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11. My Consulship, by C. Edwards Lester.
2 vols. Cornish, Lamport and Co.
12. Meagher's Speeches. Redfield: New-

These works are sent to us through J. C. Morgan and J. M. Steel, of New-Orleans, and are works of interest, and many of great literary character and reputation. The mere titles are all that we can give now, but hereafter the works themselves shall be fully noticed.

It contains

J. H. Colton, 86 Cedar-street, New-York, proposes soon to issue a work entitled, A New and Complete Statistical and General Gazetteer of the United States of America, founded on and compiled from Official Federal and State Returns, and the Census of 1850. By Richard Swainson Fisher, M.D., author of the "Book of the World;" the "Gazetteer of Maryland; a "Statistical Account of America," etc., etc.; also, literary editor of "Colton's American Atlas," and editor of the "American Railway Guide." A Practical and Scientific Agricultural and Family Journal for the West-The Farmor's Companion and Horticultural Gazette. Edited by C. Fox and C. Betts. J. C. Holmes (Secretary of the State Agicultu ral Society) Horticultural Editor. Linus Cone, Corresponding Editor. This journal is published in Detroit, Mich. on the first day of each month. sixteen very large octavo pages, double columns, of good paper and fine print, handsomely illustrated with engravings; together with a colored cover, on which the advertisements are printed. The editors are gen tlemen of education, as well as practical men; and the work is intended to elucidate not only the practice, but also the great principles of agriculture, so as to adapt it to all parts of the country. The breeding and raising of horses, cattle, sheep, &c., are especially attended to; and, besides a department devoted to the ladies, interesting gene ral reading is introduced, as far as possible. All the important agricultural periodicals of France and Great Britain are taken and studied for whatever may be of use in the United States; and, monthly, a careful summary of American information is given. Price, fifty cents a-year. Specimen numbers forwarded on request. Single subscriptions may be sent in postage stamps; banknotes for larger amounts. Direct to Charles Betts. Office in the Fireman's Hall, Detroit.

OUR readers will be reminded of the Southern Agricultural Convention which is to be held in May next, at Montgomery, by the references we have made to it on another page, and also of the Convention of the South and West at Memphis, on the first Monday of June. We apprehend that other duties will prevent our attendance at either, which we regret. The purposes of the Memphis Con

vention are said to be the establishemnt of a continental depot of cotton, in opposition to Liverpool. :

The direct exportation of cotton by the planter—thus doing away with middle men, middle warehouses, middle commissions, middle insurances, and all that interminable medium which eats up our substance and concentrates our exports at Liverpool :

To build up a Southern importing market, in opposition to New-York:

more sympathy with the great West and To establish, through rail-road alliance, North-west, socially, commercially, and nationally :

To have one or more lines of steamers to Europe:

To induce emigration through southern ports to pass to the west by a communication always open, expeditious, and cheap; or to settle on our fertile lands:

To stimulate manufactures and general in-

To educate our children at home, to spend our wealth at home :

To aim at commercial and industrial inde pendence.


The position which the editor of the Review has assumed, at the head of the Census Department at Washington, was assigned to him without solicitation. In acknowledging the honor, he is not unaware of the arduous and responsible duties which devolve upon him, in the performance of which he will be cheered by the single purpose of doing well for the country, and, in some measure, deserving well of it. Time only can show if this aspiration will be realized.

In reference to the Review, there will be no change in its editorial, in which he has always had the assistance of able coadjutors; or in the business department, well organized as it is, under experienced and responsi ble persons. The more extended field which is opened, will rather enlarge and diversify the interests of this Review; and whilst its distinctive character as a southern work is preserved, will make it, in many senses, a national one. Already has its circulation extended to every state of the Union.

of the Review, the address of the editor, until For every other purpose than the business December next, will be Washington City.

Other letters will be addressed simply "De Bow's Review," New-Orleans.

There are sub-offices of the Review in most of the large cities, where the work, or the Industrial Resources, may be obtained, by order; as, for example, at Mobile, of M. Boulmet; at Charleston, B. F. De Bow; at Richmond. J. W. Randolph; at Washington City, Frank Taylor; at New-York, Pudney and Russell; at Boston, Redding and Co., &c. &c.



ADAPTED PRIMARILY TO THE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN STATES OF THE UNION. Including Statistics of Foreign and Domestie Industry and Enterprise,

Published Monthly in New-Orleans, at $5 00 Per Annum, in Advance.


A few complete sets of the work, thirteen volumes, bound handsomely, (600 to 680 pages,) are for sale at the office, New-Orleans, deliverable in any of the large

cities or towns.




3 Vols.-Large 8vo.-Fine print, paper and binding. Price $10. $3 33 per vol. (Postage Free, if remittance direct to office, without agents' commission.)

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This work, which is a condensation and re-arrangement of all the important papers, articles and statistics that have appeared in the Thirteen Published Volumes of De Bow's Review, is now ready for delivery. The subjects in it are arranged alphabetically, as in the Encyclopedias, and are generally brought down? to date. They will be sent postage free where the amount is remitted direct to the New-Orleans Office. Sets of the INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES can be had at the leading bookstores in the United States, as also single numbers and bound volumes of the Review.


Alabama.-A. Jackson, A. Benners, L. D. Porter, H. A. Howard, Dr. Lee Fearn, S. B. Mathews, J. B. Phillipps, D. J. Means, J. Blackman, J. P. Champion, G. W. Rives, S. L. Jones, A. Travis, J. Mitchell, Wm. Knox, R. C. Meyers, J. S. Winter & Co., C. Crommerline, Alabama Penitentiary, J. & B. Trimble, W. B. Cooper, A. G. McGehee, J. S. Williamson, S. H. Dixon, Melton, Brassell & Co., A. G. Due & Co., W. H. Osborne, T. W. Gill, J. W. Roberts, T. J. Moulton, N. W. Cocke, Ja. Weir, T. M. Pulloim, B. H. Micou, G. W. Goldthwaite, Gilmer, Taylor & Co., J. L. Wainwright, C. A. Edwards, J. J. Thornton, J. Grant, $10; J. H. Murphy, $10; J. M. Sims, $10; J. E. Belser, $10; T. H. Watts, $10; N. H. R. Dawson, $10; Daniel Pratt. $10; S. Minns, $7.

Louisiana-P. Winfree, Rev. C. J. Carney, J. Younnes, J. M. Pressler, W. C. Gayle, J. S. Barrow, J. A. S. Ackelen, W. A. Strong, H. J. Peck, J. Gossett, C. Roussell, M. Wells, H. Benn & Co., Thos. R. Wolfe, Thos. H. Barker, Lyall, Davidson & Co., Levy & Caldwell, D. H. Holmes, B. F. Harvey, S. Henderson, C. C. Lathrop, J. T. Donald & Co., J. Tuyes, J. G. Osgood, J. B. Slawson & Co., W. S. Harding, $20; J. Waddell, $20; S. D. M. Cutcheron, $10; J. R. Mead, $10; L. McKnight, $26 45; J. Perrin, $10: G. G. Nowland, $10; J. M. Huger, $20; C. C. S. Farrar, $10; Young & Co., $6; L, Beenel, $10; B. Winchester, $10; J. Gaudet, $10; E. C. Merr, $10; L. H. Wilson, $13 50; Wm. Dowsing, W. H Litchford, J. N. Denman, A. & M. Heine, F. Mazendorff, Goodrich & Co.

Arkansas.-F. E. Patrick, C. Caldwell, J. H. Hilliard, J. W. Clay, T. J. Watts, J. H. Flower, R. Beebe, $25; Jno. Robb, $10; E. G. Walker, $5.

Mississippi--E. P. Noble, A. Roggenburger, W. Cooper, Jas. Blackman, R. Seal, J. M. Batchelor, C. Wright, R. T. Elliott, Thos. E. Miller, J. A. Evans, J. B. McRae, S. L. James, T. H. Wood, J. C. Humphreys, O. Wordman & Co., D. Moore, A. Young, $10; J. S. Johnson, 815; W. R. Smith, $10; J. S Hays, R. D. Crowder, $8 50; Dr. H. Strong, $10; Dr. Jas. Week, $10; Z. Rector, $3 50; J. Witherspoon, $10; A. W. Paxton, $10.

Georgia.-B. H. Hill, B. R. Amos, H. Long,

Cartright, J. Blackman, J. P. Champion, Ross Crave,,

R. E. Wooding, Barrett & Irvin, W. F. Farrand, Geo. Dent.

South Carolina.-J. F. De Burdelben, R. W. Galliard, J. W. Younge.

Virginia.-G. P. Taylor, M. Davis, Geo. D. Sanders, W. H. Tumstall, $10.

Florida.-Dr. W. Davis. J. Griffin.

Tennessee.-Walter T. Key, R. C. Thompson, G. W. Martin.

Texas.-J. F. Perry, J. II. Pridgen, Gen. W. H. Woodward, Jno. MeNeill, C. K. Reese, (. B. Johnson, J. H. Brown, $21.

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Louisiana.-P. A. Owen, New-Orleans Club, W, J. McCutcheron, S. McCutcheron. Matt Ward, Dr McCauley, W. W Wilkins.

Arkansas.-J. N. Daly.

Georgia. Farrish Carter.

Alabama-Jno. D. Phelon, Thos. J. Judge.

North Carolina.-J. Davis.

Missouri.--Thos. C. Reynolds.

Mississippi.-Dr. Jas. Meek.


Louisiana.-New-Orleans Club.

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This highly valuable preparation, esteemed above every other article of the kind at the North, has been latterly ac quiring a like celebrity at the South and Southwest. It is a strictly original composition, and bases its claims upon its intrinsic merits, as adapted to the varied requirements of the human system. In fact it has been justly styled "Nature's own Remedy," since the Pills, in their operation, answer precisely the indications which Nature points out. They possess the merit, also, of being entirely free from mercury, and all mineral admixture whatever.

In the fevers and other complaints incident to southern and southwestern life, these Pills are unsurpassed in effcacy, They have cured YELLOW FEVER after every other remedy had failed. They have broken up the AGUE and BILIOUS FEVER in all their forms. They are thoroughly anti-bilious in their action; in whatever shape it may present itself, powerful for good and yet innocent of injury.

If resorted to in time, this medicine will be found to answer all the requirements of the family and Plantation. For FEMALES at certain seasons, there is none superior, if indeed there be any equal to it. Even for CHILDREN afiet ed with any of the prevalent disorders, a trial of it will suffice to place it upon the most favorable footing in the estima tion of all concerned.

Space will not allow of the introduction of the numerous testimonials received by the proprietor. He therefore subjcins only two or three of them, the first of which was received from Vera Cruz, in 1849, while the Yellow Fever was quite prevalent, and is signed, as will be seen, by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES of that city.


We, the undersigned, licensed Physicians in and for the city of Vera Cruz, do hereby certify, that we have used Dr. W. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, bought of Mr. Felix Rovira, Agent in this city, and having ap plied said Pills to cure the different diseases for which they are recommended by Dr. Wright, we have found them is every respect satisfactory, and we therefore recommend the use of said Pills to every person in this republic whoever may be suffering from any of the maladies for which their use is recommended by the inventor of said Pills.—And is order that the present certificate may be used as convenient to the parties, we have signed it in Vera Cruz, this 10th day of August, 1849. (Signed,) GEORGE GAIDAN, MANUEL HOVAD

Extract of a letter from the editor of the Greenville Mountaineer, S. C., received during the Mexican war: DR. W. WRIGHT-DEAR SIR: * * * A week or two ago I sent you a Mountaineer, containing a letter from one of our Volunteers in the City of Mexico, in which he pays WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, under all the circumstances, the highest meed of praise I have ever known a medicine to receive. The Volunteer, William W. Goodlett, Esq., is a gentleman of fine standing-an accomplished and well educated man, and was recently High Sheriff of this district. By one of your advertisements in a Charleston paper, I happened to notice the location of your office, and thought you might extract an article of some value in regard to your medicine, therefore I sent the paper. The following is an extract from the letter referred to above:

"My health is very fast improving. I procured, a few days ago, some of Dr. Wright's Indian VEGETABLE PILLS, and they have acted on my system like magic !"

Extract of a letter from Judge Dutton, late editor of the Ibervillian,” Plaquemine, La.

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DR. WRIGHT-DEAR SIH: There is a great call for your useful medicine in this part of the country. Two years ago I took a few dozen from Mr. Bronsema, your Agent in New-Orleaus, for my own use. But, as soon as it was known in the neighborhood, I was importuned for them till there was none left; and one person, to whom I gave up one half dozen boxes for $1 25, I found selling them out again, as a special favor, at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS a box!

The genuine may be had of J. WRIGHT & CO., Chartres-st., and A. BRONSEM, 74 Camp-street, New-Orleans; M. BOULLEMET, Mobile; HAVILAND, HARROL & Co., Charleston; and by the principal dealers throughout the Caited States and Canadas. Principal office, to which all communications must be addressed, 169 Race street, Philadelphia.



CAPITALISTS and others wishing to make investments, can always find at this office a list of improved and unimproved Real Estate for sale, consisting of building lots suitable for stores and private residences; also, cottages and desirable family residences in the city and suburbs.

Conveyancing, and all other instruments of writing, legal or commercial, carefully and neatly drawn on paper or on parchment.

Land les examined, and defective Titles perfected, when practicable. Title-papers, and other instraments, recorded in any of the record offices throughout the state.

Orders for the purchase or sale of slaves, or real estate, faithfully executed. Sugar and cotton plantations, and unimproved lands in various sections of the state, for sale. Claims against the Republic of Texas, and against private individuals, received for collection and prosecuted. The payment of taxes in all the counties of the state, carefully attended to; and property which may have been sold for taxes in the several counties, redeemed. Maps of all the principal counties, with the original surveys, are now preparing for this office; and abstracts of all original land titles granted by the states of Coahuila and Texas, and by the late Republic of Texas, can be examined at the General Agency Office.

The undersigned have known Mr. A. F. James, as a citizen of Galveston, for the last eleven years, during most of which time he has been engaged in the above business, for which we believe him well qualified, and recommend him to such as require the services of an Agent in Texas, as a gentleman in whom the fullest confidence may be reposed.

EDWARD HILL, President

Galveston Chamber of Commerce.

J. BATES, U. S. M.

M. B. MENARD, President

Galveston City Company.


Judge of the Dist. Court of the U. S.

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