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ADEN, a port in the Red Sea, captured from the Arabs by the British, and now forming an entrepôt for the coals of the steamers which ply between India and Suez. A British and a Sepoy regiment garrison Aden, prepared to resist any attacks from the Arabs of the desert.

ADIGAR, a title of rank among the natives of Kandia, in the island of Ceylon, divided into three ranks, as follows:-1. The first, second, and third adigars, who only are allowed to wear gold and silver lace in their caps; 2. the gaja nayaka nilame; 3. the disave; 4. the mohottal; 5. the bas nayaka nilame, the lay head of the wiharas; 6. lekam mahatmaya; 7. kate mahatmaya; 8. korala; 9. kanghanama; 10. gama rala. Of these the adigars, gaja nayaka, nilame, disave, mate mahatmaya, and korala, wear white caps; the rest black ones. The kanghanama and gama rala are not allowed to wear any caps. Great numbers of these headmen are attached to the governor, and several to the government agents in the different parts of the country. Of the practices and privileges of the adigars, a complete account will be found in Forbes, Selkirk, and other writers. There is one custom, however, peculiar to the Kandian adigars, which is worthy of notice, i. e., the custom of having a certain number of whipcrackers whenever they appear in public. On all public occasions, when they are carried on elephants, or in palankeens, or in carriages, in addition to the persons required to attend upon the horses, palankeens, or carriages, the first adigar has twenty-four men bearing immense whips, with a lash about three yards long, and the handle about half a yard. These persons, curiously dressed, clear the way for them, cracking their whips with all their might. Near the adigar go two men bearing talpats, large triangular fans, made of the talpat leaf, and ornamented with talc. On each side of him is one native headman.

called the madige nilame, then a korala, a lekam mahatmaya, and two arachies, one bearing a gold cane, and the other a silver one, each holding it with both his hands. The duty of these persons is to keep silence. Then go fifty or sixty men with large spears, and in a peculiar dress, a mat-bearer, a kettle-drumbearer, a torch-bearer, and a kanghanama bearing betel. These are his necessary attendants on a festival occasion, at the wihara, or at a levée. In travelling the number of attendants is much increased. The second adigar is only entitled to twenty-four spearmen, and fifteen whipcrackers. The third to twentyfour spearmen, and twelve whipcrackers. No other headmen are allowed the honour of having whipcrackers.

ADKAREE, a governor, or superintendent; or any thing relating to a superior. A term applied in India to villages where an individual holds the entire undivided estate. ADMEE, Hindostanee for a man; burra admee, a great man. AFEREEN! Persian. An expression of praise and surprise: Admirable! Capital! You don't say so!

AFGHANISTAN. This kingdom lies upon the north-western frontier of Hindostan. It is bounded on the north by ranges of mountains separating it from Tartary; east, by Cashmeer and the Indus; south, by Sind and Beloochistan; and west, by Persia. It is divided into a number of districts, corresponding with the divisions of tribes of the inhabitants; but its main portions may be considered as included under the following general heads:-Herat, Kafiristan, Cabul, Peshawur, and Candahar. The principal mountains are the Hindoo Koosh, or Indian Caucasus, which are a continuation of the Himalayas, and run westward, terminating nearly north of the city of Cabul; the Paropamisan, which run from north to south, from about 34 deg. to 29 deg. north latitude. above mentioned, which cross the country in various directions. Numerous mountain streams flow through the country, but with the exception of the Cabul river, the Helmund, and the Urghundab, none are of any size. The Cabul river rises in the Paropamisan mountains, and flows past Cabul easterly into the Indus, a little above Attock. The Helmund also rises in the same mountains, about thirty miles to the westward of Cabul, and flows southerly and westerly into a large lake called the Zoor, on the borders of Persia. The Urghundab rises in the hills, about eighty miles north-east of Candahar, and flows south-westerly into the Helmund. This country possesses great variety of surface, as well as of climate and productions. It may be described generally as consisting of wild, bleak mountains and hills, with extensive tracts of waste land, together with fertile plains and valleys, populous and well cultivated. The climate of different parts varies extremely, owing partly to the difference of latitude, but chiefly to the difference of elevation. About Herat the snow lies deep through the winter months, and in the Cabul district the cold is severe. At Ghuznee, especially, where the snow is often on the ground from October to March, while the rivers are frozen, the cold is quite equal to that of England. The climate of Candahar is mild, snow being rarely seen, and that of Peshawur is oppressively hot during summer, and not colder in winter than that of Hindostan. During winter, the inhabitants of the cold districts clothe themselves in woollen garments, and in some places in clothes of felt, over which they wear a large great coat, called a posteen, made of tanned sheep skin, with the wool inside. They have fires in their houses, and often sleep round stoves. Kafiristan occupies the mountainous country lying along

covered with deep pine forests, with small but fertile valleys, producing abundance of grapes, and furnishing pasture for sheep and cattle. Cabul is also mountainous, but has extensive plains and forests, though between the city of Cabul and the Indus there is a great scarcity of wood. The part lying between Cabul and the mountains is called the Kohistan or highlands. Candahar is more open, but not so fertile, and large portions are desert. Herat is hilly towards the north and north-east, but generally open, and one of the most fertile countries in the world. Wheat, barley, and rice, are the principal grains produced in this country. Wheat is the general food, barley being given to the horses. It also yields abundance of fruits and vegetables, both European and Asiatic, besides tobacco, sugar, assafœtida, alum, rock salt, saltpetre, sulphur, lead, antimony, iron, copper, and a little gold. The wild animals are generally the same as in India, the elephant excepted, which is not an inhabitant of Afghanistan. The common Indian camel is found in all parts of the level country, and wild sheep and goats are numerous. Herat is celebrated for a fine breed of horses, and Bameean for a description of poneys called yaboos, much used for carrying burdens. Mules and asses also abound, and are used for the same purpose. The sheep, of which large flocks are pastured, are generally of the broad, fat tailed kind. There are fine dogs, especially greyhounds and pointers, and cats of the long-haired description, known in India as the Persian. Snakes and scorpions are found, but no alligators. Wolves are numerous, and during winter are fierce, sometimes attacking men. The commonest woods are oak, cedar, walnut, and a species of fir. Wind-mills and water-mills are generally used for grinding the Neither palankeens




is, earth oil. Silk worms are also reared in this part. The principal towns are Herat, Cabul, Julalabad, Peshawur, Ghuznee, Candahar, Khelat-i-Ghilzee, and Dura Ismail Khan. By Europeans, this country is commonly designated by the general name of Cabul. By the Persians it is styled Afghanistan, meaning the land of the Afghans, by which name also it is usually mentioned in Indian history. The inhabitants are known by the general name of Afghans, which is a Persian appellation. Their common national designation, among themselves, is Pooshtanu or Pookhtanu, but they more frequently use the names of the different tribes. In India, they are generally denominated Pathans, and in the province of Delhi, Rohillas. The Afghans assert that they are descended from the Jews, and often style themselves "Bun-i-Israeel," or children of Israel, though they consider the term Yahoodee, or Jew, as one of reproach. It is certain that they have in many points a strong resemblance to the Jews, and there appears reason to believe that the tradition of their origin is not unfounded. They are divided into a number of distinct tribes, or Oolooss, each consisting of a number of separate clans, and these last again subdivided into khails, which means a band or assemblage. The principal are the following:-First, the Dooranee, formerly called the Abdallee, which includes amongst its clans the Populzye, the head Khail of which is the Suddoozye, the chief division of the whole of the Dooranees, and containing the royal family; the Barikzye, the Achikzye, Noorzye, and others. Second, the Ghilzees. Third, the Berdooranees, or eastern Afghans, including the Yoosoofzyes, Khyberees, and others.


whom are the Kuzzilbashes an Tajiks of Persian origin, and th Hindkees, the descendants of settler from Hindostan. The inhabitant of Kafiristan, which means the lan of the infidels, are called the Syar posh, or Syah posh Kafirs, from their usually wearing dresses black sheep skin; syah signifying black, and posh a covering. They are a fine handsome race, very fair many of them having light hair and blue eyes, on which account it has been conjectured that they are the descendants of the Greeks. There seems reason, however, to believe that this is not the case, and that they are the descendants of the original inhabitants of Cabul and Can-dahar. They are a brave and hospitable people, though in a rude state, and have never been conquered by the Afghans. They have no king, but are divided into a number of independent tribes. Some of the tribes, occupying the borders, are termed Neemchu-Moosulmans, or half Moosulmans, from their having partially adopted the Mahomedan faith. They are generally idolaters. The language of the Afghans is called Pushtoo. It is written in the Persian character. Persian is also used by the chiefs, and the descendants of the Hindoo settlers speak a mixed dialect, resembling Hindostanee, called Hindkee.

AGA, Turkish and Persian. Equivalent to " gentleman" in English, and used when the person addressed is not noble, neither khan, bey, nor meerza, neither in the civil nor military service of the court. AGHON, the eighth month in the Hindostanee year. See BYSACK. AGNI is, according to the Hindoo mythology, the personification of Ag', fire, and the regent of the south-east division of the earth.

seven arms, of a red or flame colour, and riding on a ram, his vahan, or vehicle. Before him is a swallowtailed banner, on which is also painted a ram. He is by others represented as a corpulent man, of a red complexion, with eyes, eyebrows, head, and hair of a tawny colour, riding on a goat. From his body issue seven streams of glory, and in his right hand he holds a spear. The Brahmuns, who devote themselves to the priesthood, should, like the priests of the Parsee (guebre) religion, maintain a perpetual fire; and in the numerous religious ceremonies of the Hindus, Agni, the regent of that element, is commonly invoked.

GRA. This province is bounded on the north by Delhi; east, Oude and Allahabad; south, Mahva; west, Ajmeer. Its divisions consist of Narnool, Agra, Aligurh, Furrukhabad, Etaweh, Macheree or Alvar, Bhurtpoor, Gwalior, Gohud, Kalpee. The tract of country between the Ganges and Jumna, comprehending the districts of Aligurh, Furrukhabad, and Etaweh, is also commonly designated the Dooab, from doo two, and ab river. The rivers are the Ganges, Jumna, Chumbal, and several smaller streams. The Chumbal rises in Malwa, and flows northerly and easterly into the Jumna, running between the districts of Bhurtpoor and Gwalior. Northward of the Jumna the surface of the province is in general flat and open, and for the greater part very bare of trees. Southward and westward it becomes hilly and jungly. Though traversed by several rivers, the province is not well watered, and depends greatly upon the periodical rains. The heat, during the prevalence of the hot winds, is intense, and the jungly districts very unhealthy, but at other seasons the climate is generally temperate, and occasionally cold. Rice is grown in

as millet, barley, gram, &c. The staple article of product is cotton. The province also yields abundance of indigo, with tobacco, sugar, saltpetre, and salt. It has the common breeds of cattle and sheep, and horses of a good description. Firewood is scarce throughout the Dooab, and expensive. The jungly districts swarm with peacocks, which are held in great veneration by the natives. The only manufacture of note is that of coarse cotton cloths. The towns of the province of Agra are, Narnool, Nooh, Muttra, Agra, Dholpoor, Attaer, Anoopshuhr, Cowl, Moorsaum, Secundra, Hatras, Furrukhabad, Futihgurh, Kanoje, Mimpooree, Etaweh, Bela, Alwur, Macherce, Rajgurh, Deeg, Bhurtpoor, Beeana, Gualior, Antra, Pechor, Nurwur, Bhind, Jalown, Kalpee, and Koonch. The present name of this province is derived from that of its capital. The inhabitants are Hindoos, including the Mewatties and Jats, and Mahomedans, among whom are many Pathans. They are generally a handsome, robust race of men, much superior to the natives of the more eastern provinces.

AGRA, the capital of the province of Agra, stands on the southern side of the Jumna, in Lat. 27 deg. 11 min. N., Long. 77 deg. 53 min. E. During the reign of the Emperor Akbar, by whom it was greatly enlarged and embellished, Agra was made the capital of the Mogul empire, and became one of the most splendid cities in India. The seat of government having been subsequently reestablished at Delhi, Agra greatly declined, and is now much decayed. Amongst the still remaining edifices which bear witness of its former grandeur, the most remarkable is the Taj Mahal (q. v.), erected by the Emperor Shah Jehan, for the celebrated Noor Jehan, and which is considered the most beautiful and perfect specimen of oriental architecture in existence, unequalled by any thing in India.

AGRAHARAH, who takes first, an epithet given to Brahmuns. Rentfree villages held by Brahmuns. AHMEDABAD, a zillah station in Guzerat, Western India, under the government of Bombay, distant from the presidency 300 miles. Long. 72 deg. 37 min. E., Lat. 22 deg. 58 min. N. It was originally a well fortified town, but, nevertheless, fell to the British arms late in the last century. AHMEDNUGGER is situated in Lat.

19 deg. 5 min. N., Long. 74 deg. 55 min. E. It was built in 1493, by Ahmed Nizam Shah, who made it his capital. At present it is one of the principal civil stations of the British Government. It contains about twenty thousand inhabitants, and has a strongly-built fort. See NUG


AHMEDNUGGUR, a fortified city of the Deccan, under the government of Bombay, from which presidency it is distant, via Poonah, 180 miles. It was founded by the Emperor Aurungzebe, who made it his head-quarters during the progress of his conquest of the Deccan and Carnatic. It is now garrisoned by one or two native infantry regiments. Long. 150 deg. E., Lat. 19 deg. 10 min. N. See NUGGUR.

AHON, Persian, a moollah (q. v.). AIGRETTE, or EGRET, a tuft of feathers worn in the turban of the Sultan of Turkey and other persons of great distinction.

AITEMAD-U-DOWLUT, a Persian term, signifying "the hope (or dependence) of the state," a title bestowed on officers in the Shah's confidence, generally on the primeminister or vizier.

AJMEER, or RAJPOOTANA, is bounded on the north by Mooltan and Delhi; east, Delhi and Agra; south, Malwa, Guzerat, and Cutch; west, Sind. The Bhattee country, Bikaneer, Jussulmeer, Marwar or Joudpoor, Jeypoor, including Skikawut

tee, Ajmeer, Meywar or Odeypoor, Boondee, and Kota, form the boundaries of the province, which is destitute of rivers, except in the southern and eastern parts. The only streams of any note are the Banass, which rises in the district of Odeypoor, and flows south-westerly, until it is lost in the Run of Cutch; and the Chumbul, which enters the district of Kota from Malwa, and flows northerly into the province of Agra, to the Jumna. In its south-eastern district this province is fertile, well watered, and hilly; but westward and northward, with a few exceptions, it is absolutely desert, the whole surface of the country being either covered with loose sand, which in some places is driven by the wind into mounds and hillocks, some of them 100 feet in height; or else composed of hard flat salt loam, wholly destitute of vegetation. In the midst of these burning plains, the watermelon, the most juicy of all fruits, is found in astonishing perfection and of large size. Water is procured, but in small quantity, and brackish, from wells, which are frequently 300 feet deep, though not more than three or four feet in diameter. During the hot season, the passage of the desert cannot be attempted without great risk of suffocation from whirlwinds of driving sand. The productions of the cultivated parts of this province are wheat, barley, rice, sugar, cotton, indigo, and tobacco. Camels are numerous, and bullocks of a superior description. Salt is abundant, and the Odeypoor districts yield copper, lead, sulphur, and iron. The chief towns in the province of Ajmeer are Bhatneer, Bikaneer, Jussulmeer, Nagore, Joudpoor, Jeypoor, Ajmeer, Chitore, Odeypoor, Neemuch, Boondee, Kota. This province derives its name of Ajmeer from that of the city of Ajmeer, which was its Mahomedan capital; but it is more commonly designated as Rajpootana, or the country of the Rajpoots, from its being the

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