURGIS & WALTON COMPANY - for the poem from Monday Morning by James Oppenheim.

- for the selec

THE VIKING PRESS, INC. (formerly B. W. Huebsch)
tions from Poems by Wilfred Owen, Amores and New Poems by
D. H. Lawrence, Growing Pains and Dreams out of Darkness by
Jean Starr Untermeyer, Boy in the Wind by George Dillon.
THE YALE REVIEW for "The Onset" by Robert Frost and "Two
Songs for Solitude" by Sara Teasdale.


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for selections from Young Adventure by Stephen Vincent Benét and The Burglar of the Zodiac by William Rose Benét.


"Modern" is, perhaps, the most misleading adjective in the dictionary. There is no term more fluctuant and elusive, that shifts its meanings with greater rapidity, that turns its back so quickly upon those ardent champions who defended it most stubbornly. The present merges so swiftly into the past that today's definition of modernity may seem, after the shortest of intervals, an apology for some safely enshrined tradition.

And yet, though one should not use hard and fast rules when measuring so fluid a thing as time, one must at least be arbitrary about the years when making an anthology. A "modern" compilation is no exception. Although it is difficult to draw a line between periods of literary activityand particularly of poetry-the task is made somewhat easier by the advent of Walt Whitman in America and the close of the Victorian Era in England. It would have been pleasant to divide the poetry of this dual collection into groups and distinct tendencies. Unfortunately, such a scheme would give the reader a series of impressions that would be contradictory and, in the final effect, false. One cannot draw a true picture of a period in the state of flux except by showing its fluid character.

Since the chronological arrangement is, in spite of certain disadvantages, the only logical one, an arbitrary boundary has been fixed. Conceiving modern British poetry to begin after the fertile Tennyson-Browning-Rossetti-Swinburne epoch, the year 1840 is made to act as dividing-line; any poet born before that date is ruthlessly excluded. In the case of American poetry, the line has been moved back twenty years. Thus, by including work of a poet born in this country as early as 1819, a richer background has been given the poetry of our times. And, although some of the "interval" poets like Aldrich and Lanier could scarcely be

considered "modern," it is curious to see how wide and how completely the circle has swung since Walt Whitman startled the world with Leaves of Grass.

It is a happy circumstance that this volume should begin with the poetry of Whitman and Emily Dickinson (born 1830) whose work, printed for the first time after her death, was unknown as late as 1890 and unnoticed until several years later. For their lines radiated the new spirit — free in expression, unhampered in choice of subject, keen in psychology to which a countryful of writers has responded. No longer confined to London, Boston or New York as literary centers, the impulse to create is everywhere. There is scarcely a state, barely a township that has not produced its local laureate.

The notes preceding the poems are intended to support and amplify this geographical as well as biographical range. It is instructive as well as interesting to see what effect, if any, climate and conditions exert on the creator's expression: how much the gaunt and granite hills of New Hampshire manifest themselves in the New England soliloquies of Robert Frost, or how the noisy energy of the Middle West booms and rattles through the high-pitched syllables of Vachel Lindsay. The notes, with their brief critical as well as bibliographical data, have also been prepared on the theory that poet and person have a definite relation to each other and the enjoyment of the one is enhanced by an acquaintance with the other.

While emphasis has been placed upon the contribution of living writers, little stress has been laid upon the controversial subject of Form. It is the matter which concerns us more than the manner. Vers libre, that bugaboo of many critics, has produced a quantity of trivial and tiresome exhibitions. But so, the vers librists might well reply, has the sonnet. Any form, in the hands of the genuine artist, not only justifies but dignifies itself. Free verse (a misnomer, by the bye, for free verse instead of being "free" obeys certain well-known laws of rhythm, balance, return and cadence) is capable of many effects impossible of achievement in a strict, metrical pattern. Nor is free verse as one-dimensional

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