The Oriental Interpreter and Treasury of East India Knowledge: A Companion to "The Hand-book of British India."C. Cox, 1848 - 334 էջ |
From inside the book
Էջ 4
... chief division of the whole of the Dooranees , and containing the royal family ; the Barikzye , the Achikzye ... chiefs , and the descend- ants of the Hindoo settlers speak a mixed dialect , resembling Hin- dostanee , called ...
... chief division of the whole of the Dooranees , and containing the royal family ; the Barikzye , the Achikzye ... chiefs , and the descend- ants of the Hindoo settlers speak a mixed dialect , resembling Hin- dostanee , called ...
Էջ 6
... chief towns in the province of Aj- meer are Bhatneer , Bikaneer , Jus- sulmeer , Nagore , Joudpoor , Jeypoor ,. Ajmeer. ,. Chitore. ,. Odeypoor. ,. Nee-. much , Boondee , Kota . This pro-. vince. derives. its. name. of. Ajmeer. from that of ...
... chief towns in the province of Aj- meer are Bhatneer , Bikaneer , Jus- sulmeer , Nagore , Joudpoor , Jeypoor ,. Ajmeer. ,. Chitore. ,. Odeypoor. ,. Nee-. much , Boondee , Kota . This pro-. vince. derives. its. name. of. Ajmeer. from that of ...
Էջ 7
... chief dépôt from which the Travancore government exports its pepper and timber . AL HUM ID ILLAH ! Thanks be to God ! A Moslem ejaculation . ALIGURH , a strong fortress , situated about fifty miles to the north of Agra . In 1803 it was ...
... chief dépôt from which the Travancore government exports its pepper and timber . AL HUM ID ILLAH ! Thanks be to God ! A Moslem ejaculation . ALIGURH , a strong fortress , situated about fifty miles to the north of Agra . In 1803 it was ...
Էջ 11
... chief magazine . It is noted for its clever workman- ship in cloths , which are held in great estimation by the natives of this part of Hindostan . ARRA . Vide BAHAR . ARRACAN . Arracan lies to the south - east of Bengal , between Lat ...
... chief magazine . It is noted for its clever workman- ship in cloths , which are held in great estimation by the natives of this part of Hindostan . ARRA . Vide BAHAR . ARRACAN . Arracan lies to the south - east of Bengal , between Lat ...
Էջ 17
... chief pro- vinces : -Ava , Pegu , Martaban , Ta- voy , and Tenasserim , of which the latter two are subject to the British government . The province of Ava extends to Prome , which was the C southern boundary of the empire previous to ...
... chief pro- vinces : -Ava , Pegu , Martaban , Ta- voy , and Tenasserim , of which the latter two are subject to the British government . The province of Ava extends to Prome , which was the C southern boundary of the empire previous to ...
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The Oriental Interpreter and Treasury of East India Knowledge: A Companion ... Joachim Hayward Stocqueler Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1848 |
Common terms and phrases
abundance Agra Allahabad animals appointed Assam Aurungabad Bahar bank Bejapoor Bengal 88 Bombay Brahmuns British cadets Calcutta called capital Carnatic celebrated Ceylon chief chiefly China Chinese Circars cloth coast colour cotton court of directors custard-apples deity Delhi district Doorga east eastern enacted English European feet formerly fruit Ganges gold Gondwana governor governor-general in council governor-general of India grains Guzerat hills Hindoo Hindoo mythology Hindostanee Hyderabad inhabitants island kind Kistna land Long Madras Mahomedan majesty Malabar Malays Malwa member of council ment miles military month mountains Mysore natives northern Northern Circars officers Orissa pairs Parvati Persian persons planted population presidency principal produce province rajah regulations religion respectively rice river rupees sacred servants situated in Lat Siva tains temple term territories tion town in India tree tribes vegetables vince Vishnu western wild worship
Սիրված հատվածներ
Էջ 143 - This fast is extremely rigorous and mortifying when the month of Ramadan happens to fall in summer, (for the Arabian year being lunar,' each month runs through all the different seasons in the course of thirtythree years), the length and heat of the days making the observance of it much more difficult and uneasy then than in winter. The reason given why the month of Ramadan was pitched on for this purpose is, that on that month the Koran was sent down from heaven.
Էջ 303 - Company, or any Part of the unwritten Laws or Constitution of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland whereon may depend in any Degree the Allegiance of any Person to the Crown of the United Kingdom, or the Sovereignty or Dominion of the said Crown over any Part of the said Territories.
Էջ 303 - ... to make laws and regulations for all persons, whether British or native, foreigners or others, and for all courts of justice, whether established by his majesty's charters or otherwise, and the jurisdiction thereof...
Էջ 314 - Assembly; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, his heirs and successors, by warrant under...
Էջ 299 - An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better Management of the Affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe...
Էջ 304 - Saint George or Bombay, the Governor of such Presidency shall act as an extraordinary member of Council ; and as often as the said Council shall assemble...
Էջ 293 - An Act for continuing in the East India Company for a further term the possession of the British territories in India...
Էջ 297 - ... contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XV. Provided also, and be it enacted, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed, construed or taken to extend to...
Էջ 293 - ... for continuing in the East India Company, for a further term, the possession of the British territories in India, together with certain exclusive privileges ; for establishing further regulations for the Government of the said territories, and the better administration of justice within the same) and for regulating the trade, to and from the places within the limits of the said Company's Charter.
Էջ 311 - Provided always, and be it enacted, that it shall not be lawful for any...