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before us,

manner of the preceding ones on facturer," in consequence of a con. Steele. Among these are introduced troversy between the dealers in the some curious dissertations One on woollen and calico manufactures. the progress of English style, divi- From the copious list of papers ded into three periods; the first from

we shall select a few, the middle of Elizabeth's reign to distinguished for their literary cast. the restoration; the second from the The Lay Monastery was the united restoration to the accession of queen labour of sir Richard Blackmore and Anne; and the third from this last Hughes, the poet. Our author gives era, to the year 1714, when Addison a specimen from a parallel between published his best productions. In poetry and painting, drawn up, as he another dissertation, our author in- says, by sir Richard; but so elegant quires into the introduction of east- and ingenious that the writer of it ern imagery amongst us, and has may at least be doubted. collected much interesting matter on The Free-Thinker, was published the subject, with sufficient erudition by Ambrose Phillips, powerfully for that class of readers which he ad- aided by Boulter, archbishop of Ardresses.

magh; Pearce, bishop of Rochester; The fourth volume opens with an Wesi, lord Chancellor of Ireland, enumeration of periodical papers and many of the first scholars of the from the publication of the Tatler to age. It abounds with elegant fictions the commencement of the Rambler. which display a happy combination These consist of no less than eighty, of fancy and precept. forming an aggregate of near three Terræ Filius was a Saturnalian ef. hundred volumes, whose existence is fusion; a witty but intemperate satire scarcely suspected. Yet even this on the manners and politicks of Oxample catalogue is incomplete. We ford. The portraits have an extravapossess more than one paper, not gant kind of likeness, and are so false inserted in the list. These works, and yet so true, that they provoked worthless as a whole, continue, how- their originals to expel the writer. ever, the view of the progress of po- This was Nicholas Amhurst, the lite literature and domestick manners, political adventurer, who so long to the days of Johnson. They con- conducted “the Craftsınan.” The life tain many thousand essays; and if of this man may “ point a moral.” some of our literary idlers, with that Though guilty of the grossest irrekind of goodhumoured patience which gularities, he affected an outrageous they sometimes so admirably exert, zeal for popular reformation. Yet would put them into their crucibles, this grand reformer of the age bowed they might extract from these moun- to all the drudgery of a faction, who tains of sand, a few grains of gold. neglected the instrument of their

The taste for periodical publica- profligate purposes, and flung him tions became so general that every off to perish. Amhurst died brokenliterary adventurer considered him- hearted, and owed the charity of a self entitled to lay his fugitive leaf on

grave to his bookseller. the breakfast table. It was also ima. The Plain Dealer was written by gined that every possible subject was Aaron Hill and a Mr. Bond, of whom equally adapted to the purposes of it is recorded that "the character of the essayist; and consequently we

the work was observed regularly to find such titles as, “ The Mercator,” rise in Mr. Hill's papers and fall in ** The British Merchant,” &c. Nay, Mr. Bond's.” Literary partners are the town was, for some morning's, subject to mortifications. addressed by the humble authors of, Memoirs of the Society of Grub** The Weaver," and, “ The Manu- street, is one of the most curious of

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these works. It is a kind of minor “The maid drew back her languid head, chronicle of our literature. In a fine And, sighing forth his name, expired!" vein of irony it attacks the heroes of He could add nothing to the truth of the Dunciad, and tells some secrets nature'and the truth of fact. of their obscure quarrels. The as- Dr. Drake, in his “Life of Johnson," sumed names of Bavius and Mævius has judiciously altered his arrangeconcealed Dr. Richard Russel, and ment. He had no novelties to reani. Dr. John Martyn, professor of botany mate his exhausted biography, and at Cambridge, physicians eminent has therefore contrived to make it for their publications.

serve as a frame for his literary canCommon Sense, though chiefly a vass. The plan is at once novel and political paper, was supported by useful. The scattered outlines of his some characters in the fashionable former chronological criticisms, here and learned world. Chesterfield and drawn together, are worked up with Lyttleton contributed essays on to- all their light and shade into a more picks of more permanent interest perfect design; and the colouring and than politicks.

pencil of our industrious artist have The Champion, by Henry Fielding. produced, on the whole, a highly -A great portion of it is employed finished picture of the genius of the on the follies, vices, amusements, and last age. literature of the age; and the remain- Dr Drake has fancifully compared der is occupied by political wit and our periodical writers with the great discussion. To every paper is an- painters. Such criticism, if it does not nexed what is termed - an index to invigorate the understanding, rethe times,” consisting of news, mis- freshes the imagination, and the ingecellaneous and political, frequently nious reader may interest his taste charged with the most sarcastick and his feelings in discovering the irony. In the critical department are analogies. to be found many ingenious disserta

“In Addison we discern the amenity and tions on literary subjects.

ideal grace of Raphael; in Johnson, the We close the list with Eliza Hay- strengthened energy of Michael Angelo; wood's Female Spectator, and another in Hawkes worth, the rich colouring and paper from the same quarter, entitled warmth of Titian; the legerity and frolick The Parrot. The former was very Moore, Thornton, and Colman; the pa

elegance of Albani, in the productions of popular in its day, and seems to have theticksweetness of Guido in the draughts claims still on that class of readers to of Mackenzie, and the fertility and harwhich it is addressed. From the monious colouring of Annibale Carracci, Parrot, which only consists of nine in the vivid sketches of Cumberland.” papers, Dr. Drake gives some inte- On the whole we have been agreeresting extracts. This weekly publica- ably entertained with Dr. Drake; and tion appeared during the time of the shall be pleased to receive the proexecution of the chiefs of the rebel- mised volume, which is to furnish us lion, in 1746. We find in it the story with the literary lives of Dr. Hawkesof James Dawson, on which Shen- worth and his fellow-labourers; and stone's simple and pathetick ballad is to close with the more delicate task founded. The poet has literally co- of criticising the periodical papers of pied the closing and affecting circum- the present period. stance, of



Latin and Italian Poems of Milton, translated into English verse; and a Fragment of a Commentary on Paradise Lost. By the Late William Cowper, Esq. With a Preface by the Editor; and Notes of Various Authors. Quarto, 355 pp. 21. 2s. London. 1808.

WE have not often been more gra- ment to his friends; the tender gratitified by a publication than by this tude to a worthy preceptor; the truly present. The union of such poets as filial piety and attachment to Milton and Cowper, congenial souls, good father; and lastly, the high at least in genius and piety, * two of sentiments of honour, propriety, the highest claims to admiration, virtue, and religion, which every cannot fail to gratify those whom where pervade these very juvenile their separate works have often filled poems, give, altogether, so very with the warmest sensations of de- singular a picture of native excel. light. The Latin poems of Milton, lence, that, much as we differ from the first fruits of his genius, the ma- his biographerSymonds, in many nifest and very extraordinary promise points of speculation, we are led irreof his future eminence, have always sistibly to his opinion; that, in every drawn us to them by the strongest subsequent part of life, Milton's intenpower of attraction. The rich and tions, at least, were upright; though native abundance of poetical imagery circumstances led him into efforts every where adorning them, and which we disapprove, and situations poured forth in a language, which, in which we grieve to see him. That though generally classical, seems to the beautiful sentiments contained in flow from the writer with such ease, these poems should be conveyed to that the style is truly his own, and every English reader, in the graceful appears to be the best and readiest and appropriate language of Cowper, expression of his thoughts; all this, is fortunate for the extension of Milproceeding, in many instances, from ton's fame. The wonderful promise a youth not yet of age, must surely of his youth could never be adequate. demand the highest admiration. But, ly known by other means; and the when we add to the consideration, versions of Cowper have certainly, that, in these qualities, he neither had with great exactness, more grace

and a model in his own country, nor has originality of manner, than are usual yet had a rival; that in Italian also, to be found in any translations. He he was able to express himself with undertook the task with an enthuelegance and force ; and that, instead siasm which never seems to have of being drawn aside by these facili- abated in his progress through it. ties, the same man was afterwards Having thus expressed our geneenabled to exalt his native language ral sentiments upon the subject of in the highest summit of poetical dig- this publication, we proceed to the nity and expression, we cannot possi- pleasing task of selecting a few specibly moderate our wonder in contem- mens from it. We begin with the no plating such extraordinary powers. less elegant than affectionate epistle,

Yet, while we wonder at the talents written by Milton in his 18th year, of the poet, we are equally called up. to his beloved preceptor, Thomas ()"? to admire the qualities of the man. Young, who was then chaplain to the The generous and affectionate attach- English factory at Hamburgh. This

was in 1626. We shall begin our * We speak only of the warmth of reli- quotations from the Latin lines: gious feeling belonging to both, without “Ille quidem est animæ plus quam par adverting to any peculiar opinions in ei.

altera nostra, ther.

Dimidio vitæ vivere coger ego,” &c.

dows gay,

bloom away,

“My friend, and favourite inmate of my readers, the translator has dropped or heart,

changed. Thus, in rendering That now is forced to want its better part! What mountains now,

and seas, alas! how “Charior ille mihi quam tu, doctissime wide!

Graium, From me this other, dearer self divide, Cliniadi, pronepos qui Telamonis erat," Dear, as the sage renowned for moral truth he omits the descent from Telamon; To the prime spirit of the Attick youth ! and in the two next, instead of a mere Dear, as the Stagyrite to Ammon's son,

allusion to the mythological birth of His pupil, who disdained the world, he won! Nor so did Chiron, or so Phenix shine

Alexander, he has ventured to intro

duce the characteristick circumstance In young Achilles' eyes, as he in mine.First led by him through sweet Aonian of his “disdaining the world he won,' shade,

which is not in the original. This is Each sacred haunt of Pindus I surveyed, a liberty which should be sparingly And favoured by the muse, whom I im.

taken, and Cowper has not often atplored, Thrice on my lip the hallowed stream I

tempted it; but here we are not inpoured.

clined to object to it. As we shall But thrice the sun's resplendent chariot have occasion to notice some of Milrolled

ton's love verses, we will quote also, To Aries, has new tinged his fleece with

the opening of his seventh elegy, gold, And Chloris twice has dressed the mea.

written at the age of 19, in which he

records the first triumph of the tenAnd twice has summer parched their der passion over his heart. It is at

once characteristick of the unwillingSince last delighted on his looks I hung, ness with which his mind yielded to Or my ear drank the musick of his tongue:

any dominion, and we believe the Fly therefore,* and surpass the tempest's speed,

most perfect imitation of the best Aware thyself that there is urgent need!

classical model that now exists. It Him, entering, thou shalt haply seated see begins: Beside his spouse, his infants on his knee; “Nondum blanda tuas leges, Amathusia, Or turning, page by page, with studious nôram, look,

Et Paphio vacuum pectus ab igne fuit,** Some bulky father, or God's holy book;

&c. Or ministring (which is his weightiest

It may be objected, indeed, that care) To Christ's assembled flock, their heaven

it is built too entirely upon the healy fare.

then ideas of Venus and Cupid, but Give him, whatever his employment be, what could a classical lover of nineSuch gratulation, as he claims from me.” teen do without them? Cowper has

thus given it. The affectionate style of this ad

“ As yet a stranger to the gentle fires dress is highly pleasing, and credita- That Amathusia’s smiling queen inspires, ble to the feelings of the young poet,

Not seldom I derided Cupid's darts, whose reference to his poetical stu

And scorned his claim to rule all human

hearts: dies is natural, and is made the more interesting by our knowledge of Go, child, I said, transfix the timorous

dove! his subsequent eminence. In transla

An easy conquest suits an infant love; ting these lines, Cowper has taken Enslave the sparrow, for such prize shall be one or two liberties, creditable, we Sufficient triumph to a chief like thee! think, to his judgment. Milton's La. Why aim thy idle arms at human kind? tin lines, in the full spirit of classical Thy shafts prevail not ’gainst the noble

mind. style, abound with historical and my

The Cyprian heard, and kindling into ire, thological allusions. Some of these, (None kindles sooner) burned with double as not equally grateful to English fire.

It was the spring, and newly risen day * Addressed to the letter itsolf, as com. Peeped o’er the hamlets, on the first of mon with classical writers.


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p. 59.

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My eyes too tender for the blaze of light, Nought, save the riches that from airy Still sought the shelter of retiring night,*

dream When Love approached, in painted plumes In secret grottos, and in laurel bowers, arrayed,

I have, by golden Clio's gift, acquired.” Th’ insidious god his rattling darts betrayed;

The youth that feels towards a faNor less his infant features, and the sly,

ther, what Milton expresses here, Sweet intimations of his threatening eye.”

and throughout this pleasing poem,

ought to be acquitted of all harsh Here the two poets again seem to suspicions against his disposition. On contend for mastery, and it is difficult the poem to Manso, and the beautiful to say which obtains it. The two last Epitaphium Damonis,

could lines are beautiful in Cowper, and dwell with renewed delight; but we though not quite literal, are sufficient hasten to other objects. ly warranted by the original; yet The Italian poems of Milton have Milton's lines have still beauties of been hitherto less known than all the their own:

rest, partly from the imperfect hold Prodidit et facies, et dulce minantis which that elegant larguage bas geocelli,

nerally had upon the English taste: Et quicquid puero dignum et Amore fuit.” but they are full of beauties, and of

Perhaps the use of dulce is not 'beauties worthy of Milton. They also quite warranted here. It is generally exhibit Milton in love, but always adverbial; but it might easily be al- like himself, dignified, moral, and tered. The verses against the suppo- pious; and rather surprised to find sed decay of nature are magnificently himself so caught. fine, and well rendered by the trans- “Charles, and I say it wondering, thou lator. But we hasten to our last spe. must know, cimen from the Latin poems, which

That I, who once assumed a scornfu) must be taken from the affectionate And scoffed at love, am fallen in his

air, lines addressed to the author's father, as peculiarly honourable to his feel

Full many an upright man has fallen ings. They are thus rendered in blank

The truth is, that like all men of “Oh that Pieria’s spring would thro' my inclined to all the virtuous effects of

active imagination, Milton was much heart Pour its inspiring influence, and rush the tender passion; though his geneNo rill, but rather an o’erflowing flood ! ral loftiness of mind prevented him That, for my venerable father's sake,

from owning the fact to himself His All meaner themes renounced, my muse,

excuse for writing in Italian on this on wings

occasion, is beautifully given in this Of duty born, might reach a loftier strain. For thee, my father, howsoe'er it please,

Canzone. She frames this slender work, nor know I

" They mock my toil—the nymphs and ought

amorous swains, That may thy gifts more suitably requite; And whence this fond attempt to write,' Though to requite them suitably would

they cry, ask

'Love songs in language that thou Returns much nobler, and surpassing far

little knowest? The meagre stores of verbal gratitude: How darest thou risk to sing those foreign But, such as I possess, I send thee all.

strains ? This gage presents thee, in their full Say truly. Findest not oft thy purpose amount,

crossed, With thy son's treasures, and the sum is And that thy fairest flowers, here fade nought;

and die?'

Then, with pretence of admiration high So early did the poet's cyes give 'Thee other shores expect, and other symptoms of the calamity which after

tides, wards befel him. Ret.

Rivers on whose grassy sides




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