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met's mofque and notwithstanding the Grand Seignior was prefent, and the utmoft diligence was used to stop the progrefs of the flames, filty houses were reduced to a hes.

Conftantinople, Jan. 26. They write from Adrianople, that the river Maritz, which traverfes that city, hath fuddenly overflowed its banks, and with fuch impetuofity, that it fwept away a great number of houtes, the inhabitants of which had not time to fave the'r lives.

Warfaw, Feb. 10. We are affured that the fuppreffiion of the jurisdiction of the munciature have been approved and adopted, and that in confequence thereof there will be formed a fynod or ecclefiaftical council of which the primate is to be prefident. This Bribunal will decide, in dernier refort, all fuch ecclefiaftical causes as have hitherto been carried to the court of Rome, or laid before the nuncio from that court refiding here. The tax on the pope's bulls will be abolished, or at leaft reduced, and a regulation made refpeating tithes. An ambilfador is to be fent to the court of Rome, to folicit an approbation of the general regulation, which hall be agreed on relative to all the above Objects.

Warfaw, Feb. 13. It as been agreed to confirm the treaty concluded with Ruffia in 1686, in the form in which it exists in the archives of that empire, and not as it was published in Poland.

The great commiffion continue their deliberations with the greateft affiduity, that they may be able to complete the bufinefs which they have under confideration before the 22d. instant when the diet will meet again. Meanwhile we are affured, that the new duties on wine, brandy, beer, and other liquors will not be finally fettled till the ordinary diet, which is to be held in December next. Several new difpofitions have been made concerning precedence in the fenate.

Warfaw, Feb. 27. When the ftates met on the 20th. they adjourned to the 26th. Yefterday Prince Radzivil declared that the commiffion had concluded all the bufinefs which had been brought before them; and the primate defired that the diet, which was to break up on the 1st of March, might be allowed to fit eight days more.

Prince Repnin has confented that these words fhall be inferted in the treaty which is going to be figned without prejudice to the treaty of Olivia, or that of Carlowitz, &c. The Ruffian troops are foon to leave Poland; fome regiments being already in motion.

The commiffioners have fixed the public contributions at twenty-three millions of Polith florins per annum; and have ordered a coinage of one hundred millions of filver, and twelve millions of copper.

Peterburgh, Feb. 9. The empress hath


ratified, with the greatest fatisfaction, the
treaty concluded lately at Copenhagen by
the baron de Saldern, her minifter plenipo-
tentiary, with thofe of the king of Denmark &
by which the differences which fubfifted be-
tween their majeflies, relative to a part of.
the country of Hoftein, the patrimony of the
grand duke, have been amicably accommo-

Extract of a Letter from St. Petersburgh,
Feb. 23.

"On Saturday laft his excellency Count,
Czernichew, her imperial majesty's ambaffa-
dor to the British court, was pleased to invite
the whole British factory, established in this
place, to a masked ball and a moft (plendid.
fupper at his own palace, at which were pre
fent many of the Ruffian nobility, and all
the foreign minifters. Nothing could exceed
the magnificence and elegance of the enter→
tainment, except the politenefs with which
it was conducted, and the attention which
their excellencies the count and counte
were pleased to fhew to every perfon of the
British nation. Such a diftinguished mark.
of regard to our country will certainly meet
with a fuitable return of honour and respect
on his arrival, to the increase of that mutual
confidence already eftablished between, the
two courts. H.s excellency will probably fet
out in May, as foon his countefs's health
will permit after her lying in, which is
fhortly expected."

Copenhagen, Feb. 16. A few days ago the king fent to the Society of Sciences eftablifhed here, a confiderable fum of money, which is to be divided into a certain number of prizes to be bestowed on fuch authors who thall have furnished the beft works on some points of phyfick, mathematicks, and hiftory.

Stockholm, Feb. 5. We have received advice, that the Sieur Juleufchold, intendant of the court, and receiver of the rents of the univerfity of Upfal, is become a bankrupt for nine or ten tons of gold, to the great furprize of every body.

Vienna, Feb. 17. A general order has lately been published, conformable to the one that was given out for the court laft January, to regulate the mournings throughout her imperial majesty's dominions, fixing the dif ferent periods of each, from the decpeft of fix months to the flightest of week; and forbidding entirely the wearing of velvet, damak or fat in, upon thefe occafions, and of filks and fluffs of any kind, that are not the manufacture of the country.

Vienna, March 2. The earthquake, which we had here on the 17th of laft month, was not fo fenfibly felt at Presbourg as in this city; but as it was fronger at Newstadt, about three posts from hence, in the road to Italy, it is imagined it came to us from that part of the world. There is fcarce a house at Newftadt



New fladt that has not fuffered more or lefs, and the Royal Military Academy there has been fo much damaged, that it is computed the repairs will amount to thirty thoufand florins at least. There is no account of any lives having been loft. It was computed by the aftronomer of the Jefuits College here, who was at that inftant in the Obfervatory, that the earthquake lafted with us thirty feconds, in which time, he fays, he felt more than an hundred fhocks.

Hanau, Feb. 12. Yefterday afternoon a courier paffed here in his way to Drefden, with the agreeable news, that prince Clement of Saxony, bishop of Freifinguen and Ratisbon, had been elected on the 10th, archbishop and elector of Triers.

Hamburgh, Feb. 28. A difcovery has lately been made in the duchy of Mecklenburg Strelitz of a brafen cheft, which was concealed under a high hill, and contained thirty idols, with urne and inftruments for facrifice. On the back of the largest of the idols, the words Rad ghaft Rbetra were very legible. The pieces are all very good gold, and weigh together about fifteen pounds.

Naples, Feb. 6. The junto appointed for the adminiftration of the effects of the jefuits have ordered fale to be made of every thing they poffcffed, and which were found in their houfes, farms, &c. to a very confiderable


Florence, Jan. 30. In confequence of our fovereign's orders an exact lift is making out of all the monafteries and ecclefiaflical elates throughout this duchy.

Florence, Feb. 12. The great duchefs was brought to bed this morning, between four and five o'clock, of a prince, and both are as well as can be expected. [This prince has been baptized by the name of FrancisJofeph Charles-John ]

Milan, Jan. 30. The government has appointed a commiffion, compofed of four lawyers, to examine into the revenues of the jefuits fettled in this duchy, their expences, their administration with regard to various legacies, to hear their teafons, and to find out the nature of the eftates which they poffefs.

Turin, Feb. 27. His Britannic majefty having been graciously pleafed to appoint the earl of Carlifle, now at this court in the progrefs of his travels, to be one of the knights of the most ancient and noble order of the thile; and having defired the king of Sardinia to reprefent his majefty in creating his lordship a knight, and investing him with the enfgns of that order, his Sardinian majefty very readily agreed thereto, and accompanied his confent with many expreffions of affection and good-will towards the king of Great Britain: And accordingly the ceremony was performed this day in the usual manner.


Parma, Feb. 10. In the night between the 7th and 8th inft. all the jefu ts in the territories of Parma were expelled at the fame hour, without any disturbance. The old hofpital of St. Lazarus, near that city, was the place where they were brought together, except one party, which took another road, but fell in with the rest in their way to Bologna, which was appointed for their general rendez vous. A magiftrate was deputed to go to each of the houfes belonging to the jefuits, to fignify the infant's commands; and the next morning a pragmatie fanction was iffuéd, declaring the profcription of the order. At the fame time an ordinance was iffued concerning the public places of learning, wherein new profeffors are appointed to fucceed in fuch departments as were occupied by fefuits.

Parma, Feb. 20. A certain writing in form of a bull, from Rome, has come to our knowledge here; but as the expreffions and maxims therein contained could not proceed from a pontiff fo holy, fo enlightened and fo fagacious, as is the prefent reigning pope, the infant duke hath ordered all his fubjects to believe that in effect this piece does not come from his holiness; enjoining them, at the fame time, not to fail in respect towards him; and forbidding them to moleft, on that account, any of the fubjects of the court of Rome. (See p. 120.)

Geneva, March 11. The great and Jeffer councils prefented this day to the general council a plan of reconcil ation, which was accepted by 1204 voices against twentythree. This event has given great pleasure, as it opens a profpect of tranquility fo long wished for in this city.

Paris, Feb. 22. They write from Cadiz, that the orders of the king have been executed, with regard to the jefuits of Paraguay, without any retiftance; and that the inhabi tants, who were thought to be greatly attached to them, made not the least commotion, and only fignified their regret on account of lofing them.

The king hath purchased, of the creditors of the Jefuits, the houfe of the cape for 100,000 crowns; and their habitations for 800,000.

We cannot, from our well-known impartiality, refufe the infertion of the letter from the author of An appeal, &c. but, as it is fo long, we hope he will excufe its appearance in town or three months running The piece from Amanda, and many others in profe and verse, received from our generous correfpondents, will bave a place as foon as poffible: We never negle&t shar favours, but first come, or temporary pieces, first ferved. The lifts for March, will be inferted in our next、



Or, GENTLEMAN's Monthly Intelligencer;


APRIL, 1768

Anecdotes of John Wilkes, Efq; 171
Engroffing a very ancient Practice 172
Laws against Riots and Rioters 173, 174
Remarks on a late Performance 175
Cure for the Cholic in Horfes
The Hiftory of the last Session of Par-
liament, &c. &c.
State of the Controverfy with The Au-
thor of The Appeal, &c. 180—182
Remarks on the Pump-Water of Lon-
don and on the Methods of procur
ing the purest Water 182-186
Obfervations on distilled Water 186
Court of Mecklenburg-Strelitz de-
187, 188

Remarks on the Trade of the Colony

of Maffachufett's Bay, compared with its Trade in 1692 188--192

Fifth Letter from Rouffeau

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Inconfiftencies of Baretti


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With its Paintings

Defcription of Wilton-Houfe, its Statues, &c.


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

A few approved Prescriptions


On the controverted Text in Ephe

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

A PORTRAIT of the CELEBRATED Mr. WILKE finely engraved, from an ORIGINAL PAINTING;


A VIEW of Dr. BATTY's elegant Houfe and Gardens, at TWICKENHAM,

LONDON: Printed for R. BALDWIN, at No. 47, in Pater-nofter Row ; Of whom may be had, compleat Sets, from the Year 1732, to this Time, neatly bound or ftitched, or any fingle Month to complete Sets.


of STOCKS, &c. in APRIL, 1768;

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confol. 1763.




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CHARLES CORBET T, at No. 30, facing St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street, STOCK-BROKER, who buys and sells in the Stocke

by Commiffion, and tranfacts the Lottery Business as usual.

Mark Lane Exchange | Basingstoke
Wheat 458. od. to 526.1 51. to 161.0
Barley 208, od to 258. 235. to 24s.
Oats 118. od, to 175.16 to 189
Beans 181, to 263. od..248 to 26



55. 141. os. to 151 38. 5dto38.6d 275 to 185. od 20 2d to 38. od 18 to 210 5sod to os. od z & to 301


Worcester. Henley. 131 os load 428 to 47 qr56s to 64 348 to 35 258 to 28 q228 to 24 228 to 24 160 od to 1815 to 17 [263 to 30 odloos to go 1820 to 54.





qu7s 06d bushel 75 6d bu:978 bush. 10 gal Hay per load 278to 5
0310d to 38 3dos od to 48 od 48 2d to 48 4d Straw from 145. to 19
038 4d to 38 60 28 6d to os od 2848 to 25 050 Coals 441. per chald,
gs 6d to 31 8dlos od to as of los odto os od Hops al. tp 21. 60

Price of com

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