VII.-TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. AN ACCOUNT of the VALUE of the IMPORTS into, and of the EXPORTS from, the UNITED KINGDOM of GREAT BRITAIN and 274 ANNUAL REGISTER, 1862. to the Real S NAVIGATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. NEW VESSELS BUILT AND REGISTERED. - AN ACCOUNT of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their TONNAGE, that were Built and Registered in the several Ports of the BRITISH EMPIRE, in the Years ending 31st Dec. 1859, 1860, and 1861 respectively. Year ending 31st December, 1859. Year ending 31st December, 1860. Year ending 31st December, 1861. Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, and Man 11,582 48 10,832 81 3,041 31 2,442 38 3,927 605 93,307 675 104,418 616 124,671 1,575 282,318 1,722 318,828 1,840 439,498 Note. This Account includes Vessels bought of Foreigners. VESSELS REGISTERED. - AN ACCOUNT of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their TONNAGE, and the Number of MEN and Bors usually employed in Navigating the same, that belonged to the several ports of the BRITISH EMPIRE, on the 31st December, 1859, 1860, and 1861 respectively. England Scotland Ireland. * British Plantations TOTAL. England Scotland. Ireland TOTAL. 38,200 5,660,402 291,431 38,501 5,710,968 294,460 38,904 5,871,589 299,390 * The Accounts rendered for the Plantations for the Year ending 31st December, 1860, are now corrected; and, as several Returns for that part of the Empire are not yet received for the last Year, similar corrections will be necessary when the next Accounts are made up. SHIPPING ENTERED INWARDS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, FROM FOREIGN PARTS. VESSELS EMPLOYED IN THE FOREIGN TRADE. AN ACCOUNT of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their TONN.GR (including their repeated Voyages) that entered Inwards and cleared Outwards at the several Ports of the UNITED KINGDOM from and to Foreign Parts, during each of the Three Years ending the 31st of December, 1859, 1860, and 1861. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Vessels. Tons. 31 Dec. 1859 25,350 6,329,952 21,280 4,408,918 1860 25,400 6,598,098 23,441 5,006,506 1861 28,757 7,391,342 24,214 5,134,315 " Tons. Vessels. Tons. 1,170 255,160 1,070 1,089 290,911 1,233 1,150 329,693 1,142 Vessels. Tons. Foreign Vessels. Tons. Vessels. 227,892 26,520 6,585,112 22,351 4,636,810 277,270 26,489 6,889,009 24,674 5,283,776 324,239 29,907 7,721,035 25,356 5,458,554 SHIPPING CLEARED OUTWARDS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM TO FOREIGN PARTS. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. 31 Dec. 1859 25,617 6,619,018 23,689 4,888,732 25,803 6,885,220 25,574 5,420,441 28,866 7,533,439 26,270 5,578,839 YEARS ending GREAT BRITAIN. British and Irish Vessels. Foreign Vessels. IRELAND. British and Irish Vessels. Foreign Vessels. IRELAND. Foreign Vessels. British and Irish Vessels. Foreign Vessels. GREAT BRITAIN. YEARS ending British and Irish Vessels. AVERAGE PRICES OF HAY, STRAW, & CLOVER LOAD. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. AVERAGE PRICES OF BUTCHER'S MEAT. Average Prices per Stone of 8 lbs. in Smithfield Market, in 1862. January 4 2 to 4 10 4 8 to 5 6 50 to 5 10 46 to 50 484 8 5840 4836 48 310 36 4638 50 3 10 54 5448 5442 50 4 10 3 8 50 November... 4 4 December... 4 4 5048 48 42 4 10 6040 48 4 2 4 10 |