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A motion was made by Mr. Grosvenor to amend the said amendment of Mr. Forsyth, by striking out all after the word "enacted," and to insert:

"That this act shall not take effect, or be in force to re peal the act aforesaid, until after the close of the present Session.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the passing of this act shall not be construed to revive any act or acts, or parts of acts, repealed or suspended by the act, entitled "An act to change the mode of compensation to the members of the

Senate and House of Representatives, and the delegates from Territories," passed the 19th of March, 1816.

And the question being taken thereon,


It passed in the affirmative, Nays...62

The yeas and nays being required by one fifth of the members present.

Those who voted in the affirmative, are

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The said amendment as amended, was then agreed to by the House.

Mr. Wilde then moved further to amend the said bill, by adding thereto, the following sections, as the 4th and 5th:

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That at every future session of Congress, and at every meeting of the Senate, in the recess of Congress, each Senator shall be entitled to receive, in lieu of all other compensation heretofore allowed by law, eight dollars for every day he shall attend the Senate; and shall also be allowed, at the commencement and end of every such session and meeting eight dollars, for every twenty miles of the estimated distance, by the most usual road, from his place of residence, to the seat of Congress; and in case any member of the Senate shall be detained by sickness, on his journey to or from any session or inceting, or after his arrival, shall be unable to attend the Senate, he shall be entitled to the same daily allowance, and the President of the Senate pro tempore, when the of fice of the Vice-President of the United States, is or shall be vacant, shall, during the period of his services, be entitled to receive, in addition to his compensation as a mem ber of the Senate, eight dollars, for every day he shall at tend the Senate. Provided, That no Senator shall be al lowed a sum not exceeding the rate of eight dollars a day, from the end of one such session or meeting, to the time of his taking a seat in another.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That during the remaining part of the present session of Congress, to be cal

culated from the time of passing this act, and at every fu ture session of Congress, each Representative, and each delegate from the respective Territories, shall be entitled, in lieu of all other compensation, heretofore allowed by law, eight dollars, for every day they shall attend the House of Representatives; and shall be allowed, at the commencement and end of each session eight dollars, for every twenty miles of the estimated distance, by the most usual road, from his place of residence, to the seat of Congress; and in case any Representative or Delegate, shall be detained by sickness, on his journey to and from the session, or after his arrival shall be unable to atrend the House of Represen tatives, he shall be entitled to the daily allowance aforesaid: and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall be entitled to receive, in addition to his compensation as a Representative, eight dollars, for every day he shall attend the House: Provided always, That no Representative or Delegate shall be allowed a sum exceeding the rate of eight dollars a day, from the end of one session, to the time of taking his seat in another. That the said compensation to the members of the Senate, shall be certified by the President, and that which shall be due to the members of the House of Representatives, and to the Delegates, shall be certified by the Speaker; and the same shall be passed as public accounts, and paid out of the public Treasury. And that all acts, or part of acts, contrary to the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.

And on the question, shall these sections be added,

It was determined in the negative,



The yeas and nays being required by one fifth of the members present,

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