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Senate entitled, "An act to repeal the second section of an act entitled, An act concerning the pay of officers, seamen and marines in the navy of the United States," reported the same without amend


Ordered, That the said bill be read a third time to-day.

Ordered, That the committee on Naval Affairs be discharged from a further consideration of the bill from the Senate entitled, "An act granting a pension to commodore Richard Taylor," and that the said bill be referred to the committee on Pensions and Revolutionary Claims.

The House proceeded to consider the report of the committee of Commerce and Manufactures on the petition of Anthony Buck, and the resolution therein recommended for adoption by the House, was read in the following words:

Resolved, That the petitioner have leave to withdraw his petition.

A motion was made by Mr. Barbour to amend the resolution to read as follows:

Resolved. That the prayer of the petitioner is reasonable and ought to be granted.

And the question being taken on this amend


It passed in the affirmative.

The resolution was then agreed to as amended, and the committee of Commerce and Manufactures instructed to prepare and report a bill conformably thereto.

The bill from the Senate entitled, "An act for the relief of Jacint Laval," was read the first and second time, and committed to the committee on Military Affairs.

The bill from the Senate entitled, "An act to repeal the second section of an act entitled, An


act concerning the pay of officers, seamen, and marines in the navy of the United States,'" was read the third time and passed.

Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith.

The House resolved itself into the committee of the whole, to which is committed the bill for the relief of the infirm, disabled, and superannuated officers and soldiers: and on the several bills committed to the said committee of the whole House, and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Condict reported the bill relating to the ransom of American captives of the late war, without amendincnt, but not having time to go through the whole of the bills committed to them, had directed him to ask leave to sit again.

Ordered, That the committee of the whole House have leave to sit again. And then the House adjourned.

TUESDAY, February 11, 1817.

Ordered, That Mr. Avery have leave of absence from Monday next, for the remainder of the ses


Mr. Reed presented a petition of sundry inhabitants of the district of Barnstable, in Massachusetts, and

Mr. Davenport presented a petition of sundry inhabitants of the State of Connecticut, respectively praying that the mails may not be transported or opened on Sundays. which petitions were referred to the committee appointed on a similar petition from the inhabitants of Southampton, in Massa


Mr. Conner presented a petition from Nicholas Welsh and Dean Weymouth,

Mr. Clarke of N. Y. presented a petition of Rowland Cotton,

Mr. Kent presented a petition of Harvey Moore, Mr. William Wilson presented a petition of William Scott, respectively praying for pensions and increase of pensions.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the committee on Pensions and Revolutionary Claims.

On motion of Mr. Bassett,

Ordered, That the petition of Richard G. Morris, presented on the 21st of December, 1815, be referred to the same committee.

On motion of Mr. Conner,

Ordered, That the petition of John B. Dabney, presented on the 5th of April, 1816, be referred to the committee of Ways and Means.

Mr. Smith, of Md. presented a petition of the mayor and city council of Baltimore, praying to be reimbursed the moneys borrowed and expended by them in placing that city in a state of defence during the late war with Great Britain.

Mr. Lowndes presented a petition of Abraham Richards, of Savannah, in the State of Georgia, praying for the remission of the duties paid by him on a quantity of merchandise imported into the port of St. Mary's in the said State, which subsequently, fell into the hands of the British forces, by whom they were carried off or destroyed, during the late war.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the committee of Ways and Means.

Mr. Savage presented a petition of sundry inhabitants of Washington county, in the State of New-York, praying for the establishment of a post



Ordered, That the said petition be referred to the committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. On motion of Mr. William Wilson,

Ordered, That the petitions of sundry inhabitants of the western parts of the States of Pennsylvania and New-York, presented on the 5th of January, 1816, be referred to the same committee.

Mr. Savage also presented a petition of sundry manufacturers of bar iron, in the State of NewYork, praying that additional duties may be imposed on that article imported into the United States.

Mr. Condict presented a petition of sundry inhabitants of Patterson, in the State of New-Jersey, on behalf of the domestic manufacturies.

Mr. Lattimore presented a petition of sundry merchants and traders in the town of St. Stephens, in the Mississippi Territory, praying that the said town may be established as a port of delivery.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the committee of Commerce and Manufactures.

Mr. Peter presented a petition of Cartwright Tippett, cryer, and of Richard Spalding, and John B. Goddard, bailiffs to the supreme court of the United States, praying for additional compen


Ordered, That the said petition be referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Pickens presented a petition of George Fisher, praying remuneration for losses in the war with the Creek Indians.

Ordered, That the said petition be referred to the committee of Claims.

Mr. Lattimore presented a petition of Absalom Johnson, praying that his title to a tract of land in the Mississippi Territory may be confirme

Ordered, That the said petition be referred to the committee on the Public Lands.

Mr. Lowndes, from the committee of Ways and Means, who were instructed by resolution, to inquire into the expediency of repealing so much of the duty on carriages and harness therefor, as imposes a duty upon carriages and harness not ex-ceeding one hundred dollars in value, made a report, which was read and ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. Lowndes, from the same committee, who were also instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing or modifying the act laying duties on licenses to retailers, also made a report, which was read and ordered to lie on the table.

Ordered, That the committee of Ways and Means be discharged from a further consideration of the petition of Daniel Oakey, and that it be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury.

Mr. Sharp, from the committee on Private Land Claims, reported a bill for the relief of Thomas Malone, Josiah Carney, John Flood M'Grew, John Johnson, and R. H. Gilmer, which was read the first and second tine, and committed to a committee of the whole House to-morrow.

Mr. Newton, from the committee of Commerce and Manufactures, reported a bill for erecting a lighthouse on the west chop of Holmes' Hole harbour in the State of Massachusetts, which was read the first and second time, and committed to the committee of the whole House on the bill

making appropriations for the support of government during the year 1817.

Mr. Newton, from the same committee, also reported a bill to increase the duty on iron in bars and bolts, which was read the first and second

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