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The first year or two Col. G. sold his cotton to some neighbors, but afterwards gave it to the settlers who carried it down the river in flat boats. In 1825, Col. G. put up the first cotton gin in Austin's colony, on the plantation where his son, Col. L. W. Groce, now lives. The first cotton shipped from Texas was in 1831, in which year Col. Groce and Mr. Thomas McKinney took a crop to Matamoras by a schooner from the mouth of the Brazos, which, we believe, was sold for about 62 1-2 cents per pound. After that year (Col. Groce and his son, with Mr. Thos. F. McKinney, began to send cotton to San Luis Potosi, shipping it to Tampico and thence on pack mules to its destination. It was of course put up in small bales suitable for packing on mules. This trade was continued until the disturbauces between Mexico and Texas broke out in 1835.

higher. This phenomenon of a diminish- lags behind the demand. Hence the ed stock and a higher price, in the face well-founded conclusion that the prices of a largely-increased supply, is account- of cotton will range higher during the ed for solely by a greatly-increased con- next than during the past twelve months. sumption, In Great Britain the weekly It appears that the cultivation of cotton consumption of cotton in 1851 was 31,800 was introduced into Texas in 1822 by bales; in 1852 the consumption reached Col. Jared E. Groce. This was the very about 40,000 bales a week, or 2,000,000 first commencement of cotton planting per annum. On the continent there has in Texas. This first cotton plant was in been a corresponding increase of con- the prairie; after that year Col. Groce sumption. The direct shipments from planted in the Brazos bottom. the United States to France in the present year have been 120,017 bales more than in the last, and to other parts of Europe 84,435 bales more. In the United States the consumption of 1850-51 was 404,000 bales; of 1851-52 it was 603,000 balesa conclusive contradiction, by the way, of the pretended distress of the manufacturing interest of this country. Thus it is seen that the increase in the consumption of cotton is greater than the increase in production; and we have every reason to believe that this will continue to be the case. The Economist says, "extensive mills are now in course of erection in Great Britain," and contends that the consumption of cotton there will continue to increase. We know that on the continent of Europe, and especially in Germany, the consumption of cotton is increasing steadily and rapidly; and in the United States, notwithstanding the false alarms of greedy capitalists, the example of thriving factories is daily calling additional spindles into operation. It is not hazardous to assert that during the next twelve months the consumption of cotton throughout the world will continue to increase in an unprecedented ratio. But from the most reliable accounts the supply will not exceed, if indeed it will equal, the supply of 1851-'52. Notwithstanding British experiment in Asia, Africa, and the West Indies, upon the southern states of this Union the world is dependent for its supply of cotton, (the flax substitute being a dead failure.) It is probable, then, that the production of received the proceedings. It will be the southern states will be equal to the increased consumption we are led to expect? Will the supply keep pace with the demand? Nobody expects the crop of the present year to exceed the crop of last year, whilst many suppose it will be something less. The probable result of the growing crop is estimated at about 3,000,000 bales by persons competent to pronounce in the matter. Thus, while the consumption increases, the production scarcely remains the same-the supply

Col. Groce at first procured his cotton baling and rope of Mr. Seymour, a merchant in the Red Lands of Eastern Texas; but subsequently he procured these articles from San Felipe.

It is believed there was one cotton gin and only one in Texas before the one erected by Col. Groce, and that was built by Mr. John Cartwright, of the Red Lands.

We referred some time since to an Agricultural Convention which was proposed to be held in Macon, Georgia, in October last, and of which we have lately

seen that another convention is recommended on the first Monday in May next. The delegates present in October were:

From South Carolina-Col. Wm. Du
Bose, J. W. Harrison, Thos. Smith, Col.
A. G. Summer.

From Virginia-Dr. Butler.
From Alabama-Dr. N. B. Powell, Dr.

Cloud, Wm. H. Chambers, R. C.
Shorter, Bolling Hall, A. G. McGehee, J.
S. Reese, Joseph Hall, Geo. W. Hails,

Agricultural Progress.

Elbert A. Holt, R. J. Glenn, Dr. Wm. H.
Rives, Peter Ware, Joseph L. Moultrie,
Amos Travis, Jr., L. H. Pierce, Wm. O.
Ormsby, Wash. Pollard, Mr. Griswold.
From Mississippi-Col. Thos. G. Ble-
wett, Dr. A. N. Jones, John Morton, Dr.
W. Burt.

From Tennessee-F. Keith.
From Louisiana-S. Craig Martyn.
From Florida-Col. Williams, Judge

The convention was organized by calling Dr. D. A. Reese, of Ga., to the chair, and the appointment of Wm. H. Chambers, of Ala., as secretary.

The objects of the convention were explained by Dr. W. C. Daniell, of DeKalb, who also introduced the following resolu


guished vintners. Many valuable hints and statistics upon the subject will be found in our work on the Industrial Resources, &c., of the South and West. Some one who has lately been on a visit to Cincinnati speaks in high terms of Mr. Longworth's operations. We quote his remarks entire.

"The sparkling Catawba,' or champagne, is now made here in great quantiwhich runs from the mashed grapes beties from the same grape. The juice fore pressure is reserved, fermented and ripened with great care, and sweetened with the purest rock candy. It ripens months. Mr. Nicholas Longworth proready for market in about eighteen duced accidentally the first champagne Resolved, That the members of the Ag- mediately erected a building and sent to from the Catawba grape in 1842, and imricultural Association of the slaveholding France for a manufacturer of this species states, to be organized as hereinafter recommended, be composed of such citi- of wine. This year a hundred thousand zens of the same, as taking an interest in bottles will be added to his stock. The agriculture, desire to become members sparkling Catawba possesses a delicious thereof; and of delegates from state and flavor, and is regarded by many as sulocal agricultural societies; and from perior to the most celebrated imported champagne. states or parts of states.


Resolved, That such persons as above designated are recommended to convene at Montgomery, Alabama, on the first Monday in May next, and to organize an agricultural association of the slaveholding states, under such provisions as to them may appear best calculated to fulfil the purposes of their organization, which shall hold its meetings, in succession, in all the slaveholding states that may participate

in the association.

Resolved, That a committee of correspondence, to consist of seven, be appointed to carry into effect the foregoing resolutions.

The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed, to compose the committee of correspondence:

Dr. W. C. Daniell, of DeKalb.
Gov. Geo. R. Gilmer, of Lexington.
Hon. Asbury Hull, of Athens.
Hon. Thos. Stocks, of Greensboro.
Hon. Jas. Hamilton Couper, of Darien.
Col. Jas. M. Chambers, of Columbus.
Maj. Joel Crawford, of Blakely.

We have frequently referred to the production of grapes and manufacture of wine in the United States, and noticed elaborately the successful experiment of Mr. Weller, of North Carolina; and Mr. Longworth, of Cincinnati, both distin

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"A variety of wines are made from the same grape by keeping separate the must' extracted by the different pressings, and a rich, claret-colored wine is produced by fermenting in the skin, which is very palatable when mellowed by age. But the common practice is to put all the must together in the same cask, and thus the whole juice and flavor of the grape remains, imparting to the wine that fine grapy aroma which has established the reputation of the American Catawba.

"The ground selected for a vineyard is usually a hill-side, with a southern aspect, though the vine does nearly as well on an eastern or western exposure. A dry calcareous loam, with a porous subsoil, is the soil best suited to the culture. Many small vineyards are owned by Germans in moderate circumstances, and afford profitable employment for their families. These sell their wine to the more wealthy dealers, who sell it again under their own label, if it proves of good quality.

"Mr. Longworth's wine cellars are the most capacious that have yet been erected, being 105 feet long, an average of 45 feet in width, and 18 high. The wine of each vintage is kept separate in casks, holding from 2,000 to 5,500 gallons each. Several new wine cellars will be built here during the next season.

"Greatly as the manufacture of native wine has increased during the last few years, the supply scarcely keeps up with the increasing demand. All the still wine more than five years old is now out of market, and the 'sparkling' is greedily taken off as soon as it is fit for market. The prejudice which at first existed against it on account of its nativity is fast disappearing, and many wine drinkers will use no other."

In volume xiii. of the Review, the subject of sheep raising and wool was treated by us at very great length; and from the attention the paper has everywhere received, we cannot question it has been effecting much good. We are determined to continue the subject from month to month, and would be glad to obtain the experiences of our friends. Referring to Texas in particular, the "Wool Grower" enters into some calculations, &c., which are worthy of being preserved. We are free to confess that we consider Texas without a rival for growing wool, unless there is something better in New-Mexico, or California. The sheep now there can be improved at much less cost than we supposed before we saw the wool. By selecting only those of the best wool, a grade of wool will be produced that will bring, if properly washed, from 28c. to 32c. per lb., averaging about 30c. in this market. The fleeces are clean and light, when washed, and make a desirable kind of wool, which is largely sought for by the manufacturers. There were some fleeces which could hardly be called wool. They were from some of the old Mexican sheep, and would pass for goats' hair in almost any market. Still a cross upon them with a good Merino ram, would produce a desirable breed, for the hair would disappear in the cross to a large extent. If, however, a better grade of sheep are plenty and cheap, we should prefer them at even a higher price, because the wool would be worth at least 10c. per lb. more, which would make a very great difference in the profit. According to Mr. Hill's letter, the expense of keeping sheep must be very small. In a large flock it could not exceed 15 cents per head for the whole year, but suppose it should be 20 cents.

We will take a flock of 1,000, and suppose them to be equal to the average of the wool sent to us. Let us see what can be done by a prudent flock master. The account would be

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And this is only a capital of $1,250. We have made no charge for the use of land, as at present there is a vast range for stock on which nobody pays. have supposed that the wool-growingwas only a branch, and that the other branches paid the interest for any investment that might be made for a house and the other necessary fixtures. To farm it successfully, even their shelter should be prepared, so that during the severe storms of rain and sleet which are common to that country, the sheep should be kept dry. The sheep are very sensitive to wet, and a cold wet storm will injure them very severely. Such sheds need not be very expensive. It is not so much the cold as the wet, that the successful flock master has to guard against. We are satisfied, however, that our estimate of profits is quite too low. But allowing that it is a fair one, what business can any man follow in that state or here that will compare with it?

There is a very curious table made by Mr. Gray, of San Antonio. He shows that on a sheep farm with 500 ewes at the commencement, at the end of ten years the gross value of the wool sold will be $67,800, the expenses will have been $15,900. Possible loss, $10,800, leaving a net profit of $43,200, while the whole amount of capital at the commencement is put down at only $890. We think the table erroneous, however, because he has given too large an increase. The price is low, and the estimated quantity of wool is also low. Still the business can be made immensely profitable, and we shall look for a large increase of wool from that region. The farmers may be assured that they can never glut the market, and they may depend upon a rich demand and good prices for all they can raise for the next ten or twenty years. We would rather take our chance in Texas with a flock of two thousand sheep for the next ten years, than in the richest placers yet found in California for making money.

Commercial Progress-Home and Foreign.


The great Fair, which was held in them being the handsomest I have ever Macon, Georgia, last October, was bril- seen. liant in every respect. When we can lay our hands upon the reports of the committees, it will be our pleasure to notice them at length. Mr. Martyn, a gentleman connected with our Review, writes us as follows:

"Colonel Summer, of South Carolina, exhibited a Thibet sheep, which was of course a great curiosity. He also delivered the address, which was handsomely written, well delivered, and, with perhaps one exception, was highly ap preciated by all who had the pleasure of hearing it.

"I have scarcely a word to say of the fair. It was like all other efforts of the same kind. Two or three departments of "I regretted to see so meagre an assortthe exhibition were highly creditable. ment of farming and other mechanical All agreed that for quality and quantity implements-that entire department, of real Chinese chickens, the society had both in its higher and lower branches, much need to be highly gratified. I was extremely deficient. In the fine doubt whether any northern exhibition arts, a few copies of landscapes and a ever excelled the one in that department. few miserably-executed portraits made The quantity of stock was considerable, up the supply. The floral department numbering some fine specimens of was creditable. The fruit department, Devons and other imported breeds. Two with the exception of apples, and one or or three fine Canadian studs excited two specimens of pears, was slim enough. much admiration. The receipts were about $4,000."

"The stock of mules was fine, some of


THE imports and exports of France, according to the official values of 1826, have been for six years as follows, in francs:










which embraces imports for French consumption and exports of French articles only, has been, it appears, more powerfully affected than the general commerce. The imports declined nearly one-half in the year of revolution, and have never recovered. On the other hand, the exTotal. ports did not materially decrease in that .1,257,000,000..1,180,000,000..2,437,000,000 year, and have since increased 50 per 862,000,000..1.153.000,000 2,015,000,000 cent., while the general commerce has 1,142,000,000..1,423,000,000..2,565,000,000 increased but little. The general con...1,174,000,000..1,531,000,000..2,705,000,000 .1,158,000,000..1,629,000,000..2,787,000,000 sternation and desire to sell in 1847, accelerated the exports, which were further impelled by the 10 per cent. bounty on exports by the government. 976,000,000. 891,000,000..1,867,000,000 The proceeds of sales were generally .780,000,000..1,032,000,000..1,812,000,000 hoarded instead of being invested in pro781,000,000..1,123,000,000..1,904,000,000 duce for manufacture or goods for con.781,000,000..1,239,000,000..2,020,000,000 sumption. The transit trade across France By this return, which shows the whole does not appear to have recovered so inward and outward commerce of France much. It was as follows:

1850. 1851.



1848. 1849. 1850 1851


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the exports. The special trade, or that interior countries of Europe are not so far

tranquillized as in France, for the resump- a list of 78. This gentleman puts the tion of industry.

The Philadelphia Ledger, in an article upon the coal trade, furnishes the following information relative to the consumption of coal by sea-going steamers:

New-York being the great centre of coal consumption, inquiry has been directed to that city, with the view of ascertaining the amount of anthracite consumed by steamships, which have so largely multiplied within the last year or two. A gentleman of much experience in the coal business, who has spent a week at New-York, pursuing the inquiry, has left with us his rough notes of facts and observations, from which we learn that the whole number of steamships plying to and from all ports in the United States, (including American steamships in the Pacific, but excluding navy steamships, about sixteen of all sizes,) does not exceed 80. River and Sound steamboats are not counted. The United States coast steamers, including Chagres, &c, all use anthracite. Those on the Pacific use all sorts of fuel, according to the cost. The four Collins steamers take anthracite (Lackawana and Pittston) out, and Welsh, bituminous back. The seven Cunarders take Cumberland coal out, and return with Welsh bituminous. The four Bremen and Havre steamers use bituminous, but the Franklin (Havre) tries anthracite this voyage, to test it against Cumberland.

number of steamers now using anthracite
in whole or in part, that did not use it in
1850, at 46. He places the average daily
consumption of these 46 at 11 tons, or
506 tons daily for all.
We will suppose,
then, that, viz.: 30 of these use wholly
anthracite, 16 half only of anthracite;
that their steaming time is 265 days in
the year. This would give us for one
year, viz.: 30 steamers, consuming each
11 tons for 265 days, and 16 steamers
burning 5 tons for 265 days, making an
aggregate consumption of 110,770 tons,
as the greatest possible increase from
this source. If we even put the working
days at 285, and the daily consumption at
15 tons, it would give but 162,500 tons.
The whole consumption of anthracite in
sea-going steamers, December, 1851, is
estimated by another gentleman, intelli-
gent in coal statistics, at 822 tons per
diem, working time, say 218,000 tons.
The largest figures are too small to aid us
much in accounting for the 1,200,000 tons
extra mining product of 1851. We have
said nothing of river steamers; only of
sea-going craft.

The revenue returns of Great Britain, says the Courier and Enquirer, exhibit a singular anomaly in legislation, and demonstrates the inequalities of taxation, especially in reference to the poorer classes of people. Property, with us in the United States, bears the burden of The Nicaragua Company has just con- taxation, and contributes mainly to the tracted for supplies of Schuylkill coal to support of the state governments; while, be delivered this winter at Havana, with our trans-Atlantic friends, the poor Nicaragua, East Coast, in St. Juan, Pa- man contributes disproportionately to the cific, and Acapulco. The steamers that government revenues, although his labor touch at Kingston, Jamaica, have con- is not so liberally compensated as it is tracted for 10,000 tons of Heilner and here. The heads of taxation in Great Beckworth, to be delivered at Jamaica Britain, which draw so heavily upon the this winter. All steamers touching at poorer classes, are tea, coffee, sugar, New-Orleans take in Pittsburgh coal molasses, tobacco, and malt. We conthere, because of its cheapness; but dense the table of Annual Revenue for those running to Richmond, Va., take in at the year ending Sept. 5, 1852, with variNew-York anthracite for out and return. ous subjects of taxation for that period: From the alphabetical register of the .£5,035,000 insurance companies of New-York, a list of steamers of all kinds has been obtained, from which the following record of the build of steamships that affect our inquiry is gathered, viz:

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Sugar and Molasses.
Tobacco and Snuff.


426,000 4,159,000






Total. Spirits..






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Mr. Haswell, U. S. Engineer, furnishes Total Customs and Excise..

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