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causes, or tracing effects; by pointing out examples, or appealing to the hearts of the hearers; that thus a precife and circumftantial view may be afforded of the doctrine inculcated. By diftinct and apt illustrations of the known truths of religion a preacher may both difplay great merit, as a compofer; and, what is infinitely more valuable, render his difcourfes weighty, inftructive, and useful.




S the great end, for which men fpeak on any rious occafion, is to convince their hearers, that fomething is true, or right, or good; and thus to influence their practice; reafon and argument must contitute the foundation of all manly and perfuafive eloquence.

With regard to arguments three things are requi ite. First, invention of them; fecondly, proper difpofition and arrangement of them; and thirdly, expreffing them in the moft forcible manner. Invention is undoubtedly the moft material, and the bafis of the reft.

But in this art can afford only small affistance. It can aid a speaker however in arranging and expreffing thofe arguments, which his knowledge of the fubjest has difcovered.

Suppofing the arguments properly chofen, we must avoid blending thofe together, that are of a feparate nature. All arguments whatever are intended to prove one of these three things; that something is true; that it is right or fit; or that it is profitable and good. Truth, duty, and intereft are the three great fubjects of difcuffion among men. But the argu ments employed upon either of them are generally diftin&t; and he, who blends them all under one topic, which he calls his argument, as in fermons is too frequently done, will render his reasoning indistinct and inelegant.

With refpect to the different degrees of ftrength in arguments the common rule is to advance in the way of climax from the weakest to the most forcible. This method is recommended, when the speaker is convinced, that his caufe is clear, and eafy to be proved. But this rule muft not be univerfally obferved. If he diftruft his cause, and have but one material argument, it is often proper to place this argument in the front; to prejudice his hearers early in his favor, and thus dispose them to pay attention to the weaker reafons, which he may afterward introduce. When amid a variety of arguments there is one or two more feeble, than the reft, though proper to be used; Cicero advises to place them in the middle, as a fituation less confpicuous, than either the beginning or end of the train of reafoning.


When arguments are ftrong and fatisfactory, the more they are separated, the better. Each can then bear to be introduced alone, placed in its full light, amplified and contemplated. But, when they are of a doubtful or prefumptive nature, it is fafer to crowd them together, to form them into a phalanx, that, though individually weak, they may mutually fupport each other.

Arguments fhould never be extended too far, nor multiplied too much. This ferves rather to render a caufe fufpicious, than to increase its strength. A needlefs multiplicity of arguments burdens the memory, and diminishes the weight of that conviction, which a few well chofen arguments produce. To expand them also beyond the bounds of reasonable illustration is always enfeebling. When a fpeaker endeavours to expofe a favorable argument in every light poffible, fatigued by the effort, he lofes the fpirit, with which he fet out; and ends with feebleness, what he began with force.


Having attended thus far to the proper arrangement of arguments, we proceed to another essential part a difcourfe, the pathetic; in which, if any where, eloquence reigns, and exerts its power. On this head the following directions appear ufeful.

Confider carefully, whether the fubject admit the pathetic, and render it proper; and, if it do, what part

of the difcourfe is most fit for it. To determine these points belongs to good fenfe. Many fubjects admit not the pathetic; and even in those, that are fufceptible of it, an attempt to excite the paffions in a wrong place, may expofe an orator to ridicule. It may in general be obferved, that, if we expect any emotion, which we raise, to have a lafting effect, we must secure in our favor the understanding and judgment. The hearers must be fatisfied, that there are fufficient grounds for their engaging in the caufe with zeal and ardor. When argument and reafoning have produced their full effect, the pathetic is admitted with the greatest force and propriety.


A fpeaker fhould cautioufly avoid giving his hear ers warning, that he intends to excite their paffions. Every thing of this kind chills their fenfibility. There is also a great difference between telling the hearers that they ought to be moved, and actually moving them. To every emotion or paffion nature has adapted certain correfponding objects; and without fettin thefe before the mind it is impoffible for an orator to excite that emotion. We are warmed with gratitude, we are touched with compaffion, not when a speaker shows us that these are noble difpofitions, and that it is our duty to feel them; nor when he exclaims against us for our indifference and coldness. Hitherto he has addreffed only our reafon or confcience. He muft defcribe the kindness and tenderness of our friend;

he must exhibit the diftrefs, fuffered by the person, for whom he would intereft us. Then, and not before, our hearts begin to be touched, our gratitude or compaffion begins to flow. The bafis therefore of all fuccessful exécution in pathetic oratory is to paint the object of that paffion, which we defire to raise, in the most natural and striking manner; to defcribe it with fuch circumstances, as are likely to awaken it in the minds of others.

To fucceed in the pathetic, it is neceffary to attend! to the proper language of the paffions. This, if we confult nature, we fhall ever find is unaffected and fimple. It may be animated by bold and strong figures, but it will have no ornament, nor finery. There is a great difference between painting to the imagination and to the heart. The one may be done with de-. liberation and coolnefs; the other must always be rapid, and ardent. In the former art and labor may be fuffered to appear; in the latter no proper effect can be. produced, unless it be the work of nature only. Hence. all digreffions fhould be avoided,, which may interrupt or turn afide the fwell of paffion. Hence comparisons. are always dangerous, and commonly quite improper in the midst of the pathetic. It is also to be observed, that violent emotions cannot be lafting. The pathetic therefore should not be prolonged too much. Due re-. gard fhould always be preferved to what the hearers.

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