Fielding's Perspective. French Grammar. De la Voye's French and English Lexicon. "Any books not included in the above enumeration, or which may be hereafter required at the seminary, to be paid for by the cadets. " 16. Previous to the cadet's admission, his parents or guardians shall furnish him with the following articles (to be repaired, or, if necessary, to be renewed by the parents or guardians at the vacation), viz.: "Two combs and a brush, twelve shirts (including three night shirts), eight pair of cotton stockings, six ditto worsted ditto, six towels, six night-caps, eight pocket-handkerchiefs, one pair of white trousers, a tooth-brush, a Bible and Prayer-book, a case of mathematical instruments of an approved pattern, to be seen at Messrs. Troughton & Simms', 136, Fleet-street; Mr. Jones's, 62, Charing-cross; and at Messrs. Reeves & Sons, 150, Cheapside. "Prohibition.-17. The cadet must not join the seminary with a greater sum in his possession than one guinea, and a further supply from any of his relations during his term may subject him to dismission from the seminary. "Vacations.-18. Midsummer commences about the middle of June, ends 31st July. Christmas commences about the middle of December, ends 31st January. "19. Before the close of every vacation, the cadet must apply at the Cadetoffice, Military department, East India House, for an order for his re-admission, and all sums then due to the Company must be paid up. This order will express that he is only to be re-admitted upon his returning with the same number of books and instruments which he took home with him, that his linen is put into proper repair, and that he is in a fit state of health to renew his duties. "Notice to Parents and Guardians. The friends of every cadet are hereby informed, that provision being made for furnishing him with every requisite, he cannot really want a supply of money to be placed at his disposal while at the seminary; and if they do, notwithstanding, think proper to furnish him with money, they put it in his power to commit irregularities, which must always retard his studies, and may eventually lead to his removal from the institution. "The parents and friends are further particularly desired not to attend to any application from the cadet for money, under the pretence of his having incurred any debts at Croydon, or elsewhere, or for the purpose of subscribing to the public charities, or any other pretence whatever. "It having become known that cadets have been in the habit of writing to their friends for money, under the pretence that there were so many stoppages from their weekly allowance, that they had scarcely any money left, the committee have ascertained that these stoppages have arisen, not only from wilful and wanton destruction of public property, but in a considerable degree from the postage of letters and the carriage of parcels addressed to the cadets. It has in consequence been ordered, that no letter or parcel shall be admitted into the seminary unless the postage or carriage of such letter or parcel shall have been previously fully paid for by the person sending the same. It has also been ordered, that every parcel shall be opened in the presence of one of the orderly officers and the cadet to whom it is sent that should it contain wine, or any thing prohibited in the regulations, the parcel, upon the first offence, will be returned to the person sending the same; and that upon the second offence, the cadet will be ordered home, and will not be re-admitted until a written apology has been sent to the committee by the person who has committed a breach of this regulation. EXTRACT FROM THE STANDING REGULATIONS OF THE SEMINARY. Sect. 1, Clause 1. ""No professor, master, or other person in the institution, shall receive from the cadet, or the parents or friends of any cadet, any pecuniary present or consideration, on any pretence whatever.' "By resolutions of the Court of Directors, dated on the 14th March, 1786; 8th April, 1807; 30th August, 1826; and 8th January, 1836, all cadets appointed to the Company's service in Bengal, are required to become subscribers to the Military Orphan Society, and to the Military Widows' Fund at that Presidency. "By a resolution of the Court of Directors, dated on the 30th April, 1823, all cadets appointed to the Company's service at Fort St. George and Bombay, are required to become subscribers to the Military Fund at their respective Presidencies. "The engineer cadets are required to embark and sail for their respective destinations within three months after quitting Chatham, and the artillery and infantry cadets within three months after passing their public examination. "Memoranda. The gentlemen cadets educated at the Military Seminary are eligible for the corps of engineers, artillery, and infantry. Admission to the two first of these branches, viz., the engineers and artillery, is only to be obtained by these cadets, none others being eligible. Those who are most distinguished are selected for the engineers, according to the vacancies in that branch. Those immediately following in order of succession are promoted to the corps of horse and foot artillery. "Those cadets for whom there is no room in the engineers, but who are reported to have attained to a high degree of qualification, receive honorary certificates, and their names are announced to the governments in India, and published in general orders to the army, as meriting particular notice. They have the privilege of choosing the Presidency in India to which they shall be stationed. The cadets not appointed to the engineers or artillery are, when reported qualified, posted to the infantry, and rank together according to the rank which they obtained at the seminary. "The gentlemen cadets may pass through the seminary as rapidly as their attainments and qualifications will enable them to pass after a year's residence, provided that they are of the age of sixteen years on or before the day of their final examination. Their stay at the institution is limited to four terms. "The cadets educated at this institution take rank in the army above all other cadets who are appointed from the commencement of three months previously to the date of the seminary cadets being reported qualified; and all the time passed by them at the institution after they attain the age of sixteen, counts as so much time passed in India, in calculating their period of service for retiring pensions on full pay." CAVALRY OR INFANTRY CADETS. "Cadets nominated for either of the above corps must be sixteen years of age, and under twenty-two, unless they have held a commission in her Majesty's service for one year, or in the militia or fencibles when embodied, and have been called into actual service, or from the company of cadets in the royal regi ment of artillery; they are then eligible if not more than twenty-five years of age; and they must procure similar certificates and vouchers to those prescribed for cadets entering the seminary. "No person who has been dismissed the army or navy, the Royal Military College at Sandhurst, the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, or who has been obliged to retire from any public institution for immoral or ungentlemanly conduct, will be appointed a cadet direct for India. "No person will be appointed a cadet direct for India, without producing to the Military Committee a certificate, signed by two practising surgeons, that he has no mental or bodily defect whatever to disqualify him for military service. "N. B. Candidates for military appointments whose age may exceed twentytwo years are not eligible for the Company's service in consequence of their having held a commission for twelve months and upwards in the Guernsey Militia, or in other corps similarly circumstanced, granted after the 3rd April, 1844, the date of the Court's resolution to this effect. CADETS AND ASSISTANT SURGEONS. "At a Court of Directors, held on Friday, the 27th of February, 1818:Resolved, That cadets and assistant-surgeons be in future ranked according to the seniority of the Directors nominating them, from the date of sailing of the several ships from Gravesend, by Lloyd's List, and that those who may embark at any of the out-ports be likewise ranked upon the same principle from the date of the ship's departure from such out-ports by Lloyd's List. "At a Court of Directors, held on the 21st of May, 1828:-Resolved, That all the cavalry and infantry cadets, and assistant-surgeons, who shall fail to apply at the Cadet Department for their orders within three months from the date of their being passed and sworn before the Committee, or shall not actually proceed under such orders, be considered as having forfeited their appointments unless special circumstances shall justify the Court's departure from this regulation. "By a resolution of the Court, of the 4th December, 1833, all direct cadets appointed or sworn in between the 10th March and 10th June, or between 10th September and 10th December (or the days which may be fixed on for the public examination of the seminary cadets), do rank after the seminary cadets who may pass their said examinations, provided the latter sail for their respective destinations within three months after passing said examinations. OFFICERS RETIRING FROM SERVICE. Regulations respecting Military and other Officers retiring from the Company's Service. "Officers who have served less than three years in India, and have lost their health there, are entitled to an allowance from Lord Clive's fund, if the Court of Directors shall adjudge them to be proper objects of that bounty, to the extent of: "If a second lieutenant, cornet, or ensign, 2s. a-day, or 36l. 10s. a-year; if a lieutenant, 2s. 6d. a-day, or 45l. 12s. 6d. a-year; provided they are not possessed of, or entitled to, real or personal property, to the extent of, if an ensign, 750l., if a lieutenant, 1000l. "Officers who are compelled to quit the service by wounds received in action, or by ill-health contracted on duty after three years' service in India, are permitted to retire on the half-pay of their rank, viz.: "If a second lieutenant, cornet, or ensign, 3s. a-day, or 54l. 15s. per annum ; if a lieutenant, 4s. a-day, or 73l. per annum. "A subaltern officer, or assistant-surgeon, having served six years in India, is permitted to retire on the half-pay of ensign, if his constitution should be so impaired as to prevent the possibility of his continuing in India. "A lieutenant, having served thirteen, or a second lieutenant, cornet, or ensign, nine years in India (including three years for a furlough), may retire on the half-pay of his rank, in case his health shall not permit him to serve in India. "Regimental captains, majors, and lieutenant-colonels, who have not served sufficiently long in India to entitle them to retire on full-pay, and whose ill state of health renders it impossible for them to continue to serve in India, are allowed to retire from the service on the half-pay of their respective ranks, viz.: "Captains, 7s. a-day, or 1271. 15s. per annum; major, 9s. 6d. a-day, or 173l. 7s. 6d. per annum; lieutenant-colonel, 11s. a-day, or 200l. 15s. per annum. "All officers who have actually served twenty-two years in India, or twentyfive years, including three years for a furlough, are allowed to retire on the full pay of their respective ranks. "Officers are also allowed to retire on the following pensions without reference to the rank they may have attained, if they have served to the undermentioned periods, viz.: "After twenty-three years' service in India, including three years for a furlough, on the full pay of captain, viz., 1911. 12s. 6d. per annum; after twenty-seven years' service in India, including three years for a furlough, on the full pay of major, 292l. per annum; after thirty-one years' service in India, including three ye years' for a furlough, on the full pay of lieutenant-colonel, 3651. per annum; after thirty-five years' service in India, including three years for a furlough, on the full pay of colonel, 4561. 5s. per annum. "Members of the Medical Board, who have been in that station not less than two years, and not less than twenty years in India, including three years for one furlough, are permitted to retire from the service, and allowed 500l. per annum, or, in the event of ill-health, they may retire on that pension, after any period of service as member of the Medical Board. If they have served five years, or are obliged after three years' service in that station to retire from illhealth, they are allowed 700l. per annum. "Superintending surgeons, who have been in that station not less than two years, and whose period of service has been not less than twenty years, including three years for one furlough, are permitted to retire from the service and allowed 300l. per annum; or in the event of ill-health, they may retire on that pension after any period of service as superintending surgeon. If they have served five years, or are obliged after three years' service in that station to retire from ill-health, they are allowed 365l. per annum. Surgeons after 20 years' service, 3 years' furlough included "The present regulations by which superintending surgeons are entitled as such to retiring pensions of 300l. and 365l. a-year, and members of the Medical Board, to pensions of 500l. and 700l. a-year, according to period of service in those ranks respectively, will cease to be the rule of the service for medical officers after the date of the introduction of the new arrangement; but individuals then in the service, and who may be appointed to offices of superintending surgeon and member of the Board within ten years from that date, will be allowed the option of retiring upon pensions upon the old scale of length of service in those ranks, instead of the new scale of length of service in India. "When officers on furlough retire upon the pay or half-pay of their rank, they are only entitled to claim the benefit of the rank held by them at the expiration of one year from the date of their landing in the United Kingdom. "A veterinary surgeon is allowed to retire after six years' service in India, provided his health shall not permit him to serve in India, on 4s. 6d. a-day; after ten years' service in India, provided his health shall not permit him to serve in India, 5s. 6d. a-day. After 20 years' service, 3 years' furlough included, 7s. a day. 25 do. do. 8s. do. 12s. do. دو " A commissary or deputy commissary of ordnance, not being a commissioned officer, is allowed to retire on full pay if he has served twenty-seven years in India, of which twelve must have been in the ordnance department; twentyfive years, fourteen of which in that department; or twenty-two years, seventeen years of which in the ordnance department. "A conductor of stores is allowed to retire on 60l. per annum after twentyfive years' actual service in India. "Officers retiring from the service will be considered to have retired from the date of their application for leave to retire; or from the expiration of two years and a half from their quitting India, whichever shall happen first. FURLOUGH REGULATIONS. Military. "Officers (of whatever rank) must be ten years in India before they can be entitled (except in case of certified sickness, and as hereafter specified) to their rotation to be absent on furlough, and the same rule is applicable to assistantsurgeons and veterinary-surgeons. The furlough to be granted by the Commander-in-Chief at each Presidency, with the approbation of the respective governments. "Officers who have not served ten years in India, but whose presence in England is required by urgent private affairs, may be allowed a furlough for one year without pay. "A conductor of stores is allowed furlough pay only in case of coming home from sickness. "Officers coming to England on furlough are required immediately to report their arrival by letter to the secretary, stating the name of the ship in which they came, and their address, forwarding at the same time the certificates they received in India. "The period of furlough is three years, reckoning from its date to the day of the return of the officer to his Presidency. "Officers are required to join the establishment to which they belong at the expiration of the three years' furlough, unless they shall have obtained an extension of leave from the court, six months before the expiration of that period. No furlough will be extended, except in cases of sickness, certified in the manner hereafter mentioned; or in cases in which it shall be proved to the court that a further residence in Europe is indispensably necessary. "All officers finding it necessary to solicit a further leave of absence on ac |