7. Because her suffering life enfolds In death-strong grasp her heart she holds, 8. Last eve, they say, a field was won. But tell her of the dead alone 9. In mercy tell her that his name 10. Oh poor, pale child! Oh woman's heart! CIX.-LINT. ΑΝΟΝΥΜOUS. 1. Fiber by fiber, shred by shred, 2. There are jewels of price in her roseate ears, 3. A rare bird sings in a gilded cage A sun ray glints through a swaying bough, 4. A sob floats out to the summer air 5. "Ah! beauty of earth is naught, is naught! I have seen a sister's scarred face shine 6. "I have read of another,* whose passing shade 7. The bird still sings in his gilded cage; 8. Fiber by fiber, shred by shred, Still fall from her delicate hand 9. There are crimson stains on breasts and brows, The walls are lofty and white and bare, Through the chamber where she toils. 10. No glitter of gold on her slender wrist, * Florence Nightingale, an English lady, who cared for her country's soldiers in the Crimean war, in 1854. • But a youth and a beauty all divine QUESTIONS. First Stanza. What is "lint," and for what is it used? What is a "fiber"? a "shred"? What are "feathery films"? Why is the snow called the "vanishing snow"? What person is chiefly spoken of in this selection? Second Stanza. Why should the "jewels" be mentioned? What kind of jewels are they? What is meant by "roseate ears"? What are on her "wrists"? her "hands"? What are "gems of art " Third Stanza. Why is the "bird" mentioned? What is a "casement"? What is it to "glint"? What is the cause of the "tear"? What is a "diamond radiance"? Fourth Stanza. What is the song-bird's "latest trill"? Explain the third and fourth lines. What is "gossamer"? "drapery"? Why do the hands become "still"? What kind of hands are "delicate hands"? Fifth Stanza. What is meant by the statement that "beauty is naught"? Who says it? What is a "gilded youth"? Is anything said to prove that beauty of earth is naught? How can a scarred face" be beautiful? Sixth Stanza. 66 Why are there 66 no What did the "mangled" kiss? more tears"? Why does she "pluck the gems from her delicate ears"? What do you think was done with the gems and gold"? 66 Ninth Stanza. What place is described in this stanza? What are "ghastly coils"? What takes place between the pictures presented in the sixth and ninth stanzas? What is the meaning of " ever" in the fourth line ? What lesson is taught in this poem? What is its general sentiment? How then ought the piece to be read? CX.-SCENE FROM KING JOHN. SHAKSPEARE. ACT. IV. Scene I. Northampton. A Room in the Castle. Hubert. Heat me these irons hot; and, look thou stand Fast to the chair: be heedful. Hence, and watch. Young lad, come forth; I have to say with you. Enter ARTHUR. Arthur. Good morrow, Hubert. Good morrow, little prince. Arthur. As little prince (having so great a title Mercy on me! Methinks nobody should be sad but I: Hubert [Aside.] If I talk to him, with his innocent prate Arthur. Are you sick, Hubert? you look pale to-day. That I might sit all night, and watch with you: Hubert [Aside.] His words do take possession of my bosom. Read here, young Arthur. [Showing a paper.] [Aside.] How now, foolish rheum ! Turning despiteous torture out of door? Out at mine eyes in tender womanish tears.- Arthur. Too fairly, Hubert, for so foul effect. Must you with hot irons burn out both mine eyes? Hubert. Young boy, I must. Arthur. Hubert. And will you? And I will. Arthur. Have you the heart? When your head did but ache, I knit my handkerchief about your brows, And with my hand at midnight held your head, So much as frown on you? Hubert. I have sworn to do it, And with hot irons must I burn them out. |