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count of sickness, must, if resident in London or its vicinity, appear before the Company's examining physician, Dr. John Scott, 13, Stratton-street, who will report to the Court of Directors his opinion on the state of such officer's health. And if resident in the country in any part of the United Kingdom, they must transmit, with letter of application for such leave, a certificate according to the following form, signed by at least two gentlemen, eminent in the medical profession, viz:

""I hereby certify, that I have carefully examined [state the nature of the case, as well as the name of the party], and I declare, upon my honour, that, according to the best of my judgment and belief, is at present unfit for military duty, and that it is absolutely necessary, for the recovery of longer in this country.'

his health, that he should remain at least

" Also previously to such extension of furlough being granted, such further proof shall be adduced by personal examination, or by such other evidence as shall be deemed satisfactory.

"Officers abroad in any part of Europe, applying to remain a further time from their duty on account of sickness, are to furnish a certificate of two eminent physicians, in the above form, with the attestation of a magistate, that the persons who signed the certificate are physicians.

"Officers having obtained an extension of furlough to a given period, must at its expiration apply for permission, either to return to their duty or to reside a further time in England.

"In every case in which an officer has had his furlough extended beyond the prescribed period on the ground of his health not being sufficiently restored, and shall apply for permission to return to his duty, he shall produce a certificate from the examining physician that his health is completely re-established, and that there is every probability of his being able to perform the active duties of his profession in India.

"No officer who has failed to obtain an extension of furlough will be considered eligible to return to the service after five years' absence, under the act of 33 Geo. III. cap. 52, sect. 70.

"Every officer upon leaving India will receive a printed copy of the general order on this subject, published agreeably to the court's instruction, and the plea of ignorance of the regulations will not be admitted as any justification of the breach of them; officers, therefore, who shall come home on furlough, and who shall not in due time apply, so as to effect their return to the Presidency to which they belong within the period of three years from the commencement of their furlough, will subject themselves to the loss of the service, unless they shall be permitted by the court to remain a further time in Europe.

"No officer on furlough can receive pay for more than two years and a half from the period of his quitting India until he returns, excepting colonels of regiments, and those of the rank of lieutenant-colonel regimentally, when promoted to that of major-general; the latter are then allowed to draw the pay of their brevet rank beyond the above period.


Regulations as to the Charge of Recruits.

"Whenever a detachment of Company's recruits, to the extent of thirty men, shall be embarked on any one ship, they be placed in charge of the senior Company's officer, not exceeding the rank of a field-officer, who shall have obtained permission to return to his duty on the ship, within at least seven days of the

period fixed for embarkation :-that the officer proceed with the men from the depôt :-that, as a remuneration for this service, he be granted the passagemoney of his rank, payable to the commander of the ship.


Regulations for the Admission of Pensioners.

"Every petitioning officer and soldier must produce a certificate from his commanding officer of his being an invalid, and rendered incapable of further service in India, together with an approbation of such certificate by the Governor and Council of the Presidency where he shall have served.

"Every commissioned officer must previously make oath before the Governor and Council, viz., a colonel, that he is not possessed of, or entitled to, real and personal property to the value of 4000l.; a lieutenant-colonel, 3000l.; a major, 2500l.; a captain, 2000l.; a lieutenant, 1000l.; an ensign, 750l. Officers' widows must produce proof, on affidavit, that their husbands did not die possessed of property as above.

"Petitioners residing in England may be admitted if the Court shall adjudge them to be proper objects. All commissioned, staff, or warrant officers, to have half the ordinary pay they enjoyed whilst in service, viz. :

Colonels and members of Medical Board
Lieut.-cols. and sup. surgeons.
Majors and chaplains (15 years' service)
Captains, (chaplains, 7 years' service,) sur-

Per ann.


Per day.

s. d. S. d.

228 2 6 or 12 6

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geons and vet. surgeons (20 years' service Lieutenants, assistant-surgeons, and veterinary surgeons under 20 years'

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Conductors of ordnance :

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Their widows one-half the above, to continue during their widowhood. "Serjeants of artillery to have ninepence per day, and those that have lost a limb one shilling per day. Gunners of the artillery sixpence per day, and those that have lost a limb ninepence per day.

" All other non-commissioned officers and bombarders to have fourpence three farthings per day.

"Officers and privates to be entitled from the period of their landing in England.

"Pensioners neglecting to claim the pension for three half-years will be considered as dead; and no arrears for a longer period than two years back from the date of application for admission or re-admission, as the case may be, will be allowed either to claimants or to pensioners after admission."


AN Assistant-surgeoncy is a desirable office, both on account of the immediate advantages which it offers, and the prospective benefit with which it is fraught. An assistant-surgeon becomes at once the recipient of an income of between two and three hundred pounds a-year, and if attached to a regiment where there is no full surgeon, or where the surgeon, from illness or other causes, is often absent, may soon be in the receipt of a much larger income. In former times, so little care was taken about the selection of the medical officers of the East India Company, that it was facetiously said, a man need only sleep upon a medicine chest for a single night to become perfectly qualified for the office. Now-a-days a stricter system is in force, and if a candidate for service should even pass the usual ordeals in England with success, his career in India will entirely depend upon the manner in which he may acquit himself on the spot.

The reports of every medical officer undergo a severe scrutiny by the supertending surgeon of the division in which he may serve, and afterwards by the Medical Board at the Presidency; and on these evidences of his professional capacity will depend his selection for office, involving higher responsibility, and its usual accompaniment-higher emoluments.

Chance and interest have, of course, a share in promoting the views of a medical officer; but they will not much avail him without accompanying talent, and those personal qualities which render a man acceptable to suffering patients.

PRACTICE, independently of official employment, is the grand source of competency (irrespective of the funds), and this can only be assured by the exercise of undoubted professional skill.

The rules affecting the nomination of a medical gentleman to an assistantsurgeoncy in the Company's service are as follows:


Regulations for their Admission into the Company's Service.

"Age. The assistant-surgeon must not be under twenty-two years, in proof of which he must produce an extract from the register of the parish in which he was born, or his own declaration pursuant to the act of the 5th and 6th Gulielmi IV., cap. 62, and other certificates, agreeably to forms to be obtained in the office for cadets and assistant-surgeons.

"Qualifications in Surgery. The assistant-surgeon, upon receiving a nomination, will be furnished with a letter to the Court of Examiners of the Royal College of Surgeons, to be examined in surgery, and their certificate will be deemed a satisfactory testimonial of his qualification: but should the assistantsurgeon be previously in possession of a diploma from the Royal College of Surgeons of London, or of the Colleges of Surgeons of Dublin or Edinburgh, or of the College and University of Glasgow, or of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, either of them will be deemed satisfactory as to his knowledge of surgery, without any further examination. He is also required to produce a certificate from the cupper of a public hospital in London of having acquired and being capable of practising, with proper dexterity, the art of cupping.

"Qualifications in Physic. -The assistant-surgeon will also be required to pass an examination by the Company's examining physician in the practice of physic, in which examination will be included as much anatomy and physiology as is necessary for understanding the causes and treatment of internal diseases, as well as the art of prescribing and compounding medicines; and Dr. Scott will then require him to produce satisfactory proof of his having attended at least two courses of lectures on the practice of physic, and, above all, that he should produce a certificate of having attended diligently the practice of the physicians at some general hospital in London for six months; or at some general hospital in the country (within the United Kingdom) for six months, provided such provincial hospital contain at least, on an average, one hundred in-patients, and have attached to it a regular establishment of physicians as well as surgeons. No attendance on the practice of a physician at any dispensary will be admitted,

"The assistant-surgeon is also required, as a condition to his appointment, to subscribe to the Military or Medical Retiring Fund at his respective Presidency, and also to the Military Orphan Society, if appointed to Bengal.

"The assistant-surgeon is required, by resolution of Court of the 21st of May, 1828, to apply at the Cadet Office, and actually proceed within three months from the date of being passed and sworn before the Military Committee; he will then be furnished with an order to obtain the certificate of his appointment, signed by the Secretary, for which he will pay a fee of 5l. in the Secretary's office."

[For certain additional Regulations regarding Rank and Retiring Pension, see pages 292 and 293.]


THE INDIAN NAVY is by no means so desirable a service as either of those enumerated above, but it hasits advantages, which become the more apparent as its members advance up the ladder of preferment. The officers of this service are employed in the steamers which ply ly between the Red Sea and the island of Bombay; in the Company's schooners and small frigates employed in the Persian Gulf, China, and the straits of Malacca, and in the surveys of the seas and coasts in the East. Entering as midshipmen, they rise to the rank of captain, and have comfortable retiring allowances on quitting the service. There are certain valuable shore appointments distributed among the senior officers, but the entire command or superintendence of the Indian navy is intrusted to a Captain of Her Majesty's navy. The following are the rules regulating admission to the service :

Regulations for Appointment.

"That nominees shall not be under fifteen years, or above eighteen years of age, unless they shall have served on board a steam-vessel, or under an engineer in a factory or foundry from the completion of their eighteenth year up to the time of their being put in nomination; and that in such case the nominees shall not exceed nineteen years.

"That no person who has been dismissed the army or navy, or who has been obliged to quit any school or institution for immoral or ungentlemanly conduct, will be appointed to the Indian navy.

"That volunteers for the Indian navy be required to proceed to India within three months after their appointment shall be completed, or their appointment will be considered as forfeited; and that they be ranked from the date of sailing from Gravesend.

"That all volunteers appointed to the Indian navy subscribe to the Indian Navy Fund.

Regulations respecting Retirement and Furlough.

"Retirement. Every officer who has actually served twenty-two years or upwards in India, is permitted to retire from the service with the following pay:

"A captain, 360l.; commander, 290l.; lieutenant, 190l.; purser, 1907. "Every officer retiring from ill health, after ten years' service, and before they have completed that of twenty-two years, is granted the following retiring allowance:

"A captain, 200l.; commander, 170l.; lieutenant, 125l.; purser, 125l. "Furlough. A certain proportion of the officers (to be determined by the Government, with a due regard to the exigencies of the service) are allowed to come home on furlough for three years, with the pay only of their rank.

"No officer under the rank of captain who has not actually served ten years, can be permitted to come home on furlough, unless in cases of ill health, under the like certificates as required from military officers.

"The regulations for drawing pay on furlough and retirement by the officers are, as far as circumstances will admit, the same as those for the military officers."


THE Chaplaincies in India are far better paid than three-fourths of the curacies in England, and equal many livings; the lowest salary for the "assistant chaplains," the title of the junior ministers-being five hundred rupees per mensem. The rise to the higher appointment is by seniority, but the selection of stations is in the discretion of the archdeacon, under the sanction of the bishop. Partiality and interest have, of course, their influence in obtaining the largest stations for certain chaplains, but in these the advantage of extra fees is more than counterbalanced by the heavier duties devolving on the incumbent, and the severer tax imposed upon his charitable inclinations. At every station there are schools, institutions, religious and charitable societies, hospitals, &c., and to the support of these the minister is invariably expected to contribute. The private demands upon his benevolence are likewise considerable.

Regulations for the Admission of Chaplains into the Company's Service. "Candidates for appointments as assistant chaplains must have been two years in orders, and must not exceed forty years of age; and at the time of appointment are required to produce their letters of orders, deacon and priest, as well as a testimonial, signed by three beneficed clergymen, and a medical certificate; the appointments are made subject to the approval of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Bishop of London.

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