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Kansas, for the year 1857. Annual report of the surveyor general
of public lands in the Territory of...
Kansas. Correspondence of the Adjutant General of the United
States army relative to the operations of the army in the
Territory of
Kansas, during the year 1857. Report of the Colonel of Topographi-
cal Engineers on the condition of the military roads in the
Territory of
Kansas, for the year 1857. Statement of the legislative expenses of..
Kansas, for extraordinary expenses incurred by him. Letter of the
Secretary of State, asking an appropriation to reimburse John
W. Geary, late governor of..

Kansas half-breed reservations. Letter of the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting information relative to the.....
Kansas into the Union. Letter of the Secretary of State, asking an
appropriation for carrying into effect the act for the admis-
sion of the State of...

Kansas, certain extraordinary expenses incurred by him. Letter
of the Secretary of State, relative to the repayment to Robert
J. Walker, late governor of..


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Letter of the Secretary of War, transmitting the report of
Col. Johnston's survey of the southern boundary line of.... 12


Lakes during the year 1857. Report of the Colonel of Topographi-
cal Engineers of the army of the progress in the survey of
the northern and northwestern

Land Office during the year ending June 30, 1857. Estimates for
appropriations for the support of the offi e of the Commis-
sioner of the General...

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Lands during the year ending June 30, 1859. Estimates for appro-
priations for surveying the public

[blocks in formation]

Land Office, transmitting estimates for appropriations during the
year ending June 30, 1859. Letter from the Commissioner

of the General




Papers accompanying the above.

A.-Estimates of appropriations required for salaries and
contingent expenses of the office

B. To meet expenses of collecting revenue from sales of
public lands....

C.-Appropriations for surveying department..
D.-Appropriations required for surveying the public lands.
E. Appropriations to supply deficiencies for surveying
during the last two fiscal years..

F.-Appropriations of the 2, 3, and 5 per cent. to States
therein named...

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Land Office of the operations of his office during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1857, and for the quarter ending Septem-
ber 30, 1857. Report of the Commissioner of the General.

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Papers accompanying the above.

A.-Statement of public land sold, &c., in the first half of
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1857....

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Land Office. Report of the Commissioner of the General-Cont'd.
Similar statement for second half of said fiscal year.... 2 1 2
C.-Estimate of appropriations for office of Commissioner

of General Land Office.....

D.-Estimate of contingent appropriations for same...
E. Estimate of appropriations for surveying department...
F.-Estimate of appropriations for surveying public lands..
G.-Estimate of same for supplying deficiencies....

H.-Reports of surveyors general and accompanying docu-

Lands prepared for market and not advertised on the 30th Septem-
ber, 1857. Statement of the quantity of...
Lands advertised for sale during the year ending June 30, 1857.
Statement of the quantity of....

Lands that will be prepared for sale during the year ending June
30, 1857. Statement of the quantity of...........
Sales and other disposals of the public.


Lands under the several acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855, on
September 30, 1857. Statement of the condition of the

Lands selected by the several States under the acts of March 2,
1849, and September 28, 1850, up to and ending September
30, 1857. Statement of the quantity of swamp

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1 2


2 1








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Lands granted under various acts, from 1850 to 1857, to the several
States for railroad purposes.
Statement of the number of
railroads and quantity of...

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Lands during the year ending June 30, 1857. Statement of the
surveying operations of the public....

[blocks in formation]

Lands selected under the several acts for the improvement of the
Fox and Wisconsin rivers, in Wisconsin. Statement of the
quantity of

Lands in the Territory of Minnesota for the year 1857. Annual
report of the surveyor general of the public.....

Lands in the State of Iowa for the year 1857. Annual report of
the surveyor general of the public....

Lands in the State of Illinois and Missouri for the year 1857.
Annual report of the surveyor general of the public....
Lands in the State of Arkansas for the year 1857.

of the surveyor general of the public
Lands in the State of Louisiana for the year 1857.
of the surveyor general of the public....
Lands in the State of Florida for the year 1857.
the surveyor general of the public
Lands in the State of California for the year 1857.
of the surveyor general of the public..
Lands in the Territory of Oregon for the year 1857, Annual report
of the surveyor general of the public...

[blocks in formation]

Lands in the Territory of Washington for the year 1857. Annual
report of the surveyor general of the public

Annual re-

Lands in the Territory of New Mexico for the year 1857. Annual
report of the surveyor general of the public...
Lands in the Territory of Kansas for the year 1857.
port of the surveyor general of the public....
Lands in the Territory of New Mexico. Report of the acting gov-
ernor of the necessity for a geological survey of the public..
Lands and private land claims in California for the year ending
June 30, 1858. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury,
transmitting an estimate for an appropriation for surveying
the public...

Lands disposed of and the amount undisposed of on the 30th June,
1857. Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting
a statement of the public

[blocks in formation]


Lands in the States of Illinois and Indiana. Statement of the un-
sold public...

Land claims in New Mexico. Letter of the Secretary of the Inte
rior, transmitting new schedules of pueblo and private....
Lander relative to the practicability of a railroad through the
South Pass. Report of F. W..
Light-house establishment during the year ending June 30, 1859.
Estimates for appropriations for the support of the...
Light-House Board, asking to be allowed an additional clerk. Let-
ter from the chairman of the...

Light-House Board during the year ending June 30, 1857. Annual
report of the....

Light-house service on the northwestern lakes. Letter of the
Secretary of the Treasury relative to certain expenses of the
Linen, from 1840 to 1857, inclusive. Statement of the foreign
importation and exportation, and home consumption, and
the consumption of domestic...

Louisiana for the year 1857. Annual report of the surveyor gen-
eral of public lands for the State of...

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Loan not to exceed fifteen millions of dollars. Letter of the Secre-
tary of the Treasury, asking for an additional....
Louisville and Portland canal. Report of the President on the con-
dition of the..

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Louisville and Portland Canal Company. Letter of the Secretary
of the Treasury, giving information as to the condition and
affairs of the..

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Mail service for the year ending June 30, 1859. Estimates for ap-1
propriations for foreign....

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Mail service between the United States and France. Tables of mail
arrangements, showing the....

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Mails in steamships to foreign countries during the year ending
June 30, 1857. Statement of the amount of postage re-
ceived on the....

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Mail service for the year ending June 30, 1857. Statement of the
condition of the..

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Mail service in the New England section, as in operation on Sep-
tember 30, 1857. Statement of the......

[blocks in formation]

Mail service in the New York section, as in operation on September
30, 1857. Statement of the...

[blocks in formation]

Mail service by railroads, as in operation on the 30th of June and
30th of September, 1857. Statement of the......
Mail service by steamboats, as in operation on September 30, 1857.
Statement of the....

Mails to foreign countries, and a statement of the amount of post-
age derived therefrom. Letter from the Postmaster Gene-
ral, transmitting copies of contracts made for carrying the..
Mail contractors, for failures to deliver the mails during the year
1857. Statement of the fines and deductions from the pay

Mail service for the year ending June 30, 1859. Estimates for ap-
propriations for the....

Mails to Bremen and Havre, and relative to the Collins' line be-
tween New York and Liverpool. Letter of the Postmaster
General, asking further legislation for the transportation of
the ocean...

Mail proposals. Answer to a resolution of the House, calling for
information in regard to advertisements for...

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Mails made under the authority of the Post Office Department
during the year ending June 30, 1857. Statement of the
offers and contracts for carrying the..
Manufactured articles of domestic produce exported to foreign
countries, from June 30, 1845, to June 30, 1857. State-
ment of...
Manufactured and unmanufactured articles of foreign countries, and
domestic products of like character exported annually, from
1840 to 1857. Statement of the value of the....
Manufactures of iron and iron and steel, steel, wool and cotton,
silk, flax, linen, hemp, manilla, sun, and other hemps of
India, silk, and worsted goods, imported from and exported
to foreign countries, from 1840 to 1857; and also showing
the domestic exports of like articles for the same periods.
Statement exhibiting the values of the..
Manufactures of iron, steel, sugar, wines, and all fabrics of which

wool, cotton, silk, flax. or hemp, is a component part, im-
ported annually from 1847 to 1857, inclusive, with the duties
which accrued thereon each year, respectively. Statement
exhibiting the values of the....

Manufactures of pig iron, and iron and steel, annually, from 1820
to 1855, inclusive. Statement of the values of the imports
of foreign, and exports of foreign and domestic, and the
home consumption of the...

Manufactures during the year 1857. Report of the Commissioner
of Patents on arts and...........

Marine corps of the navy, during the year ending June 30, 1857.
Statement of the pay and emoluments of the several officers
of the.....

Marine corps of the navy, during the year 1857. Report of the
commandant upon the condition of the....'.

Marine corps of the navy, October 31, 1857.

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General return of the

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officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates
of the....

Marine co:ps of the navy, during the year ending June 30, 1859.
Statement of the estimates for appropriations for the support
of the Paymaster's department of the....

Marine corps of the navy, during the year ending June 30, 1859.
Statement of the estimates for appropriations for the support
of the Quartermaster's department of the......
Marine hospitals during the year ending September 30, 1857. Re-
port of the engineer in charge of the progress in the con-
struction of the....

Marine hospitals, purchased or built. Statement of the number and
cost of...

Marine hospital fund, during the year ending June 30, 1857. State-
ment of the receipts and expenditures of the..
Marine hospitals. Statement of the appropriation, cost of site,

date of contract, contract price, and date of completion of the.
Marine hospitals. Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, asking for

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appropriations to be expended in the prosecution of certain. 13
Massacre at Spirit Lake by Sioux Indians. Papers, from No. 20 to
No. 52, relating to the.....

Medicine and Surgery of the navy, during the year ending June 30,
1859. Estimates for appropriations for the support of the
Bureau of.....

Medicine and Surgery of the navy, of the operations of his bureau,
and the medical service of the navy during the year 1857.
Report of the chief of the Bureau of..


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Vol. Part. Doc.


Papers accompanying the above report.

A.-Estimate of the amount required for the support of the
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery for the year ending
June 30, 1859....

B.-Estimate of the amount required for the support of the
medical department of vessels in commission, navy
yards, naval stations, marine corps, and coast survey,
for the year ending June 30, 1859.

Merchandise imported, re exported, and consumed; the estimated
population, and the rate of consumption, per capita, annually,
from 1821 to 1857. Statement of the value of...

Merchandise exported annually, from 1821 to 1857.

the value of foreign and domestic.

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Statement of

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Merchandise re-exported annually, from 1821 to 1857. Statement
of the value of the dutiable...

Mexico, during the year 1857. Commercial relations of the United
States with..

Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the last
annual report of Lieutenant Colonel J. D. Graham on the
harbors of Lake...

Military Academy during the year ending June 30, 1859. Esti-
mates for appropriations for the support of the...
Military Academy during the year ending June 30, 1857. Report
of the Colonel of Engineers of the army as to the condition
of the....

Military Academy from 1842 to 1857. Statement of the condition
in life of the parents of cadets of the....

Military Academy on the 30th September, 1857. Statement of the
officers and professors of the...

Military Academy for the year 1857. Annual report of the Board
of Visitors of the....

Military roads. (See Roads.)

Militia during the year ending June 30, 1857.

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Statement of ord-

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nance and ordnance stores distributed to the....
Militia of the United States. Letter of the Secretary of War,
transmitting abstract of the returns of the


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Minnesota. Estimate of expenses for taking the census in the
Territory of....

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Minnesota. Message of the President of the United States, trans-

mitting a report of the Secretary of the Interior in reference
to the census of.

Minnesota to the Senate. Message of the President of the United
States, informing the House of his having transmitted a
copy of the constitution of.....

Minnesota for the year 1857. Annual report of the surveyor gen-
eral of the public lands in the Territory of

Minnesota during the year 1857. Report of the Colonel of Topo-
graphical Engineers on the condition of the military roads
in the Territory of

Mint of the United States and branches, and assay office, during
the year ending June 30, 1859. Estimates for appropria-
tions for the support of the

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Mint of the United States. Estimates of appropriations as per
letter of the Director of the......

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Mint of the United States and branches and assay office during the
year 1857 to June 30. Report of the Director of the opera-
tions of the....




uary 1 to June 30, 1857.
posits and coinage at the

Mint of the United States and branches and assay office, from Jan-
Statement of the amount of de-

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