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when he was minister of a parish in that part of the country, much annoyance was caused by the assembling of people in the immediate nelghbourhood of his church to see the carriages of the great people who passed that way, and who were frequently

expected to give up some indirect tax which was unpopular or inconvenient. The tendency of this system of continuing the income tax for two or three years only, was to go from indirect to direct taxation; and he said most earnestly, that a more dangerous career could not under any cir-seen adding to the desecration of the Sabcumstances be entered upon. It went upon a false principle, and held out to the mass of the people that the rich and those who were the holders of property had the capacity of paying all the expenses of the State. Now, that was not only dangerous, but entirely false. But, as a further consequence, it led to this fallacy that the taxation on the rich man and the capitalist could be augmented without indirectly affecting the interest of the poor man also; than which nothing could be more erroneous. In conclusion the noble Lord expressed his warm concurrence in the Bill.

Bill read a second time.
House adjourned.


Friday, June 5, 1846.
MINUTES.] PUBLIC BILLS.-1 Corresponding Societies

and Lecture Rooms.

Reported. Viscount Hardinge's Annuity (No. 2).

bath of which they were guilty by playing at cards, to the great injury of the feelings of the religiously disposed. By his remonstrances, however, with influential persons, this evil was, in a great measure, removed; but it now seemed to be revived with increased intensity since the establishment of the railway and the running of trains on that day. He hoped their Lordships would interfere to check this evil, and to restrict railway traffic as much as possible to the necessities of commerce.

EARL FITZWILLIAM concurred with the right rev. Prelate in the hope that this Ievil would be checked. He was aware of the efforts which he had put forth for the suppression of the improper behaviour on Sundays, to which he had alluded, many years ago, and of the success which on that occasion attended his application to a high personage and the members of the Jockey Club for that object; and he thought him entitled to the gratitude of their Lordships for having moved so energetically in the matter. In one thing he differed from the right rev. Prelate. He thought there should be no commercial traffic on railways on Sundays; that there should be no kind of traffic permitted which had gain in view. It might be matter of consideration with their Lordships whether it would be advisable to interfere with railway traffic so far as it related to the conveyance of passengers; but he had no doubt whatever that it the Proposed Union of St. Asaph and Bangor, but in fawas the duty of Parliament to stop all comvour of the Appointment of a Bishop to the See of Man-mercial traffic. The necessities of commerce chester. From the Thetford Auxiliary Religious Tract

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By the Bishop of Durham, from Roewen, and other places, for the Better Observance of, and for the Prevention of the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors in favour of the Corn Importation Bill and Customs Duties Bill. By the Bishop of London, from Ministers of Parishes on the Eastern Counties Line, for the Adoption

on, the Sabbath.-From Dundee, and several other places,

of a Measure to prevent the Running of Trains on the Sabbath.-From Syderstone, Grimstone, and Great Massingham, against Alteration of the Law of Settlement. Bromptom Abbotts, and Ross, for Repeal of Lunaties Act

By Lord Ashburton and the Duke of Richmond, from

and Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics Aet, so far as respects the Building and Maintaining County Lunatic

Asylums.-From Bangor, and several other places, against

Society, for Exemption from the Operation of the Chari

table Trusts Bill.


The BISHOP of LONDON presented a petition from the Clergymen of Parishes on the line of the Eastern Counties Railway against railway travelling on Sunday. The right rev. Prelate stated, that the petition complained heavily of the great number of persons carried along this line on the Sabbath, and instancing Easter Sunday last, when crowds of people were conveyed for the purpose of attending the Newmarket meeting on the following day, on which occasion a dreadful accident occurred on the railway. For some years,

meant nothing more than the necessities of filling our pockets.

The BISHOP of LONDON explained, that the reason why he did not press for the abolition of commercial traffic, to which he was no doubt disposed, was, that a few years ago, when he opposed commercial traffic on Sunday, he was informed by noble Lords that to enforce such a thing would put a stop to the whole trade of the country.

LORD BROUGHAM thought it was impossible to draw a distinction between travelling for gain and merely travelling for recreation.

LORD CAMPBELL was in favour of goods traffic being stopped on Sunday, but

thought allowance ought to be made for the conveyance of passengers.

The DUKE of RICHMOND concurred in what had fallen from the noble Lord, and he trusted that the noble Lord would in Com


LORD BROUGHAM had a case in point which had just come to his recollection.mittee give the House an opportunity of The Bank of England was saved from in- recording its vote on the subject. solvency, after the directors had sat from thought that the proposed proceeding was nine till twelve o'clock on Saturday night shabby and mean. He was as anxious as waiting for the means of relief, by the any man to curtail the expenditure of the arrival of a large amount of money next country as far as possible, but he was not day, being the Sabbath. prepared to give his sanction to what he conceived to be wrong in principle and shabby in practice.

The matter then dropped.



The EARL of RIPON, in moving that the House do resolve itself into Committee on Viscount Hardinge's Annuity Bill, briefly explained its provisions, and those of Lord Gough's Annuity Bill. The grounds for the grants it was needless to state after the brilliant services of both noble Lords had been so recently detailed to the House. The chief point to be mentioned was, that on account of the generosity of the East India Company in granting life annuities to them, the Bills provided that the whole of Viscount Hardinge's annuity to be granted by this Bill, and onehalf of Lord Gough's, should respectively cease to be payable so long as the annuities granted by the Company to them respectively should be paid.

LORD MONTEAGLE considered these Bills to contain a provision which was unjust and unbecoming, and likely in future to be dangerous to the public service, and detrimental to the public interests; he alluded to the clause just adverted to, suspending the grateful benevolence of the State in consequence of the expressed gratitude of the East India Company. This was teaching the Company a lesson which, as men of sense and discretion, they would doubtless learn-that in satisfying their own feeling of gratitude they were but causing a pitiful saving to the public Exchequer. Would any Minister have proposed to treat Nelson so, because he had been rewarded by the Neapolitan Government with the Dukedom of Bronte? Whatever other noble Lords might feel upon the subject, he (Lord Monteagle) must say that he felt it to be a reproach to the Government thus to curtail and limit their gift, and say that because the Company were liberal and grateful, the liberality and gratitude of the country should be restricted and abridged by that which, in truth, was but an additional proof of the claim of these distinguished men upon the nation.

The EARL of RIPON was not surprised at the feeling which had been expressed, and certainly no generous man could be suspected of a wish to deprive either Lord Hardinge or Lord Gough of any portion of the rewards which they had earned; but he must take the liberty of saying that the motive of the Government in proposing the limitation was not the mere saving of 3,000l. a year in the one case, and 1,000l. a year in the other, but was founded upon a fair consideration of what had occurred in former, and might occur in subsequent cases of this description. He was far from intending to disparage the gallant actions which had been performed; but Government were obliged to look at these services not as their feelings might dictate, but from views of what had been done before, and what might be done hereafter.

The MARQUESS of CLANRICARDE agreed with his noble Friend (Lord Monteagle) in thinking that the full amount voted by Parliament ought to be secured to Lord Hardinge and Lord Gough, notwithstanding the grant made by the East India Company. He did not know how far that House might amend a Money Bill, but he hoped that his noble Friend would be able to make some proposition in Committee which would have that effect.

The EARL of WICKLOW thought it would be desirable to postpone the Bill, in order to give the noble Lord (Lord Ripon) an opportunity of producing some precedent for it. He should prefer rejecting it to passing it in its present shape. Such a course would be attended with no inconvenience; for, no doubt, another measure, in conformity with the universal feeling of that House, would then be introduced in the other House, during the present Session.

The EARL of RIPON observed, that there was no necessity to postpone the Bill for the purpose suggested by the noble Earl, because there was no precedent of a Minister of the Crown having called on

Parliament to grant anything to a Governor General of India.

The EARL of GALLOWAY said, that the Sovereign, having conferred dignities and titles on these two distinguished men as a reward for their services, it next became the country to consider what would put them in a position befitting their new rank. But it appeared that the East India Company had already made a grant to them greater than that which the Parliament, according to this Bill, thought necessary for the purpose. Therefore the object in view was attained, and he thought that the course taken by the Government was right and prudent.

The House then resolved into Committee on the Bill.

The DUKE of RICHMOND moved, by way of Amendment, the omission of the third clause, which suspends the grant made by the country during the payment of the grant made by the East India Company.

The EARL of RIPON reminded their Lordships that the omission of the clause would be the loss of the Bill; adding, that the Bill did what the East India Company could not, viz., it continued the grant of 3,000l. a-year to the two next heirs of Lord Hardinge.

The DUKE of RICHMOND said, that if the House of Commons considered this a Money Bill, and would not accept it altered, nothing could be more easy than for them to introduce a new Bill immediately. If he were to go out shooting with the noble Earl (Ripon), and were to give his gamekeeper a pound, would the noble Earl deduct that pound from his gamekeeper's wages?

The EARL of RIPON said, that if the noble Duke came to shoot with him, he would take care that he did not give his gamekeeper a pound.

LORD MONTEAGLE supported the Amendment. Supposing that the pension had been granted by Parliament, and that subsequently the East India Company had granted an annuity, would any one then have proposed to bring in a Bill to suspend the payment of the pension?

The EARL of ST. GERMANS held the proposed grant to be for the purpose of maintaining the dignity conferred by the Crown; and if Lords Hardinge and Gough had been men of large property, the Government would not have thought themselves justified in calling on Parliament to make a grant for the maintenance of the

titles which were the reward of their services. The object in view, the maintenance of the conferred dignities, was, however, already attained by the grant of the East India Company.

The Committee then divided :-Contents 26; Non-contents 38: Majority for the Amendment 12. House resumed. Bill reported with Amendments. Report to be considered on Monday next.

House in Committee on Lord Gough's Annuity Bill.

The DUKE of RICHMOND said he did not see any reason for making a distinction between the cases of Viscount Hardinge and Lord Gough; and he would therefore move that the third clause in this Bill, which was to the same effect as that just expunged from Lord Hardinge's Bill, be omitted.

The EARL of RIPON would not give their Lordships the trouble of dividing upon this Amendment; for he could not conceive that they were likely to adopt a different principle with respect to Lord Gough to that which they had just sanctioned in the case of Lord Hardinge.

The CHAIRMAN then put the Question, and declared the "Non-contents" to have it. The clause was therefore omitted. House resumed. Bill reported.


EARL FITZWILLIAM rose for the purpose of introducing the Resolutions on the subject of railway legislation of which he had given notice. The noble Earl said that their Lordships were aware of the difficulties which had been at an earlier period of the Session anticipated from the number of railway projects which were about to be brought forward, and the means which had been adopted with a view to prevent them. The number of railway companies dissolved, in accordance with the powers which were given to the companies by the measure that Parliament had agreed to, was exceedingly small-so small as to be capable of creating no diminution of the pressure on the money market; and it was therefore to be desired that their Lordships should adopt some other course, calculated to obviate the difficulty which was anticipated. He held in his hand a return of the Bills then in progress, and he found that, if their Lordships should agree to all the Bills which would be brought before them this Session, it would require upwards of 90,000,000l. to carry

them into effect. He ought to add that some of those Bills included in that calculation had already passed; but if an allowance of 10,000,000l. were made for those, there would remain 80,000,000l. of expenditure to carry the others into effect, in case they were agreed to-a sum the payment of which was calculated to produce an important effect on the money market-an effect which their Lordships might judge of, when he informed them that the largest loan ever raised during the war was 45,000,000l. in 1815. He had considered the subject, and with a view to suggesting to their Lordships a means of diminishing the evil which such a pressure would produce, he had prepared a series of Resolutions, which he would read to their Lordships. He gave the Government credit for their intention to prevent the evil of a too great pressure on the money market, in the scheme which they proposed at an earlier period of the Session; but that scheme had not been successful in diminishing the number of railway speculations to any extent; and he therefore felt satisfied that if their Lordships now entertained the same opinion with respect to this anticipated evil, which they did last March, they would be disposed to try another experiment with a view to avoiding the difficulty; and he would add, that if any of their Lordships proposed a more efficient means of avoiding the difficulty than he (Earl Fitzwilliam) was about to propose, he was not so wedded to his own plans as not to withdraw those Resolutions if a better experiment were suggested. There was no doubt that railway legislation ought to be regarded and dealt with as a whole system, which, although now in the infancy of its progress, would ultimately become the great means of communication throughout the country. A great misfortune was, that the Railway Bills had up to the present time been dealt with according to an old technicality as Private Bills, whereas it was highly desirable that the whole system of railway legislation should be placed in a connected form before them. In order to obviate the difficulties which it was feared might arise under the present system, he had prepared four Resolutions, which he would read to their Lordships :

1. That this House will not pass any Railway Bill, giving Power to raise Capital, either by the Issue of Shares, or by borrowing Money, which has or may come up from the House of Commons

this Session, until all such Bills shall have been read a Second Time.

2. That when all such Bills shall have been VOL. LXXXVII. {}


read a Second Time, this House will appoint a Select Committee to take them into Consideration, to classify them according to their public Importance, and to select such as it may seem expedient to pass.

"3. That it be an Instruction to the said Com

mittee not to select, for passing, Bills by which it shall be proposed to raise Capital exceeding borrowing Money." 60,000,000Z., whether by the issue of Shares or

He would remark with respect to this Resolution, that he would not object to the sum being named as 50,000,000l., if it were thought preferable; but he had been desirous, in framing the Resolution, to give a large margin.

Commons requesting a Conference on the Subject of such Railway Bills as have originated in this House, and are now pending in the House of Commons."

"4. That a Message be sent to the House of

The effect of these Resolutions, if agreed to and acted upon, would be to remove much of the evil of too great a pressure, an evil which might be dreaded under the present system. The noble Earl concluded by moving the Resolutions.

The EARL of DALHOUSIE said, that however desirable it might be to narrow the limits of railway enterprise in general, which was the object of the noble Earl, and however ready he (the Earl of Dalhousie) might have been at the commencement of the Session to adopt some resolutions similar to those proposed by the noble Lord, he ventured to represent to the House that, under existing circumstances, and after what had passed both in this and the other House, they could not, consistently with common justice and fairness, adopt the recommendation of the noble Earl. He (Earl of Dalhousie) might be permitted to remind their Lordships of what had taken place in Parliament in the early portion of the Session, with reference to this subject. During the very first days of the Session the question of railway legislation was brought under the consideration of both Houses of Parliament. The vast number of railway schemes projected, and the great amount of capital required to carry them out, were pointed out; and a Committee was appointed to consider the best means of dealing with the subject, which reported to the House. Their Lordships then adopted certain Resolutions; and, with the concurrence of the other House, certain Railway Bills connected with Ireland, and other Bills, the progress of which had been suspended in the last Session, together with new projects connected with them, were to be


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originated in their Lordships' House. It they would select and they would restrict. had been stated that no specific plan, with To one of the Resolutions submitted to reference to this subject, had been sub- them by the noble Earl opposite, he (the mitted by the Government to the Commit- Earl of Dalhousie) entertained very great tees of either House of Parliament. He objection, namely, to that which recom(Earl of Dalhousie) would not occupy their mended that their Lordships should not Lordships' time by discussing that ques- pass any Railway Bills which proposed to tion; but he might state that a plan was raise an amount exceeding 60,000,0007. submitted in extenso to their Lordships' He stated on the part of the Government Committee on the part of the Government, at the commencement of the Session, that and received their consideration. At that they were not prepared to say there should time the Committee of the other House be any direct restriction imposed upon railpresented their Report; in which, after way companies with regard to capital. He stating that there were 562 Railway Bills objected to this Resolution, on the ground standing for consideration, and adverting that if they determined they would not to the arrangements which might be made sanction any railway scheme for which it for their consideration, they proceeded was proposed to raise an amount exceed"Under these circumstances your Com-ing 60,000,000l., they tacitly admitted mittee have not deemed it advisable to re- that a capital of 60,000,000l. might fairly commend to this House to make any selec- and properly be raised for such a purpose. tion from, or to place any limitation on, He thought the House ought to be exthe number of railway schemes to be sub-tremely cautious in dealing with such a mitted to the consideration of Parliament question as this, and that an attempt to during the present Session. Upon this fix any positive limit of capital with regard declaration of opinion the inchoate railway to enterprises of this nature would be atcompanies had proceeded; their Bills had tended with great danger. There was one been for five months under consideration remedy in their Lordships' hands for the in the other House; they had expended evils to which the noble Earl opposite reimmense sums of money; and many of ferred, if they chose to exert it, in the strict them had attained the object they had in and firm exercise of the power of Commitview, and had received the sanction of tees of that House. If the Committees Parliament to their Bills. The other House of that House would do their duty fully, and of Parliament, which possessed the effec-in investigating these railway enterprises tive power in these matters, having dis-wonld not merely consider whether there tinctly declared the opinion he had quoted, were any fatal objections to Bills, but wheand the railway companies having conse- ther it was necessary under the circumquently gone on in the prosecution of their stances of the times that those Bill should several projects, he thought, in common be passed, they possessed the means of fairness and justice, their Lordships could limiting and diminishing, if not of abso. not now turn round to the House of Com-lutely preventing the evils to which refermons and say, "True, you said there should be no selection or restriction, yet now we will select and we will restrict." Such a proceeding would really amount, he must say, though he did not wish to use strong terms, to a breach of faith on the part of their Lordships. But their Lordships had afforded to the projectors of these schemes another and another locus pænitentiæ. They had adopted certain sessional orders, which, though they were not intended to stop the progress of railway enterprise, afforded those who were anxious to abandon their projects an opportunity of doing so; and their Lordships had since passed a Bill, which was now in the other House of Parliament, with the same object. It was, therefore, impossible for them to turn round now upon the projectors of these schemes, and to say that

ence had been made on this and former occasions. He trusted their Lordships would not adopt the Resolutions of the noble Earl.

LORD KINNAIRD concurred with the noble Earl (Earl Dalhousie), that if their Lordships were now to adopt any restrictions with regard to railway projects before Parliament, after what had passed in the Legislature, they would be chargeable with a breach of faith. If the noble Earl (Earl Fitzwilliam) had contented himself with proposing only the first of his four Resolutions, he (Lord Kinnaird) would have felt no objection to it, for it could not have injured any parties now before their Lordships. By limiting the amount of calls, and extending them over a longer space, a great relief would be given to the labour market. The Committee at present had no power of selection; for they felt that if

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