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and confirmed, between his most facred Majefty the King of Great Britain, &c. and the moft illuftrious Lord Ali Pafha, Begler Bey and fupreme Commander of the State of Tunis, which let no one prefume to infringe or violate. Dated in the presence of Almighty God, at the Palace of Bardo near Tunis, this nineteenth day of October, One thousand seven hundred and fifty-one, according to the Chriftian computation; and of the Turkish Hageira, One thousand one hundred and fixty-four, the tenth day of the Moon Zil Hadgi Sheriffay.


(L. S.) CHA. GORDON. (L. S.)



To the antient Treaties fubfifting between his Britannick Majefty and the Dey and Government of Algiers, agreed to by the present Dey, Mahomet, and his faid Majefty's Plenipotentiaries, the Honourable Auguftus Keppel, and Ambrofe Stanyford, Efq. bis Majesty's Agent and Conful General at Algiers.


HAT all packets or exprefs-boats, bearing his Britannick Majesty's commiffion, which fhall be met by any of the cruizers of Algiers, fhall be treated with the fame refpect as his Majefty's fhips of war, and all due refpect fhall be paid to his Majefty's commiffion; and both at meeting and parting they fhall be treated as friends: And if any of the Algerine cruizers commit the least fault or violence against them, the captains or raizes so offending fhall, on their arrival at Algiers, and proper complaint being made of them, be most severely punished, without admitting of their excufes. Dated at Algiers the third day of June, 1751, and in the year of Hageira, 1164, the twentieth day of the Moon Regil.


Treaty between his Britannick Majefty, and her Imperial Majefty of all the Ruffias. Signed at St. Petersburg, September, 1755. Together with the two separate and fecret Articles belonging thereto.

In the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity.


HEREAS the fincere and intimate friendship which unites his Britannick Majefty and her Im, perial Majefty of all the Ruffias, as well as the engage ments which they contracted by the treaty of defenfive alliance of the year 1742, oblige them at all times, to be watchful of the publick tranquillity, and their reciprocal fecurity. And whereas, in the prefent conjuncture of affairs, the prefervation of the general peace, and the defence of their refpective dominions, rights and fubjects, have appeared to them neceffarily to require, that they fhould be guarged against the attacks, with which they may be threatened on the part of any power whatever, by fecuring a body of troops capable of making a powerful diverfion, in cafe of fuch attacks: And whereas, confidering the prefent fituation, the contingents of the fuccours, ftipulated by the above-mentioned treaty, would not be fufficient for all the aforefaid objects: His Britan nick Majesty and her Imperial Majefty of all the Ruffias, have thought proper to concert, beforehand, the farther measures of precaution, which the general tranquillity, and their common interefts and fecurity, feem to demand; and for this purpose, they have authorized their refpective minifters; that is to fay, his Majefty the King of Great Britain, Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Knight of the most honourable order of the Bath, one of the members of the parliament of Great Britain, and his Ambaffador at the court of the Emprefs of all the Ruffias; and her Imperial Majefty of all the Ruffias, her Chancellor, actual Privy Counsellor, Senator, and Knight of the orders of St. Andrew, of the White Eagle, and of St. Alexander Newfky, Alexis Count de Beftoucheff Rumin; and her Vice Chancellor, actual Privy Counfellor, Lieutenant of the company of the body-guards, actual Chamberlain,

Chamberlain, and Knight of the orders of St. Andrew, of the White Eagle, of the Black Eagle, of St. Alexander Newsky, and of St. Anne, Michael Count de Woronzow; who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and having conferred together, have agreed on the following articles,

I. The high contracting parties renew exprefly, by this convention, the treaty of defenfive alliance concluded be tween them the 11th of December, 1742, at Moscow, in all its articles; and confirm the ftipulations of the fuc cours to be given reciprocally, as they are contained in the IVth article of the faid treaty; which fuccours fhall be furnished, on each fide, in the manner and on the conditions therein expreffed.

II. Whereas it is declared by the XVIIth article of the above-mentioned alliance, "That if the fuccours therein ftipulated fhall not be fufficient, the contracting par "ties fhall then agree, without delay, on the farther fuc

cours to be given;" and as that would not answer the ends propofed, and there may happen cafes, which may not allow them time to agree thereupon; in order to ob viate the inconveniences which would neceffarily refult from fuch a delay, they have agreed to settle from henceforth, and at all events, the means of their defence. With this view, her Imperial Majesty of all the Ruffias has not only caused to march towards the frontiers of Livonia, adjoining to Lithuania, but engages alfo to hold there, as long as this convention fhall fubfift, as near to thofe frontiers as the quarters will permit, a body of her troops, amounting to 55,000 men; that is to fay, 40,000 infantry of her regular troops, furnished with the neceffary artil lery, and 15,000 cavalry, compofed of three regiments of Cuiraffiers, of twenty companies of Horfe Grenadiers, of two regiments of Huffars, and the remainder of Light troops, to wit, of Coffacks and Calmucks, each with two horfes, as many as fhall be wanting to compleat these 15,000 cavalry; fo that the whole infantry and cavalry Thall form a compleat body of 55,000 men,

III. Her Imperial Majefty engages, moreover, to cause to be held in readinefs, during the time above specified, on the coafts of the above-mentioned province, 40 or 50


gallies, with the neceffary crews, in condition to act on the first order.

IV. The body of troops and the gallies, mentioned in the two preceding articles, fhall not be put in activity, but in cafe his Britannick Majefty, or any of his allies, should be attacked; and, in that cafe, the general commander in chief of the faid corps, who, for this purpose, fhall be furnished beforehand with the orders of her Imperial Majefty of all the Ruffias, fhall march as foon as he shall receive the requifition on the part of his Britannick Majesty; and fhall make, as foon as poffible, a diversion with a body of 30,000 infantry, provided with the neceffary artillery, and with all the 15,000 cavalry above mentioned ; and fhall embark at the fame time the other 10,000 infantry on board the 40 or 50 gallies, in order to make a defcent according to the exigences of the cafe, and the utility of the service.

V. In case the dominions of his Britannick Majesty in Germany should be invaded, on account of interests or difputes which regard his kingdoms; her Imperial Majefty declares, that fhe will look upon fuch an invafion as a cafe of the above-faid alliance of 1742, and that the faid dominions fhall be therein comprized in this respect.

VI. In confideration of fo important an augmentation of the fuccour ftipulated by the treaty of defenfive alliance above mentioned, as also of all the other extraordinary expences, which the march and maintenance of troops in Livonia, with the artillery and its appurtenances, as well as the preparations of galleys may have coft, or shall still coft; his Britannick Majefty promifes and engages to cause to be paid to her Imperial Majesty of all the Ruffias, the fum of 500,000 pounds fterling per annum, to be reckoned from the day when the body of her troops fhall have paffed the frontiers of her dominions, in confequence of the requifition made by his Majefty the King of Great Britain; this fum fhall be paid by Baron Wolff, refident of Great Britain, in the place where it fhall be demanded, at the rate of 10 florins and 15 ftivers, current money of Holland, for every pound fterling, and always four months in advance; and the first payment thereof fhall be made


the day that this body fhall go out of the dominions of her Imperial Majefty.

VII. Whereas her Imperial Majefty of all the Ruffias is particularly interested in the prefervation of the tranquillity of the north, and that no innovation fhall happen in the neighbourhood of her dominions; confidering alfo the proximity of the countries, wherein the diverfion in queftion will probably be made, and the facility her troops will have of fubfifting immediately in an enemy's country; fhe takes upon herfelf alone, during fuch a diverfion, the fubfiftence and treatment of the faid troops, by fea and land, as alfo the heavy artillery which they may have occafion for, and of the details thereto belonging.

VIII. Her Imperial Majefty engages to continue the diverfion to be made, and not to recal her troops, even though the fhould be attacked by any other power. On the other hand, his Britannick Majefty promifes, that, in cafe her Majesty the Emprefs fhould be difturbed in the faid diverfion, or should be attacked herself; his Britannick Majefty will furnish immediately the fuccour ftipulated by the treaty of 1742.

XI. In cafe that, contrary to all expectation, a war fhould break out, his Britannick Majefty engages to fend into the Baltick Sea a fquadron of his fhips, a force fuitable to the circumstances; and the Admiral of this fquadron fhall act in concert with the Imperial Ruffian army, as long as they shall be within reach of each other.

X. For the conveniency and readiness of correfpondence, his Britannick Majefty fhall keep with the auxiliary body, (which fhall be commanded folely by the General, whom her Majefty the Emprefs fhall put at their head, to whom alfo the perfon who fhall command the galleys is to be fubject) a commiffary, who, as well as the Admiral of the British fquadron, in cafe there fhall be one, fhall always be invited and admitted to the general councils of war; and shall have, moreover, communication of every thing which may concern the common service.

XI. All the plunder which the Ruffian troops fhall gain from the enemy, of what nature and quality foever, Thall be for the advantage of thofe fame troops.


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