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XII. It will be noticed that the inflection in any clause comes upon the emphatic word of that clause. Let this principle be fully tested.

XIV. A correct use of inflections is exceedingly important. An unskillful application of them often effectually conceals the meaning. "He does not half perform his work," means that he performs it well. "He does not half perform his work," means that he does it very imperfectly. "Edward would run the greatest risks to please his favorite." Here the circumflex implies that he would do very little to please others. The following is frequently quoted: "A man who is in the daily use of ardent spirits, if he does not become a drunkard, is in danger of losing his health and character." The falling circumflex on "drunkard" gives the correct meaning. The opposite declares that only by being a drunkard can one preserve his health and character. "The dog would have died if they had not cut off his head." The rising circumflex on "died" makes good sense here. The opposite makes cutting off his head necessary to saving his life.

In endeavoring to escape monotony, many readers fall into the habit of excessive inflection, that is, of frequent and sharp turns of the voice. Too much of this makes the reading harsh and angular.


In order that one may adequately express what he is reading, the vocal organs must be trained. These organs, like all the other organs of the body, require exercise to impart to them the highest efficiency. Every class should, therefore, have a daily exercise in vocal gymnastics. For the strengthening of the voice, the exercises on the preceding pages are admirably adapted. But in order to be efficient they must be engaged in earnestly, vigorously, and persistently. The voice must be tasked to its utmost, for a short time, every day. Only thus can its power be increased. During this exercise the lungs should be kept filled with pure air. Indeed, a part of the exercise should consist in vigorous breathing. Sound is made of air or breath, and there should be a large supply of the material kept constantly on hand.

But undue and sudden violence should be carefully avoided, and those exercises requiring the highest force should be practised only a little while at a time. The vocal organs are often permanently injured by too severe a strain upon their power, caused either by entering too suddenly upon violent exercise, or continuing it too long. Great vocal power can not be suddenly acquired.


Among the things in which every pupil in our schools ought to be instructed is the use of books of reference. Of these, the unabridged dictionary is the first in rank. Every child should become acquainted with the notation of Webster and Worcester, and be able to consult either of them intelligently.

Pupils need also to acquire a power over books,-the ability to select from them whatever is requisite to the purpose in hand. Independence of thought is promoted by the habit of consulting books as the information they contain is wanted. To read a treatise on any topic, even if it is understood, is only to follow out another's thought; but to gather up the facts contained in books, and to put them into new relations, is to think for one's self.

The Reader, if properly used, will require much practice in consulting books on history, language, and science. Of course, such work, like all other, should be done thoroughly and understandingly. At first, the teacher should indicate the topics on which the pupil is to inform himself in this way. But the latter ought soon to acquire the power of determining for himself the points that need to be cleared up, and of selecting the material for that purpose.





Poland was, for a time, one of the most powerful kingdoms in Europe. By a combination of forces, Russia, Austria, and Prussia succeeded in utterly overthrowing the kingdom, and in dividing its territory among themselves. The Poles defended their nationality with great heroism, though unsuccessfully, and the American poet Percival gives expression to their courage and patriotism in the following spirited lines. They require great force, with clear, ringing, pure tones:

Freedom calls you! Quick, be ready,
Rouse ye in the name of God;
Onward, onward, strong and steady,
Dash to earth the oppressor's rod.
Freedom calls! ye brave!
Rise, and spurn the name of slave.

Grasp the sword! its edge is keen;
Seize the gun!-its ball is true;
Sweep your land from tyrant clean,
Haste, and scour it through and through!
Onward, onward! Freedom cries,
Rush to arms, -the tyrant flies.

By the souls of patriots gone,
Wake, arise, -your fetters break;

Kosciusko bids you On,
Sobieski cries Awake!

Rise, and front the despot czar ;
Rise, and dare the unequal war.

Freedom calls you! Quick, be ready;
Think of what your sires have been;
Onward, onward! strong and steady,
Drive the tyrant to his den;

On, and let the watchwords be,
Country, home, and liberty!



The following brief poem was written by Dr. O. W. Holmes, when it was proposed to dismantle the celebrated United States War Ship, "The Constitution." On account of her remarkable success in escaping from the attacks of hostile fleets, she was popularly called "Old Ironsides." Most of the lines require full, round, pure, ringing tones:

Ay, tear her tattered ensign down!
Long has it waved on high,
And many an eye has danced to see
That banner in the sky;
Beneath it rung the battle-shout,
And burst the cannon's roar ;
The meteor of the ocean air

Shall sweep the clouds no more!

Her deck, once red with heroes' blood,
Where knelt the vanquished foe,
When winds were hurrying o'er the flood,
And waves were white below,
No more shall feel the victor's tread,
Or know the conquered knee;
The harpies of the shore shall pluck
The eagle of the sea!

O, better that her shattered hulk
Should sink beneath the wave!
Her thunders shook the mighty deep,
And there should be her grave !
Nail to the mast her holy flag,
Set every threadbare sail,
And give her to the god of storms,
The lightning and the gale!



A South Carolina member of the United States Senate, Mr. Hammond, had spoken contemptuously of the laboring classes in the Northern States. Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, replied to him, using the following vigorous expressions. The majority in the Senate at that time sympathized with Mr. Hammond. The extract requires great force, with medium speed and pitch:

Sir: Should the Senator and his agitators and lecturers come to Massachusetts, on a mission to teach our "hireling class of manual laborers," our "slaves," the "tremendous secret of the ballot-box," and to help "combine and lead them," these stigmatized "hirelings" would reply to the Senator and his associates: "We are freemen; we are the peers of the gifted and the wealthy; we know 'the tremendous secret of the ballot-box'; and we mold and fashion these institutions that bless and adorn our free Commonwealth! These public schools are ours, for the education of our children; these libraries, with their accumulated treasures, are ours; these multitudinous and varied pursuits of life, where intelligence and skill find their reward, are ours. Labor is here honored and respected, and great examples incite us to action.

"Our eyes glisten and our hearts throb over the radiant pages of our history, that record the deeds of patriotism of the sons of New England who sprang from our ranks and wore the badges of toil. While the names of Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, Nathaniel Greene, and Paul Revere live on the brightest pages of our history, the mechanics of Massachusetts and New England will never want

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